Higher Taxonomy
Common Name: SWEET-SHRUB or CALYCANTHUS FAMILY Habit: Shrub, deciduous [evergreen], aromatic. Leaf: opposite, simple, entire; stipules 0; petiole short. Inflorescence: flowers 1, terminal on short branches. Flower: bisexual, radial; receptacle hollow; parts generally many, spirally arranged; perianth parts +- petal-like, grading into bracts below; stamens on top of receptacle, smaller, sterile inward, filaments < anthers [0]; pistils simple, on inner face of receptacle, 2-ovuled, style thread-like, exserted from receptacle. Fruit: achenes many, included in +- leathery receptacle. Genera In Family: 3 genera, +- 10 species: North America, China, Australia; Calycanthus, Chimonanthus cultivated as ornamental, for fragrance. Note: Notable for disjunctions. eFlora Treatment Author: George P. Johnson & Fosiée Tahbaz Scientific Editor: Thomas J. Rosatti.
Citation for this treatment: George P. Johnson & Fosiée Tahbaz 2012, Calycanthus, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/eflora_display.php?tid=11415, accessed on February 06, 2025.
Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2025, Jepson eFlora, https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/, accessed on February 06, 2025.
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