Habit: Perennial herb, +- green.
Stem: decumbent to erect, generally 1--several from generally short caudex.
Leaf: alternate, generally +- basal, generally < inflorescence, toothed or generally > 7-lobed, generally reduced distally on stem; petiole generally < blade.
Inflorescence: raceme, spike-like; bracts (at least proximal) generally +- like distal leaves; pedicels 1--6 mm.
Flower: calyx lobes (2,4)5, distal-most generally shortest (all generally < tube), lateral fused in pairs; corolla white or yellow or pink to red or purple, upper lip hood- or beak-like, curved or not, lower lip 3-lobed, narrow to fan-shaped, central lobe generally smallest; fertile stamens 4, generally glabrous, anthers generally included, sacs 2 per stamen, equal; stigma head-like, generally exserted.
Fruit: generally +- ovate or lanceolate in outline, asymmetric, opening mostly on upper side.
Seed: smooth or netted.
Species In Genus: +- 575 species: cool wet northern temperate, circumboreal, montane, Andes Mountains of South America.
Etymology: (Latin: lice, from belief that ingestion by stock promoted lice infestation)
Jepson eFlora Author: Linda Ann Vorobik & David J. Keil
Reference: Ree 2005 Int J Pl Sci 166:595--613
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Pedicularis
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