NATIVEHabit: Perennial herb, generally from rhizome.
Stem: generally decumbent, 0.5--3.5 dm.
Leaf: 7--60 mm, lanceolate or elliptic to (ob)ovate.
Inflorescence: thornless.
Flower: open flowers 9--14.5 mm, or +- cleistogamous flowers 2.5--5 mm and occasionally present in separate, generally basal raceme; sepal wings ciliate, tip occasionally puberulent, pink (white); keel petal beak 1.2--3 mm, notched or contorted (entire) below, +- 0.7--1 mm diam near tip, yellow or white when pollen shed.
Fruit: 4.5--10.5 mm including stalk, green.
Seed: 3.5--6 mm including hairs; aril glabrous.
Chromosomes: 2n=18.
Ecology: Coastal prairie and forest, chaparral, occasionally on serpentine;
Elevation: 10--1400 m.
Bioregional Distribution: NW, CW (exc SCoRI), n ChI;
Distribution Outside California: southwestern Oregon.
Flowering Time: Apr--Jul
Synonyms: Polygala californica Nutt.
Jepson eFlora Author: Robert E. Preston & Thomas L. Wendt
Reference: Wendt 1979 J Arnold Arbor 60:504--514; Abbott 2011 JBRIT 5:125--137
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