Habit: Annual to perennial herb, generally +- glaucous; hairs simple or 0.
Leaf: basal rosetted or not, petioled, entire or dentate to pinnately lobed or divided; cauline sessile, occasionally petioled, base generally lobed or clasping.
Inflorescence: open, elongated, bracts 0 or bracted below proximal 1--2 flowers, sometimes with sterile flower cluster.
Flower: radial or bilateral; calyx urn- or occasionally bell-shaped, sepals erect, base +- sac-like, keeled or not; petal blade narrower to wider than proximal 1/2, generally channeled, margins +- crinkled or not; stamens in 3 pairs of unequal length, or 4 long and 2 short, longest filaments fused or free.
Fruit: silique, dehiscent, linear, flat parallel to septum, unsegmented; stigma entire or 2-lobed.
Seed: 10--120, in 1 row, generally winged.
Species In Genus: 38 species: southwestern United States, northern Mexico.
Etymology: (Greek: twisted flower, from wavy-margined petals)
Jepson eFlora Author: Robert E. Preston & Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz
Reference: Mayer & Beseda 2010 Ann Missouri Bot Gard 97:106--116; Preston et al. 2019 Madroño 66:24--29; Jensen 2020 Madroño 67:19--34; Preston 2023 Phytoneuron 2023-22:1--10
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Streptanthus
Previous taxon: Streptanthella longirostrisNext taxon: Streptanthus anomalus