Habit: [Annual] perennial herb from rhizome or short underground caudex, glabrous to soft-hairy.
Stem: generally erect, 1--several.
Leaf: basal simple to pinnately lobed or compound, tapered to petiole; cauline +- sessile to +- clasping, pinnately lobed to compound, distal lobe generally > others.
Inflorescence: cyme, clustered, +- dense to open, terminal or axillary.
Flower: calyx lobes 5--15, rolled inward, plumose in age, spreading, persistent in fruit; corolla +- funnel-shaped, white to pink, lobes +- equal, throat >> tube, occasionally swollen near base, tube slender, occasionally obscured by swollen throat; stamens 3; ovary +- 1-chambered.
Fruit: generally compressed, generally 6-veined vertically.
Species In Genus: +- 200 species: temperate worldwide except Australia.
Etymology: (Latin: strength, from use in folk medicine, or after Valerian, a Roman emperor)
Jepson eFlora Author: Abigail J. Moore & Lauramay T. Dempster
Reference: Bell & Donoghue 2005 Organisms Diversity Evol 5:147--159
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Valeriana
Previous taxon: Plectritis macroceraNext taxon: Valeriana californica