Habit: Biennial, perennial herb, taprooted or fibrous-rooted from rhizome.
Stem: prostrate to erect, hollow, generally rooting from proximal nodes, glabrous.
Leaf: blade oblong to obovate, 1-pinnate, leaflets paired, lanceolate to +- round.
Inflorescence: umbels compound, peduncled or not; bracts, bractlets conspicuous to 0; rays, pedicels few, spreading-ascending.
Flower: calyx lobes 0 or minute; petals wide, white to +- green-white; ovary tip projection occasionally flat.
Fruit: ovate-oblong to round, compressed side-to-side; ribs +- equal, thread-like to obtuse and +- corky; oil tube 1 per rib-interval; fruit axis entire or notched at tip.
Seed: face flat.
Chromosomes: 2n=22.
Species In Genus: +- 20 species: generally southern hemisphere, also Eurasia.
Etymology: (Classical name for celery)
Jepson eFlora Author: Lincoln Constance & Margriet Wetherwax
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Apium
Previous taxon: Apiastrum angustifoliumNext taxon: Apium graveolens