Habit: Shrub, glabrous, evergreen.
Stem: generally < 20 cm, rounded, green, less often +- red; 2° branches opposite or whorled.
Leaf: with blade.
Inflorescence: few-flowered cyme, dense, subtended by pair of fused bracts; peduncle 0 or short.
Flower: perianth parts generally 4.
Staminate Flower: anthers several-chambered, cushion-like.
Pistillate Flower: perianth parts generally deciduous.
Fruit: 6--10 mm, spheric, white in California, bird-dispersed; pedicel short, +- straight, or 0.
Species In Genus: +- 125 species: temperate, tropics, Old World.
Etymology: (Latin: from viscid seed cover)
Jepson eFlora Author: Job Kuijt
Reference: [Hawksworth & Scharpf 1987 Eur J Forest Pathol 16:1--5]
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