Habit: Perennial herb, taprooted or roots tuberous; glabrous to hairy.
Stem: 0 or short.
Leaf: blade oblong to obovate, 1--2-pinnate or -ternate, leaflets wide, margins entire to pinnately lobed.
Inflorescence: umbels compound, terminal; peduncle generally > leaf; bracts generally 0; involucel 1-sided; bractlets inconspicuous to leaf-like; rays, pedicels few to many, ascending to reflexed, generally few fertile.
Flower: calyx lobes occasionally 0; petals wide, yellow, tips narrowed; styles slender; ovary tip projection inconspicuous.
Fruit: oblong to round, +- compressed side-to-side, glabrous; ribs prominent to thread-like, +- equal, unwinged; oil tubes several per rib-interval; fruit axis generally divided +- to base.
Seed: face generally grooved or concave.
Species In Genus: +- 35 species: western North America to northern South America.
Etymology: (I.F. Tausch, Czech botanist, 1793--1848)
Jepson eFlora Author: Lincoln Constance & Margriet Wetherwax
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Tauschia
Previous taxon: Spermolepis echinataNext taxon: Tauschia arguta