Stem: crown conic, top slender, generally nodding; branches +- drooping; bark red-brown; twig with persistent, peg-like leaf bases, hairy or puberulent; bud ovoid.
Leaf: 5--25 mm, tapered to a short petiole above persistent base, spreading, +- 2-ranked or not, +- flat, grooved adaxially or not, ridged abaxially.
Seed Cone: pendent, 1.2--7.5 cm, ovoid to oblong, opening 1st year; stalk +- 0; bract included, free from scale.
Seed: plus wing < 2 cm.
Chromosomes: 2n=24.
Species In Genus: 10 species: northern hemisphere.
Etymology: (Japanese: hemlock)
Jepson eFlora Author: J. Robert Haller, Nancy J. Vivrette, & James R. Griffin
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Tsuga
Previous taxon: Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesiiNext taxon: Tsuga heterophylla