Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

TOLYPOTHRIXKützing image
TOLYPOTHRIXKützing ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 5: 83 (=key), 118 1886 (fixed by Art. 13(e), ICBN)
TOLYPOTHRIXKützing ex Bornet & Flahault image
Tolypothrix aegagropila(Kützing) Kützing image
Tolypothrix aegagropila(Kützing) Kützing Phyc. gen.: 228 1843
Tolypothrix aegagropila [(Kützing)Kützing] ex Frank image
Tolypothrix aegagropila var. bicolor(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Tolypothrix aegagropila var. coactilis(Kützing) Kirchner image
Tolypothrix aegagropila var. kneiffii(Wallr.) Kützing image
Tolypothrix aegagropila var. kneiffii(Wallr.) Rabenhorst image
Tolypothrix aegagropila var. muscicola(Kützing) Kirchner image
Tolypothrix aegagropila var. pulchra(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Tolypothrix aegagropila var. pygmaea(Kützing) Kirchner image
Tolypothrix aegagropila var. typicaKirchner image
Tolypothrix africanaCholnoky image
Tolypothrix allochroa(Kützing) Borzì image
Tolypothrix amoenaGardner image
Tolypothrix amphibicaZopf image
Tolypothrix andinaMontagne image
Tolypothrix arboricolaFrémy image
Tolypothrix arenophilaW. West & G.S. West image
Tolypothrix aurea(Meneghini) Borzì image
Tolypothrix berkeleyana(Harvey) Hassall image
Tolypothrix bicolorKützing image
Tolypothrix binataZeller image
Tolypothrix bombycinaWolle image
Tolypothrix bouteillei(Bornet & Flahault) Lemmermann Krypt. Fl. Mark Brandenburg 3: 219 1907
Tolypothrix brebissoniiKützing image
Tolypothrix brebissoniiKützing image
Tolypothrix brevicellarisKlugh image
Tolypothrix brevis(N.L. Gardner) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 726 1932
Tolypothrix bulnheimiiRabenhorst image
Tolypothrix bulnheimiiRabenhorst image
Tolypothrix byssoidea(Hassall ex Bornet & Flahault) Kirchner in Engler & Prantl Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1{1a}: 80 1898
Tolypothrix byssoidea f. cylindrica(Tilden) Tilden Minnesota Algae: 233 1910
Tolypothrix byssoidea f. polyclados(Frémy) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., 14: 729 1932
Tolypothrix byssoidea f. saxicola(Grunow) Forti in De Toni Syll. alg. 5: 552 1907
Tolypothrix byssoides(C. Agardh) Kirchner image
Tolypothrix calcarata f. minorSchmidle image
Tolypothrix calcarataSchmidle image
Tolypothrix campylonemoidesS.L. Ghose image
Tolypothrix carrinoae_('carrinoi')L.H. Miscoe, N. Pietrasiak & J.R. Johansen in Miscoe et al. Biblioth. Phycol. 120: 95, figs. 35-39 2016
Tolypothrix catenataP.A. Dangeard image
Tolypothrix cavanillesianaGonzález Guerrero image
Tolypothrix cavernicolaWeber-van Bosse image
Tolypothrix ceylonicaSchmidle image
Tolypothrix chathamensisLemmermann image
Tolypothrix chungiiN.L. Gardner Rhodora 28: 4 1926
Tolypothrix cirrhosa(Carmichael) M.C. Cooke Brit. Fresh-w. Alg.: 270 1884
Tolypothrix coactilis f. virescensAreschoug image
Tolypothrix coactilisKützing image
Tolypothrix conglutinataBorzì image
Tolypothrix conglutinata var. colorataS.L. Ghose image
Tolypothrix consociataN.L. Gardner Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 14: 8 1927
Tolypothrix crassaW. West & G.S. West image
Tolypothrix cucullataO. Jaag image
Tolypothrix curtaN.L. Gardner Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 14: 8, pl. 1: fig. 2 1927
Tolypothrix delicatulaPhilson image
Tolypothrix dillwynii(Harvey) Hassall image
Tolypothrix discoidea(N.L. Gardner) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 733 1932
Tolypothrix distorta(Müller) Kützing image
Tolypothrix distorta(O.F. Müller) Kützing Phyc. gen.: 228 1843
Tolypothrix distorta f. magmaWolle image
Tolypothrix distorta f. tenuiorRabenhorst image
Tolypothrix distortaKützing ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 5: 119 1886 (fixed by Art. 13(e), ICBN)
Tolypothrix distortaKützing ex Bornet & Flahault image
Tolypothrix distorta var. breviarticulataJao image
Tolypothrix distorta var. endophyticaJ. Copeland image
Tolypothrix distorta var. fusca(G.H. Schwabe) G.H. Schwabe Verh. Dt. Wiss. Verein, Santiago de Chile 3: 127 1936
Tolypothrix distorta var. garusicaCholnoky image
Tolypothrix distorta var. penicillata(C. Agardh) Lemmermann image
Tolypothrix distorta var. samoensisWille image
Tolypothrix distorta var. symplocoidesHansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 2: 39 1892
Tolypothrix elenkinii f. saccoideofruticulosa_('saccoideo-fruticulosa')Gollerbakh image
Tolypothrix elenkiniiHollerbach Bot. Mater. Inst. Spor. Rast., Bot. Sada R.S.F.S.R. 2: 183 1923
Tolypothrix epilithica(Ercegović) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 739 1932
Tolypothrix exiguaJ. Xiu & H.X. Xiao in Xiao & Xiu Bulletin of Botanical Research [Harbin] 25: 257, fig. 1 2005
Tolypothrix extensaCrouan fr. image
Tolypothrix fasciculata(C. Agardh) J.E. Gray image
Tolypothrix fasciculataGomont image
Tolypothrix flaccida(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Tolypothrix flaccida f. gracilis(Rabenhorst) Rabenhorst image
Tolypothrix flaccida f. tenuiorRabenhorst image
Tolypothrix flaccidaKützing ex Wolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 265, pl. CLXXX: figs. 14-16 1887
Tolypothrix flavavirens_('flava-virens') "Kützing" image
Tolypothrix flavoviridis_('flavo-viridis')Kützing image
Tolypothrix flexuosaZanardini image
Tolypothrix floccosaMeneghini image
Tolypothrix foreauiFrémy Trav. crypt. dédiés à Louis Mangin: 105, pl. 7(II) 1931
Tolypothrix foreauiFrémy image
Tolypothrix fragilis(Gardner) Geitler image
Tolypothrix fragilis(N.L. Gardner) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 724 1932
Tolypothrix fragilis var. cylindricaV. Das & Mitra invalid image
Tolypothrix fragilis var. silicophilaVogel image
Tolypothrix fragilissimaErcegovic image
Tolypothrix fuscaG.H. Schwabe Bol. Soc. Biología Concepción 10: 117, fig. 13 1936
Tolypothrix fuscescensBrébisson ex Kützing image
Tolypothrix geminataA. Braun ex Rabenhorst image
Tolypothrix glacialisG. Dickie image
Tolypothrix gracilis(Kützing) Borzì image
Tolypothrix gracilisRabenhorst image
Tolypothrix gracilisRabenhorst image
Tolypothrix granulata(N.L. Gardner) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 727 1932
Tolypothrix guadelupensisCrouan fr. image
Tolypothrix hatienensisT.N.H. Phung, A. Couté, & P. Bourrelly Nova Hedwigia 54: 418, pl. VI: fig. 3 1992
Tolypothrix hatienensisT.N.H. Phung, A. Couté, & P. Bourrelly image
Tolypothrix haumanii_('Haumani')Kufferath image
Tolypothrix helicophilaLemmermann image
Tolypothrix hollerbachiiMuzafarov image
Tolypothrix implexaMartens image
Tolypothrix inflataGhose image
Tolypothrix intricataNägeli ex Kützing image
Tolypothrix irregularisBerkeley image
Tolypothrix kneiffii(Wallr.) Kützing image
Tolypothrix lanata f. minorDixit image
Tolypothrix lanata f. tenuis(Kützing) Cedergren image
Tolypothrix lanata var. aegagropilaHansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 2: 38 1892
Tolypothrix lanata var. aegagropilaHuber image
Tolypothrix lanata var. flaccida(Kützing) Kirchner image
Tolypothrix lanata var. tenuiorHilse image
Tolypothrix lanata var. typicaKirchner image
Tolypothrix lanata var. wimmeri(Hilse) Hansgirg image
Tolypothrix lanata var. wimmeriHansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 2: 38 1892
Tolypothrix lanataWartmann ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 7, 5: 120 1886 (fixed by Art. 13(e), ICBN)
Tolypothrix letestuiFrémy image
Tolypothrix lignicolaJao image
Tolypothrix limbataThuret ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 7, 5: 124 1886 (fixed by Art. 13(e), ICBN)
Tolypothrix limbata var. cylindricaGhose image
Tolypothrix limbata var. cylindricaS.L. Ghose image
Tolypothrix lithophila(Ercegović) Bourrelly Alg. Eau Douce 3: 394, expl. pl. 106 1970
Tolypothrix longiramosaJ. Xiu & H.X. Xiao in Xiao & Xiu Bulletin of Botanical Research [Harbin] 25: 257, fig. 2 2005
Tolypothrix lophopodellophilaW. West image
Tolypothrix magnaBharadwaja image
Tolypothrix manginii_('Mangini')Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 725 1932
Tolypothrix metamorphaSkuja image
Tolypothrix mexicanaKützing image
Tolypothrix mongolicaG.F. Zagorenko & V.A. Prozorov Bot. Zhurn. 68: 1128, figs. 1-6 1983
Tolypothrix mucosaMeneghini ex Kützing image
Tolypothrix muscicolaKützing image
Tolypothrix muscicolaKützing ex Wolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 264, pl. CLXXV: figs. 1-8 1887
Tolypothrix muscicola var. hawaiensisNordstedt image
Tolypothrix naegeliiKützing image
Tolypothrix nivea(Dillwyn) Hassall image
Tolypothrix nodosaBharadwaja image
Tolypothrix nostocZopf image
Tolypothrix papyraceaGardner image
Tolypothrix papyraceaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 85, pl. 00: fig. 47 1927
Tolypothrix penicillata(C. Agardh) Thuret image
Tolypothrix penicillata var. brevisGardner image
Tolypothrix penicillata var. gracilisNordstedt image
Tolypothrix penicillata var. tenuisHansgirg image
Tolypothrix phyllophilaW. West & G.S. West image
Tolypothrix polymorphaLemmermann image
Tolypothrix pseudorexiaP.M. Novis & G. Visnovsky Phytotaxa 22: 14, figs. 5A-N 2011
Tolypothrix pulchra f. tenuiorSuringar image
Tolypothrix pulchraKützing image
Tolypothrix pulchraKützing ex Wolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 264, pl. CLXXX: figs. 5-7 1887
Tolypothrix pulvinata(Frémy) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 721 1932
Tolypothrix pumilaKützing image
Tolypothrix punctataHassall image
Tolypothrix pygmaea f. crassiorRabenhorst image
Tolypothrix pygmaeaKützing image
Tolypothrix pygmaeaKützing Phyc. gen.: 227 1843
Tolypothrix raveneliiWolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 265, pl. CLXXX: figs. 8-10 1887
Tolypothrix rechingeri 'Wille' image
Tolypothrix rechingeri(Wille) Geitler in Pascher Süssw.-Fl. 12: 259 1925
Tolypothrix rhenana_('rhenanum')(Schmidle) Schmidle image
Tolypothrix rhizomatoidea(Reinsch) Reinsch image
Tolypothrix rivularisHansgirg SitzBer. K. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., Math.-Naturw. Cl. 1891: 337 1891
Tolypothrix roberti-lamiiBourrelly in Bourrelly & Manguin Alg. Guad.: 151, pl. XVI: figs. 78-84 1952
Tolypothrix robustaGardner image
Tolypothrix rufescens(Harvey) Hassall image
Tolypothrix rugulosa(N.L. Gardner) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 727 1932
Tolypothrix rupestrisWolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 265, pl. CLXXX: figs. 11-13 1887
Tolypothrix savicziiE.K. Kossinskaya Arch. Prot. Russ. 1928: 296, fig. 1-11 1928
Tolypothrix saviczii f. paludosaKondrateva image
Tolypothrix scytonematoides(N.L. Gardner) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 732 1932
Tolypothrix selaginellaeRabenhorst image
Tolypothrix setchelliiCollins image
Tolypothrix setchelliiF.S. Collins Erythea 5: 96, pl. IV: fig. A 1897
Tolypothrix setchellii var. epilithicaErcegović Acta Bot. Univ. Zagreb 1: 90, pl. II: fig. 6 1925
Tolypothrix setchellii var. epilithicaErcegovic image
Tolypothrix subsalsaC.K. Tseng & M. Hua apud M. Hua & C.K. Tseng in C.K. Tseng (ed.) Common seaweeds of China: 38, pl. 23: figs. 3a-3c 1983
Tolypothrix subsalsaZanardini image
Tolypothrix tenellaN.L. Gardner image
Tolypothrix tenuis f. bryophilaRabenhorst image
Tolypothrix tenuis f. bryophilaRabenhorst ex Wolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 265, pl. CLXXXI: figs. 5-7 1887
Tolypothrix tenuis f. cuticularisKondrateva image
Tolypothrix tenuis f. minorWhelden image
Tolypothrix tenuis f. terrestrisJ.B. Petersen image
Tolypothrix tenuisKützing image
Tolypothrix tenuisKützing ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 5: 122 1886 (fixed by Art. 13(e), ICBN)
Tolypothrix tenuis var. discolorBorzì image
Tolypothrix tenuis var. pygmaea(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Tolypothrix tenuis var. pygmaeaHansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 2: 37 1892
Tolypothrix tenuis var. typicaKirchner image
Tolypothrix tenuis var. wartmanniana(Rabenhorst) Hansgirg image
Tolypothrix tenuis var. wartmannianaHansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 2: 37 1892
Tolypothrix teodorescuiTarnavschi & Mitroiu image
Tolypothrix thermalisKützing image
Tolypothrix tibestiensisBehre image
Tolypothrix tjipanasensisDe Wildeman image
Tolypothrix truncicola(Rabenhorst) Thuret image
Tolypothrix truncicolaWolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 266, pl. CLXXXI: figs. 8-11 1887
Tolypothrix vulgarisJ. Xiu & H.X. Xiao in Xiao & Xiu Bulletin of Botanical Research [Harbin] 25: 258, fig. 3 2005
Tolypothrix wartmannianaRabenhorst image
Tolypothrix wartmannianaRabenhorst Alg. Sachs. Dec. 77/78: no. 769 1858 (Oct.)
Tolypothrix werneckeiBudde image
Tolypothrix willeiGardner image
Tolypothrix wimmeri(Hilse) Kirchner image
Tolypothrix woodlarkianaBorzì Nuova Notarisia 3: 43 1892
Tolypothrix woodlarkianaBorzì image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024