Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

TOLYPELLA(A. Braun) A. Braun image
TOLYPELLA(A. Braun) Leonhardi image
TOLYPELLABraun image
TOLYPELLABraun image
TOLYPELLABraun image
TOLYPELLAR.D. Wood image
Tolypella amoenaMädler image
Tolypella boldiiSawa image
Tolypella canadensisSawa image
Tolypella canellata f. rostrataMädler image
Tolypella canellataMädler image
Tolypella comosaAllen image
Tolypella coutinhoiGoncalves da Cunha image
Tolypella fimbriataAllen image
Tolypella flexilis(L.) Nordstedt image
Tolypella giennensisPrósper Carofit. Espan\*~a: 83, figs. 14, 15 1910
Tolypella giennensisPrósper image
Tolypella globosaSajdakovskij image
Tolypella glomerata(Desvaux) Leonhardi image
Tolypella glomerata var. abbreviataAllen image
Tolypella glomerata var. erythrocarpaJ. Groves & Bullock-Webster image
Tolypella gracilisImahori image
Tolypella harrisii_('harrisi')Mädler image
Tolypella headonensisReid & Groves image
Tolypella hispanica f. graciliorNordstedt image
Tolypella hispanica f. robustiorNordstedt image
Tolypella hispanicaNordstedt image
Tolypella hispanica var. microcephalaNordstedt image
Tolypella hispanica var. porteriF.K. Daily image
Tolypella inconspicua(A. Braun) Mädler image
Tolypella intertextaAllen image
Tolypella intricata(Roth) Leonhardi image
Tolypella intricata f. elongataMigula Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweitz. Ed. 2, Vol. V. Die Characeen: 221 1890
Tolypella intricata f. prolifera(Ziziani ex A. Braun) R.D. Wood image
Tolypella intricata f. spicataR.D. Wood image
Tolypella intricata f. stipitata(T.F. Allen) R.D. Wood image
Tolypella intricata var. dispersaD. Subramanian Seaweed Res. & Utilis. 21: 106, pl. III 1999
Tolypella jwalae_('jwalai')Labh & Verma image
Tolypella laxaPal image
Tolypella macouniiAllen image
Tolypella macouniiT.F. Allen Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 14: 212, pls. LXII-LXXIII 1887
Tolypella minutaMädler Geol. Jahrb. 67: 35, pl. B: figs. 50-52 1952
Tolypella minutaMädler image
Tolypella nidifica(C. Agardh) Leonhardi image
Tolypella nidificaBraun image
Tolypella nidifica f. condensataWahlstedt image
Tolypella nidifica f. groenlandicaA. Langangen, J.B. Hansen, & H. Mann Cryptogamie, Algologie 17: 245, no fig. 1996
Tolypella nidifica f. laxaWahlstedt image
Tolypella nidifica f. normaniana(Nordstedt) R.D. Wood image
Tolypella nidifica f. robustiorWahlstedt image
Tolypella nidifica f. stenhammariana(Wallman) R.D. Wood image
Tolypella nidifica f. subdivisaImahori & R.D. Wood image
Tolypella nidifica f. tenuiorWahlstedt image
Tolypella nidifica subf. condensataWahlstedt image
Tolypella nidifica subf. laxaWahlstedt image
Tolypella nidifica var. glomerata(Desvaux) R.D. Wood image
Tolypella nidifica var. porteri(F.K. Daily) R.D. Wood image
Tolypella normaniana(Nordstedt) Nordstedt image
Tolypella palhinhaeGoncalves da Cunha image
Tolypella parvulaReid & Groves image
Tolypella prolifera(Ziz) Leonhardi image
Tolypella prolifera f. pseudointricataFilarszky image
Tolypella prolifera var. montevideensis(Spegazzini) Nordstedt image
Tolypella ramosissimaW. Pérez, J.D. Hall, R.M. McCourt & K.G. Karol J. Phycol. 50: 785, figs. 2G-I, 5 2014
Tolypella salinaCorillion image
Tolypella sawyaraeJ. Groves image
Tolypella stipitataAllen image
Tolypella stipitataShui Wang Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 13: 498, pl. 1: figs. 19-42 1965
Tolypella xizangensisY.Y. Lee image
Tolypella yunnanensisHan & W.Q. Chen image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024