Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

STENOPTEROBIABrebisson image
STENOPTEROBIABrebisson image
STENOPTEROBIAL.A. Brebisson ex F. Habirshaw et al. image
Stenopterobia amazonicaS.E. Sala, J.M. Guerrero, M. Núñez Avellaneda & J.P. Kociolek Phytotaxa 514: 69, figs. 38-56 2021
Stenopterobia anceps(F.W. Lewis) Brébisson ex Van Heurck Treat. Diat.: 374 1896
Stenopterobia anceps(Lewis) Brebisson ex Van Heurck image
Stenopterobia anceps(Lewis) Heribaud image
Stenopterobia anceps subsp. giganteaD. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot Iconogr. Diatomol. 18: 250, pl. 287: figs. 1-3 2007
Stenopterobia anceps var. detritaPlayfair image
Stenopterobia anceps var. heribaudiiPlayfair image
Stenopterobia anceps var. intermedia(Lewis) Playfair image
Stenopterobia arcticaCleve-Euler image
Stenopterobia armataH. Lange-Bertalot & A. Steindorf in Moser, Steindorf, & Lange-Bertalot Biblioth. Diatomol. 32: 146, pl. 73: figs. 1, 2 1995
Stenopterobia baileyi(Lewis) Van Heurck ex Hanna image
Stenopterobia capitata(Fontell) H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin Iconogr. Diatomol. 2: 106 1996
Stenopterobia capitata(Fontell) Thunmark image
Stenopterobia caquetaensisS.E. Sala, J.M. Guerrero, M. Núñez Avellaneda & J.P. Kociolek Phytotaxa 514: 64, figs. 2-19 2021
Stenopterobia cataractarumC. Cocquyt & J.C. Taylor in Cocquyt et al. Phytotaxa 158: 78, figs. 1-38 2014
Stenopterobia chilensisH. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin Iconogr. Diatomol. 18: 251, pl. 50: figs. 6-8 in Lange-Bertalot et al., Iconogr. Diatomol. 3. 1996 2007
Stenopterobia colombianaS.E. Sala, J.M. Guerrero, M. Núñez Avellaneda & J.P. Kociolek Phytotaxa 514: 67, figs. 20-37 2021
Stenopterobia crassior(N. Carter) G. Moser, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin Insel der Endemiten: Geobotanisches Phänomen Neukaledonien (Bibliotheca Diatomologica 38): 218 1998
Stenopterobia curvula(W. Smith) Krammer image
Stenopterobia cuspidata(F. Hustedt) W. Vyverman Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 122: 74 1989
Stenopterobia cuspidata(Hustedt) W. Vyverman image
Stenopterobia cuspidata var. giluwensisW. Vyverman Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 122: 75, fig. 4: 5-10 1989
Stenopterobia delicatissima(F.W. Lewis) Brébisson ex Van Heurck Treat. Diat.: 374 1896
Stenopterobia delicatissima var. ghanaensis(Foged) C. Cocquyt & W.-H. Kusber Nova Hedwigia 91: 126 2010
Stenopterobia densestriata(Hustedt) Krammer image
Stenopterobia eximiaG. Moser, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin Insel der Endemiten: Geobotanisches Phänomen Neukaledonien (Bibliotheca Diatomologica 38): 218, pl. 68: figs. 2-4 1998
Stenopterobia fusiformisP.A. Siver & L. Camfield Canad. J. Bot. 85: 844, figs. 71-79, 86-91 2007
Stenopterobia gracilisP.A. Siver & L. Camfield Canad. J. Bot. 85: 840, figs. 52-66 2007
Stenopterobia grigoriewiMereschkowsky image
Stenopterobia hulliiD. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot Iconogr. Diatomol. 18: 252, pl. 286: figs. 1-6 2007
Stenopterobia hungaricaPantocsek image
Stenopterobia intermedia(Lewis) Van Heurck ex Hanna image
Stenopterobia intermediaA. Mayer Denkschr. K. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 13: 56 1917
Stenopterobia intermedia f. densestriataHustedt image
Stenopterobia intermedia f. subacutaFricke image
Stenopterobia intermedia f. undulataSovereign image
Stenopterobia intermedia var. bleischii(Janisch) Mayer image
Stenopterobia intermedia var. capitataFontell Ark. Bot. 14{21}: 46, pl. 2: fig. 46 1917
Stenopterobia intermedia var. crassiorN. Carter J. Linn. Soc., London. Botany 46: 60, text-fig. 1,J 1922
Stenopterobia krammeriD. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconographia Diatomologica 5: 220, pl. 217: figs. 1-6 1998
Stenopterobia minusculaG. Moser, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin Insel der Endemiten: Geobotanisches Phänomen Neukaledonien (Bibliotheca Diatomologica 38): 219, pl. 67: figs. 3-5 1998
Stenopterobia muscicola(G. Krasske) H. Lange-Bertalot apud H. Lange-Bertalot et al. in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconographia Diatomologica 3: 180 1996
Stenopterobia neotropicaD. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot Iconogr. Diatomol. 18: 253, pl. 53: fig. 1 in Lange-Bertalot et al., Iconogr. Diatomol. 3. 1996 2007
Stenopterobia pelagicaHustedt Int. Rev. Gesamten Hydrobiol. u. Hydrogr. 42: 143, figs. 353-355, 358 1942
Stenopterobia planctonicaD. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot in H. Lange-Bertalot (ed.) Iconographia Diatomologica 5: 221, pl. 219: fig. 3; REM-pl. 210: fig. 4 1998
Stenopterobia pseudodelicatissimaP.A. Siver & P.B. Hamilton Canad. J. Bot. 83: 369, figs. 40-45, 52-60 2005
Stenopterobia pumilaH. Lange-Bertalot & U. Rumrich in U. Rumrich, H. Lange-Bertalot, & M. Rumrich Iconogr. Diatomol. 9: 227, pl. 196: figs. 1-7; pl. 197: figs. 8, 9 2000
Stenopterobia rautenbachiaeCholnoky image
Stenopterobia rautenbachiaeCholnoky image
Stenopterobia rectaWoodhead & Tweed image
Stenopterobia robustaHustedt Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr. 42: 145, figs. 351, 356 1942
Stenopterobia ruppelianaG. Moser, H. Lange-Bertalot, & A. Steindorf in Moser, Steindorf, & Lange-Bertalot Biblioth. Diatomol. 32: 147, pl. 74: figs. 1-8 1995
Stenopterobia schweickerdtii(Cholnoky) N.M. Brassac, T.A.V. Ludwig, & L.C. Torgan in N.M. Brassac, L.C. Torgan, & T.A.V. Ludwig Diatom Research 18: 186 2003
Stenopterobia scolopendraG. Moser, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin Insel der Endemiten: Geobotanisches Phänomen Neukaledonien (Bibliotheca Diatomologica 38): 220, pl. 69: fig. 3, 4 1998
Stenopterobia sigmatella(Gregory) R. Ross image
Stenopterobia sigmatella var. capitata(Fontell) R. Ross image
Stenopterobia sigmoideaSkvortzov image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024