Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Spermothamnion phycophilumW.R. Taylor Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. 12: 263, pl. 4: figs. 1, 2 1945
Spermothamnion snyderae var. attenuatum_('attenuata')E.Y. Dawson Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. 26: 45 1962
Spermothamnion investiens(P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Vickers Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 9, 1: 64 1905
Spermothamnion cymodoceaeBørgesen Biol. Meddel. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. 18{19}: 54, figs. 27, 28 1952
Spermothamnion antillarumH. Stegenga & M. Vroman Blumea 32: 418, figs. 52-57 1987
Spermothamnion nonatoiJoly Bol. Fac. Filos. Univ. Sa\*~o Paulo, Bot. 14: 140, pl. XVI: figs. 2, 2a-c 1957
Spermothamnion suyehiroi(Okamura) Okamura Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 886 1934
Spermothamnion saccorhiza(Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Feldmann-Mazoyer Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord 33: 16 1942
Spermothamnion feldmanniae_('feldmannae')P. Huvé Bull. Soc. Phycol. France 17: 72, figs. 1-4 1972
Spermothamnion snyderaeFarlow Erythea 7: 74, no fig. 1899
Spermothamnion turneri var. sphaericum(P. Crouan & H. Crouan ex J. Agardh) Batters J. Bot. (London) 40(suppl.): 84 1902
Spermothamnion schmitzianumBarton J. Bot. [London] 31: 138 1893
Spermothamnion turneri var. repens(Dillwyn) Areschoug Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Sc. Upsal. 13: 335 1847
Spermothamnion miniatumHuisman Phycologia 24: 58, figs. 16-26 1985
Spermothamnion macromeresF.S. Collins & Hervey Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 53: 132, no fig. 1917
Spermothamnion turneri f. variabile(C. Agardh) Hauck Rabenhorst's Kryptog.-Fl. Deutschl., 2. Aufl., 2: 44 1882
Spermothamnion boergeseniiV. Krishnamurthy in T.V. Desikachary, V. Krishnamurthy, & M.S. Balakrishnan Rhodophyta. Part II B: 240, pl. 20: figs. a-f in Kützing, Tab. Phycol. 12 (1862) 1998
Spermothamnion umamaheswarae_(`umamaheswarai')V. Krishnamurthy in T.V. Desikachary, V. Krishnamurthy, & M.S. Balakrishnan Rhodophyta. Part II B: 240 1998
Spermothamnion yonakuniense_('yonakuniensis')Yamada & Tak. Tanaka Scientific Papers of the Institute of Algological Research, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University 2: 79, figs. 12, 13 1938
Spermothamnion turneri(Mertens ex Roth) Areschoug in Fries Summa veg. scand.: 127 1845
Spermothamnion cymosum(Harvey) De Toni Sylloge algarum ... Vol. IV. Florideae. Sectio III: 1266 1903
Spermothamnion speluncarum(Collins & Hervey) Howe in Britton & Millspaugh The Bahama flora: 578 1920
Spermothamnion cladophoraeYamada & Tak. Tanaka Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 24: 342, figs. 1, 2 1934
Spermothamnion codicolaYamada & Tak. Tanaka Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 24: 344, figs. 3, 4 1934
Spermothamnion barbatum(C. Agardh) Bornet image
Spermothamnion barbatum var. mesocarpum(Carmichael) Batters image
Spermothamnion capitatumBornet image
Spermothamnion cladophoraeYamada & Tanaka image
Spermothamnion codicolaYamada & Tanaka image
Spermothamnion cymodoceaeBørgesen image
Spermothamnion echigoense_('echigoensis')Noda image
Spermothamnion endophyticum_('endophytica')Okamura image
Spermothamnion exiguumSchiffner image
Spermothamnion flabellatumBornet image
Spermothamnion flabellatum f. disporaFeldmann-Mazoyer image
Spermothamnion flagelliferum(De Notaris) Ardissone & Strafforello image
Spermothamnion gorgoneum(Montagne) Bornet image
Spermothamnion gymnocarpumM.A. Howe image
Spermothamnion inordinatum(Zanardini) Hauck image
Spermothamnion intricatum 'J.Agardh' image
Spermothamnion investiens(Crouan) Vickers image
Spermothamnion investiens var. arabicum_('arabica')Nasr image
Spermothamnion investiens var. cidaricolaBørgesen image
Spermothamnion irregulare(J. Agardh) Ardissone image
Spermothamnion johannisFeldmann-Mazoyer image
Spermothamnion macromeresCollins & Hervey image
Spermothamnion macromeresCollins & Hervey image
Spermothamnion orientaleWeber-van Bosse image
Spermothamnion phycophilumTaylor image
Spermothamnion pinnatumGordon image
Spermothamnion pusillumOkamura & Segawa image
Spermothamnion repens(Dillwyn) Rosenvinge image
Spermothamnion repens f. roseolum(C. Agardh) Rosenvinge image
Spermothamnion repens f. turneri(Roth) Rosenvinge image
Spermothamnion repens var. flagelliferum(De Notaris) Feldmann-Mazoyer image
Spermothamnion repens var. turneri(Roth) Miranda image
Spermothamnion repens var. variabile(C. Agardh) Feldmann-Mazoyer image
Spermothamnion roseolum(C. Agardh) Pringsheim image
Spermothamnion saccorhiza(Setchell & Gardner) Feldmann-Mazoyer image
Spermothamnion snyderae var. attenuatum_('attenuata')Dawson image
Spermothamnion speluncarum(Collins & Hervey) M.A. Howe image
Spermothamnion strictum(C. Agardh) Ardissone image
Spermothamnion tamamiruSegawa image
Spermothamnion torulosum(Zanardini) Ardissone image
Spermothamnion turneri(Roth) Areschoug image
Spermothamnion turneri f. intricatum_('intricata')(C. Agardh) Holmes & Batters image
Spermothamnion turneri f. repens(Dillwyn) Batters image
Spermothamnion turneri f. variabile_('variabilis')(C. Agardh) Hauck image
Spermothamnion turneri var. flagelliferum(DeNotaris) Ardissone image
Spermothamnion turneri var. minimum(Crouan) Chalon image
Spermothamnion turneri var. roseolum(C. Agardh) Areschoug image
Spermothamnion turneri var. sub-verticillatumLenormand image
Spermothamnion turneri var. subverticillatumCotton image
Spermothamnion turneri var. turneriAreschoug image
Spermothamnion turneri var. variabile(J. Agardh) Ardissone image
Spermothamnion yonakuniense f. flexuosum_('flexuosa')Noda image
Spermothamnion yonakuniense f. flexuosum_('flexuosa')Noda image
Spermothamnion yonakuniense f. sargassicolaNoda image
Spermothamnion yonakuniense f. sargassicolaNoda image
Spermothamnion yonakuniense var. sadoenseYamada & Tanaka image
Spermothamnion yonakuniense var. sadoense_('sadoensis')Noda image
Spermothamnion yonakuniense_('yonakuniensis')Yamada & Tanaka image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024