Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

SCHIZOTHRIX(Kützing) Hansgirg image
SCHIZOTHRIXKützing image
SCHIZOTHRIXKützing ex Gomont image
SCHIZOTHRIXKützing ex Gomont image
Schizothrix acuminata(Gardner) Drouet image
Schizothrix acutissimaDrouet image
Schizothrix aduncaG.H. Schwabe Österr. Bot. Z. 107: 293, fig. 7 1960
Schizothrix aeruginea(Kützing) Desikachary image
Schizothrix affinisLemmermann image
Schizothrix affinis var. epilithicaErcegović Acta Bot. Univ. Zagreb 1: 86, pl. III: fig. 8 1925
Schizothrix affinis var. epilithicaErcegovic image
Schizothrix aikenensis(Wolle) Philson image
Schizothrix albaniensisDrouet Rev. Alg. n.s., 5: 112, fig. 1 1960
Schizothrix anabaenoides(Drouet) Drouet image
Schizothrix anglicaBennett image
Schizothrix antarcticaFritsch image
Schizothrix arenaria(Berkeley) Gomont image
Schizothrix arenariaGomont Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 15: 312 1892
Schizothrix arenaria var. non-constrictaGhose image
Schizothrix arenaria var. vermiformisBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix arnottii_('arnotti')Fremy image
Schizothrix atacamensisG.H. Schwabe image
Schizothrix aurantiacaKützing image
Schizothrix aurantiacaKützing image
Schizothrix aurantiaca var. variecolor(Rabenhorst) Rabenhorst image
Schizothrix beccariiGomont image
Schizothrix bioretii_('bioreti')Fremy image
Schizothrix brauniiGomont image
Schizothrix braunii var. longearticulataGeitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. 14: 1109, fig. 714d-h 1932
Schizothrix brebissoniana(Kützing) Gomont image
Schizothrix brebissonii(Kützing ex Gomont) Bourrelly Alg. Eau Douce 3: 446, expl. pl. 132 1970
Schizothrix calcicola(C. Agardh) Gomont Journal de Botanique 4: 352 1890
Schizothrix calcicolaGomont Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 15: 295 (=key), 307, pl. 8: figs. 1-3 1892
Schizothrix calcicolaGomont ex Gomont image
Schizothrix calcicola var. actiniformisBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. amorphaBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. circinalisBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. compactaBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. densaBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. diffusaBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. discretaBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. fuscaBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. fuscoviridisBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. glabraBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. glomerulataBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. minutaBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. mucosaBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. nitidaBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. olivaceaBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. radiataBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. scabellaBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. spiralisBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. vaginataBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calcicola var. vermiformisBaker & Bold image
Schizothrix calidaDe Wildeman image
Schizothrix californicaDrouet Amer. Midl. Nat. 29: 52 1943
Schizothrix cavanillesiiGonzalez Guerrero image
Schizothrix chalybea(Kützing) Gomont image
Schizothrix chalybeaGomont image
Schizothrix chalybea_('chalybeus')(Kützing) Gomont image
Schizothrix confervae(Kützing) Desikachary image
Schizothrix constrictaGolubić Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie 35: 154, fig. 1:3 1973
Schizothrix constrictaJ. Copeland image
Schizothrix coriacea(Kützing) Gomont image
Schizothrix coriaceaGomont image
Schizothrix coriacea var. endolithicaErcegovic image
Schizothrix corsicana(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Schizothrix cresswellii(Harvey) Harvey Phycol. Brit. pl. CLX 1847
Schizothrix cresswelliiHarvey ex Gomont image
Schizothrix cuspidata(West & West) West & West image
Schizothrix cuspidata var. glinkaeScheitz image
Schizothrix dailyiDrouet image
Schizothrix delicatissima f. majorHollerbach image
Schizothrix delicatissima var. maiorGeitler image
Schizothrix delicatissima var. minorGeitler image
Schizothrix delicatissimaW. West & G.S. West image
Schizothrix diplosiphon(Woronichin) K. Anagnostidis Preslia 73: 368 2001
Schizothrix elongataW. West & G.S. West image
Schizothrix endophyticaWeber-van Bosse image
Schizothrix epilithica(Ercegović) K. Anagnostidis Preslia 73: 368 2001
Schizothrix epiphyticaFritsch image
Schizothrix ericetorumLemmermann image
Schizothrix facilis(Skuja) K. Anagnostidis Preslia 73: 368 2001
Schizothrix fasciculata(Naegeli) Gomont image
Schizothrix fasciculataGomont ex Gomont image
Schizothrix flammeaJ. Komárek & M. Watanabe Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B (Bot.), 24: 125, 127, fig. 10, pl. IV:1,5 1998
Schizothrix fragilis(Kützing) Gomont image
Schizothrix fragilisGomont Ann. Sc. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 15: 296 (=key) 314, pl. 8: figs. 13, 14 1892
Schizothrix friesii f. repensFremy image
Schizothrix friesiiGomont image
Schizothrix friesiiGomont ex Gomont image
Schizothrix fritschiiAnand image
Schizothrix fritschiiAnand image
Schizothrix funalisWest & G.S. West image
Schizothrix funiculusWoronichin image
Schizothrix furcata_('furcatum')Rabenhorst image
Schizothrix fuscescens f. hyalinaFremy image
Schizothrix fuscescens f. typicaFremy image
Schizothrix fuscescensKützing Phycol. General.: 230 1843
Schizothrix fuscescensKützing image
Schizothrix fuscescensKützing ex Gomont Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 15: 296 (=key), 324, pl. 11: figs. 4-6 1892
Schizothrix fuscescensKützing ex Gomont image
Schizothrix fuscescens var. africanaW. West & G.S. West image
Schizothrix gebeleiniiS. Golubić & K.M. Browne Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 117 (Algol. Stud. 83): 278, figs. 4-8, 10 1996
Schizothrix gebeleiniiS. Golubic & K.M. Browne image
Schizothrix giuseppeiDrouet Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 20: 133, no fig. 1942
Schizothrix gomontii var. africanaFremy image
Schizothrix gomontiiWeber-van Bosse image
Schizothrix gracilisGolubić Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie 35: 153, fig. 1:1 1973
Schizothrix grunovianaElenkin Monogr. Alg. Cyanophyc., Pars Spec. 2: 1733 1949
Schizothrix guadeloupeanaSchmidle image
Schizothrix hancockiiDrouet Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. 3: 22, fig. 15 1936
Schizothrix hancockii f. submersaDrouet Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. 3: 23, no fig. 1936
Schizothrix havaiensisLemmermann image
Schizothrix helvaFrémy Dansk Bot. Ark. 9{7}: 20-23, fig. 3 1938
Schizothrix helvaFremy image
Schizothrix heufleriGrunow image
Schizothrix heufleriGrunow ex Gomont Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 15: 296 (=key), 325, pl. 11: figs. 7, 8 1892
Schizothrix heufleri var. incrustansErcegović Acta Bot. Univ. Zagreb 1: 86, no fig. 1925
Schizothrix heufleri var. incrustansErcegovic image
Schizothrix hirschiiDrouet image
Schizothrix homoeotricha(Kützing) Gomont image
Schizothrix hyalinaKützing image
Schizothrix hyalina var. ramosissimaP.F. Reinsch image
Schizothrix incrustans(Ercegović) K. Anagnostidis Preslia 73: 368 2001
Schizothrix italica(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Schizothrix kerguelensisWille image
Schizothrix kialingensisJao image
Schizothrix kwangsiensisJao image
Schizothrix lacustrisBraun image
Schizothrix lacustrisBraun ex Gomont image
Schizothrix lacustris var. caespitosaGomont image
Schizothrix lacustris var. facilisSkuja Nova Acta R. Soc. Sci. Upsal., ser. 4, 18{3}: 59, pl. VII: figs. 12-19 1964
Schizothrix lacustris var. parasiticaKützing image
Schizothrix lamyiGomont in Bornet Bull. Soc. Bot. France 38: 250 1891
Schizothrix lamyiGomont ex Gomont image
Schizothrix lardacea(Cesati) Gomont image
Schizothrix lardaceaGomont Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 15: 311, pl. VIII: figs. 8, 9 1892
Schizothrix lateritia(Kützing) Gomont image
Schizothrix lateritia f. lyngbyaceaSchmidle image
Schizothrix lateritiaGomont ex Gomont image
Schizothrix lateritia var. hansgirgiiWoronichin image
Schizothrix lateritia var. hansgirgiiWoronichin image
Schizothrix lenormandiana f. maiorStarmach Polish Polar Res. 16: 132, fig. 5: 43; pl. 5: fig. 11 1997
Schizothrix lenormandianaGomont image
Schizothrix longearticulata(Geitler) K. Anagnostidis Preslia 73: 368 2001
Schizothrix luteaFremy image
Schizothrix luteolaC. Sarthou, Y. Thérézien, & A. Couté Nova Hedwigia 61: 106, fig. 28 1995
Schizothrix luteolaC. Sarthou, Y. Therezien, & A. Couté image
Schizothrix luteolaDuvigneaud & Symoens image
Schizothrix lyngbyaceaSchmidle ex Prat image
Schizothrix macbrideiDrouet image
Schizothrix maritimaYoneda image
Schizothrix mascarenicaGomont image
Schizothrix melleaGardner image
Schizothrix mellea var. minorGardner image
Schizothrix mexicanaGomont Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 15: 295 (=key), 304 1892
Schizothrix minor(N.L. Gardner) K. Anagnostidis Preslia 73: 368 2001
Schizothrix monticulosa(Bory ex Bornet & Flahault) Drouet image
Schizothrix muelleri f. inundataNordstedt, inval. image
Schizothrix muelleri f. lyngbyoideaGomont image
Schizothrix muelleriNaegeli ex Kützing image
Schizothrix muelleri_('mulleri')Nägeli ex Gomont Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 15: 296 (=key), 321, pl. 10: figs. 5-7 1892
Schizothrix muelleri_('mulleri')Naegeli ex Gomont image
Schizothrix naegelii(Kützing ex Forti) Geitler in Pascher Süssw.-Fl. 12: 417 1925
Schizothrix nasriFremy & Nasr image
Schizothrix natansW. West & G.S. West image
Schizothrix nigrovaginata(Hansgirg) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 1107 1932
Schizothrix nullipora(Grunow ex Forti) Geitler in Pascher Süssw.-Fl. 12: 417 1925
Schizothrix pallida(Kützing ex Forti) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 1082 1932
Schizothrix parciramosa(N.L. Gardner) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 1077 1932
Schizothrix penicillata(Kützing) Gomont image
Schizothrix penicillataGomont Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 15: 295 (=key), 305, pl. 7: figs. 8-10 1892
Schizothrix perforansGeitler Arch. Protistenk. 60: 446, fig. 6 1928
Schizothrix perforans var. maiorGeitler image
Schizothrix polytrichoidesFritsch image
Schizothrix portoricensisKomárek Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 71: 375 (table 5) 1985
Schizothrix pseudofriesiiDuvigneaud & Symoens image
Schizothrix pulvinata(Kützing) Gomont image
Schizothrix pulvinataGomont image
Schizothrix purcelliiTaylor image
Schizothrix purpurascens(Kützing) Gomont image
Schizothrix purpurascens f. cruenta(Gomont) Fremy image
Schizothrix purpurascens f. fasciculataFremy image
Schizothrix purpurascens f. pulvinataFremy image
Schizothrix purpurascens f. typicaFremy image
Schizothrix purpurascensGomont Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 15: 296 (=key), 320, pl. 9: figs. 6-8 1892
Schizothrix purpurascensGomont ex Gomont image
Schizothrix purpurascens var. cruentaGomont image
Schizothrix purpurascens var. fasciculata(Fremy) Fremy image
Schizothrix purpurascens var. pulvinata(Fremy) Fremy image
Schizothrix radius-solisM. Watanabe & J. Komárek Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B (Bot.), 20: 15, figs. 19, pl. 6 1994
Schizothrix rhodochlamysLillick image
Schizothrix richardsiiDrouet image
Schizothrix rivulariarumWoronichin image
Schizothrix rivularis(Wolle) Drouet image
Schizothrix roseaGardner image
Schizothrix roseola(Gardner) Drouet image
Schizothrix rubellaGomont Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 15: 295 (=key), 300, pl. 6: figs. 4, 5 1892
Schizothrix rubra(Meneghini) Gomont image
Schizothrix rubraCrouan fr. image
Schizothrix rubraGomont image
Schizothrix rupicolaJ.E. Tilden image
Schizothrix rupicolaTilden Amer. Alg.: 175 1896
Schizothrix schiedermeyeriGrunow image
Schizothrix semiglobosaGeitler image
Schizothrix septentrionalisGomont image
Schizothrix simmonsiaeCollins image
Schizothrix simmonsiaeF.S. Collins in Collins, Holden, & Setchell Phyc. Bor.-Amer.: 707 1900
Schizothrix simpliciorSkuja image
Schizothrix smithiiDutt, Datta, & Gupta image
Schizothrix smithiiKützing image
Schizothrix splendensH.X. Xiao & J. Xiu in Xiao et al. Bulletin of Botanical Research [Harbin] 25: 4, fig. 2 2005
Schizothrix splendidaGolubić Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie 35: 154, fig. 1:2 1973
Schizothrix spongiosa(Schwabe) Grunow image
Schizothrix stigonematis_('stigonemae')C.C. Jao image
Schizothrix stockmayeriSkuja image
Schizothrix stricklandiiDrouet image
Schizothrix subluteaJao image
Schizothrix subundulata(Martens) Desikachary image
Schizothrix symplocoides(N.L. Gardner) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 1078 1932
Schizothrix tayloriiDrouet image
Schizothrix telephoroides(Montagne) Gomont image
Schizothrix tenax(Wolle) Desikachary image
Schizothrix tenebrosaS. Turicchia, S. Ventura, J. Komárková, & J. Komárek Nova Hedwigia 89: 193, fig. 25 2009
Schizothrix tenerrima(Gomont) Drouet Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Monograph 15: 135 1968
Schizothrix tenuis f. tenuissimaStarmach image
Schizothrix tenuisWoronichin Botanicheskie Materialy Instituta Sporovykh Rastenij Glavnogo Botanicheskogo Sada R.S.F.S.R: 2: 98 1923
Schizothrix thelephoroides(Montagne) Gomont image
Schizothrix thelephoroidesGomont image
Schizothrix thelephoroides var. minorGardner image
Schizothrix thelephoroides var. minorN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 53 1927
Schizothrix thermophilaJ. Copeland image
Schizothrix tinctoria(C. Agardh) Gomont image
Schizothrix tinctoriaGomont ex Gomont image
Schizothrix tjibodasensisDe Wildeman image
Schizothrix undulataVirieux image
Schizothrix vaginata(Naegeli) Gamont image
Schizothrix vaginataGomont image
Schizothrix vaginata var. non-granulataGhose image
Schizothrix variecolorRabenhorst Alg. Sachs. Dec. 85/86: no. 851 1859 (July)
Schizothrix variegataRabenhorst image
Schizothrix velutinaRabenhorst image
Schizothrix venezuelanaJ. Kas\*vtovský, K. Fučíková & M. Bohunická in Kas\*vtovský et al. Phytotaxa 247: 157, fig. 3 2016
Schizothrix viguieriFremy image
Schizothrix violaceaGardner image
Schizothrix violaceaGardner emend. F. Drouet image
Schizothrix violaceaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 52, pl. 11: fig. 99 1927
Schizothrix willei(N.L. Gardner) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 1098 1932
Schizothrix wolleiDrouet image
Schizothrix yellowstonensis(J. Copeland) K. Anagnostidis & Komárek in Anagnostidis Preslia 73: 368 2001
Schizothrix zenkeri(Kützing) Gomont image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024