Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Chantransia immersa f. rhodomelaeRosenvinge image
Neorhodomela aculeata(Perestenko) Masuda image
Neorhodomela enomotoiM. Masuda & K. Kogame Phycol. Res. 46: 29, figs. 1-20 1998
Neorhodomela irtugoiPerestenko image
Neorhodomela larix(Turner) M. Masuda J. Fac. Sc. Hokkaido Univ., Bot. 12: 308 1982
Neorhodomela larix(Turner) Masuda image
Neorhodomela larix f. superlittoralisL.P. Perestenko Krasnye vodorosli dal'nevostochnykh morej Rossii: 190, 205 1994
Neorhodomela larix subsp. aculeata(Perestenko) Perestenko image
Neorhodomela munita(Perestenko) Masuda image
Neorhodomela oregona(Doty) Masuda J. Fac. Sc. Hokkaido Univ., Bot. 12: 320 1982
Neorhodomela sachalinensis(Masuda) Perestenko image
Neorhodomela teres(Perestenko) Perestenko image
RHODOMELAC. Agardh image
Rhodomela aleuticaC. Agardh image
Rhodomela australasicaMontagne Histoire naturelle des Iles Canaries: 154, no fig. 1840
Rhodomela australisMontagne image
Rhodomela botryocarpa(J. Hooker & Harvey) J. Agardh image
Rhodomela caespitosaHarvey image
Rhodomela calamistrataMontagne Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 2, 8: 354 1837
Rhodomela callipteraMontagne Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 2, 13: 197, pl. 5: fig. 2 1840
Rhodomela cladostephus(J. Agardh) J. Agardh K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 7{8}: 48 1868
Rhodomela cloiophyllaC. Agardh Sp. Alg. 1: 375 1822
Rhodomela comosaJ. Hooker & Harvey image
Rhodomela comosa var. fibrilliferaJ. Hooker & Harvey image
Rhodomela comosa var. fibrilliferaJ. Hooker & Harvey image
Rhodomela concinnaJ, D.J. Hooker & Harvey image
Rhodomela concinnaJ.D. Hooker & Harvey in Hooker, Fl. Nov.-Zel. 2: 225, pl. CXI 1855
Rhodomela confervoides(Hudson) P.C. Silva image
Rhodomela confervoides f. abyssicola(Rosenvinge) Pankow image
Rhodomela confervoides f. gracilior(J. Agardh) W.R. Taylor image
Rhodomela confervoides f. gracilis(Kützing) Pankow image
Rhodomela confervoides f. rochei(Harvey) W.R. Taylor image
Rhodomela confervoides f. tenuior(C. Agardh) Pankow image
Rhodomela corymbifera(Gmelin) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela crassicaulisHarvey image
Rhodomela crassicaulisHarvey ex Svedelius Botaniska Studier tillägnade F.R. Kjellman den 4 November 1906: 191, 212, figs. 3, 9, pl. VI.A 1906
Rhodomela cymosa(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Rhodomela cymosaKützing image
Rhodomela dentata(L.) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela diluvianaC. Agardh image
Rhodomela dorsiferaC. Agardh Sp. Alg. 1(2): 372 1822
Rhodomela elataSonder Linnaea 25: 699 1853
Rhodomela elongata(Hudson) Fries image
Rhodomela episcopalis(Montagne) Montagne image
Rhodomela episcopalisMontagne image
Rhodomela ericoides image
Rhodomela erinaceaJ. Agardh Alg. Syst. 21{8}: 96 1885
Rhodomela fasciculataZanardini image
Rhodomela fimbriata(Lamouroux) C. Agardh Sp. alg. 1(2): 372 1822
Rhodomela fimbriata(Turner) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela floccosa(Esper) C. Agardh Sp. alg. 1(2): 376 1822
Rhodomela gaimardii_('Gaimardi')C. Agardh image
Rhodomela glomerulataMontagne image
Rhodomela gracilis(Kützing) Kützing image
Rhodomela gracilisKützing image
Rhodomela gracilisYamada & Nakamura image
Rhodomela hookerianaJ. Agardh image
Rhodomela larix(Turner) C. Agardh Sp. alg. 1(2): 376 1822
Rhodomela larix subsp. aculeataPerestenko image
Rhodomela lyalliiHarvey image
Rhodomela lyalliiW.H. Harvey image
Rhodomela lycopodioides(L.) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela lycopodioides f. cladostephus(J. Agardh) Kjellman image
Rhodomela lycopodioides f. cladostephus(J. Agardh) Kjellman 1875 Bih. K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl. 3{7}: 8 1875
Rhodomela lycopodioides f. flagellarisKjellman image
Rhodomela lycopodioides f. ramentaceaKjellman image
Rhodomela lycopodioides f. setaceaKjellman image
Rhodomela lycopodioides f. tenuissima(Ruprecht) Kjellman image
Rhodomela lycopodioides subf. compactaKjellman image
Rhodomela lycopodioides subf. distansKjellman image
Rhodomela lycopodioides subf. glacialisKjellman image
Rhodomela lycopodioides subf. laxaKjellman image
Rhodomela lycopodioides subf. teneraKjellman image
Rhodomela macracantha(Kützing) Setchell image
Rhodomela mallardiaeHarvey in J. Hooker & Harvey London J. Bot. 4: 533 1845
Rhodomela muelleriSonder image
Rhodomela muelleriSonder Fragmenta phytographiae Australiae ...: 105 1881
Rhodomela multicornisMontagne image
Rhodomela munitaPerestenko image
Rhodomela obtusata(Labill.) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela patagoniensisTaylor image
Rhodomela patagoniensisW.R. Taylor Pap. Mich. Acad. Sc. Arts Lett. 24: 161, pl. V: fig. 1 1939
Rhodomela patulaJ. Hooker & Harvey image
Rhodomela pericladosSonder image
Rhodomela pilulifera(Montagne) Endlicher Gen. plant., suppl. 3: 46 1843
Rhodomela pilulifera_('pilulifer')(Turner) Greville image
Rhodomela pilulifera_('pilulifer')Greville Alg. Brit.: li 1830
Rhodomela pilulifera_('piluliferum')(Montagne) Endlicher image
Rhodomela pinastroides(Gmelin) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela pinastroides(Gmelin) Gaillon image
Rhodomela pinastroidesC. Agardh Sp. Alg. 1: 381 1822
Rhodomela pinastroides var. episcopalisMontagne image
Rhodomela pinnataL.P. Perestenko Krasnye vodorosli dal'nevostochnykh morej Rossii: 194, 205, pl. IV: 6; pl. V: 5, 6; pl. XLVIII: 7 1994
Rhodomela preissiiSonder Pl. Preiss. 2: 182 1848
Rhodomela radicansMontagne Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 2, 13: 198, pl. 5: fig. 3 1840
Rhodomela roecheiHarvey image
Rhodomela rubraCrouan fr. image
Rhodomela rugulosaBory image
Rhodomela sachalinensisMasuda image
Rhodomela scorpioides(Hudson) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela serrulata(Lamouroux) C. Agardh Syst. Alg.: 197 (in part; see also Osmundaria spiralis in the Rhodomelaceae [p. 533]) 1824
Rhodomela sibiricaA. Zinova & Vinogradova image
Rhodomela simplicicaulisTisdall image
Rhodomela simpliciusculaHarvey image
Rhodomela spinellaJ. Hooker & Harvey London J. Bot. 4: 534 1845
Rhodomela spinosaC. Agardh image
Rhodomela spinulosa(Harvey) Harvey Phycol. Austral. pl. CXXX 1860
Rhodomela subfusca(Woodward) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela subfusca f. abyssicolaRosenvinge image
Rhodomela subfusca f. firmiorJ. Agardh image
Rhodomela subfusca f. graciliorJ. Agardh image
Rhodomela subfusca f. gracilis(Kützing) Areschoug image
Rhodomela subfusca f. lycopodioides(L.) Gobi image
Rhodomela subfusca f. rochei(Harvey) Collins image
Rhodomela subfusca f. tenuior(C. Agardh) Svedelius image
Rhodomela subfusca f. typicaKylin image
Rhodomela subfusca f. virgata(Kjellman) Rosenvinge image
Rhodomela subfusca subf. aestivalisJ. Agardh image
Rhodomela subfusca subf. flaccida(Lyngbye) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela subfusca subf. hyemalisJ. Agardh image
Rhodomela subfusca subf. juvenilisJ. Agardh image
Rhodomela subfusca subf. proliferaJ. Agardh image
Rhodomela subfusca var. flaccida(Lyngbye) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela subfusca var. gracilis(Kützing) Farlow image
Rhodomela subfusca var. penicillataC. Agardh image
Rhodomela subfusca var. rochei_('rocheii')(Harvey) Farlow image
Rhodomela subfusca var. tenuior(C. Agardh) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela swartzii(C. Agardh) C. Agardh Syst. Alg.: 198 1824
Rhodomela tenuissima(Ruprecht) Kjellman image
Rhodomela teres(Perestenko) Masuda image
Rhodomela thunbergii(Mertens ex Roth) C. Agardh Syst.: 199 1824
Rhodomela thunbergii(Roth) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela traversianaJ. Agardh image
Rhodomela traversiiJ. Agardh image
Rhodomela tridens(Mertens ex Turner) C. Agardh Sp. Alg. 1: 373 1822
Rhodomela tridens(Turner) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela tridens var. spiralis(Lamouroux) C. Agardh Sp. Alg. 1: 374 1822
Rhodomela tridens var. spiralisC. Agardh image
Rhodomela trigeneaHarvey image
Rhodomela trigeneaHarvey Phycol. Austral. 3: pl. CXXVI 1860
Rhodomela vestitaHarvey image
Rhodomela vestitaHarvey image
Rhodomela vestitaHarvey Phycol. Austral. 3: pl. CXXVI 1860
Rhodomela virgataKjellman image
Rhodomela volubilis(L.) C. Agardh image
Rhodomela volubilis(Linnaeus) C. Agardh Sp. alg. 1(2): 374 1822
RHODOMELACEAEArdissone & Strafforello image
RHODOMELACEAEArdissone image
RHODOMELACEAE trib. SARCOMENIEAEJ. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 794 1863
RHODOMELACEAE tribus SONDERELLEAEL.E. Phillips Phycologia 40: 498 2001

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Page last updated 7 October 2024