Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

RETICULOFENESTRAW.W. Hay, H. Mohler & M.E. Wade image
Reticulofenestra abisecta(C. Müller) P.H. Roth & H. Thierstein Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 14: 436 1972
Reticulofenestra alabamensisP.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra ampla(Kamptner) Jafar image
Reticulofenestra bisecta subsp. filewicziiS.W. Wise, Jr., & G.E. Wiegand in S.W. Wise, Jr. Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 71: 505, pl. 5: fig. 3; pl. 6: figs. 1, 2 1983
Reticulofenestra bisecta subsp. filewicziiS.W. Wise, Jr., image
Reticulofenestra bisecta_('biseceta')(Hay, Mohler & Wade) P.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra calicisD. Drudeli & H. Kinkel Micropaleontology 50: 370 2004
Reticulofenestra caucasicaHay, Mohler & Wade image
Reticulofenestra coenura(Reinhardt) P.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra coenuraHaq image
Reticulofenestra danica(Black) P.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra daviesii(Haq) Haq image
Reticulofenestra dictyoda_('dictyodus')(Deflandre & Fert) Hay, Mohler, & Wade image
Reticulofenestra dupouyi(Deflandre & Fert) Hay, Mohler, & Wade image
Reticulofenestra falcata(Gartner & Smith) P.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra foveolata(Reinhardt) P.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra foveolataHaq image
Reticulofenestra gabrielaeP.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra gartneriP. Roth & Hay image
Reticulofenestra hampdenensisA.R. Edwards image
Reticulofenestra hesslandii(Haq) P.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra hillaeBukry & Percival image
Reticulofenestra inclinataP.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra insignitaP. Roth & Hay image
Reticulofenestra laevisP. Roth & Hay image
Reticulofenestra maceria(His. Okada & McIntyre) J.R. Young in Young et al. Journal of Nannoplankton Research Special Issue 1: 314 2003
Reticulofenestra minutaP.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra oamaruensis(Deflandre) Stradner image
Reticulofenestra onusta(K. Perch-Nielsen) S.W. Wise, Jr. Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 71: 505 1983
Reticulofenestra parvidentata(Deflandre & Fert) Noël image
Reticulofenestra parvula(His. Okada & McIntyre) R.W. Jordan & J.R. Young International Nannoplankton Association Newsletter 12{1}: 15 1990
Reticulofenestra parvula var. tecticentrum(His. Okada & McIntyre) R.W. Jordan & J.R. Young International Nannoplankton Association Newsletter 12{1}: 15 1990
Reticulofenestra pectinataP.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra perplexa(D.A. Burns) S.W. Wise, Jr. Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 71: 505 1983
Reticulofenestra placomorpha(Kamptner) Stradner image
Reticulofenestra producta(Kamptner) W. Wei & H.R. Thierstein image
Reticulofenestra producta(Kamptner) W. Wei & H.R. Thierstein Proc. Ocean Drilling Program, Sci. Results 119: 483 1991
Reticulofenestra pseudoscissuraHaq image
Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica(Gartner) Gartner image
Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica subsp. gelida(K.R. Geitzenauer) S.W. Wise, Jr. Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 71: 506 1983
Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica var. ampla_('amplus')S. Gartner image
Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica var. ampla_(`amplus')S. Gartner Mar. Micropaleontol. 18: 330, pl. I: fig. 4 1992
Reticulofenestra punctata(His. Okada & McIntyre) R.W. Jordan & J.R. Young International Nannoplankton Association Newsletter 12{1}: 15 1990
Reticulofenestra reticulata(Gartner & L.A. Smith) P.H. Roth & H. Thierstein Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 14: 436 1972
Reticulofenestra samodurovi(Hay, Mohler & Wade) Bukry & Percival image
Reticulofenestra samodurovi(Hay, Mohler & Wade) P.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra scissuraHay, Mohler & Wade image
Reticulofenestra scrippsae(Bukry & Percival) P.H. Roth image
Reticulofenestra sessilis(Lohmann) R.W. Jordan & J.R. Young International Nannoplankton Association Newsletter 12{1}: 15 1990
Reticulofenestra tenuistriata(Kamptner) E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 49: 542 1979
Reticulofenestra umbiliva(Levin) Gartner image
Reticulofenestra wadeaeP.R. Bown J. Nannoplankton Res. 27: 26, pl. 2: figs. 21-25 2005

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024