Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Acropeltis phyllophoraHooker f. & Harvey image
Acropeltis phyllophoraJ. Hooker & Harvey London J. Bot. 6: 407 1847
Blastophye phyllophora(J. Agardh) J. Agardh Lunds Universitets A\*ors-Skrift 28{6}: 72 1892
Carpopeltis phyllophora(J. Hooker & Harvey) Schmitz in Schmitz & Hauptfleisch, In A. Engler & K. Prantl (eds.), Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien ... I.Teil, Abt. 2: 514 1897
Cryptonemia phyllophora(Harvey) J. Agardh image
Cryptonemia phyllophora(J. Hooker & Harvey) J. Agardh Alg. Syst. 8{6}: 6 1872
Delesseria alata var. phyllophoraRuprecht image
Delesseria beringiana f. phyllophoraRuprecht image
Delesseria phyllophoraJ. Agardh image
Hydrolapatha phyllophora(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Kallymenia phyllophora f. orbicularisSetchell & Gardner image
Kallymenia phyllophora f. orbicularisSetchell & N.L. Gardner Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 1: 308 1903
Kallymenia phyllophora f. typicaSetchell & Gardner image
Kallymenia phyllophoraJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr. 8, Afd. Math. och Naturv. 6: 9, no fig. 1872
Lyrella phyllophoraeGusliakov in Gusliakov et al. Atlas of diatoms of benthos of the northwestern Black Sea: 37, pl. XLIX: figs. 1, 2 1992
Membranoptera phyllophora(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Periphyllophora mirabilis(Schiller) Kamptner Arch. Protistenk. 89: 309 1937
PHYLLOPHORA(Greville) Endlicher image
PHYLLOPHORAGreville image
PHYLLOPHORAJ. Agardh image
Phyllophora abyssalisSkottsberg image
Phyllophora aegeiG. Giaccone Giornale Botanico Italiano 102: 405, figs. 5-7, 10 1968
Phyllophora ahnfeltioidesSkottsberg image
Phyllophora antarcticaA. Gepp & E.S. Gepp image
Phyllophora appendiculataSkottsberg image
Phyllophora bangii(Hornemann) Areschoug image
Phyllophora brodiei f. balticaAreschoug ex Gobi image
Phyllophora brodiei f. balticaJ.E. Areschoug image
Phyllophora brodiei f. concatenata(Lyngbye) Kylin image
Phyllophora brodiei f. cuneatopalmata_('cuneato-palmata')Mazza image
Phyllophora brodiei f. elongata(Hauck) Svedelius image
Phyllophora brodiei f. filiformisRosenvinge image
Phyllophora brodiei f. latifoliaRabenhorst image
Phyllophora brodiei f. ligulata(C. Agardh) Sjöstedt image
Phyllophora brodiei f. linearisMazza image
Phyllophora brodiei f. stellataRosenvinge image
Phyllophora brodiei f. typicaKylin image
Phyllophora brodiei subsp. interrupta(Greville) Rosenvinge image
Phyllophora brodiei var. angustissima(Turner) Rabenhorst image
Phyllophora brodiei var. balticaHauck image
Phyllophora brodiei var. concatenata(Lyngbye) Areschoug image
Phyllophora brodiei var. concatenata(Lyngbye) Rabenhorst image
Phyllophora brodiei var. elongataHauck image
Phyllophora brodiei var. ligulata(Agardh) Rabenhorst image
Phyllophora brodiei var. pumilaSuhr ex Rabenhorst image
Phyllophora brodiei var. simplex(Greville) Harvey image
Phyllophora brodiei_('brodiaei')(Turner) J. Agardh Alg. medit.: 93 1842
Phyllophora californica(J. Agardh) Kylin Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 27{11}: 34 1931
Phyllophora chamissoi 'Agardh' image
Phyllophora clevelandiiFarlow Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 10: 368, no fig. 1875
Phyllophora coccocarpaMontagne Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 3, 18: 318, no fig. 1852
Phyllophora crenulataJ. Agardh Linnaea 15: 18 1841
Phyllophora crispa(Hudson) Dixon image
Phyllophora cuneifoliaHooker f. & Harvey image
Phyllophora cuneifoliaHooker f. & Harvey image
Phyllophora denticulataLenormand image
Phyllophora diversifoliaSuhr Flora 23: 262 1840
Phyllophora epiphylla(Müller) Batters image
Phyllophora epiphylla f. bangii(Hornemann) Rosenvinge image
Phyllophora epiphylla f. tenuior(Lyngbye) Rosenvinge image
Phyllophora fimbriataErcegovic image
Phyllophora gelidioidesCrouan mscr. image
Phyllophora heredia(Clemente) J. Agardh Alg. Medit.: 94 1842
Phyllophora herediae_('Heredia')(Clemente) J. Agardh Alg. medit.: 94 1842
Phyllophora interrupta(Greville) J. Agardh image
Phyllophora intricataOkamura image
Phyllophora japonicaYendo Bot. Mag. [Tokyo] 34: 5, no fig. 1920
Phyllophora lactuca(C. Agardh) Greville image
Phyllophora lactucaGreville Alg. Brit.: lvi 1830
Phyllophora lanceolataFilarszky image
Phyllophora lucida(Turn.) Greville image
Phyllophora luxurians(C. Agardh) Montagne Voy. Po\*^le Sud, Pl. Cell.: 100 1845
Phyllophora maillardii_('maillardi')Montagne & Millardet in Maillard Notes sur l'i\*^le de Réunion (Bourbon). Annexe O: 8, pl. XXIV 1862
Phyllophora maillardii_('Maillardi')Montagne & Millardet image
Phyllophora mammillosa(Good. & Woodw.) Areschoug image
Phyllophora membranifolia(Good. & Woodw.) Endlicher image
Phyllophora membranifolia f. balticaJ.E. Areschoug image
Phyllophora membranifolia f. fibrillosa(C. Agardh) Svedelius image
Phyllophora membranifolia var. angustissima(Turner) Chauvin image
Phyllophora membranifolia var. ciliataChauvin image
Phyllophora membranifolia var. fimbriata(Hudson) Chauvin image
Phyllophora membranifolia var. latifolia(Turner) Rabenhorst image
Phyllophora morinii_('Morini')Børgesen Biol. Meddel. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. 22{4}: 33, fig. 13 1954
Phyllophora morinii_('Morini')Børgesen image
Phyllophora nervosa(DC.) Greville image
Phyllophora nervosa f. breviarticulataKalugina image
Phyllophora nervosa f. latifoliaKalugina image
Phyllophora nervosa subf. intermediaKalugina image
Phyllophora nervosa subf. nanaKalugina image
Phyllophora nervosa subf. sphaericaKalugina image
Phyllophora nervosa var. longiarticulataKalugina image
Phyllophora nervosa var. spiralis(Agardh) Zanardini image
Phyllophora nervosa var. spiralisZanardini image
Phyllophora nicaeënsis(Lamouroux ex Duby) Schmitz Flora 77: 382, footnote 1893
Phyllophora nicaeensis(Lamouroux ex Duby) Rodríguez y Femenías image
Phyllophora nicaeensis(Lamouroux) Schmitz image
Phyllophora obtusaGreville Edinburgh J. Nat. & Geogr. Sci. 3: 148, pl. IV [pro parte: 4 figs.] 1831
Phyllophora obtusa var. crispataSonder Pl. Preiss. 2: 172 1848
Phyllophora orientalisA. Zinova & Makienko image
Phyllophora orientalisA.D. Zinova & V.F. Makienko Nov. Sist. Nizsh. Rast. [Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR] 9: 61, figs. 1, 2 1972
Phyllophora pacifica(Hollenberg) Kylin Gatt. Rhodophyc.: 315 1956
Phyllophora palmettoidesJ. Agardh Öfvers. Förh. Kongl. [Svenska] Vetensk.-Akad. 6: 88 1849
Phyllophora palmettoidesJ. Agardh ex Harvey image
Phyllophora palmettoides var. nicaeensis(Lamouroux) J. Agardh image
Phyllophora parvulaDarbishire image
Phyllophora peruvianaDawson, Acleto, & Foldvik image
Phyllophora peruvianaE.Y. Dawson, C. Acleto, & N. Foldvik Beih. Nova Hedwigia 13: 63, pl. 57 1964
Phyllophora platycarpa(Turner) Greville ex Krauss Flora 29: 210 1846
Phyllophora pristoides(Turner) Greville Alg. Brit.: lvi 1830
Phyllophora pseudoceranoides(Gmelin) Newroth & Taylor image
Phyllophora reptansSuhr Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher 18(suppl. 1): 285, pl. III: fig. 10 1841
Phyllophora rubens(L.) Greville image
Phyllophora rubens var. nervosa(De Candolle) Hauck image
Phyllophora seminervis(C. Agardh) Greville image
Phyllophora sicula(Kützing) M.D. Guiry & L.M. Irvine Irish Nat. J. 18: 284 1976
Phyllophora spissaSuhr Flora 23: 262-263 1840
Phyllophora submaritima_('submaritimus')E.Y. Dawson Allan Hancock Found. Occ. Paper 8: 6, figs. 17, 18 1949
Phyllophora submaritimusDawson image
Phyllophora trailliiE.M. Holmes ex E.A.L. Batters Hist. Berwickshire Naturalists' Club 12: 334, pl. XI: figs. 6-11 1890
Phyllophora trailliiHolmes & Batters image
Phyllophora trailliiHolmes mscr. image
Phyllophora truncata(Pallas) Newroth & Taylor image
Phyllophora truncata(Pallas) Zinova image
Phyllophora truncata f. brodiaei(Turner) P.R. Newroth & A.R.A. Taylor image
Phyllophora truncata f. brodiei_('brodiaei')(Turner) P.R. Newroth & A.R.A. Taylor Phycologia 10: 96 1971
Phyllophora turquetii(Hariot) Skottsberg image
Phyllophora vittata(Turner) Greville image
PHYLLOPHORACEAEStizenberger image
Pseudoblaste phyllophoraeReinsch image
Pseudophycodrys phyllophora(J. Agardh) Skottsberg image
Rhodymenia phyllophoraHarvey Trans. R. Irish Acad. 22(Sci.): 554 1855
SPHAEROCOCCUS sectionsPHYLLOPHORA (Greville) Endlicher image

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Page last updated 7 October 2024