Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

PARAPHYSOMONASDe Saedeleer image
Paraphysomonas acantholepisPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas acuminataJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 565, fig. 4A,B 2014
Paraphysomonas acuminata subsp. cuspidataJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 565, fig. 4F,G 2014
Paraphysomonas amphiplanaWujek image
Paraphysomonas antarcticaTakahashi image
Paraphysomonas bandaiensisTakahashi image
Paraphysomonas bisorbulinaY. Gao, C.K. Tseng, & Y. Guo Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol. 11: 111, fig. 2k, pl. II:D-H 1993
Paraphysomonas bourrellyi(Takahashi) Preisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas butcheriPennick & Clarke image
Paraphysomonas butcheriPennick & K.J. Clarke Brit. Phycol. J. 7: 45, figs. 1-13 1972
Paraphysomonas caelifricaPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas cambrispinaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 569, fig. 8G,H 2014
Paraphysomonas campanulataNicholls image
Paraphysomonas cancellataH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 625, fig. 18 1983
Paraphysomonas cancellataPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas canistrumH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 622, fig. 15 1983
Paraphysomonas canistrumPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas capreolataPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas caronii_('caroni')J.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 573, fig. 10G-K 2014
Paraphysomonas circumforaminiferaD.E. Wujek Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 102: 165, figs. 1-3 1983
Paraphysomonas circumvallata subsp. mediogranulataPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas circumvallataThomsen image
Paraphysomonas corbidiferaPennick & Clarke Brit. Phycol. J. 8: 147, figs. 1-10 1973
Paraphysomonas coronataØ. Moestrup & B. Zimmermann in Thomsen et al. Nord. J. Bot. 1: 570, figs. 34, 38, 39 1982
Paraphysomonas coronataMoestrup & Zimmermann image
Paraphysomonas coronata subsp. poteriophora(Ø. Moestrup & J. Kristiansen) N. Vørs in N. Vørs, B. Johansen, & H. Havskum Nova Hedwigia 50: 342 1990
Paraphysomonas corynephoraPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas cribosaI.A.N. Lucas J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 48: 437, pl. I 1968
Paraphysomonas cylicophoraLeadbeater image
Paraphysomonas diademifera(Takahashi) Preisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas dimorphaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 573, fig. 11H-B 2014
Paraphysomonas eiffeliiH.A. Thomsen in Thomsen et al. Nord. J. Bot. 1: 573, figs. 41-44 1981
Paraphysomonas eiffeliiThomsen image
Paraphysomonas elegantissimaH.J. Kling & J. Kristiansen Nord. J. Bot. 3: 279, fig. 46 1983
Paraphysomonas erinaceaI. S\*vtefanová & T. Kalina Arch. Protistenk. 142: 169, figs. 8, 11 1992
Paraphysomonas faveolataA.J.J. Rees, Leedale, & Cmiech Brit. Phyc. J. 9: 273, figs. 1-13 1974
Paraphysomonas foraminiferaI.A.N. Lucas image
Paraphysomonas gladiataPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas hainanensisY.-X. Wei & J. Kristiansen in Wei et al. Nordic J. Botany 32: 888, figs. 2-4 2013
Paraphysomonas hebesJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 565, fig. 6A-E 2014
Paraphysomonas hebetispinaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 567, fig. 6G-M 2014
Paraphysomonas hebetispina subsp. limnaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 569, fig. 6F 2014
Paraphysomonas homolepisH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 602, fig. 1A-F 1983
Paraphysomonas homolepisPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas ignivomaH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 615, fig. 9 1983
Paraphysomonas ignivomaPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas imperforataI.A.N. Lucas image
Paraphysomonas inconspicuaE. Takahashi Brit. J. Phycol. 11: 43, figs. 14-16 1976
Paraphysomonas inconspicuaTakahashi image
Paraphysomonas limbataH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 610, fig. 5 1983
Paraphysomonas longispinaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 573, fig. 13A,B 2014
Paraphysomonas lucasii_('lucasi')J.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 565, fig. 5A,B 2014
Paraphysomonas mantoniae_('mantoni')J.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 573, fig. 10L-N 2014
Paraphysomonas manubriata(H.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd) N. Vørs in N. Vørs, B. Johansen, & H. Havskum Nova Hedwigia 50: 344 1990
Paraphysomonas mikadiformaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 565, fig. 4H,I 2014
Paraphysomonas morchellaH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 620, figs. 13, 14 1983
Paraphysomonas morchellaPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas nigeriensisD.E. Wujek & T.A. Adesalu in Wujek et al. Tropical Freshwater Biology 12/13: 102, fig. 17 2005
Paraphysomonas oligocyclaTakahashi image
Paraphysomonas ovalisJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 561, fig. 3A-F 2014
Paraphysomonas parahebesJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 569, fig. 1a,b in Caron et al. (J. Phycol. 35: 284. 1999) 2014
Paraphysomonas perforataJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 565, fig. 1C in Rice et al. (Microbiology 143. 1997) 2014
Paraphysomonas petroniae_('petronia')J.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 573, fig. 2A in Petronio & Rivera, Acta Protozool. 49. 2010 2014
Paraphysomonas pileataI. S\*vtefanová & T. Kalina Arch. Protistenk. 142: 171, figs. 13-17 1992
Paraphysomonas planusD.E. Wujek & L.C. Saha in Sandgren, Smol, & Kristiansen (eds.) Chrysophyte algae: 381, figs. 17.2(9, 10) 1995
Paraphysomonas porosaM. Dürrschmidt & G. Cronberg Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 82 (Algol. Stud. 54): 32, figs. 47-49 1989
Paraphysomonas porosaM. Dürrschmidt & G. Cronberg image
Paraphysomonas poteriophoraØ. Moestrup & J. Kristiansen in H.A. Thomsen, B. Zimmermann, Ø. Moestrup, & J. Kristiansen Nord. J. Bot. 1: 568, figs. 20-22 1981
Paraphysomonas poteriophoraMoestrup & Kristiansen image
Paraphysomonas poteriophora subsp. manubriataH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 629, fig. 20 1983
Paraphysomonas poteriophora subsp. manubriataPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas preisigiiD.E. Wujek Pacific Science 67: 115, fig. 1k-n 2013
Paraphysomonas punctataB. Zimmermann image
Paraphysomonas punctata subsp. atremaPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas punctata subsp. hexagonaN.E. Olsen, L.K. Poulsen, N. Reuss & S.S. Steinarsdottir Nord. J. Bot. 19: 636, figs. 1-4 1999
Paraphysomonas punctata subsp. microlepisPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas punctata subsp. simpliciorPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas quadrispinaH.A. Thomsen & J. Kristiansen in Thomsen et al. Nord. J. Bot. 1: 570, figs. 27-33 1981
Paraphysomonas quadrispinaThomsen & Kristiansen image
Paraphysomonas runciniferaH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 611, fig. 6 1983
Paraphysomonas runciniferaPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas runciniferopsisD.E. Wujek & L.C. Saha in Sandgren, Smol, & Kristiansen (eds.) Chrysophyte algae: 381, figs. 17.2(12, 13) 1995
Paraphysomonas sediculosaNicholls image
Paraphysomonas segmentaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 561, fig. 3G-I 2014
Paraphysomonas sideriophoraH.A. Thomsen Brit. Phycol. J. 10: 122, figs. 20-25 1975
Paraphysomonas sideriophoraThomsen image
Paraphysomonas sigilliferaØ. Moestrup in Thomsen et al. Nord. J. Bot. 1: 574, figs. 45-48 1981
Paraphysomonas sigilliferaMoestrup image
Paraphysomonas simplexocorbitaY. Gao, C.K. Tseng, & Y. Guo Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol. 11: 113, fig. 2:l-m, pl. I:F-H 1993
Paraphysomonas sinensisJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 578, fig. 14A-E 2014
Paraphysomonas soli subsp. crocotillaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 573, fig. 11A-F 2014
Paraphysomonas soli_('solis')J.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 573, fig. 12A,B 2014
Paraphysomonas spiculosaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 578, fig. 15C-E 2014
Paraphysomonas spiculosa subsp. edaphicaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 578, fig. 15F 2014
Paraphysomonas spiculosa subsp. terricolaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 578, fig. 15A,B 2014
Paraphysomonas spinapunctataD. Wujek in Wujek & Gardiner Florida Sci. 48: 61, figs. 3-6 1985
Paraphysomonas stelligeraH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 631, fig. 22 1983
Paraphysomonas stelligeraPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas stephanolepisH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 618, fig. 12 1983
Paraphysomonas stephanolepisPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas stylataJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 576, fig. 12C-F 2014
Paraphysomonas stylata subsp. limneticaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 578, fig. 13E,F 2014
Paraphysomonas subquadrangularisH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 611, fig. 7 1983
Paraphysomonas subquadrangularisPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas subrotaceaH.A. Thomsen in Thomsen et al. Nord. J. Bot. 1: 568, figs. 15-19 1981
Paraphysomonas subrotaceaThomsen image
Paraphysomonas takahashiiCronberg & J. Kristiansen in Thomsen et al. Bot. Not. 133: 607, fig. 10B-D 1980
Paraphysomonas takahashiiCronberg & Kristiansen image
Paraphysomonas truncata(H.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd) J.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 561 2014
Paraphysomonas undulataH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 613, fig. 8 1983
Paraphysomonas undulataPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas uniformisJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 569, fig. 7F 2014
Paraphysomonas uniformis subsp. hemiradiaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 569, fig. 7A-E 2014
Paraphysomonas vacuolataThomsen image
Paraphysomonas variosaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 573, fig. 10A-F 2014
Paraphysomonas vestita(Stokes) De Saedeleer image
Paraphysomonas vestita subsp. truncataH.R. Preisig & D.J. Hibberd Nord. J. Bot. 2: 401, fig. 1G-I 1982
Paraphysomonas vestita subsp. truncataPreisig & Hibberd image
Paraphysomonas vulgarisJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 569, fig. 8C,D 2014
Paraphysomonas vulgaris subsp. brevispinaJ.M. Scoble & T. Cavalier-Smith Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 571, fig. 9A,B 2014

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Page last updated 7 October 2024