Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

CENTROPALMELLACEAEK.I. Meyer Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 57{5}: 64 1952
CENTROPALMELLALESK.I. Meyer Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 57{5}: 60, 64 1952
Korschpalmella apyrenoidosa(F. Hindák) F. Hindák Biol. Práce Slov. Akad. Vied 36: 211 1990
Korschpalmella apyrenoidosa(F. Hindák) F. Hindák image
Korschpalmella apyrenoidosa(F. Hindák) F. Hindák image
Korschpalmella apyrenoidosa(F. Hindák) F. Hindák Biol. Práce Slov. Akad. Vied 34{1/2}: 60 (key) 1988
Korschpalmella ettliiF. Hindák Biol. Práce [Slov. Akad. Vied] 34{1/2}: 64, pl. 20: fig. 6 1988
Korschpalmella ettliiHindák image
Korschpalmella microscopica(Korshikov) Fott image
Korschpalmella mucosa(Korshikov) F. Hindák Biol. Práce Slov. Akad. Vied 34{1/2}: 60 1988
Korschpalmella mucosa(Korshikov) Hindák image
Korschpalmella sphagnicola(F. Hindák) F. Hindák Biol. Práce Slov. Akad. Vied 34{1/2}: 64 1988
Korschpalmella sphagnicola(Hindák) Hindák image
PALMELLA(Lyngbye) Hansgirg image
PALMELLABory image
PALMELLALyngbye image
Palmella adnata(L.) Lyngbye image
Palmella adriaticaKützing Tab. phyc. 1: 11, pl. 14: fig. IIa 1846
Palmella adriaticaKützing image
Palmella aequalisNägeli ex Kützing image
Palmella aeruginosaCarmichael ms. image
Palmella alpicolaLyngbye image
Palmella alpicolaLyngbye Tentamen: 206 1819
Palmella anastomosansHook. f. & Harvey image
Palmella aurantiaC. Agardh image
Palmella bituminosa(Bory) Meneghini image
Palmella borealisKützing image
Palmella botryoides(L.) Lyngbye image
Palmella botryoides(Linnaeus) Lyngbye Tent. Hydrophytol. Dan.: 205 1819
Palmella botryoides var. muscicola(Meneghini) Hansgirg image
Palmella botryoides var. udaKützing image
Palmella botterianaKützing Tab. phyc. 1: 10, pl. 12: fig. II 1846
Palmella botterianaKützing image
Palmella brebissoniiKützing Tab. phyc. 1: 24, pl. 36: fig. III 1847
Palmella brebissoniiKützing image
Palmella brunneaA. Braun ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 212 1849
Palmella brunneaA. Braun ex Kützing image
Palmella bullosaKützing Alg. aq. dulc. germ. 16: [3] 1836
Palmella bullosaKützing image
Palmella bullosaKützing image
Palmella bullosaSchousboe image
Palmella castagneiKützing Tab. Phycol. 1: 9, pl. 11: fig. IV 1846
Palmella castagneiKützing image
Palmella chrysophthalmaMontagne Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 3, 12: 286, no fig. 1849
Palmella coccomaKunze image
Palmella confertaKützing Phycol. Germ.: 149 1845
Palmella confertaKützing image
Palmella crassaNaccari image
Palmella cruenta(J.W. Smith) C. Agardh image
Palmella crustaceaZanardini image
Palmella cryptophilaCarmichael ms. image
Palmella cuprinaAgardh image
Palmella cyaneaKützing image
Palmella cylindricaLyngbye image
Palmella cylindrosporaBrébisson herb. image
Palmella cylindrosporaBrébisson ined. image
Palmella defracta(With.) S.F. Cray image
Palmella depressaBerkeley image
Palmella didymaKützing Phyc. gen.: 172 1843
Palmella didymaKützing image
Palmella duraH.C. Wood Smithsonian Contrib. Knowl. 19{3}: 80, pl. X: fig. 5 1873
Palmella duriusculaKützing Phyc. gen.: 172 1843
Palmella duriusculaKützing image
Palmella effusaFries image
Palmella effusaKützing image
Palmella elminthoides(Velley) S.F. Gray Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 1: 348 1821
Palmella firmaBrébisson & Lenormand in Kützing Tab. Phycol. 1: 6 1846
Palmella firmaBrébisson & Lenormand image
Palmella flavaKützing image
Palmella flocculosaRadlkofer image
Palmella frondosa(Roth) Lyngbye image
Palmella frustulosaCarmichael mss. image
Palmella furfuraceaBerkeley image
Palmella fuscataZanardini image
Palmella fusiformisRoemer image
Palmella gelatinaSuhr image
Palmella gelatinosaMeneghini image
Palmella giganteaSommerfelt image
Palmella globosaC. Agardh image
Palmella globosaLenormand image
Palmella granosaBerkeley image
Palmella grevilleiBerkeley image
Palmella grumosaBrébisson image
Palmella grumosaCarmichael image
Palmella heterococcaKützing image
Palmella heterosporaRabenhorst image
Palmella heterosporaRabenhorst mscpt. image
Palmella hirtaReinsch image
Palmella hormosporaMeneghini image
Palmella hyalina f. rivularis(Harvey) Crouan fr. image
Palmella hyalinaLyngbye image
Palmella hyalinaSchousboe image
Palmella hyalina var. difformisKützing image
Palmella hyalina var. muscicolaCarmichael image
Palmella hyalina var. rivularis(Carm.) Kützing image
Palmella hyalina var. seriataKützing Sp. alg.: 215 1849
Palmella hyalina var. seriataKützing image
Palmella ichthyblabeKunze image
Palmella ichthyoblabe([Kunze]) Kunze image
Palmella jessenii_('jesenii')Wood image
Palmella jessenii_('Jesseni')H. Wood image
Palmella laxaKützing Tab. Phyc. 1: 11, pl. 13: fig. IV 1846
Palmella laxaKützing image
Palmella littoralisCrouan frat. image
Palmella littoreaCrouan fr. image
Palmella lividaCarmichael image
Palmella lobataSchousboe image
Palmella margaritaceaKützing Phyc. germ.: 149 1845
Palmella margaritaceaKützing image
Palmella marginata(Menegh.) Kützing image
Palmella marginata(Meneghini) Kützing Phyc. gen.: 172 1843
Palmella mediterraneaCrouan frat. image
Palmella mediterraneaKützing Phyc. gen.: 171 1843
Palmella mediterraneaKützing image
Palmella mellea(Menegh.) Kützing image
Palmella microscopicaKorshikov image
Palmella microspora(Menegh.) Kützing image
Palmella miniataLeiblein Flora 13: 338 1830
Palmella miniataLenormand image
Palmella miniata var. aequalisNägeli image
Palmella miniata var. typicaKirchner image
Palmella minutaC. Agardh Flora 10: 630 1827
Palmella mirificaRabenhorst Alg. Sachsens 55/56: no. 541 1856 (Oct.)
Palmella montana(Lightfoot) C. Agardh Syst.: 15 1824
Palmella mooreanaHarvey image
Palmella mucosaKützing Phyc. gen.: 172, pl. 3: fig. I 1843
Palmella mucosaKützing image
Palmella muscicola(Meneghini) Kützing Phycol. Germ.: 149 1845
Palmella muscicola(Meneghini) Kützing image
Palmella myosurus(Ducluzeau) Lyngbye image
Palmella myosurus var. aestivalisSommerfelt image
Palmella myosurus var. autumnalisSommerfelt image
Palmella myurusBory nom. not accepted image
Palmella nivalis(Bauer) Kunze image
Palmella nivalis(F.A. Bauer) W.J. Hooker Edinb. J. Sci. 1: 383 1824
Palmella obscuraSommerfelt image
Palmella oceanicaCrouan frat. image
Palmella orsiniana(Menegh.) Kützing image
Palmella orsiniana(Meneghini) Kützing Tab. Phycol. 1: 12, pl. 16 1846
Palmella pallidaKützing Phycol. Germ.: 149 1845
Palmella pallidaKützing image
Palmella papillosaKützing Phyc. germ.: 149 1845
Palmella papillosaKützing image
Palmella parietina(Nägeli) Nägeli in Kützing, Sp. alg.: 212 1849
Palmella parietinaNägeli ex Kützing image
Palmella parvulaKützing image
Palmella pilaSuhr image
Palmella placentarisWallroth image
Palmella placentarisWallroth ined. image
Palmella prodigiosaEhrenberg image
Palmella protuberans(J.E. Smith) C. Agardh image
Palmella protuberans(Smith) Greville image
Palmella pulchraKützing Sp. alg.: 214 1849
Palmella pulchraKützing image
Palmella ralfsiiHarvey Man.: 179 1841
Palmella rivularisCarmichael image
Palmella romana(Montagne) Bertoloni Fl. Ital. Cryptog. 2: 296 1867
Palmella rosea(Schreber) Lyngbye image
Palmella rubescensBrébisson herb. image
Palmella rubescensMeneghini mss. image
Palmella rubra(Sommerfelt) E.M. Fries image
Palmella rupestrisLyngbye Tent. Hydrophytol. Dan.: 207, pl. 69,D 1819
Palmella rupestrisSchousboe image
Palmella sanguineaC. Agardh Syst. Alg.: 15 1824
Palmella serapidisEhrenberg image
Palmella sordidaKützing Linnaea 8: 377, pl. VIII: fig. 18 1834
Palmella sordidaKützing image
Palmella spongiarumH.J. Carter image
Palmella stagnorumCrouan fr. image
Palmella submarinaCrouan fret. image
Palmella subsalsaMartens image
Palmella sudeticaRabenhorst Alg. Sachs.: 105 1851
Palmella terminalisC. Agardh image
Palmella testaceaA. Braun ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 211 1849
Palmella testaceaA. Braun ex Kützing image
Palmella texensisGroover & Bold image
Palmella texensis var. occidentalisB. Tracanna Opera Lilloana 35: 54, 126, pl. 22: figs. 3, 15; pl. 23: fig. 11 1985
Palmella thermalis "Ag." image
Palmella tuberculosaHansgirg SitzBer. K. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., Math.-Naturw. Cl. 1892: 240, pl. VI: fig. 9 1892
Palmella uviformis "Kützing" image
Palmella uviformis_('uvaeformis')Kützing Alg. aq. dulc. germ. 11: [3] 1834
Palmella uviformis_('uvaeformis')Kützing image
Palmella vermicularisSommerfelt image
Palmella virescens(Hassall) Bonhomme image
Palmella viridissimaSommerfelt image
PALMELLACEAHaeckel image
PALMELLACEAE 'KützingRabenhorst' image
PALMELLACEAEHaeckel Nat. Schöpf.-Gesch., ed. 8: 452 1889
PALMELLACEAEKirchner image
PALMELLACEAERabenhorst image
PALMELLACEAEStizenberger image
PALMELLARIAHaeckel Nat. Schöpf.-Gesch., ed. 8: 420 1889
PALMELLARIAEHaeckel Nat. Schöpf.-Gesch., ed. 8: 452 1889
Rhodymenia palmellaGrev. image
Sphaerocystis schroeteri var. palmellaceaR. Chodat & F. Chodat image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024