Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

MESOPHYLLUMMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum aemulans(Foslie & Howe) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 22 1970
Mesophyllum aesitante(Conti) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum aleuticumLebednik ined. image
Mesophyllum aleuticumLebednik ined. image
Mesophyllum aleuticumP.A. Lebednik Diss. Abstr. Int., Sect. B, 36: 2596 1975
Mesophyllum aleuticumP.A. Lebednik in A. Athanasiadis, P.A. Lebednik, & W.H. Adey Phycologia 43: 128, figs. 1-19 2004
Mesophyllum almerae_('almerai')(Me. Lemoine) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum alternans (Foslie) J. Cabioch & M.L. Mendoza Phycologia 37: 209 1998
Mesophyllum annulatum(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 22 1970
Mesophyllum arakuraense_('arakuraensis')Ishijima image
Mesophyllum arcticum(Kjellman) A. Athanasiadis Tax. Litt. och Biogeogr.: 47 1996
Mesophyllum atascaderumJohnson & Tafur image
Mesophyllum aucklandicum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum australe(Foslie) Me. Lemoine Bull. Soc. Bot. France 75: 252 1928
Mesophyllum australe var. americanum_('americana')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum australe var. minutulum_('minutula')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum australe var. tualense_('tualensis')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum austriacumMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum barkoukyiSouaya image
Mesophyllum biplanumMastrorilli image
Mesophyllum brachycladum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum californicumJ.H. Johnson & W.A. Stewart image
Mesophyllum canariense(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum canariense var. difforme_('difformis')Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum canariense var. fasciatum_('fasciata')Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum capense(Rosanoff) Y.M. Chamberlain Cryptogamie: Algologie 21: 367 2000
Mesophyllum capilliforme_('capilliformis')Mastrorilli image
Mesophyllum chatamense(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 23 1970
Mesophyllum chichibuense_('chichibuensis')Ishijima image
Mesophyllum communeMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum conchatum(Setchell & Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 23 1970
Mesophyllum concretum(Howe) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum contiiIshijima image
Mesophyllum contractumMaslov image
Mesophyllum corallioides(P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Me. Lemoine Rev. Algol., ser. 2, 11: 55 1974
Mesophyllum crassiusculum(Foslie) P.A. Lebednik in A. Athanasiadis, P.A. Lebednik, & W.H. Adey Phycologia 43: 152 2004
Mesophyllum crassiusculum(Foslie) P.A. Lebednik Diss. Abstr. Int., Sect. B, 36: 2596 1975
Mesophyllum crenulatum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum crispescens(Foslie) Me. Lemoine in Børgesen Biol. Meddel. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. 22{4}: 14 1954
Mesophyllum curtumMe. Lemoine Matér. Carte Géol. Algérie, Paléontol. 9: 82 (key), 92, fig. 61, pl. II: fig. 13 1939
Mesophyllum cystocarpideum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum daviesii_('daviesi')S.R. Narayana Rao image
Mesophyllum discrepans(Foslie) Me. Lemoine Bull. Soc. Bot. France 75: 252 1928
Mesophyllum ectocarpon(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum ehrmannii_(`ehrmanni')Me. Lemoine Matér. Carte Géol. Algérie, Paléontol. 9: 81 (key), 85, figs. 52-54, pl. I: fig. 3 1939
Mesophyllum engelhartii(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 23 1970
Mesophyllum engelhartii_('engelharti')(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum eniwetokense_('eniwetokensum')J.H. Johnson image
Mesophyllum erubescens(Foslie) Me. Lemoine Bull. Soc. Bot. France 75: 252 1928
Mesophyllum exasperatum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum expansum(Philippi) J. Cabioch & M.L. Mendoza Cah. Biol. Mar. 44: 259 2003
Mesophyllum fecundusJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris image
Mesophyllum ferox(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 24 1970
Mesophyllum flexileMastrorilli image
Mesophyllum floridanum(Foslie) W.H. Adey ex M.J. Wynne Can. J. Bot. 64: 2242, 2257 1986
Mesophyllum floridanum(Foslie) W.H. Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 24 1970
Mesophyllum fluatumAdey, Townsend, & Boykins image
Mesophyllum formosanum_('formosana')Ishijima image
Mesophyllum fragilissimum(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum fructiferumAiroldi image
Mesophyllum fuegianum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum fumigatum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum funafutiense(Foslie) E. Verheij Blumea 38: 238 1993
Mesophyllum gabrielii_('gabrieli')(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 29 1970
Mesophyllum galettoiMastrorilli image
Mesophyllum gignouxii_('gignouxi')Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum grandeJ.H. Johnson image
Mesophyllum guamenseJ.H. Johnson image
Mesophyllum haptericola_('haptericolum')(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 24 1970
Mesophyllum hashimotoiIshijima image
Mesophyllum heteroclitumMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum horthocarpumMastrorilli image
Mesophyllum imbricatum(Dickie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 24 1970
Mesophyllum incertum(Foslie) [Me. Lemoine] image
Mesophyllum incisum(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 24 1970
Mesophyllum inconspicuum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum insigne(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum iraqenseJohnson image
Mesophyllum iraqenseJohnson image
Mesophyllum ishigakiense_('ishigakiensis')Johnson image
Mesophyllum isthmi(Howe) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum japonicumIshijima image
Mesophyllum javaenseJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris J. Paleontol. 23: 194, pl. 38: figs. 1, 2 1949
Mesophyllum koritzae(Me. Lemoine) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum kuehnemannii_('kühnemannii')Mendoza image
Mesophyllum kutenseMaslov image
Mesophyllum laffitteiMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum lakienseVarma image
Mesophyllum lamellatum(Setchell & Foalie) Adey image
Mesophyllum lamellatum(Setchell & Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 25 1970
Mesophyllum laxumMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum laxumMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum lemniscatum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum lemoineaeSouaya image
Mesophyllum lichenoides f. agariciforme_('agariciformis')(Pallas) Hamel & Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum lichenoides f. depressum_('depressa')(Foslie) Hamel & Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum lichenoides f. heterophyllum_('heterophylla')(Foslie) Hamel & Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum lichenoidesMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum macedonisA. Athanasiadis Eur. J. Phycol. 34: 240, figs. 1-17 1999
Mesophyllum macroblastum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum madagascarense_('madagascariensis')(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum madagascarense_(`madagascariensis')(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 25 1970
Mesophyllum mangoense_('mangoensum')Johnson & Farris image
Mesophyllum mazzapiedenseMastrorilli image
Mesophyllum megagastriA. Athanasiadis Nova Hedwigia 85: 224, figs. 37 A-E,M, 64-81 2007
Mesophyllum mesomorphum(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 25 1970
Mesophyllum mesomorphum var. ornatum(Foslie & Howe) M.J. Wynne Beih. Nova Hedwigia 116: 110 1998
Mesophyllum navarroiAiroldi image
Mesophyllum neglectum(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 25 1970
Mesophyllum niinoiIshijima image
Mesophyllum nipponicumIshijima image
Mesophyllum nitidum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum obsitumAiroldi image
Mesophyllum ornatum(Foslie & Howe) A. Athanasiadis Eur. J. Phycol. 34: 246 1999
Mesophyllum pacificumJohnson image
Mesophyllum paronai(Rain.) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum patena(Hooker f. & Harvey) Ricker image
Mesophyllum patena(J. Hooker & Harvey) Ricker Tax. & Biogr. Macquarie I. Seaweeds: 173 1987
Mesophyllum peruvianumJohnson & Tafur image
Mesophyllum pfenderae(Me. Lemoine) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum philippii_('philippi')(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum piuranumBranson image
Mesophyllum piuranum_('pueranum')Johnson & Tafur image
Mesophyllum prepulchrumJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris image
Mesophyllum printzianumW.J. Woelkerling & A. Harvey Austral. Syst. Bot. 6: 593, figs. 24-29 1993
Mesophyllum printzianumWoelkerling & A. Harvey image
Mesophyllum proliferum_('prolifer')(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 25 1970
Mesophyllum prolixum(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 25 1970
Mesophyllum pulchrum(A. Web. & Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum punjabenseVarma image
Mesophyllum purpurascens(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 26 1970
Mesophyllum ramosumMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum rigidumMastrorilli image
Mesophyllum robustumJ.H. Johnson image
Mesophyllum roveretoiConti image
Mesophyllum rupestre(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 26 1970
Mesophyllum ryukyuense_('ryukyuensis')Johnson image
Mesophyllum sancti-dionysii_('sancti dionysii')Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum sancti-dionysii_(`sancti dionysii')Me. Lemoine Matér. Carte Géol. Algérie, Paléontol. 9: 81 (key), 84, figs. 47, 48, pl. III: figs. 2, 5, 6 1939
Mesophyllum savorniniMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum schenckiiHowe image
Mesophyllum schenckii var. corticesumMaslov image
Mesophyllum schmitzii(Hariot) Mendoza image
Mesophyllum siamense(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 26 1970
Mesophyllum simulans(Foslie) Me. Lemoine Bull. Soc. Bot. France 75: 252 1928
Mesophyllum speciosum(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 26 1970
Mesophyllum sphaericumV. Peña, I. Bárbara, W.H. Adey, R. Riosmena-Rodríguez, & H.G. Choi in V. Peña et al. J. Phycol. 47: 914, figs. 1, 2 2011
Mesophyllum squamuliforme(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum stenoponA. Athanasiadis Nova Hedwigia 85: 229, figs. 23 E-H, 82-95 2007
Mesophyllum suganum(Rothpletz) Airoldi image
Mesophyllum superpositum(Foslie) Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 26 1970
Mesophyllum syntrophicum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum syrphetodesAdey, Townsend, & Boykins image
Mesophyllum tenue(Kjellman) P.A. Lebednik Diss. Abstr. Int., Sect. B, 36: 2596 1975
Mesophyllum thelostegium(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum tropicaleMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum vancouveriense(Foslie) R.S. Steneck & R.T. Paine Phycologia 25: 233 1986
Mesophyllum vancouveriense(Foslie) Steneck & Paine image
Mesophyllum variabile(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum variabile(Foslie) W.H. Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 26 1970
Mesophyllum variansMe. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum varitextumMastrorilli image
Mesophyllum vaughanii var. sarawakenseJohnson image
Mesophyllum vaughanii_('vaughani')(Howe) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum versicolor(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum vescum(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum vignyense(Me. Lemoine) Me. Lemoine image
Mesophyllum whidbeyense(Foslie) Adey image
Mesophyllum whidbeyense(Foslie) W.H. Adey K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1970{1}: 27 1970
Mesophyllum yabeiIshijima image
Mesophyllum yuyashimaense_('yuyashimaensis')Ishijima image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024