Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Boergeseniella martensiana(Kützing) Ardré Port. Acta Biol., ser. B, 10: 330 1970
Boergeseniella martensiana(Kützing) Ardre image
Eisenackidium martensianumStockmans & Willière image
Leibleinia martensiana_('mertensiana')(Meneghini) Kützing Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 5: 193 1847
Leibleinia martensiana_('mertensiana')(Meneghini) Kützing image
Lyngbya martensiana f. macedonicaCado image
Lyngbya martensiana f. minimaMelnikova image
Lyngbya martensiana f. rupestrisFremy image
Lyngbya martensiana f. tenuisWoronichin in Knipovich (ed.) The gulfs of the Caspian Sea: 132 1940
Lyngbya martensiana f. tenuivaginataForti image
Lyngbya martensianaMeneghini Comentarii di Medicina del dott. G.F. Spongia 4: 330 1837
Lyngbya martensianaMeneghini ex Gomont Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 16: 145 1892
Lyngbya martensiana var. calcareaJ.E. Tilden image
Lyngbya martensiana var. calcareaTilden Amer. Alg.: 178 1896
Lyngbya martensiana var. crassivaginataM. Gupta & D.C. Pandey image
Lyngbya martensiana var. distinctaNordstedt Alg. Aq. Dulc. Ins. Sandvic.: 4 1878
Lyngbya martensiana var. ghazipurensisPandey & Mitra image
Lyngbya martensiana var. ghazipurensisPandey image
Lyngbya martensiana var. majorFremy image
Lyngbya martensiana var. marinaHansgirg image
Lyngbya martensiana var. mendenhallianaKol image
Lyngbya martensiana var. minorGardner image
Lyngbya martensiana var. minorN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 41, pl. 8: fig. 80 1927
MARTENSIAHering image
Martensia abbottiaeA.R. Sherwood & S.-M. Lin in Sherwood et al. European Journal of Phycology 55: 175, figs. 2-10 2019
Martensia albidaY.P. Lee Algae 21: 22, fig. 2 2006
Martensia australisHarvey Trans. R. Irish Acad. 22(Science): 537 1855
Martensia beccarianaZanardini Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 10: 35, no fig. 1878
Martensia bibariiY. Lee Phycol. Res. 52: 256, figs. 22-27 2004
Martensia brunonisHarvey image
Martensia denticulataHarvey Trans. R. Irish Acad. 22(Science): 537 1855
Martensia elegansHering Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 8: 92 1841
Martensia flabelliformisHarvey image
Martensia flabelliformisHarvey ex J. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 826 1863
Martensia flammifoliaY.P. Lee Algae 21: 32, fig. 9 2006
Martensia formosanaS.-M. Lin, M.H. Hommersand, & S. Fredericq Phycologia 43: 21, figs. 28-52, 56-59 2004
Martensia fragilisHarvey Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany 6: 145 1854
Martensia gabrielleiCrouan fr. image
Martensia gigasHarvey Phycol. Austral. 5: xiv 1863
Martensia hawaiiensisA.R. Sherwood & S.-M. Lin in Sherwood et al. European Journal of Phycology 55: 177, figs. 11-20 2019
Martensia incipiensM.J. Wynne Phytotaxa 419: 204, figs. 1-7 2019
Martensia indicaKrishnamurthy & Thomas image
Martensia indicaV. Krishnamurthy & Thomas Seaweed Res. Utilis. 2: 49, figs. 12-18, 25, 26 1977
Martensia jejuensisY. Lee Phycol. Res. 52: 256, figs. 2-21 2004
Martensia kentingiiW.-C. Yang & S.-M. Lin in Lin et al. Eur. J. Phycol. 48: 178, figs. 13-29 2013
Martensia lauhiekoeloaA.R. Sherwood & S.-M. Lin in Sherwood et al. European Journal of Phycology 55: 179, figs. 30-41 2019
Martensia leei_('leeii')W.-C. Yang & S.-M. Lin in Lin et al. Eur. J. Phycol. 48: 177, figs. 2-12 2013
Martensia lewisiaeS.-M. Lin, M.H. Hommersand, & S. Fredericq Phycologia 43: 17, figs. 1-27, 53-55 2004
Martensia martensii(Schmitz) S.-M. Lin, S. Fredericq, & L.M. Liao Bot. Mar. 44: 595 2001
Martensia millariiS.-M. Lin & J.M. Huisman in Huisman Algae of Australia: Marine Benthic Algae of North-western Australia. 2: 468, fig. 134, pl. 13B 2018
Martensia natalensisS.M. Lin, Hommersand, Fredericq, & De Clerck J. Phycol. 45: 685, figs. 6, 7 2009
Martensia palmataY.P. Lee Algae 20: 280, figs. 1-3 2005
Martensia pavonia(J. Agardh) J. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 831 1863
Martensia projectaY.P. Lee Algae 20: 287, figs. 4-6 2005
Martensia speciosaZanardini Flora 57: 488, no fig. 1874
Martensia taiwanifretensisW.-C. Yang & S.-M. Lin in Lin et al. Eur. J. Phycol. 48: 183, figs. 30-37 2013
Martensia tsudaeA.R. Sherwood & S.-M. Lin in Sherwood et al. European Journal of Phycology 55: 178, figs. 21-29 2019
NEOMARTENSIAT. Yoshida & H. Mikami Phycol. Res. 44: 106 1996
Neomartensia flabelliformis(Harvey ex J. Agardh) T. Yoshida & H. Mikami Phycol. Res. 44: 106 1996
Phyllona martensiana(Suhr) Kuntze Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 910 1891
Plagiodiscus martensianusGrunow & Eulenstein image
Polysiphonia martensianaKützing Phyc. Gen.: 432 1843
Polysiphonia martensianaKützing image
Porphyra martensianaSuhr Flora 23: 277 1840
Porphyrosiphon martensianus(Meneghini ex Gomont) K. Anagnostidis & J. Komárek Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 80 (Algol. Stud. 50-53): 409 1988
Synedra martensianaF.T. Kützing image
Vertebrata martensiana(Kützing) C. Piñeiro-Corbeira, C.A. Maggs & P. Díaz-Tapia in Piñeiro-Corbeira et al. Cryptogamie, Algologie 41: 65 2020

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024