Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Archaeolithothamnion affineM.A. Howe image
Archaeolithothamnion afonenseMaslov Trudy Inst. Geol. Akad. Nauk SSSR 160: 137, text-fig. 59 1956
Archaeolithothamnion afonense_('afonensis')Maslov image
Archaeolithothamnion africanumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{10}: 19, no fig. 1906
Archaeolithothamnion airoldiiFravega Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 90: 104 1984
Archaeolithothamnion aliacenseConti image
Archaeolithothamnion amphiroiforme_('amphiroaeformis')(Rothpletz) Pfender image
Archaeolithothamnion anastomosansPfender image
Archaeolithothamnion antenorensePfender image
Archaeolithothamnion archisporangium_('archisporangia')Sripada Rao image
Archaeolithothamnion aschersonii f. durum_('dura')(Heydrich) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion aschersonii f. molle_('mollis')(Heydrich) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion aschersonii_('Aschersoni')(Schwanger) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion australasicumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{8}: 12, no fig. 1907
Archaeolithothamnion azanienseAiroldi image
Archaeolithothamnion batalleriMe. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion batuenseAiroldi image
Archaeolithothamnion breviumMe. Lemoine Matér. Carte Géol. Algérie, Paléontol. 9: 40 (key), 43, figs. 4, 5, pl. I: fig. 4 1939
Archaeolithothamnion brevium var. substriatumMe. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion cenomanicum(Rothpletz) Foslie (cont.) image
Archaeolithothamnion cenomanicum(Rothpletz) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion chamarrosumJohnson image
Archaeolithothamnion chamorrosum f. mamillosumSegonzac image
Archaeolithothamnion chamorrosumJohnson image
Archaeolithothamnion cherrapunjiense_('cherrapunjiensis')(Das Gupta) Sripada Rao image
Archaeolithothamnion chilenseFoslie image
Archaeolithothamnion cohaerensSegonzac image
Archaeolithothamnion crassiramosumPilger in Voeltzkow Reise Ostafrika: 39, pl. 5: figs. 1-3 1908
Archaeolithothamnion crassum(Heydrich) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion cretaceumPfender image
Archaeolithothamnion crispatum(Hauck) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{2}: 3 1898
Archaeolithothamnion crosslandii_('Crosslandi')Me. Lemoine Arch. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. ser. 6, 4: 57, fig. 14, pl. II: figs. 1, 2 1930
Archaeolithothamnion crosslandii_('crosslandi')Me. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion crustatumJ.H. Johnson image
Archaeolithothamnion cyrenaicumRaineri image
Archaeolithothamnion dalloniiMe. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion dehorneae_('dehornae')Pfender image
Archaeolithothamnion digitatumPfender image
Archaeolithothamnion dimotumFoslie & Howe Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 4: 128, pl. 80: fig. 1, pl. 87 1906
Archaeolithothamnion dollfusii_('dollfussi')Me. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion durumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{8}: 11 1907
Archaeolithothamnion ellipticumMe. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion eniwetokense_('eniwetokensis')J.H. Johnson image
Archaeolithothamnion episoredionW.H. Adey, R.A. Townsend, & W.T Boykins image
Archaeolithothamnion episoredionW.H. Adey, R.A. Townsend, & W.T. Boykins Smithsonian Contr. Mar. Sci. 15: 48(= key), 51, fig. 35 1982
Archaeolithothamnion episporumHowe Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, Bulletin 103: 2, pls. 1-6 1919
Archaeolithothamnion erythraeum(Rothpletz) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{5}: 8 1900
Archaeolithothamnion erythraeum f. durum_('dura')(Heydrich) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{5}: 8 1900
Archaeolithothamnion erythraeum f. molle_('mollis')(Heydrich) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion ferganenseMaslov Trudy Inst. Geol. Akad. Nauk SSSR 160: 186, pl. LXXIV; text-fig. 102 1956
Archaeolithothamnion feuilleiMe. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion fijiense_('fijiensis')J.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris image
Archaeolithothamnion floridanumJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris image
Archaeolithothamnion fosliei(Heydrich) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion fosteriJohnson image
Archaeolithothamnion fosteriJohnson image
Archaeolithothamnion gosaviense(Rothpletz) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion guembelii_('Gümbeli')Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion gunteriJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris image
Archaeolithothamnion hanazawae_('hanazawai')Ishijima Jap. J. Geol. Geogr. XV(1-2): 15, pl. I: fig. 4 1938
Archaeolithothamnion haugii_('haugi')Pfender image
Archaeolithothamnion hemchandrii_('hemchandri')Sripada Rao image
Archaeolithothamnion hippuritorumPfender image
Archaeolithothamnion hippuritorum var. pygmaeumPfender image
Archaeolithothamnion howeiMe. Lemoine Arch. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. ser. 6, 4: 40, figs. 1, 2, pl. I: fig. 4 1930
Archaeolithothamnion intermediumRaineri image
Archaeolithothamnion irinaeMaslov Trudy Inst. Geol. Akad. Nauk SSSR 160: 153, pl. LVI: figs. 1, 2; text-fig. 76 1956
Archaeolithothamnion keenanii var. lvovicumMaslov Trudy Inst. Geol. Akad. Nauk SSSR 160: 151, pl. LIII: fig. 2; pls. LIV, LV; text-fig. 75 1956
Archaeolithothamnion keenanii_('keenani')Howe image
Archaeolithothamnion kobamazimenseIshijima Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 32: 354 (in Japanese), 357 (in English), pl. 1: figs. 1-3; text-fig. 1942
Archaeolithothamnion kuboienseIshijima Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 32: 355 (in Japanese), 358 (in English), pl. 2: figs. 1-3; text-fig. 1942
Archaeolithothamnion lakiense_('lakiensis')Varma image
Archaeolithothamnion langrinense_('langrinensis')K.S. Rao image
Archaeolithothamnion langrinense_('langrinensis')Sripada Rao image
Archaeolithothamnion latifoliaceumPfender image
Archaeolithothamnion lauensumJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris image
Archaeolithothamnion leithakalkiS. Conti Publ. Ist. Geol. Univ. Genova ser. A. Paleontol. 2: 40-42, pl. III 1945
Archaeolithothamnion lemoineae_('Lemoinei')Weber-van Bosse Vid. Meddel. Dansk Naturh. For. Kobenhavn 81: 114, fig. 24 1926
Archaeolithothamnion lemoineiWeber-van Bosse image
Archaeolithothamnion liberumMe. Lemoine Matér. Carte Géol. Algérie, Paléontol. 9: 51 (key), 61, fig. 26, pl. I: fig. 14 1939
Archaeolithothamnion lithothamnioides 'Foslie' image
Archaeolithothamnion lithothamnioides(Foslie) De Toni Sylloge algarum ... Vol. IV. Florideae. Sectio IV: p. 1724 1905
Archaeolithothamnion lucasii_('lucasi')Segonzac image
Archaeolithothamnion lugeonii_('Luqeoni')Pfender image
Archaeolithothamnion lycoperdioides(Michelin) Me. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion macrosporangiumJohnson image
Archaeolithothamnion mamillosum(Gümbel) Me. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion mansionenseSegonzac image
Archaeolithothamnion marmoreumMunier-Chalmas ms. image
Archaeolithothamnion marshallensumJ.H. Johnson image
Archaeolithothamnion mediterraneum(Heydrich) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion mediterraneumHeydrich image
Archaeolithothamnion megamiense_('megamiensis')Ishijima image
Archaeolithothamnion megasporumJohnson image
Archaeolithothamnion mirabileFoslie K. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 1898{6}: 3 1899
Archaeolithothamnion molle(Heydrich) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion myriosporumJohnson image
Archaeolithothamnion nammalense_('nammalensis')Varma image
Archaeolithothamnion nongsteinense_('nongsteinensis')K.S. Rao image
Archaeolithothamnion nongsteinense_('nongsteinensis')Sripada Rao image
Archaeolithothamnion oulianoffii_('Oulianovi')Pfender image
Archaeolithothamnion pacificum(Dawson) Dawson image
Archaeolithothamnion pacificum(E.Y. Dawson) E.Y. Dawson Pac. Nat. 4: 8 1963
Archaeolithothamnion parisiense(Gümbel) Me. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion paronae_('paronai')Raineri image
Archaeolithothamnion penicillumPfender image
Archaeolithothamnion perplexumJ.H. Johnson image
Archaeolithothamnion platycarpumFoslie image
Archaeolithothamnion pondicherriense_('pondicherriensis')Sastry, Rao, & Iqbaluddin image
Archaeolithothamnion praeerithraeumAiroldi image
Archaeolithothamnion provincialePfender image
Archaeolithothamnion ptychoides(Heydrich) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion puntienseAiroldi image
Archaeolithothamnion ranikotense_('ranikotensis')S.R. Narayana Rao image
Archaeolithothamnion ravae_('Ravai')Airoldi image
Archaeolithothamnion rothpletzii_('Rothpletzi')(Trabacco) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion rudeMe. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion saipanenseJohnson image
Archaeolithothamnion samanense_('samanensis')S.R. Narayana Rao image
Archaeolithothamnion sarawakenseJohnson image
Archaeolithothamnion schmidtii f. dissitum_('dissita')Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion schmidtii f. dissitum_(`dissita')Foslie in J.S. Gardiner (ed.) Fauna & Geogr. Maldive & Laccadive Arch. 1: 464, pl. XXIV: fig. 1 1903
Archaeolithothamnion schmidtiiFoslie in Schmidt Bot. Tidsskr. 24: 16, no fig. 1901
Archaeolithothamnion sibogaeA. Weber-van Bosse & Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion sibogaeWeber-van Bosse & Foslie in Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1901{1}: 3, no fig. 1901
Archaeolithothamnion sociabileMe. Lemoine image
Archaeolithothamnion somense_('somensis')R. Endo image
Archaeolithothamnion statiellenseAiroldi image
Archaeolithothamnion stefaninii(Airoldi) Mastrorilli Atti Ist. Geol. Univ. Genova 5: 153 1968
Archaeolithothamnion stefaniniiRaineri in Chiovenda Fl. Somala: 409, pl. L: figs. 1-3 1929
Archaeolithothamnion taiwanenseIshijima Taiwan Tigaku Kizi 13: 2, 2 text-figs. 1942
Archaeolithothamnion taiwanense_('taiwanensis')Ishijima image
Archaeolithothamnion timorenseFoslie Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 61: 42, pl. VIII: figs. 1-14 1904
Archaeolithothamnion torulosum 'Gümbel' image
Archaeolithothamnion turonicum(Rothpletz) Foslie image
Archaeolithothamnion zonatosporumFoslie (cont.) image
Archaeolithothamnion zonatosporumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 14, no fig. 1906
Archaeolithothamnion zonatumVarma image
BOREOLITHOTHAMNIONP.W. Gabrielson, G.W. Maneveldt, J.R. Hughey, & V. Peña Journal of Phycology 59: 753 2023
Boreolithothamnion giganteum(L.R. Mason) P.W. Gabrielson, G.W. Maneveldt, J.R. Hughey, & V. Peña Journal of Phycology 59: 755 2023
Boreolithothamnion glaciale(Kjellman) P.W. Gabrielson, G.W. Maneveldt, J.R. Hughey, & V. Peña Journal of Phycology 59: 754 2023
Boreolithothamnion lemoineae(W.H. Adey) P.W. Gabrielson, G.W. Maneveldt, J.R. Hughey, & V. Peña Journal of Phycology 59: 755 2023
Boreolithothamnion phymatodeum(Foslie) P.W. Gabrielson, G.W. Maneveldt, J.R. Hughey, & V. Peña Journal of Phycology 59: 755 2023
Boreolithothamnion sonderi(Hauck) P.W. Gabrielson, G.W. Maneveldt, J.R. Hughey, & V. Peña Journal of Phycology 59: 756 2023
Boreolithothamnion soriferum(Kjellman) P.W. Gabrielson, G.W. Maneveldt, J.R. Hughey, & V. Peña Journal of Phycology 59: 756 2023
Boreolithothamnion tophiforme(Esper) P.W. Gabrielson, G.W. Maneveldt, J.R. Hughey, & V. Peña Journal of Phycology 59: 756 2023
EULITHOTHAMNION(M.H. Foslie) G. Trabucco image
Eulithothamnion foslieG. Trabucco image
Eulithothamnion fosliei_('foslie')G. Trabucco image
Eulithothamnion langhianumG. Trabucco image
Eulithothamnion suganum(F.A. Rothpletz) G. Trabucco image
Eulithothamnion vernaeG. Trabucco image
LITHOPHYLLUM(Philippi) Foslie subgenus of Lithothamnion image
LITHOTHAMNIONHeydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 412 1897
Lithothamnion abrardii_('abrardi')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion absonumFoslie image
Lithothamnion acclineFoslie image
Lithothamnion acervatumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1907{6}: 4 1907
Lithothamnion aculeiferumL.R. Mason in Setchell & Mason Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 29: 94 1943
Lithothamnion adeyiP.W. Gabrielson et al. in N.A. Sloan & P.M. Bartier Parks Canada Techn. Rep. Ecosystem Sci. 27: 51, 80 (map 187) 2000
Lithothamnion adplicitumFoslie image
Lithothamnion aemulans(Foslie & Howe) Foslie image
Lithothamnion aesitanteConti image
Lithothamnion affine f. complanatum_('complanata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion affine f. tuberosum_('tuberosa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion affineFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1897{1}: 13, no fig. 1897
Lithothamnion agariciforme(Harvey) Rodriguez y Femenias image
Lithothamnion agariciforme(Pallas) Rodríguez y Femenías Anal. Soc. Espan\*~. Hist. Nat. 18{Mem.}: 373 1889
Lithothamnion agariciforme f. decussatum_('decussata')(Ellis & Solander) Foslie image
Lithothamnion agariciforme f. decussatum_(`decussata')(Ellis & Solander) Foslie Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. [Trondheim] 1897{1}: 5 1897
Lithothamnion agariciforme f. hibernicum_('hibernica')Foslie image
Lithothamnion aggregatumMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion airoldiiConti image
Lithothamnion alasaniiMaslov image
Lithothamnion albumHeydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 66 1897
Lithothamnion alcicorneKjellman Vega-Exped. Vet. Arb. 3: 121, pl. 5: figs. 1-8 1883
Lithothamnion alifanenseJohnson image
Lithothamnion amakusaensisIshijima image
Lithothamnion amphiroiforme_('amphiroaeformis')Rothpletz image
Lithothamnion andamanenseA.K. Chatterji & M.N. Gururaja Rec. Geol. Surv. India 99{2}: 135, pl. 37: figs. 2, 3 1972
Lithothamnion andamanensisChatterji & Gururaja image
Lithothamnion andrusovii_('andrusovi')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion andrussowiiK.N. Deckenbach Dnevn. S"ezda Russk. Estestvoisp. i Vrachej 11: 478 1901
Lithothamnion angolenseRomanes image
Lithothamnion annulatumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{10}: 18, no fig. 1906
Lithothamnion antarcticum(Hooker & Harvey) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion antarcticum(J. Hooker & Harvey) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1899(5): 13 1900
Lithothamnion apiculatum f. connatum_('connata')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 82, pl. 15: figs. 9-13 1895
Lithothamnion apiculatum f. parvicoccum_('parvicocca')Foslie image
Lithothamnion apiculatum f. patulum_('patula')Foslie image
Lithothamnion apiculatumFoslie image
Lithothamnion applanatumMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion araiiIshijima image
Lithothamnion arcticum(Kjellman) Foslie image
Lithothamnion arotenseAiroldi mss. image
Lithothamnion aschersonii_('aschersoni')Schwager image
Lithothamnion asperulum(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion asperulum(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1907{6}: 6 1907
Lithothamnion asperulumGümbel image
Lithothamnion aucklandicum(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion australe(Foslie) De Toni image
Lithothamnion australe f. americanum_('americana')Foslie image
Lithothamnion australe f. americanum_('americana')Foslie image
Lithothamnion australe f. brachiatum_('brachiata')Foslie Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 61: 24, fig. 9A (in part), pl. II: figs. 25-30, 35-38 1904
Lithothamnion australe f. minutulum_('minutula')Foslie Siboga-Exped. 61: 24, pl. II: figs. 39-62 1904
Lithothamnion australe f. novae-zeelandiae_('NovaeZelandiae') (Heydrich) Foslie image
Lithothamnion australe f. novae-zeelandiae_('novae-Zelandiae')(Heydrich) De Toni image
Lithothamnion australe f. tualense_('tualensis')Foslie image
Lithothamnion australe f. ubianum_('ubiana')Foslie image
Lithothamnion australeFoslie Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 61: 24, pl. II: figs. 10-62, test-figs. 10-12 1904
Lithothamnion bamleriHeydrich Bibl. Bot. 7{41}: 4: pl. I: figs. 1-3 1897
Lithothamnion bandanumFoslie image
Lithothamnion battersiiFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1895: 1, figs. 1-5 1895
Lithothamnion betieriMe. Lemoine Matér. Carte Géol. Algérie, Paléontol. 9: 64 (key), 70, fig. 31, pl. I: figs. 1, 7 1939
Lithothamnion bikiniense_('bikiniensum')Johnson image
Lithothamnion biserialisW.O. Dietrich image
Lithothamnion bisporumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{10}: 18, no fig. 1906
Lithothamnion bofillii_('bofilli')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion boninense_('boninensis')Ishijima image
Lithothamnion bonyenseJohnson image
Lithothamnion borealeFoslie image
Lithothamnion borneoenseJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris J. Paleontol. 23: 193, pl. 37: fig. 1 1949
Lithothamnion bornetiiFoslie image
Lithothamnion botrytoidesFoslie image
Lithothamnion bourcartii_('bourcarti')Me. Lemoine Soc. Géol. France, ser. 4, 23: 277, fig. 3 1924
Lithothamnion brachycladumFoslie image
Lithothamnion brasiliense f. heteromorphum_('heteromorpha')Foslie image
Lithothamnion brasilienseFoslie image
Lithothamnion brassica-florida(Harvey) Areschoug Sp. Alg. 2: 523 1852
Lithothamnion breviaxeFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 44, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2 1895
Lithothamnion bullaenseMaslov image
Lithothamnion byssoides(Lamarck) Philippi Arch. Naturgesch. 3{1}: 388 1837
Lithothamnion byssoides f. majorFoslie image
Lithothamnion byssoidesPhilippi image
Lithothamnion calcareum(Pallas) Areschoug image
Lithothamnion calcareum(Pallas) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. attenuatum_('attenuata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. compressum_('compressa')(M'Calla) Foslie image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. compressum_(`compressa')(M'Calla ex Harvey) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1897{1}: 9 1897
Lithothamnion calcareum f. corallioides_('coralloides')(Crouan) Foslie image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. crassum_('crassa')(Philippi) Me. Lemoine Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. [Paris] 15: 552 1909 [probably early 1910]
Lithothamnion calcareum f. eunanum_('eunana')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. flabelligerum_('flabelligera')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. majorMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. majorMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. majusMe. Lemoine Ann. Inst. Océanogr. [Monaco] 1{3}: 1, pl. I: figs. 2, 3 1910
Lithothamnion calcareum f. palmatifidum_('palmatifida')(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{5}: 13 1900
Lithothamnion calcareum f. primiramosum_('primiramosa')Heydrich image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. pseudoflabelligerum_('pseudoflabelligera')Cabioch image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. pseudosubvalidum_('pseudosubvalida')Cabioch image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. simpliciusculaCabioch image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. squarrulosum_('squarrulosa')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. subsimplex(Batters) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{5}: 13 1900
Lithothamnion calcareum f. subvalidum_('subvalida')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion calcareum f. uncinatum_('uncinata')(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1897{1}: 9 1897
Lithothamnion calcareum f. validum_('valida')Foslie image
Lithothamnion calcareum var. eunanum_('eunana')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion calcareum var. norvegicumAreschoug Nova Acta R. Soc. Sci. Upsal., ser. 3, 10{1}: 4, no fig. 1875
Lithothamnion calcareum var. squarrulosum_('squarrulosa')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion calcareum var. subvalidum_('subvalida')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion californicum f. microsporum_('microspora')Foslie image
Lithothamnion californicum f. microsporum_(`microspora')Foslie Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. [Trondheim] 1902: 5 1902
Lithothamnion californicumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{3}: 3, no fig. 1900
Lithothamnion camarasaePfender image
Lithothamnion canarienseFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{10}: 17, no fig. 1906
Lithothamnion cantabricumMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion capense(Rosanoff) Foslie Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. [Trondheim] 1898{3}: 7 1898
Lithothamnion capense f. eckloniaeFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1901{10}: 19 1902
Lithothamnion caramanienseMastrorilli image
Lithothamnion caravellenseMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion cardinellenseP. Fravega, M. Piazza, & G. Vannucci Rivista Ital. Paleontol. Stratigr. 98: 456, pl. 33 1993
Lithothamnion caroliMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion carpoklonionA. Athanasiadis & D.L. Ballantine Bot. Mar. 54: 403, figs. 1-21 2011
Lithothamnion caucasicumMaslov image
Lithothamnion cavernosumCapeder image
Lithothamnion cenomanicumRothpletz image
Lithothamnion chatamenseFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{10}: 18, no fig. 1906
Lithothamnion cherrapunjiensisDas-Gupta image
Lithothamnion circumscriptumStroemfelt image
Lithothamnion circumscriptum var. areolatumRosenvinge image
Lithothamnion circumscriptum var. validumRosenvinge image
Lithothamnion coalescensFoslie image
Lithothamnion colliculosum f. densum_('densa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion colliculosum f. laxum_('laxa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion colliculosum f. pusillum_('pusilla')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{3}: 35, no fig. 1905
Lithothamnion colliculosum f. roseum_('rosea')(Batters) Foslie image
Lithothamnion colliculosumFoslie Tromso Mus. Aaresh. 14: 43, pl. 3: fig. 1 1891
Lithothamnion compactum f. circumscriptum_('circumscripta')(Stromfelt) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion compactum f. coalescens(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion compactum f. ramulosum_('ramulosa')Samsonoff-Aruffo image
Lithothamnion compactum f. testaceum_('testacea')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion compactumKjellman image
Lithothamnion conchatum f. reclinatum_('reclinata')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 6, no fig. 1906
Lithothamnion conchatumSetchell & Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1902{2}: 6, no fig. 1902
Lithothamnion concretumM.A. Howe image
Lithothamnion congregatumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 142, pl. 20: figs. 1-6 1895
Lithothamnion conspicuum image
Lithothamnion contrariumConti image
Lithothamnion controversumMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion corallinaeformeMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion coralliniforme_('corallinaeforme')Me. Lemoine Soc. Géol. France, ser. 4, 23: 276, figs. 1, 2 1924
Lithothamnion corallioides(P. Crouan & H. Crouan) P. Crouan & H. Crouan Fl. Finistère: 151 1867
Lithothamnion corallioides f. australe_('australis')Foslie image
Lithothamnion corallioides f. australe_(`australis')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 90, pl. 16: figs. 24-31 1895
Lithothamnion corallioides f. compressum_('compressa')Heydrich image
Lithothamnion corallioides f. crassum_('crassa')Heydrich image
Lithothamnion corallioides f. flabelligerum_('flabelligera')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 90, pl. 16: figs. 32-37 1895
Lithothamnion corallioides f. globosum_('globosa')Cabioch image
Lithothamnion corallioides f. minutum_('minuta')Foslie image
Lithothamnion corallioides f. norvegicum_('norvegica')(Areschoug) Foslie image
Lithothamnion corallioides f. norvegicum_(`norvegica')(Areschoug) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 90 1895
Lithothamnion corallioides f. saxatile_('saxatilis')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 90, pl. 16: figs. 12-23 1895
Lithothamnion corallioides f. saxatile_(`saxatilis')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 90, pl. 16: figs. 12-23 1895
Lithothamnion corallioides f. saxatilisFoslie image
Lithothamnion corallioides f. subsimplexBatters J. Bot. [London] 30: 177 1892
Lithothamnion corallioides f. subvalidum_('subvalida')Foslie image
Lithothamnion corallioides var. minimum_('minima')Cabioch image
Lithothamnion corticiforme_('corticiformis')(Kützing) Foslie image
Lithothamnion corticiforme_(`corticiformis')(Kützing) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{2}: 4 1898
Lithothamnion cottoniiMe. Lemoine Arch. Mus, Hist. Nat. [Paris], ser. 6, 4: 57, fig. 15, pl. II: fig. 8 (p.p.) 1930
Lithothamnion cottonii_('cottoni')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion coulmanicumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1904{6}: 16, no fig. 1905
Lithothamnion crassiusculum(Foslie) L.R. Mason in Setchell & Mason Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 29: 93 1943
Lithothamnion crassum f. capitellatum_('capitellata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion crassumPhilippi Arch. Naturgesch. 3{1}: 388 1837
Lithothamnion crenulatum(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion cretaceumMunier-Chalmas image
Lithothamnion crispatumHauck Österr. Bot. Z. 28: 289, pl. 3: figs. 1-4 1878
Lithothamnion crispithallusJohnson image
Lithothamnion cristatum(Meneghini) Foslie image
Lithothamnion crustaceumBatters herb. image
Lithothamnion cuvillieriPoignant & Chaffaut image
Lithothamnion cymbicrusteJohnson image
Lithothamnion cystocarpideumFoslie image
Lithothamnion darwinii(Harvey) Areschoug image
Lithothamnion de-vecchii_('DeVecchii') Airoldi image
Lithothamnion decipiensFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1897{1}: 20 1897
Lithothamnion decussatumFoslie image
Lithothamnion decutescensHeydrich image
Lithothamnion deformans(Solms) Foslie image
Lithothamnion dehiscensFoslie image
Lithothamnion dehiscens var. grandifronsFoslie image
Lithothamnion delapsum f. abbreviatum_('abbreviata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion delapsum f. conglutinatum_('conglutinata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion delapsumFoslie image
Lithothamnion dentatum(Kützing) Hauck image
Lithothamnion dentatumCapeder image
Lithothamnion depressumCrouan frat. image
Lithothamnion depressumP. Crouan & H. Crouan Bull. Soc. Bot. France 7: 370 1860
Lithothamnion depressumP. Crouan & H. Crouan Fl. Finistère: 151, pl. 20: fig. 133 p.p. 1867
Lithothamnion diagramaticumJohnson & Kaska Prof. Contrib. Colorado School of Mines 1: 34, pl. 34: figs. 3, 4 1965
Lithothamnion dickieiFoslie image
Lithothamnion dickieiFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1899{5}: 7 1900
Lithothamnion diguetii_('digueti')Hariot J. Bot. [Morot] 9: 168 1895
Lithothamnion dimorphumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 68, pl. 10 1895
Lithothamnion disarmonicumConti image
Lithothamnion discrepansFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1907{6}: 8, no fig. 1907
Lithothamnion dissidens(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion divergensFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 96, pl. 16: figs. 43-50 1895
Lithothamnion douvilleiMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion durumKjellman image
Lithothamnion eckloniae(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion ectocarponFoslie image
Lithothamnion effusumGümbel image
Lithothamnion elatocarpum(Foslie) Adey image
Lithothamnion elegans f. angulatum_('angulata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion elegans f. complanatum_('complanata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion elegansFoslie image
Lithothamnion elegansZanardini image
Lithothamnion ellisianumHowe & Goldman image
Lithothamnion emboloidesHeydrich Wiss. Meeresunters. Helgoland, N.F. 4: 74, pl. II: fig. 15 1900
Lithothamnion engelhartii f. imbricatum_('imbricata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion engelhartii f. pseudocrispatum_('pseudocrispata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion engelhartii f. umbonatum_('umbonata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion engelhartiiFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1899{5}: 18 1900
Lithothamnion erinaceumL.A. Melbourne & J. Brodie in Melbourne et al. Europ. J. Phycol. 52: 182, figs. 3, 7-9, 11 2017
Lithothamnion erubescens f. americanum_('americana')Foslie image
Lithothamnion erubescens f. haingsisianum_('haingsisiana')A. Weber & Foslie image
Lithothamnion erubescens f. haingsisianum_('haingsisiana')Weber-van Bosse & Foslie in Foslie, K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1901{1}: 4, no fig. 1901
Lithothamnion erubescens f. madagascarense_('madagascarensis')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1901{3}: 3, no fig. 1901
Lithothamnion erubescens f. prostratum_('prostrata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion erubescens f. subflabellatum_('subflabellata')Foslie Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 61: 31, pl. III: figs. 23-25 1904
Lithothamnion erubescensFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1899{5}: 9, no fig. 1900
Lithothamnion erythraeumRothpletz Bot. Centralbl. 54: 5 1893
Lithothamnion esperiHeydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 66 1897
Lithothamnion esperi_('esperii')Heydrich image
Lithothamnion evanescensFoslie image
Lithothamnion exasperatumFoslie image
Lithothamnion exiguumMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion expansum(Philippi) Foslie Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. [Trondheim] 1894: 205. 1895
Lithothamnion expansum f. exiguumFoslie image
Lithothamnion expansum f. foliaceum_('foliacea')Foslie image
Lithothamnion expansum f. repensFoslie image
Lithothamnion exuberansMastrorilli image
Lithothamnion fallaxCrouan frat. image
Lithothamnion falsellum f. plicatum_('plicata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion falsellumHeydrich image
Lithothamnion farlowii(Foslie) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion fasciculatum (Lamarck) Areschoug in J. Agardh, Sp. alg. 2: 522 1852
Lithothamnion fasciculatum f. dilatatum_('dilatata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion fasciculatum f. gyrosum_('gyrosa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion fasciculatum f. incrassatum_('incrassata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion fasciculatum f. subtilisFoslie image
Lithothamnion fasciculatum var. fruticulosum(Kützing) Hauck Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., ed. 2, 2: 274 1883
Lithothamnion fasciculatum var. fruticulosum(Kützing) Hauck image
Lithothamnion faurae_('faurai')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion faurae_('faurai')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion feroxFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1907{6}: 7 1907
Lithothamnion fibulatum(Heydrich) Foslie image
Lithothamnion ficheurii_('ficheuri')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion fijiensumJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris image
Lithothamnion flabellatum f. graniiFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 98: pl. 17, figs. 1-7, pl. 22, fig. 1 1895
Lithothamnion flabellatum f. rosenvingiiFoslie image
Lithothamnion flabellatumRosenvinge image
Lithothamnion flavescens f. balanicolaFoslie image
Lithothamnion flavescensKjellman Vega-Exped. Vet. Arb. 3: 129, pl. 6: figs. 1-7 1883
Lithothamnion florae-brassica(Millet) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion florea-brassica(Millet) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion floridanumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 11 1906
Lithothamnion fornicatum f. apiculatum_('apiculata')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion fornicatum f. dimorphum_('dimorpha')(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{3}: 38 1905
Lithothamnion fornicatum f. obcrateriformisFoslie image
Lithothamnion fornicatum f. robustum_('robusta')Foslie image
Lithothamnion fornicatum f. sphaericum_('sphaerica')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{5}: 12, pl. 12 in K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894 (as L. dehiscens f. typica) 1900
Lithothamnion fornicatum f. subsphaericum_('subsphaerica')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{3}: 38, no fig. 1905
Lithothamnion fornicatum f. tuberculatum_('tuberculata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion fornicatum f. typicum_('typica')Foslie image
Lithothamnion fornicatumFoslie Tromso Mus. Aarsh. 14: 38, pl. 1(lower); pl. 2 1891
Lithothamnion foslieiHeydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 58, fig. 1, pl. 3: figs. 9-11 1897
Lithothamnion fragilissimumFoslie Siboga-Exped. 61: 13, fig. 5, pl.I: figs. 11-16 1904
Lithothamnion fretenseFoslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum(Kützing) Foslie Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. [Trondheim] 1894: 46 1895
Lithothamnion fruticulosum(Kützing) Foslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. clavulatum_('clavulata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. confinisFoslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. corymbiformisFoslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. crassiusculum_('crassiuscula')Foslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. curvirostrum_('curvirostra')Foslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. fastigiatum_('fastigiata')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 46, pl. 5 1895
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. flexuosum_('flexuosa')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 46, pls. 7, 8 1895
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. glomeratum_('glomerata')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 46, pl. 4: fig. 3 1895
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. intermedium(Kjellman) Foslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. intermedium_('intermedia')(Kjellman) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 46 1895
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. kuetzingiiFoslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. nanum_('nana')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. occidentalisFoslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. pteridoidesFoslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. ramulosum_('ramulosa')(Philippi) Foslie image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. ramulosum_(`ramulosa')(Philippi) Foslie Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. [Trondheim] 1900{5}: 13 1900
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. solutum_('soluta')Foslie Wiss. Meeresunt. Helgoland 7: 7, pl. I: figs. 18-33 1907
Lithothamnion fruticulosum f. typicaFoslie Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. [Trondheim] 1894: 46, pl. 3; pl. 4: figs. 1, 2 1895
Lithothamnion fruticulosum var. aemulansFoslie & Howe Bull. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 4: 130, pl. 81: figs. 1, 2 1906
Lithothamnion fruticulosum var. clavulatum_('clavulata')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum var. crassiusculum_('crassiuscula')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion fruticulosum var. kuetzingii(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion fuegianum(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion fumigatum f. aucklandicum_('aucklandica')Foslie image
Lithothamnion fumigatumFoslie image
Lithothamnion funafutiense(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion funafutiense f. elimbatum_('elimbata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion funafutiense f. purpurascensFoslie Bot. Tidsskr. 24: 18, no fig. 1901
Lithothamnion gabrielii_('gabrieli')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{5}: 3, no fig. 1905
Lithothamnion galapagenseFoslie image
Lithothamnion gascheiJohnson image
Lithothamnion geppiiMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion giammarinoiP. Fravega, M. Piazza, & G. Vannucci Rivista Ital. Paleontol. Stratigr. 98: 454, pl. 32 1993
Lithothamnion gibbosum f. crassum_('crassa')Foslie Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 7: 100 1907
Lithothamnion gibbosum f. parvulum_('parvula')Foslie image
Lithothamnion gibbosumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{8}: 7, no fig. 1907
Lithothamnion giganteumL.R. Mason in Setchell & Mason Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U.S.A. 29: 93 1943
Lithothamnion glaciale f. boreale(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion glaciale f. botrytoides(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion glaciale f. flabellatum_('flabellata')(Rosenvinge) Foslie image
Lithothamnion glaciale f. granii(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion glaciale f. subfastigiatum_('subfastigiata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion glaciale f. subsimplexFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{3}: 27, no fig. 1905
Lithothamnion glaciale f. torosum_('torosa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion glaciale f. verrucosum_('verrucosa')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion glacialeKjellman Vega-Exped. Vet. Arb. 3: 123, pls. 1, 2 1883
Lithothamnion glaciale var. colliculosum_('colliculosa')(Foslie) Rosenvinge K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, Naturv. Math. 7: 222 1918
Lithothamnion glaciale var. granii(Foslie) Rosenvinge image
Lithothamnion glomeratumCapeder image
Lithothamnion gosavienseRothpletz image
Lithothamnion gracilePhilippi Arch. Naturgesch. 3{1}: 388 1837
Lithothamnion gracilescensFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 87, pl. 15: figs. 20-27 1895
Lithothamnion grahamii_('grahami')Johnson & Stewart image
Lithothamnion grandeFoslie image
Lithothamnion grande_('grandis')Das-Gupta J. Dep. Sci. Calcutta 8{Art.6}: 4, pls. I, II 1926
Lithothamnion grandisDas-Gupta, illeg. image
Lithothamnion granii(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{5}: 11 1900
Lithothamnion granii f. reductum_('reducta')Foslie image
Lithothamnion granuliferumFoslie image
Lithothamnion granulosumZanardini image
Lithothamnion grumosumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1897{1}: 16, no fig. 1897
Lithothamnion guabairenseJ.P. Beckmann & R. Beckmann image
Lithothamnion guadalupenseDawson image
Lithothamnion guadalupenseE.Y. Dawson Pac. Nat. 2: 16, pl. 8: figs. 1-3; pl. 9: fig. 1 1960
Lithothamnion guatemalenseJohnson & Kaska image
Lithothamnion hameliiMe. Lemoine Bull. Lab. Marit. Dinard 7: 9, fig. 3; pl. I: fig. 2; pl. II: fig. 2 1931
Lithothamnion hamelii_('hameli')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion haptericola_('haptericolum')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 8, no fig. 1906
Lithothamnion hauckiiFoslie image
Lithothamnion hauckiiFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 58 1895
Lithothamnion hauckiiRothpletz Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 43: 304 adnot. 1891
Lithothamnion hauckii_('haucki')Rothpletz image
Lithothamnion hekfuenseAiroldi image
Lithothamnion heterocladum f. crassum_('crassa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion heterocladum f. gracile_('gracilis')Foslie image
Lithothamnion heterocladumFoslie image
Lithothamnion heteromorphum(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion heterothallumJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris image
Lithothamnion hippuritorumMunier-Chalmas image
Lithothamnion iharaie_('iharai')Ishijima image
Lithothamnion imbricatumDickie J. Linn. Soc. [London], Bot. 15: 486 1877
Lithothamnion imbricatumG. Dickie image
Lithothamnion incertum f. complanatum_('complanata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion incertumFoslie image
Lithothamnion incisum(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion inconspicuumFoslie image
Lithothamnion incrassatum(Foslie) Jadin Ann. Cryptog. Exot. 7: 171 1935
Lithothamnion incrassatumFoslie image
Lithothamnion incrustans(Philippi) Foslie Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. [Trondheim] 1894: 122 1895
Lithothamnion incrustansCapeder image
Lithothamnion incrustans f. depressum_('depressa')(Crouan) Foslie image
Lithothamnion incrustans f. depressum_(`depressa')(P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Foslie Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 122 1895
Lithothamnion incrustans f. harveyiFoslie image
Lithothamnion indicum f. subtile_('subtilis')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{8}: 7, no fig. 1907
Lithothamnion indicumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{8}: 7 ("forma typica"), no fig. 1907
Lithothamnion insigneFoslie image
Lithothamnion intergerminumMaslov image
Lithothamnion intermedium f. glomeratum_('glomerata')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion intermedium f. nanum_('nana')Foslie image
Lithothamnion intermedium f. subdistansFoslie image
Lithothamnion intermediumKjellman Vega-Exped. Vet. Arb. 3: 127, pl. 4 1883
Lithothamnion investiens f. torosum_('torosa')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion investiensFoslie image
Lithothamnion ioriiMaslov image
Lithothamnion irregulareFoslie image
Lithothamnion ishigakiensisJohnson image
Lithothamnion ishizuchienseIshijima Science Reports of the Tohoku University (Geology), special volume 4 (Hanzawa Memorial Volume): 155, pl. 14, figs. 1, 2 1960
Lithothamnion isleiHeydrich Bot. Jahrb. 28: 538 1901
Lithothamnion isthmiiHowe image
Lithothamnion japonicum f. tahiticum_('tahitica')Foslie image
Lithothamnion japonicumFoslie image
Lithothamnion johnsonii_('johnsoni')Ishijima image
Lithothamnion joleaudii_('joleaudi')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion jurassicumGümbel image
Lithothamnion kaiseri_('kaiserii')Heydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 64, pl. III: figs. 8, 12, 13 1897
Lithothamnion kaiseri_('Kaiserii')Heydrich image
Lithothamnion kasedaensisIshijima image
Lithothamnion kerguelenum f. fuegianum_('fuegiana')Foslie image
Lithothamnion kerguelenum f. obtectulum_('obtectula')Foslie image
Lithothamnion kerguelenum f. obtectulum_('obtectulum')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{6}: 10 1898
Lithothamnion kerguelenum_('kerguelena')(Dickie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion kraftiiP.W. Gabrielson in Gabrielson et al., Journal of Phycology 59: 757, figs. 1-3 2023
Lithothamnion kuehnii_('kühni')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion labradorenseHeydrich image
Lithothamnion lacroixii_('Lacroixi')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion ladronicumJohnson image
Lithothamnion laeve(Foslie) Foslie in Rosenvinge Medd. Gronland 20: 14 1898
Lithothamnion laeve(Ströfelt) Foslie image
Lithothamnion laeve(Ströfelt) Foslie image
Lithothamnion laeve f. macrosporum_('macrospora')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion laeve f. tenue_('tenuis')(Kjellman) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{5}: 15 1900
Lithothamnion laeve f. tenuissimum_('tenuissima')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion laevigatumFoslie image
Lithothamnion lamellatumSetchell & Foslie in Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1903{2}: 4 1903
Lithothamnion laminithallumJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris image
Lithothamnion laminosumHowe image
Lithothamnion lauensumJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris image
Lithothamnion lemniscatumFoslie image
Lithothamnion lemoineaeAdey image
Lithothamnion lemoineaeW.H. Adey Journal of Phycology 6: 228 [figs. 14-18 in Hydrobiologia 28: 321 (1966) not cited] 1970
Lithothamnion lenormandii(Areschoug) Foslie image
Lithothamnion lenormandii f. australe_('australis')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{6}: 8 1901
Lithothamnion lenormandii f. squamulosum_('squamulosa')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion lenormandii f. squarrulosum_('squarrulosa')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion lenormandii f. sublaevisFoslie image
Lithothamnion lenormandii var. annulatum_('annulata')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion lenormandii var. squamulosum_('squamulosa')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion lenormandii var. sublaevis(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion lenormandii_(`lenormandi')(Areschoug) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 178 1895
Lithothamnion leptumJ.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris image
Lithothamnion libanumEdgell & Basson image
Lithothamnion lichenoides(Ellis & Solander) Foslie image
Lithothamnion lichenoides(Ellis & Solander) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion lichenoides f. agariciforme_('agariciformis')(Pallas) Foslie image
Lithothamnion lichenoides f. antarcticum_('antarctica')(Harvey) Foslie image
Lithothamnion lichenoides f. depressum_('depressa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion lichenoides f. epiphyticum_('epiphytica')Foslie image
Lithothamnion lichenoides f. heterophyllum_('heterophylla')Foslie image
Lithothamnion lichenoides f. patena(J. Hooker & Harvey) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{3}: 7 1898
Lithothamnion lichenoides f. pusillum_('pusilla')Foslie image
Lithothamnion lichenoides f. rupincolaFoslie image
Lithothamnion lichenoides var. antarcticum(Hooker & Harvey) De Toni & Forti image
Lithothamnion lichenoides var. antarcticum(J. Hooker & Harvey) De Toni & Forti Mem. R. Ist. Veneto Sc. Lett. ed Arti 29{3}: 59 1923
Lithothamnion lichenoides var. patena(J. Hooker & Harvey) De Toni & Forti Mem. R. Ist. Veneto Sc. Lett. ed Arti 29{3}: 59 1923
Lithothamnion limaensumJohnson & Tafur image
Lithothamnion lithophylloides(Heydrich) Foslie image
Lithothamnion loculosumKjellman K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4 23{8}: 21, pl. I: figs. 1, 2 1889
Lithothamnion luxurumJohnson & Stewart image
Lithothamnion lybicumRaineri image
Lithothamnion macquariensisSanford image
Lithothamnion macroblastumFoslie image
Lithothamnion madagascarense_('madagascariense')(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{10}: 19 1906
Lithothamnion maemongenseJ.H. Johnson image
Lithothamnion magellanicum f. crenulatum_('crenulata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion magellanicum f. schmitzii(Hariot) Foslie image
Lithothamnion magellanicum f. taltalense_('taltalensis')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1904{6}: 17, no fig. 1905
Lithothamnion magellanicumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1895: 8, fig. 8 1895
Lithothamnion magnumCapeder image
Lithothamnion maldivicumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1902{7}: 23, no fig. 1903
Lithothamnion malthiSripada Rao image
Lithothamnion mamillare(Harvey) Areschoug Sp. Alg. 2: 521 1852
Lithothamnion mamillosumGümbel image
Lithothamnion mamillosumHauck image
Lithothamnion mamillosumHauck Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., 2: 272, pl. III: fig. 3; pl. V: fig. 1 1883
Lithothamnion mamillosumZanardini image
Lithothamnion manginii_('mangini')Me. Lemoine & Rosenvinge image
Lithothamnion manginii_('mangini')Me. Lemoine & Rosenvinge image
Lithothamnion manginii_('mangini')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion manginii_(`mangini')Me. Lemoine C.R. Acad. Sci. [Paris] 154: 1433 1912
Lithothamnion manniJohnson & Stewart image
Lithothamnion margaritaeHariot J. Bot. [Morot] 9: 167, no fig. 1895
Lithothamnion marginatum(Setchell & Foslie) Setchell & Foslie in Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1908{7}: 4 1908
Lithothamnion marianaeJohnson image
Lithothamnion marlothiiHeydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 61, pl. 3: figs. 1-3 1897
Lithothamnion mauryaeM.A. Howe in Maury Monographias do Servic\*,o Geologico e Mineralogico 11: 45, pl. XXVII: fig. 1, pl. XXVIII: fig. 1 1936
Lithothamnion mediocre(Foslie) Foslie & Nichols in Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1908{7}: 3 1908
Lithothamnion meganosiumJohnson & Stewart image
Lithothamnion melobesioidesFoslie image
Lithothamnion membranaceum(Esper) Foslie image
Lithothamnion mesomorphumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{6}: 5, no fig. 1901
Lithothamnion mesomorphum var. ornatumFoslie & Howe Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 4: 129, pl. 80: fig. 2; pl. 90: fig. 2 1906
Lithothamnion microcellulosumMaslov image
Lithothamnion microcellulosum var. juniorMaslov image
Lithothamnion microphyllumMaslov image
Lithothamnion microsporangicumKriván Hutter image
Lithothamnion microsporum(Foslie) Foslie Contrib. Monogr. Lithothamnia: 51 1929
Lithothamnion microsporumMazlov image
Lithothamnion minaeMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion minervaeD. Basso Rivista Ital. Paleontol. e Stratigr. 101: 354, pls. 3, 4 1995
Lithothamnion miocenumSamsonoff-Aruffo image
Lithothamnion mirabile(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion mirabileConti image
Lithothamnion moluccenseFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1897{1}: 12, no fig. 1897
Lithothamnion monostromaticumFoslie image
Lithothamnion montainvillenseMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion montereyicumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 14, no fig. 1906
Lithothamnion moretii var. furnesicum_('furnesica')Segonzac image
Lithothamnion moretii_('Moreti')Me. Lemoine Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. [Paris] 33: 547, figs. 2, 3 1928 ('1927')
Lithothamnion moretii_('moreti')Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion muelleri f. cingensFoslie image
Lithothamnion muelleri f. neglectum_('neglecta')Foslie Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Exped. Magellansländ. 1895-1897 17 1900
Lithothamnion muelleriLenormand image
Lithothamnion muelleriLenormand ex Rosanoff Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 12: 101, pl. VI: figs. 8-11 1866
Lithothamnion muricatum(Foslie) De Toni image
Lithothamnion murmanicumElenkin Izv. St. Petersburgsk. Bot. Sada 5: 24, figs. 1-7 1905
Lithothamnion murmanicum f. pulvinatumE. Sinova Trudy St.Petersburgsk. Obshch. Est. 43: 314, fig. 46 1912
Lithothamnion myriocarpumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1897{1}: 19, no fig. 1897
Lithothamnion nanosporum_('nanospornum')J.H. Johnson & B.J. Ferris J. Paleontol. 23: 194, pl. 37: fig. 2 1949
Lithothamnion neglectum(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion neglectum f. fragilisFoslie image
Lithothamnion neglectum var. fragilis(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion nitidumFoslie image
Lithothamnion nodosum(Kützing) Woelkerling image
Lithothamnion nodulosum f. congregatum_('congregata')(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{5}: 13 1900
Lithothamnion nodulosum f. gracilescens(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{5}: 13 1900
Lithothamnion nodulosum f. saxatile_('saxatilis')(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{3}: 62 1905
Lithothamnion nodulosumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 144, pl. 21: figs. 1-6 1895
Lithothamnion norvegicum(Areschoug) Kjellman image
Lithothamnion norvegicum(J.E. Areschoug) Kjellman Vega-Exped. Vet. Arb. 3: 122 1883
Lithothamnion norvegicum f. distansFoslie image
Lithothamnion norvegicum f. genuinum_('genuina')Foslie image
Lithothamnion norvegicum f. globulatum_('globulata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion norvegicum f. nodulosum(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{2}: 4 1905
Lithothamnion norvegicum f. pusillum_('pusilla')Foslie image
Lithothamnion norvegicum f. saxatile_('saxatilis')(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{3}: 6 1898
Lithothamnion norvegicum f. similisFoslie image
Lithothamnion norvegicum f. uncinatum_('uncinata')(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{5}: 13 1900
Lithothamnion notatumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 4, no fig. 1906
Lithothamnion novae-zeelandiae_('NovaeZeelandiae') Heydrich image
Lithothamnion oblimansHeydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 55, pl. III: fig. 17 1897
Lithothamnion obstrusumAiroldi image
Lithothamnion obtectulum(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion occidentale(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion occidentale f. effusum_('effusa')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion ocellatumFoslie image
Lithothamnion onkodesHeydrich Biblioth. Bot. 7{41}: 6, pl. I: fig. 11 1897
Lithothamnion operculatum(Conti) Conti Publ. Ist. Geol. Univ. Genova ser. A. Paleontol. 2: 52 1945
Lithothamnion oranenseMe. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion orbiculatumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 171, pl. 22: figs. 10, 11 1895
Lithothamnion orbiculatumKriván Hutter image
Lithothamnion orthoblastumHeydrich image
Lithothamnion ovatumCapeder image
Lithothamnion pacificum(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 10 1906
Lithothamnion pacificum f. crassiusculum_('crassiuscula')(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 10 1906
Lithothamnion pallescensFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1895: 4, figs. 11-13 1895
Lithothamnion pannosumMaslov image
Lithothamnion papillosumZanardini image
Lithothamnion papillosumZanardini ex Hauck Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl. 2.Aufl., 2: 272, pl. I: fig. 4 1883
Lithothamnion parcumSetchell & Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1907{6}: 14, no fig. 1907
Lithothamnion parisienseGümbel image
Lithothamnion parvulumConti image
Lithothamnion patena(Hook. & Harvey) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion patena(J. Hooker & Harvey) Heydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 413 1897
Lithothamnion patena f. antarcticum_('antarctica')(Hook. & Harvey) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion patena f. capense(Hohenacker) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion patena f. capense(Rosanoff) Heydrich Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 22{2}: 223, footnote 1907
Lithothamnion patena f. engelhartii_('engelhardii')(Foslie) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion patena f. fibulatum(Heydrich) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion patena f. incisum_('incisa')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 6, no fig. 1906
Lithothamnion patena f. novae-zeelandiae_('novae zelandiae')(Heydrich) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion patena f. rhizomae(Heydrich) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion patena f. scutelloides(Heydrich) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion pauciporosumMe. Lemoine K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., [ser. 4], 61{4}: 5, fig. 1, pl. 1: figs. 4, 6, 7 (all p.p.) 1920
Lithothamnion peckii_('pecki')Sripada Rao image
Lithothamnion peleenseMe. Lemoine Bull. Soc. Géol. France, ser. 4, 17: 260, 268, figs. 6, 16 1918
Lithothamnion pennyiHowe image
Lithothamnion pentagonumConti image
Lithothamnion perplexumJohnson image
Lithothamnion perulatumGümbel image
Lithothamnion peruvienseHeydrich image
Lithothamnion philippii f. alternansFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1907{6}: 17 1907
Lithothamnion philippii f. crispatum_('crispata')(Hauck) Foslie Wiss. Meeresunt. Helgoland 7: 13 1904
Lithothamnion philippii f. funafutiense_('funafutiensis')Foslie image
Lithothamnion philippii f. funafutiense_(`funafutiensis')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1899{2}: 3 1899
Lithothamnion philippii f. subdurum_('subdura')Foslie image
Lithothamnion philippiiFoslie image
Lithothamnion philippii var. alternans(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion phymatodeum f. aquilonium_('aquilonia')Foslie image
Lithothamnion phymatodeumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1902{2}: 3, no fig. 1902
Lithothamnion pianfolchiMastrorilli image
Lithothamnion pliocaenumGümbel image
Lithothamnion pocillumMe. Lemoine Arch. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. ser. 6, 4: 58, fig. 16, pl. II: fig. 8 1930
Lithothamnion polymorphum(Linnaeus) Areschoug image
Lithothamnion polymorphumCapeder image
Lithothamnion polymorphum f. papillatum image
Lithothamnion polymorphum f. papillatum_('papillata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion polymorphum f. papillatum_(`papillata')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 115, pl. 17: figs. 22, 23 1895
Lithothamnion polymorphum f. sublaeveA.D. Zinova Opredel. Krasnykh Vodoroslej Severnykh Morej SSSR: 81 1955
Lithothamnion polymorphum f. sublaevis(Foslie) Hamel & Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion polymorphum f. tuberculatum_('tuberculata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion polymorphum f. validum_('valida')Foslie image
Lithothamnion polymorphum var. papillatum_('papillata')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion ponderosumFoslie image
Lithothamnion ponzonenseConti image
Lithothamnion praefruticulosumMaslov image
Lithothamnion praetanapagenseMastrorilli image
Lithothamnion prascoiMastrorilli image
Lithothamnion primitivaJohnson & Kaska image
Lithothamnion proboscideumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1897{1}: 14, no fig. 1897
Lithothamnion procaenumGümbel image
Lithothamnion proliferum_('prolifer')Foslie Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 61: 18, fig. 8, pl. I: figs. 17-20 1904
Lithothamnion prolixum f. plicatum_('plicata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion prolixumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1908{7}: 9, no fig. 1908
Lithothamnion propontidisFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{6}: 4, no fig. 1898
Lithothamnion prototypumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1897{1}: 18, no fig. 1897
Lithothamnion pseudolichenoides(Heydrich) Me. Lemoine Bull. Soc. Bot. France 57: 370 1910
Lithothamnion pulchrumA. Weber & Foslie image
Lithothamnion purpurascens(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{8}: 13, footnote 1907
Lithothamnion purpureumCrouan frat. image
Lithothamnion purpureumP. Crouan & H. Crouan Fl. Finistère 150, pl. 20: fig. 133 bis: 1-5 1867
Lithothamnion pusillumConti Publ. Ist. Geol. Univ. Genova ser. A. Paleontol. 4: 117 1950
Lithothamnion pygmaeumHeydrich Biblioth. Bot. 7{41}: 3, fig. 1, pl. I: figs. 8-10 1897
Lithothamnion racemus(Lamarck) Areschoug Sp. Alg. 2: 521 1852
Lithothamnion ramulosumPhilippi Arch. Naturgesch. 3{1}: 388 1837
Lithothamnion raoiSastry, Rao & Iqbaluddin image
Lithothamnion reclinatum(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion regonisM.A. Howe in Maury Monographias do Servic\*,o Geologico e Mineralogico 11: 45, pl. XXVII: figs. 2-4, pl. XXVIII: figs. 2,3 1936
Lithothamnion repandum f. asperulum_('asperula')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 5, no fig. 1906
Lithothamnion repandum f. dissidensFoslie image
Lithothamnion repandumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1904{2}: 4 1904
Lithothamnion retusumFoslie image
Lithothamnion rosanoffiiFoslie image
Lithothamnion roseumBatters image
Lithothamnion rothpletzii_('rothpletzi')Trabucco image
Lithothamnion rotundumCapeder image
Lithothamnion roveretoiAiroldi image
Lithothamnion rubrum f. corallioides_('coralloides')(Crouan) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion rubrum f. crassum_('crassa')(Heydrich) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion rubrum f. gracile_(`gracilis')(Philippi) Heydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 29: 30 1911
Lithothamnion rubrum f. gracilis(Philippi) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion rubrum f. minutum_('minuta')(Foslie) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion rubrum f. primigenium_('primigenia')Heydrich image
Lithothamnion rubrumPhilippi Arch. Naturgesch. 3{1}: 388, pl. IX: fig. 5 1837
Lithothamnion rugosum f. crassiusculaFoslie image
Lithothamnion rugosum f. crassiusculum_(`crassiuscula')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{6}: 4 1901
Lithothamnion rugosum f. validum_('valida')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{6}: 4, no fig. 1901
Lithothamnion rugosum f. validum_('valida')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{6}: 4, no fig. 1901
Lithothamnion rugosumFoslie image
Lithothamnion ruptile(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion saipanenseJohnson image
Lithothamnion saundersiiP.W. Gabrielson in Gabrielson et al., Journal of Phycology 59: 759, figs. 4-7 2023
Lithothamnion saxorumCapeder image
Lithothamnion saxorum var. kotolukaeMaslov image
Lithothamnion scabiosum(Harvey) Foslie image
Lithothamnion scabriusculumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 170, pl. 22: fig. 9 1895
Lithothamnion schmitzii(Harvey) Heydrich image
Lithothamnion schmitzii var. crenulatum_('crenulata')(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion scutelloidesHeydrich image
Lithothamnion sejunctumFoslie image
Lithothamnion setchelliiFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1897{1}: 18, no fig. 1897
Lithothamnion shirahamaensisIshijima image
Lithothamnion siamense f. minutum_('minuta')Foslie image
Lithothamnion siamense f. pseudagramosum_('pseudagramosa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion siamense f. simulansFoslie Bot. Tidsskr. 24: 19, no fig. 1901
Lithothamnion siamenseFoslie Bot. Tidsskr. 24: 19 ("forma minuta") 1901
Lithothamnion simulans(Foslie) Foslie Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 61: 16 1904
Lithothamnion simulans f. crispescensFoslie Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 61: 16, fig. 7, pl. I: figs. 21-23 1904
Lithothamnion solutum(Foslie) Foslie Deutsche Südpolar-Exped. 1901-1903, 8: 214 1908
Lithothamnion solutum f. effusum_('effusa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion sonderi f. pacificum_('pacifica')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1902{2}: 4, no fig. 1902
Lithothamnion sonderi f. sublaevigatum_('sublaevigata')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{3}: 24, no fig. 1905
Lithothamnion sonderiHauck Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl. 2.Aufl., 2: 273, pl. III: fig. 5 1883
Lithothamnion sonderi var. sublaevigatum_('sublaevigata')(Foslie) Lemoine image
Lithothamnion soriferum f. alcicorne(Kjellman) Foslie Tromso Mus. Aarsh. 14: 41 1891
Lithothamnion soriferum f. divaricatum_('divaricata')Foslie Tromso Mus. Aarsh. 14: 41, pl. 3: fig. 2 1891
Lithothamnion soriferum f. globosum_('globosa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion soriferum f. squarrosum_('squarrosa')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion soriferumKjellman Vega-Exped. Vet. Arb. 3: 117, pl. 1 1883
Lithothamnion speciosum(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1907{6}: 16 1907
Lithothamnion spinosumCapeder image
Lithothamnion spissumFoslie image
Lithothamnion squamuliformeFoslie image
Lithothamnion squamulosumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 183, pl. 19: figs. 24-26 1895
Lithothamnion squarrulosum f. australe_(`australis')(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{6}: 6 1899
Lithothamnion squarrulosum f. australe_(`australis')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{3}: 5 1898
Lithothamnion squarrulosum f. australis(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion squarrulosum f. palmatifidum_('palmatifida')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{6}: 6 1899
Lithothamnion squarrulosum f. palmatifidum_('palmatifida')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{3}: 6 1898
Lithothamnion squarrulosum f. subsimplex(Batters) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{6}: 6 1899
Lithothamnion squarrulosum f. subsimplex(Batters) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{3}: 5 1898
Lithothamnion squarrulosumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{6}: 6 1899
Lithothamnion squarrulosumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{3}: 5 1898
Lithothamnion stefaniniiAiroldi Palaeontogr. Ital. 33: 68, pl. X: figs. 2, 3 1932
Lithothamnion steneckiiR. Mariath & M. Figueiredo in Mariath et al. Algae 27: 251, figs. 2-3 2012
Lithothamnion stroemfeltii f. macrosporum_('macrospora')Foslie image
Lithothamnion stroemfeltii f. tenuissimum_('tenuissima')Foslie image
Lithothamnion stroemfeltii_('strömfeltii')Foslie image
Lithothamnion stroemfeltii_(`strömfeltii')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 173 1895
Lithothamnion subtenellum(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion subtenellum(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion subtileConti image
Lithothamnion suganumRothpletz image
Lithothamnion suhumiiMaslov image
Lithothamnion superpositumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1899{5}: 8, no fig. 1900
Lithothamnion synanablastum f. conspersum_('conspersa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion synanablastum f. speciosum_('speciosa')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1899{5}: 11, no fig. 1900
Lithothamnion synanablastumHeydrich image
Lithothamnion syntrophicum f. ruptilisFoslie image
Lithothamnion syntrophicumFoslie image
Lithothamnion tagpotchaensaJohnson image
Lithothamnion tahiticum(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion taishakuense_('taishakuensis')Ishijima St. Paul's Review of Arts and Sciences, Natural Science 7: 3, pl. 1, figs. 6, 7 1960
Lithothamnion taltalense(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 4 1906
Lithothamnion tamiense f. unispinosum_('unispinosa')Heydrich image
Lithothamnion tamienseHeydrich Bibl. Bot. 7{41}: 1: pl. I: figs. 4-7 1897
Lithothamnion tanapagenseJohnson image
Lithothamnion taurinenseCapeder image
Lithothamnion taurinense var. reticulatumMaslov image
Lithothamnion tchernomoricumMaslov image
Lithothamnion tectifonsMastrorilli image
Lithothamnion tenuatumKriván Hutter image
Lithothamnion tenue(Kjellman) Foslie image
Lithothamnion tenue(Kjellman) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 174 1895
Lithothamnion tenueCapeder image
Lithothamnion tenueRosenvinge Medd. Gronland 3: 778, figs. 4-7 1893
Lithothamnion tenuiseptumCapeder image
Lithothamnion tenuissimumFoslie image
Lithothamnion testaceumFoslie image
Lithothamnion thelostegiumFoslie image
Lithothamnion toltecensumJohnson & Kaska image
Lithothamnion toltraenseMaslov image
Lithothamnion tophiforme(Esper) Unger image
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. affinisFoslie image
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. alcicorne_('alcicornis')(Kjellman) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 147 1895
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. alcicornis(Kjellman) Foslie image
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. divaricatum_('divaricata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. divergens(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{3}: 51 1905
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. flabellatum_('flabellata')(Rosenvinge) Foslie image
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. flabellatum_('flabellata')Foslie image
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. flexuosum_('flexuosa')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. globosum_('globosa')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. sphaericum_('sphaerica')Foslie image
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. squarrosum_('squarrosa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion tophiforme f. typicum_('typica')Foslie image
Lithothamnion torulosumGümbel image
Lithothamnion trabuccoiFoslie image
Lithothamnion trichotomumHeydrich Bot. Jahrb. 28: 538 1901
Lithothamnion trinidadensumJohnson image
Lithothamnion tsushimaensisIshijima image
Lithothamnion tuberosumGümbel image
Lithothamnion turonicumRothpletz image
Lithothamnion tusterenseFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{3}: 65, no figs. 1905
Lithothamnion uncinatumFoslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1894: 154, pl. 19: figs. 11-14 1895
Lithothamnion undulatumCapeder image
Lithothamnion ungeri f. breviaxe(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion ungeri f. corymbiformis(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion ungeri f. curvirostrum_('curvirostra')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion ungeri f. divergens(Foslie) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1900{5}: 11 1900
Lithothamnion ungeri f. fastigiatum_('fastigiata')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion ungeri f. flexuosum_('flexuosa')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion ungeri f. glomeratum_('glomerata')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion ungeri f. intermedium_('intermedia')(Kjellman) Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1898{3}: 5 1898
Lithothamnion ungeri f. nanum_('nana')(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion ungeri f. typicum_('typica')Foslie image
Lithothamnion ungeriKjellman image
Lithothamnion valensFoslie image
Lithothamnion validum(Foslie) Foslie image
Lithothamnion van-heurckii_('VanHeurckii') Chalon image
Lithothamnion vanheurckii_('van heurckii')Chalon Liste Alg. Mar.: 207, figs. 1-5 1905
Lithothamnion vardoeense_('vardöense')Foslie K. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1905{2}: 3, no fig. 1905
Lithothamnion vardoeense_('vardöense')Foslie image
Lithothamnion variabileConti Publ. Ist. Geol. Univ. Genova ser. A. Paleontol. 4: 117 1950
Lithothamnion variabileFoslie Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 1906{2}: 10 1906
Lithothamnion varians f. irregularisFoslie image
Lithothamnion varians f. verrucosum_('verrucosa')Foslie image
Lithothamnion variansFoslie image
Lithothamnion vaughaniiHowe image
Lithothamnion versicolorFoslie image
Lithothamnion vescumFoslie image
Lithothamnion volcanumDawson image
Lithothamnion volcanumE.Y. Dawson Pac. Nat. 2: 23, pl. 13: fig. 1; pl. 14: fig. 1 1960
Lithothamnion wallisiumJohnson & Tafur image
Lithothamnion wilsonensisChatterji & Gururaja image
Lithothamnion woelkerlingiiP.W. Gabrielson & G.W. Maneveldt in Gabrielson et al., Journal of Phycology 59: 762, figs. 8-10 2023
Lithothamnion yabeiConti image
Lithothamnion yendoi(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion yendoi(Foslie) Me. Lemoine image
Lithothamnion zaneveldiiSanford image
Lithothamnion zingisienseAiroldi image
LITHOTHAMNIONEAE(Foslie) De Toni & Forti image
LITHOTHAMNIONEAE(Foslie) Svedelius image

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Page last updated 7 October 2024