Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Corynospora licmophora(Harv.) E. Kylin image
Corynospora licmophora(Harv.) May image
Corynospora licmophora(Harvey) E. Kylin in Kylin Die Gattungen der Rhodophyceen: 583 1956
Gomphonema licmophoraoidesJ. Heribaud image
Griffithsia licmophora(Harvey) J. Agardh Sp. Alg. 3{1}: 63 1876
LICMOPHORAC. Agardh image
Licmophora abbreviataAgardh image
Licmophora abbreviata f. rostrata(Mereschkowsky) Proschkina-Lavrenko image
Licmophora adriaticaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora adriaticaRabenhorst image
Licmophora africanaLeuduger-Fortmorel image
Licmophora albertgrunowiiC.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 235 2015
Licmophora albertmannii(C.S. Lobban) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 235 2015
Licmophora anglica(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora anglica f. elongataGrunow image
Licmophora angustata(Grunow) Grunow image
Licmophora antarcticaCarlson image
Licmophora antarcticaM. Peragallo image
Licmophora antarcticaM. Peragallo image
Licmophora antarctica var. minorJ. Frenguelli & H.A. Orlando Publ. Inst. Antárt. Argent. 5: 166, pl. V: figs. 5-7 1958
Licmophora araphidieaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora arcuataA. Car & W. Herwig in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 231, figs. 20-31 2015
Licmophora argentescensAgardh image
Licmophora argentescens var. flabellata(Greville) Grunow image
Licmophora argentescens var. splendida(Greville) Grunow image
Licmophora attenuataC.S. Lobban, B.G. Tharngan & M.P. Ashworth Diatom Research 33: 190, figs. 5-42 2018
Licmophora aurivilliiCleve image
Licmophora australis(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora australis f. majorGrunow image
Licmophora baileyi(Edwards) Grunow image
Licmophora ballerinaC.S. Lobban & S. Blanco in Lobban & Santos, Australian Systematic Botany 35: 440, figs. 2, 3, 17-35 2022
Licmophora baltica(A\*o. Berg) A\*o. Berg Ark. Bot., ser. 2, 2: 25 1952
Licmophora bassanii_('bassani')M. Peragallo image
Licmophora belgicaeM. Peragallo image
Licmophora belgicae var. minorM. Peragallo image
Licmophora bharadwajaeMisra image
Licmophora biplacataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora bulbosaC.S. Lobban, B.G. Tharngan & M.P. Ashworth Diatom Research 33: 190, figs. 43-75 2018
Licmophora californicaGrunow image
Licmophora capensis(Grunow) Grunow image
Licmophora capitataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora capitataV. Zanon Bollettino di pesca, piscicoltura e idrobiologia (n.s.) 2: 51, fig. 8 1947
Licmophora charcotiiM. Peragallo image
Licmophora charcotii var. bacillarisM. Peragallo image
Licmophora clevei(Mereschkowsky) A. Car & W. Herwig in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 235 2015
Licmophora colosalisM.D. Belando, M. Aboal, & J.F. Jiménez in Belando et al. Phycologia 55: 395, figs. 2-20 2016
Licmophora communis(Heiberg) Grunow image
Licmophora communisGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XLVIII: figs. 8, 9 1881
Licmophora communis var. elegansMøller image
Licmophora comnavmariaC.S. Lobban & M. Schefter Marine Biodiversity Records 6{e109}: 2, figs. 2-6 2013
Licmophora complanataC.S. Lobban Diatom 37: 60 2021
Licmophora constrictaGrunow image
Licmophora craticula(Montagne) De Toni image
Licmophora crystallina(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora cuneata(Lyngbye) M.D. Guiry Notulae Algarum 266: 1 2022
Licmophora curvataC.S. Lobban, B.G. Tharngan & M.P. Ashworth Diatom Research 33: 195, figs. 76-117 2018
Licmophora dalmatica(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora dalmatica f. brevisGrunow image
Licmophora dalmatica var. parvaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora dalmatica var. tenella(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora debilis(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora debilis f. elongataGrunow image
Licmophora debilis f. elongataGrunow image
Licmophora debilis var. clavataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora debilis var. hastataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora debilis var. laevissimaGrunow image
Licmophora debyi(Leuduger-Fortmorel) Mann image
Licmophora debyiA. Mann U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 100 6: 86, pl. 18: fig. 6 1925
Licmophora decoraHeiden image
Licmophora divergensPantocsek image
Licmophora divisaKützing image
Licmophora dubia var. adriaticaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora dubia var. latiorMereschkowsky image
Licmophora ehrenbergii(Kützing) Grunow Hedwigia 6: 36 1867
Licmophora ehrenbergii(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora ehrenbergii f. angustata_('angustatum')(Grunow) Grunow image
Licmophora ehrenbergii f. elegans(Mereschkowski) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., 7{2}: 71 1931
Licmophora ehrenbergii f. grunowii(Mereschkowski) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., 7{2}: 70 1931
Licmophora ehrenbergii f. longissima [Petkoff] image
Licmophora ehrenbergii f. majorGrunow image
Licmophora ehrenbergii f. rhombicaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora ehrenbergii var. fungoidesMereschkowsky image
Licmophora ehrenbergii var. maeoticaPantocsek image
Licmophora ehrenbergii var. subconstrictaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora ehrenbergii var. tenuistriataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora ehrenbergii var. tenuistriataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora elegansMereschkowsky image
Licmophora erythraea(Grunow) De Toni image
Licmophora fibula(Brébisson ex Kützing) Grunow Hedwigia 6: 35 1867
Licmophora fibula(Brebisson) Grunow image
Licmophora flabellata(Greville) C. Agardh image
Licmophora flabellata f. breviorGrunow image
Licmophora flabellata f. majorMereschkowsky image
Licmophora flabellataMeneghini image
Licmophora flabellata var. gracillimaGrunow image
Licmophora flabellata var. minorKützing image
Licmophora flabellata var. parvaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora flabellata var. spathulataTsumura image
Licmophora flucticulataC.S. Lobban, M. Schefter & E. Ruck Phycologia 50: 15, figs. 1-24 2011
Licmophora fugaxC.S. Lobban in Lobban & Santos, Australian Systematic Botany 35: 448, figs. 5, 42-65 2022
Licmophora fulgens(Greville) Kützing image
Licmophora garyiA. Ulanova in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 231, figs. 14-19 2015
Licmophora giganteaM. Peragallo image
Licmophora giganteaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora gracilis(C.G. Ehrenberg) Grunow image
Licmophora gracilis f. borealis(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora gracilis f. constrictaGrunow image
Licmophora gracilis f. elongata(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora gracilis f. grandis(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora gracilis var. aegyptiacaCompère image
Licmophora gracilis var. aegyptiacaP. Compère Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 11 [Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci. 17]: 180, pl. 2: figs. 27-31 1994
Licmophora grandis(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora grandis var. divisa(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora grandis var. somnathiiMisra image
Licmophora graphisC.S. Lobban Phytotaxa 508: 238, figs. 18-23 2021
Licmophora grunowiiMereschkowsky image
Licmophora grunowii var. elongataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora grunowii var. elongataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora hamuliferLeuduger-Fortmorel image
Licmophora hastata f. clavata(Mereschkowsky) Proschkina-Lavrenko image
Licmophora hastataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora hastata var. clavataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora heronensisC.S. Lobban & Emm. S. Santos Australian Systematic Botany 35: 450, figs. 6, 66-75 2022
Licmophora honeywilliaeC.S. Lobban & Emm. S. Santos Australian Systematic Botany 35: 451, figs. 7, 8, 76-85 2022
Licmophora hustedtii(Amossé) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 235 2015
Licmophora hyalina(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora inflataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora inflata var. intermediaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora inflata var. intermediaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora insolitaC.S. Lobban & Emm. S. Santos Australian Systematic Botany 35: 453, figs. 9, 10, 86-98 2022
Licmophora johnwestiiC.S. Lobban & Emm. S. Santos Australian Systematic Botany 35: 455, figs. 11, 99-105 2022
Licmophora joymaciaeE.M.S. Macatugal & C.S. Lobban in Macatugal, Tharngan & Lobban Marine Biodiversity Records 12{4}: 6, figs. 6, 7 2019
Licmophora juergensii f. chersonensis(Grunow) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., 7{2}: 64 1931
Licmophora juergensii f. elongata(H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., 7{2}: 64 1931
Licmophora juergensii var. capensisGrunow image
Licmophora juergensii var. chersonensisGrunow in Van Heurck, Syn. Diat. Belg.: pl. XLVI: fig. 9 1881
Licmophora juergensii var. constrictaGrunow image
Licmophora juergensii var. dubiaGrunow image
Licmophora juergensii var. elongataH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 345, pl. LXXXIV: fig. 6 1901
Licmophora juergensii var. finnmarchicaGrunow image
Licmophora juergensii var. genuinaGrunow image
Licmophora juergensii var. intermediaGrunow image
Licmophora juergensii var. latior(Mereschkowsky) Boyer image
Licmophora juergensii var. ponticaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora juergensii var. reichardtii_('reichardti')Grunow image
Licmophora juergensii_('jurgensii')C. Agardh image
Licmophora kamtschaticaGrunow image
Licmophora kamtschatica var. elongataM. Peragallo image
Licmophora kamtschatica var. elongataM. Peragallo image
Licmophora kuetzingiiC.S. Lobban in Lobban & Santos, Australian Systematic Botany 35: 456, figs. 12-14, 106-142 2022
Licmophora labianatisC.S. Lobban, B.G. Tharngan & M.P. Ashworth Diatom Research 33: 201, figs. 118-164 2018
Licmophora lataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora lataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora latestriataM. Peragallo image
Licmophora leuduger-fortmorelii(C.S. Lobban) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 235 2015
Licmophora longissima(G. Leuduger-Fortmorel) De Toni Syll. Alg. 2: 733 1892
Licmophora luxuriosaHeiden image
Licmophora lyngbyei(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora lyngbyei f. elongata(Grunow) Frenguelli image
Licmophora lyngbyei f. minorGrunow image
Licmophora lyngbyei f. pappeana(Grunow) Grunow image
Licmophora lyngbyeiGrunow Hedwigia 6: 35 1867
Licmophora lyngbyei var. abbreviata(C. Agardh) Grunow image
Licmophora lyngbyei var. elongataGrunow image
Licmophora lyngbyei var. genuinaGrunow image
Licmophora lyngbyei var. longaGrunow image
Licmophora lyngbyei var. minutaGrunow image
Licmophora lyngbyei var. pappeana(Grunow) Grunow image
Licmophora mediterraneaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora mediterranea var. adriaticaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora membranaceaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora meneghinianaKützing image
Licmophora mereschkowskyi(Sournia) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 235 2015
Licmophora minutaC. Agardh Flora 10: 629 1827
Licmophora monksiaeMereschkowsky image
Licmophora monksiae_('Monksii')Mereschkowsky image
Licmophora montereyanaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora montereyanaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora nana(C.G. Ehrenberg) De Toni image
Licmophora normaniana(Greville) R.J. Wahrer in Wahrer, Fryxell & Cox J. Phycol. 21: 216 1985
Licmophora nubecula(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora oceanica(Kützing) Rodriguez y Femenías image
Licmophora oedipus(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora oedipus f. elongataGrunow image
Licmophora onassisii_('onassisii')Hustedt image
Licmophora opephoroidesGiffen image
Licmophora ovata(W. Smith) Grunow image
Licmophora ovata f. barbadensisGrunow image
Licmophora ovulumMereschkowsky image
Licmophora pacificaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora paradoxa(Lyngbye) C. Agardh Icon. Alg. Eur.: no. XXXII 1835
Licmophora paradoxa var. australis(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora paradoxa var. crystallina(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora paradoxa var. mediaMisra image
Licmophora paradoxa var. tincta(C. Agardh) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., 7{2}: 77 1931
Licmophora parasiticaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora partitaGiffen image
Licmophora peragallioides(C.S. Lobban) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 235 2015
Licmophora peragalloi_('peragalli')(Mereschkowsky) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 235 2015
Licmophora permagnaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora pfannkucheaeGiffen image
Licmophora pinnulataRicard image
Licmophora pisciformisC.S. Lobban in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 232, figs. 32-34 2015
Licmophora planaHeiden image
Licmophora ponticaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora proboscideaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora proceraMeister image
Licmophora profundeseptataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora pseudohyalinaJ. Frenguelli & H.A. Orlando Publ. Inst. Antárt. Argent. 5: 113, pl. IV: figs. 33, 34 1958
Licmophora quadriplacataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora radians(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Licmophora redondinaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora reichardtii_('reichardti')Grunow image
Licmophora remuloidesMereschkowsky image
Licmophora remuloidesMereschkowsky image
Licmophora remulus(Grunow) Grunow image
Licmophora remusGrunow image
Licmophora repandaE.M.S. Macatugal, B.G. Tharngan & C.S. Lobban Marine Biodiversity Records 12{4}: 2, figs. 1, 2 2019
Licmophora rhombicaMøller image
Licmophora rhombicaRavanko & Tynni image
Licmophora robustaH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 354, pl. LXXXV: figs. 1, 2 1901
Licmophora romuliC.S. Lobban Phytotaxa 508: 238, figs. 7-17 2021
Licmophora rostrataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora rouchiiM. Peragallo image
Licmophora schmidtii(Mereschkowsky) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 235 2015
Licmophora semiasymmetricaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora socialisHanna image
Licmophora socialisHanna image
Licmophora spiculaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora splendidaGreville in Hooker, Brit. Fl. 2: 408 1833
Licmophora strangulataMeister image
Licmophora subundulataMereschkowsky image
Licmophora subundulata var. tenellaMereschkowsky image
Licmophora taylorii_('taylori')(Hustedt) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 235 2015
Licmophora tenella(Kützing) Rodríguez y Femenías image
Licmophora tenuis(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora thumiiMereschkowsky image
Licmophora tincta(C. Agardh) Grunow Hedwigia 6: 35 1867
Licmophora tincta f. debilis(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora tincta f. nubecula(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora tincta f. tenella(Kützing) Grunow image
Licmophora undulataE.M.S. Macatugal, B.G. Tharngan & C.S. Lobban Marine Biodiversity Records 12{4}: 5, figs. 3-5 2019
Licmophora unidenticulataH. Takano Bull. Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 111: 27, figs. 3, 21-27 1983
Licmophora vanheurckii(Mereschkowsky) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth in Lobban et al. Diatom Research 30: 235 2015
Licmophora wienckensisM. Peragallo image
Licmophora wienckensis var. curtaM. Peragallo image
LICMOPHORACEAEGusliakov in Gusliakov et al. Atlas of diatoms of benthos of the northwestern Black Sea: 31 1992
LICMOPHORALESF.E. Round in Round, Crawford, & Mann Diatoms: 127, 654 1990
Monospora licmophora(Harvey) De Toni image
Neomonospora licmophora(Harvey) Womersley image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024