The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the
Silva Center for Phycological Documentation
of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense).
The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here
Tabular display
Results from INA database
- Corynospora licmophora (Harv.) E. Kylin image
- Corynospora licmophora (Harv.) May image
- Corynospora licmophora (Harvey) E. Kylin
- Gomphonema licmophoraoides J. Heribaud image
- Griffithsia licmophora (Harvey) J. Agardh
- LICMOPHORA C. Agardh image
- Licmophora abbreviata Agardh image
- Licmophora abbreviata f. rostrata (Mereschkowsky) Proschkina-Lavrenko image
- Licmophora adriatica Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora adriatica Rabenhorst image
- Licmophora africana Leuduger-Fortmorel image
- Licmophora albertgrunowii C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth
- Licmophora albertmannii (C.S. Lobban) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth
- Licmophora anglica (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora anglica f. elongata Grunow image
- Licmophora angustata (Grunow) Grunow image
- Licmophora antarctica Carlson image
- Licmophora antarctica M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora antarctica M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora antarctica var. minor J. Frenguelli & H.A. Orlando {invalid}
- Licmophora araphidiea Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora arcuata A. Car & W. Herwig
- Licmophora argentescens Agardh image
- Licmophora argentescens var. flabellata (Greville) Grunow image
- Licmophora argentescens var. splendida (Greville) Grunow image
- Licmophora attenuata C.S. Lobban, B.G. Tharngan & M.P. Ashworth
- Licmophora aurivillii Cleve image
- Licmophora australis (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora australis f. major Grunow image
- Licmophora baileyi (Edwards) Grunow image
- Licmophora ballerina C.S. Lobban & S. Blanco
- Licmophora baltica (Å. Berg) Å. Berg
- Licmophora bassanii_('bassani') M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora belgicae M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora belgicae var. minor M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora bharadwajae Misra image
- Licmophora biplacata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora bulbosa C.S. Lobban, B.G. Tharngan & M.P. Ashworth
- Licmophora californica Grunow image
- Licmophora capensis (Grunow) Grunow image
- Licmophora capitata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora capitata V. Zanon {illegitimate}
- Licmophora charcotii M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora charcotii var. bacillaris M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora clevei (Mereschkowsky) A. Car & W. Herwig
- Licmophora colosalis M.D. Belando, M. Aboal, & J.F. Jiménez
- Licmophora communis (Heiberg) Grunow image
- Licmophora communis Grunow
- Licmophora communis var. elegans Møller image
- Licmophora comnavmaria C.S. Lobban & M. Schefter
- Licmophora complanata C.S. Lobban
- Licmophora constricta Grunow image
- Licmophora craticula (Montagne) De Toni image
- Licmophora crystallina (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora cuneata (Lyngbye) M.D. Guiry
- Licmophora curvata C.S. Lobban, B.G. Tharngan & M.P. Ashworth
- Licmophora dalmatica (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora dalmatica f. brevis Grunow image
- Licmophora dalmatica var. parva Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora dalmatica var. tenella (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora debilis (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora debilis f. elongata Grunow image
- Licmophora debilis f. elongata Grunow image
- Licmophora debilis var. clavata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora debilis var. hastata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora debilis var. laevissima Grunow image
- Licmophora debyi (Leuduger-Fortmorel) Mann image
- Licmophora debyi A. Mann
- Licmophora decora Heiden image
- Licmophora divergens Pantocsek image
- Licmophora divisa Kützing image
- Licmophora dubia var. adriatica Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora dubia var. latior Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora ehrenbergii (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora ehrenbergii (Kützing) Grunow
- Licmophora ehrenbergii f. angustata_('angustatum') (Grunow) Grunow image
- Licmophora ehrenbergii f. elegans (Mereschkowski) Hustedt
- Licmophora ehrenbergii f. grunowii (Mereschkowski) Hustedt
- Licmophora ehrenbergii f. longissima [Petkoff] image
- Licmophora ehrenbergii f. major Grunow image
- Licmophora ehrenbergii f. rhombica Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora ehrenbergii var. fungoides Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora ehrenbergii var. maeotica Pantocsek image
- Licmophora ehrenbergii var. subconstricta Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora ehrenbergii var. tenuistriata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora ehrenbergii var. tenuistriata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora elegans Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora erythraea (Grunow) De Toni image
- Licmophora fibula (Brebisson) Grunow image
- Licmophora flabellata (Greville) C. Agardh image
- Licmophora flabellata Meneghini image
- Licmophora flabellata f. brevior Grunow image
- Licmophora flabellata f. major Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora flabellata var. gracillima Grunow image
- Licmophora flabellata var. minor Kützing image
- Licmophora flabellata var. parva Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora flabellata var. spathulata Tsumura image
- Licmophora flucticulata C.S. Lobban, M. Schefter & E. Ruck
- Licmophora fugax C.S. Lobban
- Licmophora fulgens (Greville) Kützing image
- Licmophora garyi A. Ulanova
- Licmophora gigantea M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora gigantea Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora gracilis (C.G. Ehrenberg) Grunow image
- Licmophora gracilis f. borealis (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora gracilis f. constricta Grunow image
- Licmophora gracilis f. elongata (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora gracilis f. grandis (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora gracilis var. aegyptiaca Compère image
- Licmophora gracilis var. aegyptiaca P. Compère
- Licmophora grandis (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora grandis var. divisa (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora grandis var. somnathii Misra image
- Licmophora graphis C.S. Lobban
- Licmophora grunowii Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora grunowii var. elongata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora grunowii var. elongata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora hamulifer Leuduger-Fortmorel image
- Licmophora hastata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora hastata f. clavata (Mereschkowsky) Proschkina-Lavrenko image
- Licmophora hastata var. clavata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora heronensis C.S. Lobban & Emm. S. Santos
- Licmophora honeywilliae C.S. Lobban & Emm. S. Santos
- Licmophora hustedtii (Amossé) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth {invalid}
- Licmophora hyalina (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora inflata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora inflata var. intermedia Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora inflata var. intermedia Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora insolita C.S. Lobban & Emm. S. Santos
- Licmophora johnwestii C.S. Lobban & Emm. S. Santos
- Licmophora joymaciae E.M.S. Macatugal & C.S. Lobban
- Licmophora juergensii f. chersonensis (Grunow) Hustedt
- Licmophora juergensii f. elongata (H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo) Hustedt
- Licmophora juergensii var. capensis Grunow image
- Licmophora juergensii var. chersonensis Grunow
- Licmophora juergensii var. constricta Grunow image
- Licmophora juergensii var. dubia Grunow image
- Licmophora juergensii var. elongata H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo
- Licmophora juergensii var. finnmarchica Grunow image
- Licmophora juergensii var. genuina Grunow image
- Licmophora juergensii var. intermedia Grunow image
- Licmophora juergensii var. latior (Mereschkowsky) Boyer image
- Licmophora juergensii var. pontica Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora juergensii var. reichardtii_('reichardti') Grunow image
- Licmophora juergensii_('jurgensii') C. Agardh image
- Licmophora kamtschatica Grunow image
- Licmophora kamtschatica var. elongata M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora kamtschatica var. elongata M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora kuetzingii C.S. Lobban
- Licmophora labianatis C.S. Lobban, B.G. Tharngan & M.P. Ashworth
- Licmophora lata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora lata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora latestriata M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora leuduger-fortmorelii (C.S. Lobban) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth
- Licmophora longissima (G. Leuduger-Fortmorel) De Toni
- Licmophora luxuriosa Heiden image
- Licmophora lyngbyei (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora lyngbyei Grunow {illegitimate}
- Licmophora lyngbyei f. elongata (Grunow) Frenguelli image
- Licmophora lyngbyei f. minor Grunow image
- Licmophora lyngbyei f. pappeana (Grunow) Grunow image
- Licmophora lyngbyei var. abbreviata (C. Agardh) Grunow image
- Licmophora lyngbyei var. elongata Grunow image
- Licmophora lyngbyei var. genuina Grunow image
- Licmophora lyngbyei var. longa Grunow image
- Licmophora lyngbyei var. minuta Grunow image
- Licmophora lyngbyei var. pappeana (Grunow) Grunow image
- Licmophora mediterranea Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora mediterranea var. adriatica Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora membranacea Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora meneghiniana Kützing image
- Licmophora mereschkowskyi (Sournia) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth {invalid}
- Licmophora minuta C. Agardh
- Licmophora monksiae Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora monksiae_('Monksii') Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora montereyana Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora montereyana Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora nana (C.G. Ehrenberg) De Toni image
- Licmophora normaniana (Greville) R.J. Wahrer
- Licmophora nubecula (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora oceanica (Kützing) Rodriguez y Femenías image
- Licmophora oedipus (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora oedipus f. elongata Grunow image
- Licmophora onassisii_('onassisii') Hustedt image
- Licmophora opephoroides Giffen image
- Licmophora ovata (W. Smith) Grunow image
- Licmophora ovata f. barbadensis Grunow image
- Licmophora ovulum Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora pacifica Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora paradoxa (Lyngbye) C. Agardh
- Licmophora paradoxa var. australis (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora paradoxa var. crystallina (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora paradoxa var. media Misra image
- Licmophora paradoxa var. tincta (C. Agardh) Hustedt
- Licmophora parasitica Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora partita Giffen image
- Licmophora peragallioides (C.S. Lobban) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth
- Licmophora peragalloi_('peragalli') (Mereschkowsky) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth
- Licmophora permagna Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora pfannkucheae Giffen image
- Licmophora pinnulata Ricard image
- Licmophora pisciformis C.S. Lobban
- Licmophora plana Heiden image
- Licmophora pontica Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora proboscidea Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora procera Meister image
- Licmophora profundeseptata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora pseudohyalina J. Frenguelli & H.A. Orlando {invalid}
- Licmophora quadriplacata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora radians (C. Agardh) Kützing image
- Licmophora redondina Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora reichardtii_('reichardti') Grunow image
- Licmophora remuloides Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora remuloides Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora remulus (Grunow) Grunow image
- Licmophora remus Grunow image
- Licmophora repanda E.M.S. Macatugal, B.G. Tharngan & C.S. Lobban
- Licmophora rhombica Møller image
- Licmophora rhombica Ravanko & Tynni image
- Licmophora robusta H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo
- Licmophora romuli C.S. Lobban
- Licmophora rostrata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora rouchii M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora schmidtii (Mereschkowsky) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth
- Licmophora semiasymmetrica Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora socialis Hanna image
- Licmophora socialis Hanna image
- Licmophora spicula Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora splendida Greville
- Licmophora strangulata Meister image
- Licmophora subundulata Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora subundulata var. tenella Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora taylorii_('taylori') (Hustedt) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth
- Licmophora tenella (Kützing) Rodríguez y Femenías image
- Licmophora tenuis (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora thumii Mereschkowsky image
- Licmophora tincta (C. Agardh) Grunow
- Licmophora tincta f. debilis (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora tincta f. nubecula (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora tincta f. tenella (Kützing) Grunow image
- Licmophora undulata E.M.S. Macatugal, B.G. Tharngan & C.S. Lobban
- Licmophora unidenticulata H. Takano
- Licmophora vanheurckii (Mereschkowsky) C.S. Lobban & M. Ashworth
- Licmophora wienckensis M. Peragallo image
- Licmophora wienckensis var. curta M. Peragallo image
- Monospora licmophora (Harvey) De Toni image
- Neomonospora licmophora (Harvey) Womersley image