Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

LEPTOTHRIX(Kützing) Hansgirg image
LEPTOTHRIXKützing image
Leptothrix aerugineaKützing image
Leptothrix aeruginea var. pallidaKützing image
Leptothrix aeruginosaKützing image
Leptothrix amethysteaKützing image
Leptothrix arcticaFoslie image
Leptothrix brauniiKützing image
Leptothrix brevissimaKützing Phyc. gen.: 198 1843
Leptothrix brevissimaKützing image
Leptothrix brevissima var. cespitosaKützing image
Leptothrix buccalisRobin image
Leptothrix bullosa(Wolle) Wolle image
Leptothrix caespitosa(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Leptothrix calcicola(Agardh) Kützing image
Leptothrix calcicola var. muscicolaKützing image
Leptothrix cellarisHansgirg image
Leptothrix compactaKützing image
Leptothrix compactaKützing Phyc. gen.: 199 1843
Leptothrix compacta var. lilacinaKützing image
Leptothrix contextaMontagne image
Leptothrix coriaceaKützing image
Leptothrix crassaKholodnyi image
Leptothrix criniformisMassalongo image
Leptothrix curvataMeneghini image
Leptothrix cyaneaKützing image
Leptothrix dalmaticaKützing image
Leptothrix dictyothrixKützing image
Leptothrix discophora(Schwers) Dorff image
Leptothrix dubiaNägeli ex Kützing image
Leptothrix epiphytica(Hieronymus) Dorff image
Leptothrix fodinarumRabenhorst image
Leptothrix fontanaKützing Phyc. gen.: 198 1843
Leptothrix fontanaKützing image
Leptothrix fontana var. aerugineaReinsch image
Leptothrix fontana var. braunii(Kützing)Rabenhorst image
Leptothrix foveolarumMontagne image
Leptothrix giganteaW. Miller image
Leptothrix gloeophilaKützing image
Leptothrix gloeophilaKützing Tab. Phyc. 1: 6, pl. 7(p.p.) 1846
Leptothrix graveolensCrouan fr. image
Leptothrix herbaceaKützing image
Leptothrix hinnulea(Wolle) Wolle image
Leptothrix hyalinaP.F. Reinsch image
Leptothrix ianthina(Montagne) Kützing image
Leptothrix inextricabilisZanardini image
Leptothrix insectorumRobin image
Leptothrix investiensA. Braun ex Kützing image
Leptothrix jadertinaKützing image
Leptothrix jadertinaKützing Sp. alg.: 265 1849
Leptothrix kermesinaKützing image
Leptothrix kohleriNägeli ex Kützing image
Leptothrix kuehnianaRabenhorst image
Leptothrix kuetzingianaNägeli ex Kützing image
Leptothrix lacustrisNägeli image
Leptothrix lamellosaKützing image
Leptothrix laminosa(Agardh) Rabenhorst image
Leptothrix laminosa(C. Agardh) Rabenhorst Deutschl. Krypt.-Fl. 2{2}: 79 1847
Leptothrix lanugoKützing image
Leptothrix lardaceaCesati in Rabenhorst Alg. Sachs. no. 578 1857
Leptothrix lateritiaKützing image
Leptothrix levissimaKalbe, Keil & Theile image
Leptothrix lopholeaDorff image
Leptothrix lopholea f. diminutaBeger image
Leptothrix lubricaArdissone herb. image
Leptothrix luridaKützing Sp. Alg. 264 1849
Leptothrix luridaKützing image
Leptothrix luteaKützing image
Leptothrix lutescensKützing Phyc. gen.: 198 1843
Leptothrix lutescensKützing image
Leptothrix lutescens var. streiniiHeufler image
Leptothrix majorDorff image
Leptothrix mamillosaMeneghini in Kützing Species algarum: 264 1849
Leptothrix mamillosaMeneghini ex Kützing image
Leptothrix marinaKützing image
Leptothrix meneghiniiKützing image
Leptothrix meyeriD. Ellis image
Leptothrix miraculosaKützing image
Leptothrix mucosaNave image
Leptothrix muralisKützing image
Leptothrix obscuraRoemer image
Leptothrix ochracea(Leiblein) Kützing Phyc. gen.: 108 1843
Leptothrix ochracea(Leiblein) Kützing image
Leptothrix olivaceaKützing image
Leptothrix olivaceaKützing Bot. Zeit. 5: 220 1847
Leptothrix olivaceaTrevisan image
Leptothrix parasiticaKützing image
Leptothrix parasitica var. marinaHansgirg SitzBer. K. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., Math.-Naturw. Cl. 1892: 218 1892
Leptothrix parietinaCrouan fr. image
Leptothrix pseudovacuolata(Perfiliev) Dorff image
Leptothrix punctiformisZanardini image
Leptothrix purpurascensKützing Bot. Zeit. 5: 220 1847
Leptothrix purpurascensKützing image
Leptothrix purpurascens var. irideaKützing image
Leptothrix pusillaRabenhorst Flora europaea algarum aquae dulcis et submarinae. Sectio II. Algas phycochromaceas complectens: 73 1865
Leptothrix radiansKützing image
Leptothrix reticulataNägeli image
Leptothrix rigidula(Kützing) Kützing image
Leptothrix robustaReinsch Int. Polarforsch. 1882-1883, Deutsch. Exped. Ergebn. 2: 429, pl. XVI: fig. 10a,b 1890
Leptothrix roseaKützing image
Leptothrix roseolaCrouan fr. image
Leptothrix rubraCrouan fr. image
Leptothrix rufescensKützing image
Leptothrix rufescens var. rufo-lutescensRabenhorst image
Leptothrix skujaeBeger image
Leptothrix spissa f. minorReinsch Int. Polarforsch. 1882-1883, Deutsch. Exped. Ergebn. 2: 429, pl. XVI: fig. 9 1890
Leptothrix spissaRabenhorst image
Leptothrix subtilissimaHansgirg image
Leptothrix subtilissimaHansgirg image
Leptothrix subtilissimaKützing image
Leptothrix subtilissimaKützing Phyc. gen.: 200 1843
Leptothrix subtilissima var. fontinalisHansgirg SitzBer. K. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., Math.-Naturw. Cl. 1891: 362 1891
Leptothrix symplocoidesG. Dickie image
Leptothrix tenax(Wolle) Wolle image
Leptothrix tenuissima(Winagr.) Hansgirg image
Leptothrix tenuissimaNägeli ex Kützing image
Leptothrix tenuissimaSkuja image
Leptothrix thermalis(Molisch) Dorff image
Leptothrix thuretiana(Borzi) Hansgirg image
Leptothrix tinctoria(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Leptothrix tomentosaKützing image
Leptothrix tortuosaCrouan fr. image
Leptothrix trichogenesKholodnyi image
Leptothrix variegata(Nägeli) Kützing image
Leptothrix versicolorNaegeli image
Leptothrix viridisCrouan fr. image
Leptothrix volubilisKholodnyi image
Leptothrix zenkeriKützing image
Leptothrix zenkeriMeneghini image
Leptothrix zenkeri var. tapetiformis(Zenker) Rabenhorst image
Leptothrix zonataCesati image
LYNGBYA sect.LEPTOTHRIX (Kützing) Hansgirg image
Micrhystridium leptothrixValensi image
Polysiphonia leptothrixZanardini image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024