Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

KEPHYRIONPascher image
Kephyrion aestivumSkvortzov image
Kephyrion amphorulaConrad image
Kephyrion ampulla(Skuja) Bourrelly image
Kephyrion annulatum deGraaf image
Kephyrion asperum_('asper')(Lackey) Bourrelly image
Kephyrion autumnaleSkvortzov image
Kephyrion bacilliformeConrad image
Kephyrion blatnense(Fott) Fott image
Kephyrion borealeSkuja image
Kephyrion brunneumSkvortzov image
Kephyrion campanuliformeConrad image
Kephyrion campanuliformeKhmeleva image
Kephyrion campanuliforme_('campanulaeforme')Khmeleva Nov. Sist. Nizsh. Rast. [Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR] 1964: 18, fig. 9 1964
Kephyrion cinctum(Lackey) Bourrelly image
Kephyrion circumvallatum(Schiller) Bourrelly image
Kephyrion colliferum deGraaf image
Kephyrion cupuliformeConrad image
Kephyrion cylindricum var. fluctuosumHortobágyi image
Kephyrion cylindricum_('cylindrica')(Lackey) Conrad image
Kephyrion densatum(G. Schmid) Bourrelly image
Kephyrion doliolumConrad image
Kephyrion formosissimum(Conrad) Fott image
Kephyrion franceviGuseva image
Kephyrion globosum(Czosnowski) Bourrelly image
Kephyrion helixConrad mscr. image
Kephyrion hemisphaericum_('hemisphaerica')(Lackey) Conrad image
Kephyrion heverlense_('heverlensis')(Conrad) Fott image
Kephyrion hilliardiiNicholls image
Kephyrion hispidumSkvortzov image
Kephyrion impletumNygaard image
Kephyrion inconstans(G. Schmid) Bourrelly image
Kephyrion khmelevaeMolinari & Guiry Notulae algarum 184: 7 2021
Kephyrion laticollis(Conrad) Bourrelly image
Kephyrion latumSkvortzov image
Kephyrion littoraleJ.W.G. Lund image
Kephyrion mastigophorumGerlinde Schmid image
Kephyrion matvienkoae_('matvienkoi')Skvortzov image
Kephyrion moniliferum(G. Schmid) Bourrelly image
Kephyrion mosquense_('mosquensis')Guseva image
Kephyrion obliquumHilliard image
Kephyrion ovale(Lackey) Huber-Pestalozzi image
Kephyrion ovale var. fluctuosumHortobágyi image
Kephyrion ovoides(Conrad) Fott image
Kephyrion ovumPascher image
Kephyrion parvulum(G. Schmid) Bourrelly image
Kephyrion petasatumConrad image
Kephyrion planktonicumHilliard image
Kephyrion poculum(Conrad) Fott image
Kephyrion prismaticumConrad image
Kephyrion rubri-claustriConrad image
Kephyrion rubri-claustri var. amphora(Lackey) Conrad image
Kephyrion rubri-claustri var. valkanovii(Huber-Pestalozzi) L. S. Péterfi image
Kephyrion schmidiiBourrelly image
Kephyrion sittaPascher image
Kephyrion skujaeEttl image
Kephyrion spinosumHada image
Kephyrion spirale(Lackey) Conrad image
Kephyrion starmachii(Czosnowski) Bourrelly image
Kephyrion translucensFott image
Kephyrion truncatumSkvortzov image
Kephyrion tubiformeFott image
Kephyrion valkanovii_('Valkanovi')Huber-Pestalozzi image
Kephyrion velatumConrad image
Pseudokephyrion acutumSchiller image
Pseudokephyrion alaskanumHilliard image
Pseudokephyrion ampullaceumConrad image
Pseudokephyrion angulosumHilliard image
Pseudokephyrion attenuatumHilliard image
Pseudokephyrion auroreumK. Nicholls J. Phycol. 13: 412, figs. 2f-h, 3d 1977
Pseudokephyrion blatnenseFott image
Pseudokephyrion cinctum(Schiller) Gerlinde Schmid image
Pseudokephyrion circumcisumConrad image
Pseudokephyrion circumvallatumBourrelly image
Pseudokephyrion conicum(Schiller) Gerlinde Schmid image
Pseudokephyrion conicumSchiller image
Pseudokephyrion cylindricumBourrelly image
Pseudokephyrion densatumJ. Schiller Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 14: 458, fig. 4 1952
Pseudokephyrion depressumGerlinde Schmid image
Pseudokephyrion doliolumJ. Schiller Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 14: 457, fig. 3 1952
Pseudokephyrion elegans(Conrad) Conrad image
Pseudokephyrion ellipsoideum(Pascher) Conrad image
Pseudokephyrion entziiConrad image
Pseudokephyrion entzii f. granulatum_('granulata')Bourrelly image
Pseudokephyrion formosissimumConrad image
Pseudokephyrion gallicumBourrelly image
Pseudokephyrion gibbosumRamberg image
Pseudokephyrion heverlense(Conrad) Conrad image
Pseudokephyrion hiemaleHilliard image
Pseudokephyrion hyalinumHilliard image
Pseudokephyrion hyalinum var. tubiformeEttl image
Pseudokephyrion hypermaculatumEttl image
Pseudokephyrion inflatumHilliard image
Pseudokephyrion klarnetiiBourrelly image
Pseudokephyrion latum(Schiller) Gerlinde Schmid image
Pseudokephyrion longumJ. Schiller Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 14: 459, fig. 5 1952
Pseudokephyrion millerenseNicholls image
Pseudokephyrion minutissimumConrad image
Pseudokephyrion obtusumGerlinde Schmid image
Pseudokephyrion ornatum(Conrad) Conrad image
Pseudokephyrion ovum(Pascher & Rüttner) Conrad image
Pseudokephyrion parvumHilliard image
Pseudokephyrion pawlowskiiJ. Siemińska Fragm. Floristic. Geobot. 16: 184, figs. 10-13 1970
Pseudokephyrion pilidium f. spirale_('spiralis')R. Gołdyn Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 34: 221, pl. V: fig. 22 1988
Pseudokephyrion pilidiumSchiller image
Pseudokephyrion planctonicumHilliard image
Pseudokephyrion poculiformeJ. Ikavalko, H.A. Thomsen & M. Carstens Arch. Protistenk. 147: 35, figs. 18-21 1996
Pseudokephyrion poculumConrad image
Pseudokephyrion pseudospiraleBourrelly image
Pseudokephyrion pulcherrimumSchiller image
Pseudokephyrion ruttneri_('rüttneri')(Schiller) Gerlinde Schmid image
Pseudokephyrion schilleriConrad image
Pseudokephyrion schilleri var. poculiformeAndrossova image
Pseudokephyrion simusHortobagyi image
Pseudokephyrion skujaeBourrelly image
Pseudokephyrion spiraleGerlinde Schmid image
Pseudokephyrion striatumHilliard image
Pseudokephyrion taeniatumK. Nicholls J. Phycol. 13: 410, figs. 2a-e, 3a-c 1977
Pseudokephyrion tatricum(Juris\*v) Starmach Flora Słodkowodna Polski 5: 216 1968
Pseudokephyrion tenerumF. Wawrik Phyton (Austria) 27: 204, fig. 5j-k 1987
Pseudokephyrion tintinnabulumConrad image
Pseudokephyrion tortosaccatumJ.W.G. Lund image
Pseudokephyrion undulatissimumScherffel image
Pseudokephyrion undulatum [(Klebs)]Pascher image
Pseudokephyrion urnulaConrad image
Pseudokephyrion verrucosumHortobagyi image
Pseudokephyrionopsis tortonicaPalik image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024