Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

HYPHEOTHRIX(Kützing) Gomont image
HYPHEOTHRIX(Kützing) Hansgirg image
HYPHEOTHRIX [Geitler] image
HYPHEOTHRIXF.T. Kützing image
HYPHEOTHRIXGomont ex Gomont image
HYPHEOTHRIXKützing ex Kirchner image
Hypheothrix acutissimaGardner image
Hypheothrix aeruginea(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix aeruginea f. pallidaRabenhorst image
Hypheothrix aeruginea f. pallidaRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix aeruginea f. thermalisRabenhorst image
Hypheothrix aeruginea f. thermalisRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix aerugineaKützing image
Hypheothrix aerugineaRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix affinis(Lemmermann) Forti image
Hypheothrix aikenensisWolle image
Hypheothrix aikenensisWolle ex Forti image
Hypheothrix anguinaSuringar image
Hypheothrix arenaria(Berkeley) Forti image
Hypheothrix arenaria(Gomont) Forti image
Hypheothrix bosniacaForti image
Hypheothrix braunii(Kützing) Kützing image
Hypheothrix braunii var. continuaKützing image
Hypheothrix braunii var. fasciculataKützing image
Hypheothrix braunii var. iridea(Kützing) Kützing image
Hypheothrix bremianaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix bremiana var. griseo-fuscescensKützing image
Hypheothrix bullosaWolle image
Hypheothrix bullosaWolle ex Forti image
Hypheothrix caeruleaH.J. Carter image
Hypheothrix calcareaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix calcicola(C. Agardh) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix calcicola f. opacaRabenhorst image
Hypheothrix calcicolaRabenhorst ex Kirchner image
Hypheothrix calcicola var. muralis(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix calcicola var. symplociformisForti image
Hypheothrix calcicola var. symplociformisHansgirg image
Hypheothrix calcicola var. violaceaForti image
Hypheothrix calida(De Wildeman) Forti image
Hypheothrix callitricha(Kützing) Kützing image
Hypheothrix cataractarumNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix cataractarum var. terebriformisKützing image
Hypheothrix compacta(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix confervaeKützing image
Hypheothrix confervaeKützing ex Forti image
Hypheothrix coriacea(Kützing) Kützing image
Hypheothrix coriacea f. meneghinii(Kützing) Forti image
Hypheothrix coriacea f. meneghiniiForti image
Hypheothrix coriacea f. parietina(Stizenberger) Forti image
Hypheothrix coriaceaKützing ex Kirchner image
Hypheothrix coriacea var. genuinaRabenhorst image
Hypheothrix coriacea var. meneghinii(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix coriacea var. parietinaStizenberger image
Hypheothrix coriacea var. parietinaStizenberger ex Forti image
Hypheothrix cyanea(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix cyaneaNaegeli ex Forti image
Hypheothrix cyaneaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix dalmatica(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix delicatissima(West & West) Forti image
Hypheothrix delicatulaKützing image
Hypheothrix dictyothrix(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix dubia(Naegeli) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix dubiaNägeli in Rabenhorst Alg. Sachs. [exsicc.] 59/60: no. 593 1857
Hypheothrix fasciculataNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix fenestralisKützing image
Hypheothrix fontana(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix fontana(Kützing) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 75 1865
Hypheothrix fonticola(Migula) Nägeli ex Forti in De Toni Syll. alg. 5: 333 1907
Hypheothrix fonticolaNaegeli ex Forti image
Hypheothrix fonticolaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix foveolarum(Montagne) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix fucoideaPiccone & Grunow image
Hypheothrix fusco-violaceaStizenberger image
Hypheothrix fusco-violaceaStizenberger ex Forti image
Hypheothrix gloeophila(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix gloeophilaRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix halophila(Hansgirg ex Gomont) Migula Krypt.-Fl. Deutschland, Alg. 1: 78 1907
Hypheothrix hegetschweileriNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix herbacea(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix herbaceaRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix heufleri(Grunow ex Gomont) Dalla Torre & Sarnthein Algen Tirol, Vorarlberg und Liechtenstein: 142 1901
Hypheothrix hilseanaRabenhorst image
Hypheothrix hinnulea(Wolle) Forti image
Hypheothrix incrustataNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix investiensMartens image
Hypheothrix involvens(Areschoug) Kützing image
Hypheothrix jadertina(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix jadertina(Kützing) Rabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix janthina(Montagne) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix jassaensisV. Vouk Jugoslav. Akad. Prir. Istraz\*v. Hrvatske i Slavonije 8: 7 1916
Hypheothrix kohleri(Naegeli) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix kuehniana_('kühniana')(Rabenhorst) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix kuetzingiana_('kützingiana')(Naegeli) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix laminosa(C. Agardh) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix laminosa(C. Agardh) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 79 1865
Hypheothrix laminosa var. symplociformisHansgirg image
Hypheothrix lardacea(Cesati) Hansgirg image
Hypheothrix lardacea(Gomont) Kirchner image
Hypheothrix lateritia f. lyngbyacea(Schmidle) Forti image
Hypheothrix lateritia f. lyngbyaceaForti image
Hypheothrix lateritiaKützing image
Hypheothrix lateritiaKützing ex Kirchner image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. calcarea(Naegeli) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. calcareaRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. genuinaRabenhorst image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. kermesina(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. kermesinaRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. leptothrichoidesGrunow image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. rosea(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. roseaForti image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. subaerugineaForti image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. subtilis(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. subtilisRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. symplocoidesForti image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. variegata(Naegeli) Forti image
Hypheothrix lateritia var. variegataForti image
Hypheothrix lenormandiana(Gomont) Forti image
Hypheothrix leveilleanaKützing image
Hypheothrix litoralisHansgirg image
Hypheothrix litoralisHansgirg ex Forti image
Hypheothrix longiarticulataGardner image
Hypheothrix lurida(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix lurida(Kützing) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 81 1865
Hypheothrix lutea(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix lutescens(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix lutescens(Kützing) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 76 1865
Hypheothrix lutescensRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix lutescens var. streinzii(Heufler) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix lutescens var. streinziiRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix mamillosa(Meneghini) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix meneghinii(Kützing) Kützing image
Hypheothrix minuta(Hansgirg) Forti image
Hypheothrix minutaForti image
Hypheothrix miraculosa(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix miraculosaRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix naegeliiKützing image
Hypheothrix naegeliiKützing ex Forti in De Toni Syll. alg. 5: 328 1907
Hypheothrix naegeliiKützing ex Forti image
Hypheothrix naegeliiKützing Sp. alg.: 268 1849
Hypheothrix nulliporaGrunow ex Forti in De Toni Syll. alg. 5: 331 1907
Hypheothrix nulliporaGrunow ex Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix obscuraG. Dickie image
Hypheothrix olivacea(Hansgirg) Forti in De Toni, Syll. alg.: 5: 342 1907
Hypheothrix olivacea(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix olivacea(Kützing) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 77 1865
Hypheothrix olivaceaRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix pallidaKützing image
Hypheothrix pallidaKützing ex Forti in De Toni Syll. alg. 5: 339 1907
Hypheothrix pallidaKützing ex Forti image
Hypheothrix panniformisRabenhorst image
Hypheothrix panniformisRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix parciramosaGardner image
Hypheothrix parciramosaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 50, pl. 10, fig. 96 1927
Hypheothrix parietinaStizenberger image
Hypheothrix porphyromelanaBrühl & Biswas image
Hypheothrix pulvinataNaegeli ex Forti image
Hypheothrix pulvinataNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix pulvinata var. confluensKützing image
Hypheothrix pulvinata var. confluensKützing ex Forti image
Hypheothrix purpurascens(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix purpurascens(Kützing) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 87 1865
Hypheothrix regeliana f. crassiorForti image
Hypheothrix regelianaNaegeli ex Forti image
Hypheothrix regelianaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix regeliana var. calotrichoidesHansgirg ex Forti image
Hypheothrix rigidula(Kützing) Grunow image
Hypheothrix roseolaP. Richter image
Hypheothrix rufescens(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix rufescens f. bremiana(Naegeli) Forti image
Hypheothrix rufescens f. bremianaForti image
Hypheothrix rufescens f. hegetschweileri(Naegeli) Forti image
Hypheothrix rufescens f. hegetschweileriForti image
Hypheothrix rufescensRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix rufescens var. bremiana(Naegeli) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix rufescens var. genuinaRabenhorst image
Hypheothrix rufescens var. hegetschweileri(Naegeli ex Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix rufescens var. lardacea(Cesati) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix rufescens var. lardacea(Cesati) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 84 1865
Hypheothrix sauterianaGrunow image
Hypheothrix sauterianaGrunow ex Forti image
Hypheothrix scopulorumKützing image
Hypheothrix serpensRodriguez y Femenias image
Hypheothrix sophiaeAreschoug image
Hypheothrix subcontinuaKützing image
Hypheothrix subcontinuaKützing ex Forti image
Hypheothrix subcyaneaForti image
Hypheothrix subtilisKützing image
Hypheothrix subtilissima(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix subundulataMartens image
Hypheothrix sudeticaNave image
Hypheothrix symplocoidesGardner image
Hypheothrix symplocoidesN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 51, pl. 10: fig. 97 1927
Hypheothrix tenaxG. Martens Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 1871: 172 1871
Hypheothrix tenaxWolle image
Hypheothrix tenaxWolle ex Forti image
Hypheothrix tenuissima(Naegeli ex Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix tenuissima(Naegeli) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix tenuissimaRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix terebriformisNaegeli image
Hypheothrix thermalisRabenhorst image
Hypheothrix thermalisRabenhorst ex Forti image
Hypheothrix thermalis var. continua(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix thermalis var. continuaForti image
Hypheothrix thermalis var. fasciculata(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix thermalis var. iridea(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix tinctoria(C. Agardh) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix toficolaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix tomentosa(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix torulosaGrunow ex Rabenhorst image
Hypheothrix turicensisNaegeli ex Forti image
Hypheothrix turicensisNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix variegataNaegeli ex Kützing image
Hypheothrix violaceaKützing image
Hypheothrix viridulaZeller image
Hypheothrix viridulaZeller ex Forti image
Hypheothrix vulpinaKützing image
Hypheothrix vulpinaKützing ex Forti image
Hypheothrix vulpina var. tumidaWittrock image
Hypheothrix vulpina var. tumidaWittrock ex Forti image
Hypheothrix willeiGardner image
Hypheothrix willeiN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 52, pl. 10: fig. 98 1927
Hypheothrix zenkeri(Kützing) Kützing image
Hypheothrix zenkeri f. viridis(Kützing) Forti image
Hypheothrix zenkeri f. viridisForti image
Hypheothrix zenkeriKützing ex Forti image
Hypheothrix zenkeri var. carpaticaRabenhorst image
LYNGBYA sect.HYPHEOTHRIX (Kützing) Hansgirg image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024