Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Hydrolapatha coriifolia(Harvey) Kuntze Rev. Gen. Pl. 3{3}: 410 1898
Hydrolapatha crispatula(Harvey) Kuntze Rev. Gen. Pl. 3{3}: 410 1898
Hydrolapatha dendroides(Harvey) Kuntze Rev. Gen. Pl. 3{3}: 410 1898
Hydrolapatha denticulata(Kuntze) Kuntze Rev. Gen. Pl. 3{3}: 410 1898
Hydrolapatha lyallii(J. Hooker & Harvey) Kuntze Rev. Gen. Pl. 3: 410 1898
HYDROLAPATHAJ. Stackhouse image
Hydrolapatha alata(Hudson) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha angustissima(Turner) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha baeri_('baerii')(Postels & Ruprecht) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha bipinnatifida(Montagne) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha corymbosa(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha crassifolia(Ruprecht) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha crassinervia(Montagne) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha daviesii(J. Hooker & Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha decipiens(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha dendroides_('dendrodes')(Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha dichotoma(J. Hooker & Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha epiglossum(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha fimbriata(Kuntze) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha frondosa(J. Hooker & Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha harveyana(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha hookeri(Lyall ex Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha hypoglossoides(Stackhouse) Stackhouse image
Hydrolapatha hypoglossum(Woodward) Stackhouse image
Hydrolapatha imbricata(J. Areschoug) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha intermedia(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha involvens(Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha juergensii(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha lancifolia(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha lingulata(Duby) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha lomentacea(Zanardini) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha middendorfii(Ruprecht) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha minuta(Kützing) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha montagneana(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha nereifolia(Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha oppositifolia(Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha ovifolia(Suhr) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha penicillata(Zanardini) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha peruviana(Montagne) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha phylloloma(Montagne) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha phyllophora(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha pleurospora(Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha pygmaea(Martens) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha quercifolia(Turner) Stackhouse image
Hydrolapatha revoluta(Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha rostrata(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha ruscifolia(Turner) Stackhouse image
Hydrolapatha sanguinea(Hudson) Stackhouse image
Hydrolapatha schousboei(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha serrata(Postels & Ruprecht) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha serrulata(Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha similans(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha sinuosa(Goodenough & Woodward) Stackhouse image
Hydrolapatha spinulosa(Ruprecht) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha subcostata(J. Agardh) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha tasmanica(F. von Mueller) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha tenuifolia(Harvey) Kuntze image
Hydrolapatha woodii(J. Agardh) Kuntze image