Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Grammatophora subtilissimaBailey Amer. J. Sci. & Arts, ser. 2, 11: 84 1851
Grammatophora marina var. communisGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: 163 1885
Grammatophora africana(Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg Ber. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Physik. Kl. 1839: 152 1840
Grammatophora angulosaEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1840: 153 1840
Grammatophora mexicanaEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 144 1841
Grammatophora pusillaGreville Edinburgh New Philos. J. n.s. 18: 181, pl. IV: fig. 15 1863
Grammatophora ornataC.S. Lobban Diatom 31: 13, figs. 1-18 2015
Grammatophora serpentina var. bacillarisH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 356, pl. LXXXVIII: fig. 4 1901
Grammatophora serpentina var. elongataH. Peragallo & M. Peragallo Diatomées Marines de France: 356, pl. LXXXVIII: figs. 8, 9 1901
Grammatophora longissimaP. Petit in Folin & Périer Fonds de la Mer 3: 192, pl. V: fig. 21 1877
Grammatophora oceanica var. communis(Grunow) A. Cleve-Euler Kongl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 4{1}: 12 1953
Grammatophora oceanica var. intermedia(Grunow) A. Cleve-Euler Kongl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 4{1}: 12 1953
Grammatophora oceanica var. adriatica(Grunow) A. Cleve-Euler Kongl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 4{1}: 12 1953
Grammatophora serpentina var. pusilla(Greville) A. Cleve-Euler Kongl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 4{1}: 13 1953
GRAMMATOPHORACEAEC.S. Lobban & M.P. Ashworth J. Phycol. 50: 880 2014
Grammatophora oceanica var. vulgarisGrunow Botanisches Centralblatt, Beilage 7: 10 1881
Grammatophora oceanica var. nodulosaGrunow Botanisches Centralblatt, Beilage 7: 10 1881
Grammatophora oceanica var. subtilissima(Bailey) Grunow Botanisches Centralblatt 7: 11 (Beilage) 1881
Grammatophora oceanica f. vulgaris(Grunow) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., 7{2}: 47 1931
Grammatophora oceanica f. nodulosa(Grunow) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., 7{2}: 48 1931
Grammatophora oceanica f. subtilissima(Bailey) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., 2.Aufl., 7{2}: 48 1931
GRAMMATOPHORAEhrenberg image
GRAMMATOPHORAEhrenberg image
Grammatophora africanaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora ambiguaGrunow image
Grammatophora anguinaKützing image
Grammatophora anguina var. delicatulaGrunow image
Grammatophora angulifera var. australiensisGrunow image
Grammatophora angulosa var. australiensisGrunow ex Cleve & Moller image
Grammatophora angulosa var. hamulifera(Kützing) Grunow image
Grammatophora angulosa var. majorGrunow image
Grammatophora angulosa var. mediterraneaGrunow image
Grammatophora angulosa var. pacificaCleve-Euler image
Grammatophora angulosa var. uncina(Leuduger-Fortmorel) Grunow image
Grammatophora antarcticaM. Peragallo image
Grammatophora arcticaCleve image
Grammatophora arctica var. moniliferaTempère & Brun image
Grammatophora arcuataEhrenberg image
Grammatophora arcusBrun image
Grammatophora arnottiiGrunow image
Grammatophora balfouriana(Greville) W. Smith image
Grammatophora balfourianaW. Smith image
Grammatophora biharensisPantocsek image
Grammatophora biharensisPantocsek image
Grammatophora caribaeaCleve image
Grammatophora caribaea var. floridanaMereschkowsky image
Grammatophora caribaea var. sublinearisMereschkowsky image
Grammatophora carteriGiffen image
Grammatophora caulerpicaMisra image
Grammatophora charcotiiM. Peragallo image
Grammatophora costataMereschkowsky image
Grammatophora curvataEhrenberg image
Grammatophora decussataMereschkowsky image
Grammatophora decussataMereschkowsky image
Grammatophora elongataHarting image
Grammatophora epsilonGrunow image
Grammatophora excellensEhrenberg image
Grammatophora flexuosaGrunow image
Grammatophora flexuosa var. delicatulaGrunow image
Grammatophora flexuosa var. hondurensisGrunow image
Grammatophora flexuosa var. japonicaTempère & Brun image
Grammatophora fundataMann image
Grammatophora fundata var. spinosaChin & Cheng image
Grammatophora gallopagensisGrunow image
Grammatophora gaussiiHeiden & Kolbe image
Grammatophora gibbaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora gibberula f. majorFrenguelli image
Grammatophora gibberula f. minorFrenguelli image
Grammatophora gibberulaKützing image
Grammatophora gigasArdissone image
Grammatophora hamulifera f. capensisGrunow image
Grammatophora hamuliferaKützing image
Grammatophora hamulifera var. constrictaGrunow image
Grammatophora hawaiensisMereschkowsky image
Grammatophora hungaricaPantocsek image
Grammatophora hyalinaCleve-Euler image
Grammatophora insignisGrunow image
Grammatophora insignis var. doljensisGrunow image
Grammatophora islandicaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora islandicaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora islandica var. biundulataGrunow image
Grammatophora islandica var. hamulifera(Kützing) Lagerstedt image
Grammatophora islandica var. majorGrunow image
Grammatophora japonicaGrunow image
Grammatophora japonicaPantocsek image
Grammatophora kerguelensisKarsten image
Grammatophora krasskeiReinhold image
Grammatophora lepidaGiffen image
Grammatophora longissima var. italicaCastracane image
Grammatophora longissima var. italicaCastracane image
Grammatophora lyrataGrunow image
Grammatophora lyrata var. japonicaPantocsek image
Grammatophora macilenta var. subtilisGrunow image
Grammatophora macilentaW. Smith image
Grammatophora macilentaW. Smith image
Grammatophora marina(Lyngbye) Kützing image
Grammatophora marina f. undataCleve-Euler image
Grammatophora marina var. hawaiensisMereschkowsky image
Grammatophora marina var. hawaiensisMereschkowsky image
Grammatophora marina var. majorGrunow image
Grammatophora marina var. minorGrunow image
Grammatophora marina var. tropica(Kützing) Grunow image
Grammatophora maximaGrunow image
Grammatophora maxima var. magellanicaGrunow image
Grammatophora mediterraneaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora mejillonisFrenguelli image
Grammatophora merlettaHanna & Grant image
Grammatophora minimaGrunow image
Grammatophora moniliferaTempere & Brun image
Grammatophora monilifera var. linearisBrun image
Grammatophora moronensisGreville image
Grammatophora moronensis var. japonicaBrun image
Grammatophora mulleriGrunow image
Grammatophora nicobaricaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora nodosaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora nodulosaGrunow image
Grammatophora oamaruensisGrunow image
Grammatophora oceanicaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora oceanicaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora oceanica f. arcuata Østrup image
Grammatophora oceanica var. indicaGrunow image
Grammatophora oceanica var. intermediaGrunow image
Grammatophora oceanica var. macilenta(W. Smith) Grunow image
Grammatophora oceanica var. majorGrunow image
Grammatophora oceanica var. novaezeelandiaeGrunow image
Grammatophora ovalauensis f. longiorGrunow image
Grammatophora ovalauensisGrunow image
Grammatophora parallelaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora parallelaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora perpusillaGrunow image
Grammatophora probataMann image
Grammatophora puiggarianaGrunow image
Grammatophora punctataLeuduger-Fortmorel image
Grammatophora pusilla var. scoticaGrunow image
Grammatophora robustaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora robusta var. gracilisPantocsek image
Grammatophora sagittaCleve-Euler image
Grammatophora schousboeiThuret ex Bornet image
Grammatophora serpentina(Ralfs) Kützing image
Grammatophora serpentinaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora serpentina var. hamuliferaGrunow image
Grammatophora serpentina var. macilentaGrunow image
Grammatophora serpentina var. minorDe Toni & Forti image
Grammatophora serpentina var. robustaMereschkowsky image
Grammatophora sourieiAmosse image
Grammatophora spinosaProschkina-Lavrenko image
Grammatophora strictaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora strictaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora stricta var. biharensisPantocsek image
Grammatophora stricta var. fossilisGrunow image
Grammatophora subtillissimaBailey image
Grammatophora subundulataGrunow image
Grammatophora tabellariaEhrenberg image
Grammatophora tabellarisBrun image
Grammatophora tiltilensisFrenguelli image
Grammatophora totaraeSchrader image
Grammatophora tresMereschkowsky image
Grammatophora tropicaKützing image
Grammatophora uncinaLeuduger-Fortmorel image
Grammatophora undulataEhrenberg image
Grammatophora undulataEhrenberg image
Grammatophora undulata var. gibba(Ehrenberg) Grunow image
Grammatophora validaPantocsek image
Grammatophora adriaticaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: pl. LIII bis: fig. 9 1881
Grammatophora intermediaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: pl. LIII: fig. 15 1881

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024