Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

ACANTHOGONYAULAX(Kofoid) Graham image
Acanthogonyaulax acanthosphaera(Sarjeant) Sarjeant image
Acanthogonyaulax paliuros(Sarjeant) Sarjeant image
Acanthogonyaulax spinifera(Murray & Whitting) Graham image
Acanthogonyaulax venusta(Klement) Sarjeant image
Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax_(`pseudogoniaulax')(Biecheler) T. Horiguchi ex K. Yuki & Y. Fukuyo J. Phycol. 28: 398 1992
Dichadogonyaulax culmula(G. Norris) A.R. Loeblich Jr. & A.R. Loeblich III image
Dichadogonyaulax culmula(G. Norris) W.A.S. Sarjeant image
Dichadogonyaulax filapicata(H. Gocht) R. Jan du Che\*^ne, I. Becheler, J. Helenes, & E. Masure Cah. Micropaléontol., ser. 2, 1: 5-37 1986
Dichadogonyaulax pannea(G. Norris) W.A.S. Sarjeant image
Dichadogonyaulax pannea(G. Norris) W.A.S. Sarjeant image
Dichadogonyaulax schizoblata(G. Norris) W.A.S. Sarjeant image
Dichadogonyaulax schizoblata(G. Norris) W.A.S. Sarjeant image
Gessnerium pseudogonyaulax_('pseudogoniaulax')(B. Biecheler) F. Gómez & L.F. Artigas Journal of Marine Biology (Hindawi) 1284104: 14 2019
Goniodoma pseudogonyaulax_(`pseudogoniaulax')B. Biecheler Bull. Biol. France et Belgique, Suppl. 36: 55, figs. 30-32 1952
GONYAULAXDiesing image
GONYAULAXKofoid image
GONYAULAX sectioROTUNDATAE Lemmermann image
Gonyaulax acanthosphaeraSarjeant image
Gonyaulax acatenellaWhedon & Kofoid Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 41: 31, figs. 8-13, 15 1936
Gonyaulax acerasEisenack image
Gonyaulax aculeataK.W. Klement Palaeontographica 114A: 42, text-fig. 21, pl. 5: figs. 6-9 1960
Gonyaulax aculeataKlement image
Gonyaulax acutaKofoid & Michener image
Gonyaulax africanaSchiller image
Gonyaulax alaskensisKofoid image
Gonyaulax amabilisDeflandre image
Gonyaulax ambiguaDeflandre image
Gonyaulax amoyensisH. Gu & K.N. Mertens in Gu et al. Journal of Phycology 58: 471, figs. 3A, 3B, 3D, 4 2022
Gonyaulax apiculataEntz Result. Wiss. Erforsch. Balatonsees: 2{1}, suppl. [1]: 11 1904
Gonyaulax apiculata var. clevei(Ostenfeld) Kofoid image
Gonyaulax apiculata var. clevei(Ostenfeld) Ostenfeld Izv. Turkestansk. Otd. Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshch. 5 [Wiss. Ergebn. Aralsee-Exped. 8]: 164 1908
Gonyaulax apionisCookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax areolataKofoid & Michener image
Gonyaulax areolataSarjeant image
Gonyaulax austriacaSchiller image
Gonyaulax balechiiK.A. Steidinger & J. Williams Mem. Hourglass Cruises 2: 66 1970
Gonyaulax balechiiK.A. Steidinger Phycologia 10: 183, fig. 1 1971
Gonyaulax balechiiSteidinger image
Gonyaulax balticaM.E. Ellegaard, J. Lewis & I. Harding J. Phycol. 38: 776, figs. 1-5 2002
Gonyaulax birostrisStein image
Gonyaulax bispinosaKofoid & Michener image
Gonyaulax bohaiensisH. Gu, K.N. Mertens & H.H. Shin in Gu et al. Journal of Phycology 58: 469, figs. 1, 2 2022
Gonyaulax borealisO. Nordli image
Gonyaulax braarudiiHasle image
Gonyaulax brevisulcatumDangeard image
Gonyaulax bruuniiF.J.R. Taylor image
Gonyaulax bulloideaCookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax buxusE. Balech image
Gonyaulax buxusE. Balech Revista Ci. Biol., Fac. Ci. Univ. Lourenc\*,o Marques, A, 2: 106, pl. VI: figs. 100-107 1967
Gonyaulax caspicusHenckel image
Gonyaulax cassidata(Eisenack & Cookson) Eisenack & Cookson image
Gonyaulax catenata(Levander) Kofoid image
Gonyaulax catenellaWhedon & Kofoid Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 41: 25, figs. 1-7, 14 1936
Gonyaulax caytonensisSarjeant image
Gonyaulax ceratocoroidesKofoid image
Gonyaulax chaloneriSarjeant image
Gonyaulax cladophoraDeflandre image
Gonyaulax cladophora subsp. extensaKlement image
Gonyaulax cladophora subsp. hemipolyedricaKlement image
Gonyaulax cladophora subsp. isovalvataKlement image
Gonyaulax clathrataCookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax clevei f. acutaHenckel image
Gonyaulax cleveiOstenfeld Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn 1901: 133, fig. 2 1901
Gonyaulax cochleaMeunier image
Gonyaulax cohorticulaBalech image
Gonyaulax cohorticulaE. Balech Rev. Mus. Argent. Cienc. Nat., Hidrobiol. 2: 111, pl. VI: figs. 117-119, pl. VII 1967
Gonyaulax concava(Gaarder) Balech image
Gonyaulax concava(K.R. Gaarder) E. Balech Revista Mus. Argent. Ci. Nat., Hidrobiol. 2: 108 1967
Gonyaulax confusa_('confusus')Vozzhennikova image
Gonyaulax conjunctaE.J.F. Wood image
Gonyaulax cornigerumValensi image
Gonyaulax crassicornutaKlement image
Gonyaulax cretaceaNeale & Sarjeant image
Gonyaulax crispaW. Wetzel image
Gonyaulax cristulataSarjeant image
Gonyaulax culmulaG. Norris New Zealand J. Geol. & Geophys. 8: 793, figs. 1, 2, 6-9 1965
Gonyaulax dangeardiiJ. Schiller image
Gonyaulax decapitataW. Wetzel image
Gonyaulax depressa_(`depressum')(K.R. Gaarder) E. Balech Lilloa 35{2}: 105 1980
Gonyaulax depressum(Gaarder) Balech image
Gonyaulax diacantha(Meunier) J. Schiller image
Gonyaulax diacanthaAthanassopoulos Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique 588: 8, fig. 8 1931
Gonyaulax diaphanisCookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax diegensisKofoid image
Gonyaulax digitalis_('digitale')(Pouchet) Kofoid image
Gonyaulax dimorphaBiecheler Bull. Biol. France et Belgique, Suppl. 36: 50, figs. 26-29 1952
Gonyaulax edwardsii_('edwardsi')Cookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax eisenackii subsp. oligodentataCookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax eisenackii_('eisenacki')Deflandre image
Gonyaulax elegansL. Rampi Atti Accad. Ligure Sci. Lett. 8: 107, pl. I: fig. 10 1952
Gonyaulax ellegaardiaeK.N. Mertens, H. Aydin, Y. Takano, A. Yamaguchi & K. Matsuoka J. Phycol. 51: 563, figs. 2-7 2015
Gonyaulax elongata(P.C. Reid) M. Ellegaard, N. Daugbjerg, A. Rochon, J. Lewis, & I. Harding Phycologia 42: 154 2003
Gonyaulax eumorphaCookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax excavata(Braarud) Balech Serv. Hidrogr. Naval, Buenos Aires H 654: 28 1971
Gonyaulax expansaKofoid & Michener image
Gonyaulax fragilis(Schott) Kofoid image
Gonyaulax fraterculaBalech image
Gonyaulax fraterculus_('fratercula')E. Balech Bol. Inst. Biol. Mar. [Mar del Plata] 4: 31, pl. IV: figs. 47-58 1964
Gonyaulax freakeiSarjeant image
Gonyaulax fusiformisGraham image
Gonyaulax gabrielaeJ. Schiller image
Gonyaulax geomunensisHyun Jung Kim, Zhun Li, H. Gu, K.N. Mertens & H.H. Shin in Kim et al., Phycologia 62: 64, figs. 2-27 2022
Gonyaulax giuseppeiMorgenroth image
Gonyaulax giuseppei subsp. majorMorgenroth image
Gonyaulax globosa(T. Braarud) E. Balech Serv. Hidrogr. Naval, Buenos Aires H 654: 29 1971
Gonyaulax globosaCleve-Euler image
Gonyaulax globosaStüwe Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 43: 275, pl. II: fig. 7 1909
Gonyaulax globosaStüwe image
Gonyaulax globosa_(`globosum')Schiller Bot. Arch. 27: 398, fig. 8 1929
Gonyaulax globosumSchiller image
Gonyaulax glyptorhynchusMurray & Whitting image
Gonyaulax gracilisJ. Schiller image
Gonyaulax graniiHenckel image
Gonyaulax granulataKlement image
Gonyaulax granuligeraKlement image
Gonyaulax grindleyiReinecke image
Gonyaulax helensisWoloszynska image
Gonyaulax helicoideaEisenack & Cookson image
Gonyaulax helicoidea subsp. cassidataEisenack & Cookson image
Gonyaulax helicoidea var. tuberculataVozzhennikova image
Gonyaulax heslertonensis_('heslertonense')Neale & Sarjeant image
Gonyaulax highleyi_('highleii')Murray & Whitting image
Gonyaulax hyalinaOstenfeld & Schmidt image
Gonyaulax hyalodermopsisCookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax hyperborea(Cl.) Paulsen image
Gonyaulax inclinataKofoid & Michener image
Gonyaulax inconspicuaCleve-Euler image
Gonyaulax inflata(Kofoid) Kofoid image
Gonyaulax jenseniiNygaard image
Gonyaulax jolliffiiMurray & Whitting image
Gonyaulax jurassicaDeflandre image
Gonyaulax jurassica var. longicornisDeflandre image
Gonyaulax kofoidii_('kofoidi')Pavillard image
Gonyaulax kostromiensisVozzhennikova image
Gonyaulax kutneraeBalech image
Gonyaulax kutneraeE. Balech Bol. Inst. Oceanogr. [Univ. Sa\*~o Paulo] 28{2}: 61, pl. 3 1979
Gonyaulax lebouriae_('lebourae')Balech image
Gonyaulax ligusticaL. Rampi Atti Accad. Ligure Sci. Lett. 8: 108, pl. II: fig. 21 1952
Gonyaulax limneticaLindemann image
Gonyaulax loculata_('loculatum')Meunier image
Gonyaulax longicornisDownie image
Gonyaulax longicornuP.H. Campbell Studies on Brackish Water Phytoplankton: 180, pl. 13: fig. 87a,b; pl. 29: fig. 1,2 1973
Gonyaulax longispinaLebour image
Gonyaulax macroporusMangin image
Gonyaulax mamilliferaDeflandre image
Gonyaulax manginii_('mangini')Fauré-Fremiet image
Gonyaulax margaritiferaCookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax matkoviciiSchiller image
Gonyaulax membranacea(M. Rossignol) M. Ellegaard, N. Daugbjerg, A. Rochon, J. Lewis, & I. Harding Phycologia 42: 157 2003
Gonyaulax microcerasEisenack image
Gonyaulax microspinaL. Rampi Atti Accad. Ligure Sci. Lett. 8: 108, pl. II: fig. 19 1952
Gonyaulax millioudii_('millioudi')Sarjeant image
Gonyaulax milneri(Murray & Whitting) Kofoid image
Gonyaulax milneri(Murray & Whitting) Kofoid image
Gonyaulax minimaMatzenauer image
Gonyaulax minutaKofoid & Michener image
Gonyaulax mitra(Schütt) Kofoid image
Gonyaulax monacanthaPavillard image
Gonyaulax monacantha var. majorPavillard image
Gonyaulax monacantha var. minorPavillard image
Gonyaulax monilataJ.F. Howell Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 72: 153, figs. 1-5 1953
Gonyaulax muderongensisCookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax nanaJ. Schiller image
Gonyaulax nannotrixDeflandre image
Gonyaulax nealeiSarjeant image
Gonyaulax nigricans(Schiller) E. Balech Publ. Espec. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr. 1: 171 1988
Gonyaulax nuciformis(Deflandre) Sarjeant image
Gonyaulax obliqua(Gourret) Lemmermann image
Gonyaulax obscuraLejeune-Carpentier image
Gonyaulax orientalisLindemann image
Gonyaulax ornata(Eisenack) Klement image
Gonyaulax orthocerasEisenack image
Gonyaulax ostenfeldii(Paulsen) Paulsen Biol. Skr. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. 6{4}: 62 1949
Gonyaulax ovalisSchiller image
Gonyaulax ovataMatzenauer image
Gonyaulax pachydermaDeflandre image
Gonyaulax pacificaKofoid image
Gonyaulax paliurosSarjeant image
Gonyaulax palustrisLemmermann image
Gonyaulax pannonicusNagy image
Gonyaulax parvaRamsfjell image
Gonyaulax pauculaKofoid & Michener image
Gonyaulax paulsenii_('paulseni')Gaarder image
Gonyaulax paulsenii_('paulseni')K.R. Gaarder Rep. "Michael-Sars" N. Atl. Deep-Sea Exped. 2{3}: 25 1954
Gonyaulax paululumSchiller image
Gonyaulax pavillardiiDangeard image
Gonyaulax pavillardii_('pavillardi')Kofoid & Michener image
Gonyaulax penardiformeSchiller image
Gonyaulax penardiiSchiller image
Gonyaulax perforansCookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax perforans var. kunzeviensisVozzhennikova Iskop. peridinien. SSSR: 87, pl. XXVII: fig. 6; pl. XXX: fig. 2; pl. XXXIII: fig. 6 1967
Gonyaulax peruvianaBalech & Rojas E. de Mendiola image
Gonyaulax peruvianaE. Balech & B.R.E. de Mendiola Neotrópica 23: 49, figs. 1-12 1977
Gonyaulax phoneus(Wołoszyńska & Conrad) F.J.R. Taylor Environm. Lett. 9: 117 1975
Gonyaulax pilulaSchiller image
Gonyaulax pinguisSchiller image
Gonyaulax polonicaWoloszynska image
Gonyaulax polyedraF. Stein Organismus der Infusionsthiere 3{2}: 13, pl. IV: figs. 7-9 1883
Gonyaulax polygrammaStein image
Gonyaulax polygramma subsp. pulchraMargalef & Durán image
Gonyaulax polygramma var. steiniiMatzenauer image
Gonyaulax polylophumSchiller image
Gonyaulax porosaLejeune-Carpentier image
Gonyaulax portimonensisK.N. Mertens, A. Amorim, & H. Gu in Gu et al. Journal of Phycology 58: 472, fig. 6 2022
Gonyaulax pulvisculusSchiller image
Gonyaulax pusillumSchiller image
Gonyaulax pygmaeumSchiller image
Gonyaulax pyraDrugg image
Gonyaulax quadridensSchiller image
Gonyaulax reticulataKofoid & Michener image
Gonyaulax rhaeticaSarjeant image
Gonyaulax rostratumDangeard image
Gonyaulax rotundataL. Rampi Atti Accad. Ligure Sci. Lett. 8: 109, pl. II: fig. 24 1952
Gonyaulax rotundumSchiller image
Gonyaulax rouchii_('rouchi')Rampi image
Gonyaulax saeculareSchiller image
Gonyaulax sarjeantii var. sphaericumVozzhennikova image
Gonyaulax sarjeantii_('sarjeanti')Vozzhennikova image
Gonyaulax sarjeantii_('sarjeanti')Vozzhennikova image
Gonyaulax schilleriMatzenauer image
Gonyaulax schuettiiLemmermann image
Gonyaulax scottii_('scotti')Cookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax scrippsaeKofoid image
Gonyaulax scrippsiae_('scrippsae')Kofoid Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 8: 228, pl. 26, 27; pl. 16: fig. 38 1911
Gonyaulax sedensSchiller image
Gonyaulax sentaKofoid & Michener image
Gonyaulax seriesKofoid & Rigden image
Gonyaulax serrataCookson & Eisenack image
Gonyaulax sousaeBalech image
Gonyaulax sousae_('sousai')Balech image
Gonyaulax sphaeroideaKofoid image
Gonyaulax spinifera(Claparede & Lachmann) Diesing image
Gonyaulax spinifera subsp. estelaeMargalef & Durán image
Gonyaulax spinifera var. levanderi(Lemmermann) Er. Lindemann Bot. Arch. 5: 222 1924
Gonyaulax spinosa_('spinosus')Athanassopoulos Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique 588: 9, fig. 10 1931
Gonyaulax steiniiLemmermann image
Gonyaulax striataMangin image
Gonyaulax subulataKofoid & Michener image
Gonyaulax superornataW. Wetzel image
Gonyaulax symmetrica_('symmetricus')Athanassopoulos Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique 588: 8, fig. 7 1931
Gonyaulax tabulatumSchiller image
Gonyaulax tamarensisLebour Dinoflag. N. Seas: 95, pl. XIV: fig. 1 1925
Gonyaulax tamarensis var. excavataT. Braarud Avh. Norske Vid. Akad. Oslo, Mat.-Naturv. Kl. 1944{11}: 14, fig. 5A, pls. II, III:d 1945
Gonyaulax tamarensis var. globosaBraarud image
Gonyaulax tamarensis var. globosaT. Braarud Avh. Norske Vidensk.-Akad. Oslo, Mat.-Naturvidensk. Kl. 1944{11}: 14, pl. III:a-c,e,f; text-fig. 5B 1945
Gonyaulax tamarensis var. typicaBraarud image
Gonyaulax tayloriiM.C. Carbonell-Moore Botanica Marina 39: 368, figs. 64-66, 71 1996
Gonyaulax tenuicerasEisenack image
Gonyaulax tenuitabulataGerlach image
Gonyaulax transparensSarjeant image
Gonyaulax triacanthaJørgensen image
Gonyaulax triacantha var. subinermisConrad image
Gonyaulax triquetra_('triquetrum')Schiller image
Gonyaulax trochoideumSchiller image
Gonyaulax trottiiL. Rampi Atti Accad. Ligure Sci. Lett. 8: 109, pl. I: fig. 5 1952
Gonyaulax trygveiM. Parke apud M. Parke & J.D. Dodge in M. Parke & P.S. Dixon J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 56: 546, 550 1976
Gonyaulax turbyneiMurray & Whitting image
Gonyaulax uliginosumSchiller image
Gonyaulax unicornisLebour image
Gonyaulax venustaKlement image
Gonyaulax veriorSournia Beih. Nova Hedwigia 48: 34 1973
Gonyaulax viquieriSchiller image
Gonyaulax warmingiiSchiller image
Gonyaulax wetzelii_('wetzeli')Lejeune-Carpentier image
Gonyaulax whaseongensisA.S. Lim, H J. Jeong & Ji Hye Kim in Lim et al. J. Phycol. 54: 923, figs. 1, 2 2018
Hystrichogonyaulax canadensis(Pocock) Stover & Evitt image
Hystrichogonyaulax cladophora(Deflandre) Stover & Evitt image
Hystrichogonyaulax cladophora subsp. cladophora(Deflandre) Stover & Evitt image
Hystrichogonyaulax cladophora subsp. extensa(Klement) Stover & Evitt image
Hystrichogonyaulax cladophora subsp. hemipolyedrica(Klement) Stover & Evitt image
Hystrichogonyaulax cladophora subsp. isovalvata(Klement) Stover & Evitt image
Hystrichogonyaulax coreoidesBenedek image
Hystrichogonyaulax cornigera(Valensi) Sarjeant image
Hystrichogonyaulax nealei(Sarjeant) Sarjeant image
Hystrichogonyaulax pectinigera(Gocht) Stover & Evitt image
Hystrichogonyaulax polytrixBenedek image
Hystrichogonyaulax regalis(Gocht) Stover & Evitt image
Hystrichogonyaulax serrata(Cookson & Eisenack) Stover & Evitt image
Meiourogonyaulax bejui_(`bejuii')M. Zotto, W.S. Drugg, & D. Habib Micropaleontology 33: 199, fig. 5; pl. 1 1987
Meiourogonyaulax bulloidea(Cookson & Eisenack) Sarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax bulloidea(Cookson & Eisenack) Sarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax callomoniiSarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax cantrelliiSarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax caytonensis(Sarjeant) Sarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax caytonensis(Sarjeant) Sarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax cristulata(Sarjeant) Sarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax cristulata(Sarjeant) Sarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax decapitata(W. Wetzel) Sarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax deflandreiSarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax dicryptosGitmez & Sarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax pilaGitmez & Sarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax psorosR.J. Davey & Verdier Palaeontology 17: 634, pl. 92: figs. 8, 9 1974
Meiourogonyaulax rioultiSarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax rioultiSarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax spongiosaM. Smelror Polar Research 5: 230, figs. 3, 5A-F 1987
Meiourogonyaulax staffinensisG.U. Gitmez Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Geol. 18: 276, fig. 20; pl. 3: fig. 1 1970
Meiourogonyaulax stoveriMillioud in Brönnimann & Renz (eds.), Proc. First International Conference on Planktonic Microfossils Geneva, vol. 2, 429, pl. III figs. 1-3 1969
Meiourogonyaulax strongylosSarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax superornata(W. Wetzel) Sarjeant image
Meiourogonyaulax valensiiSarjeant image
PROTOGONYAULAXF.J.R. Taylor in D.L. Taylor & H.H. Seliger (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellate blooms: 51 1979
Protogonyaulax acatenella(Whedon & Kofoid) F.J.R. Taylor in D.L. Taylor & H.H. Seliger (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellate blooms: 51 1979
Protogonyaulax affinisH. Inoue & Y. Fukuyo apud Y. Fukuyo, K. Yoshida, & H. Inoue in Anderson, White, & Baden (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellates: 30, figs. 1E, 3A-C, 24-29 1985
Protogonyaulax australiensis(Sh. Murray) F. Gómez & L.F. Artigas Journal of Marine Biology (Hindawi) 1284104: 15 2019
Protogonyaulax catenella(Whedon & Kofoid) F.J.R. Taylor image
Protogonyaulax cohorticula(Balech) F.J.R. Taylor image
Protogonyaulax cohorticula(E. Balech) F.J.R. Taylor in D.L. Taylor & H.H. Seliger (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellate blooms: 51 1979
Protogonyaulax compressaY. Fukuyo, K. Yoshida, & H. Inoue in Anderson, White, & Baden (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellates: 30, figs. 3D-F, 30-33 1985
Protogonyaulax dimorpha(Biecheler) F.J.R. Taylor in D.L. Taylor & H.H. Seliger (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellate blooms: 51 1979
Protogonyaulax fratercula(Balech) F.J.R. Taylor image
Protogonyaulax fraterculus_('fratercula')F.J.R. Taylor in D.L. Taylor & H.H. Seliger (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellate blooms: 51 1979
Protogonyaulax fundyensis(Balech) F. Gómez & L.F. Artigas Journal of Marine Biology (Hindawi) 1284104: 15 2019
Protogonyaulax globosa(Braarud) F.J.R. Taylor image
Protogonyaulax globosa(T. Braarud) F.J.R. Taylor in D.L. Taylor & H.H. Seliger (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellate blooms: 52 1979
Protogonyaulax kutnerae(Balech) Sournia image
Protogonyaulax kutnerae(E. Balech) A. Sournia Phycologia 23: 349 1984
Protogonyaulax mediterranea(U. John) F. Gómez & L.F. Artigas Journal of Marine Biology (Hindawi) 1284104: 15 2019
Protogonyaulax ostenfeldii(Paulsen) S. Fraga & F.J. Sánchez in Anderson, White, & Baden (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellates: 52 1985
Protogonyaulax pacifica(R.W. Litaker) F. Gómez & L.F. Artigas Journal of Marine Biology (Hindawi) 1284104: 15 2019
Protogonyaulax peruviana(Balech & De Mendiola) F.J.R. Taylor image
Protogonyaulax peruviana(E. Balech & B.R.E. de Mendiola) F.J.R. Taylor in D.L. Taylor & H.H. Seliger (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellate blooms: 51 1979
Protogonyaulax phoneus(Wołoszyńska & Conrad) F.J.R. Taylor in D.L. Taylor & H.H. Seliger (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellate blooms: 51 1979
Protogonyaulax tamarensis(Lebour) F.J.R. Taylor in D.L. Taylor & H.H. Seliger (eds.) Toxic dinoflagellate blooms: 51 1979
Protogonyaulax tamiyavanichii(Balech) F. Gómez & L.F. Artigas Journal of Marine Biology (Hindawi) 1284104: 15 2019
Protogonyaulax tropicalis(E. Balech) F. Gómez & L.F. Artigas Journal of Marine Biology (Hindawi) 1284104: 15 2019
Psaligonyaulax apatela(Cookson & Eisenack) Sarjeant image
Psaligonyaulax apatela_('apaletum')(Cookson & Eisenack) Sarjeant image
Psaligonyaulax cypraeaIoannides, Stavrinos & Downie image
Psaligonyaulax deflandreiSarjeant image
Psaligonyaulax galeatum(Cookson & Eisenack) R.J. Davey & Verdier image
Psaligonyaulax simplicia(Cookson & Eisenack) Sarjeant image
Psaligonyaulax simplicia(Cookson & Eisenack) Sarjeant image
Rhaetogonyaulax arctica(Wiggins) Stover & Evitt image
Rhaetogonyaulax arctica subsp. maculata(Wiggins) Stover & Evitt image
Rhaetogonyaulax chalonieri(Sarjeant) Sarjeant image
Rhaetogonyaulax chalonieri(Sarjeant) Sarjeant image
Rhaetogonyaulax dilatata(Wiggins) Stover & Evitt image
Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica(Sarjeant) Sarjeant image
Triadinium pseudogonyaulax_(`pseudogoniaulax')(B. Biecheler) J.D. Dodge Brit. Phycol. J. 16: 279 1981

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Page last updated 7 October 2024