Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Arthrospira gomontianaSetchell Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 22: 430 1895
Arthrospira gomontiana var. crassa(A.B. Gupta) T.V. Desikachary Cyanophyta: 192 1959
Arthrospira gomontianaW.A. Setchell image
EUGOMONTIAP. Kornmann image
Eugomontia sacculataP. Kornmann image
Eugomontia stelligeraR. Nielsen New Zealand J. Bot. 25: 431, figs. 6, 7 1988
GOMONTIABornet & Flahault image
Gomontia aegagropilaeE. Acton New Phytologist 15: 102, text-figs. 1, 2, pl. I 1916
Gomontia arrhizaHariot image
Gomontia bornetiiSetchell & Gardner image
Gomontia bornetiiSetchell & N.L. Gardner Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 7: 298 1920
Gomontia caudataSetchell & Gardner image
Gomontia caudataSetchell & N.L. Gardner Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 7: 300, pl. 23: figs. 1, 2 1920
Gomontia codiolifera(Chodat) Wille image
Gomontia habrorhizaSetchell & Gardner image
Gomontia habrorhizaSetchell & N.L. Gardner Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 7: 299, pl. 24: figs. 2, 3a-c 1920
Gomontia holdeniiCollins image
Gomontia lignicolaG.T. Moore Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 5: 218, pls. 13-15 1918
Gomontia manxianaR. Chodat image
Gomontia manxianaR. Chodat image
Gomontia oblongosporaChu & Wu image
Gomontia perforans(Chodat) E. Acton New Phytologist 15: 101 1916
Gomontia polyrhiza(Lagerheim) Bornet & Flahault J. Bot. [Morot] 2: 163 1888
Gomontia rupicolaJao image
Gomontia voluticola(Hariot) Chodat image
Lyngbya gomontianaP.A.C. Senna image
Lyngbya gomontianaP.A.C. Senna Taxon 32: 467 1983
Navicula gomontianaHeribaud image
Oscillatoria gomontiana(Setchell) B. Tracanna Opera Lilloana 35: 20 1985
Oscillatoria gomontiana var. crassa(A.B. Gupta) B. Tracanna Opera Lilloana 35: 20 1985
Radaisia gomontianaSauvageau image
Spirulina gomontiana(Setchell) Geitler image
Spirulina gomontiana var. crassaA.B. Gupta J. Res. Dayanand Anglo-Vedic Coll., Kanpur 3{1}: 78 1956

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024