Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Asterocapsa gloeotheceformisH.-J. Chu image
Asterocapsa gloeotheceformisH.-J. Chu Ohio J. Sci. 52: 97, figs. 8, 9 1952
GLOEOTHECE(Naegeli) Elenkin image
GLOEOTHECE(Naegeli) Hansgirg image
GLOEOTHECE(Naegeli) Naegeli image
GLOEOTHECENaegeli image
GLOEOTHECEW. West & G.S. West image
Gloeothece abiscoensis(Skuja) J. Komárek & K. Anagnostidis Preslia 67: 19 1995
Gloeothece abiscoensisSkuja image
Gloeothece aequatorialisJ. Mares\*v & J.R. Johansen in Mares\*v et al. Journal of Phycology 55: 598, fig. 4a,b, 5a,b, 6a,b, 8a-d 2019
Gloeothece aggregataJ. Komárek & J. Komárkova-Legnerová Nova Hedwigia 84: 98, fig. 32 2007
Gloeothece aureaJ. Mares\*v, T. Hauer, & J.R. Johansen in Mares\*v et al. Journal of Phycology 55: 598, fig. 4c, fig. 5c, fig. 6c, fig. 8e-h 2019
Gloeothece baileyanaSchmidle image
Gloeothece bryophilaJ.R. Johansen in Mares\*v et al. Journal of Phycology 55: 598, fig. 4d, fig. 5d,e, fig. 6d,e, fig. 9a-c 2019
Gloeothece carpathicaGrunow image
Gloeothece citriformisJ. Mares\*v & J.R. Johansen in Mares\*v et al. Journal of Phycology 55: 599, fig. 4f,g, 5f,g, 6f,g, 9d-g 2019
Gloeothece coeruleaGeitler image
Gloeothece confluens(Kützing) Nägeli Gatt. Einzell. Alg.: 57 1849
Gloeothece confluens(Kützing) Naegeli image
Gloeothece cystifera(Hassall) Rabenhorst image
Gloeothece cystifera var. maximaW. West image
Gloeothece decipiensA. Braun image
Gloeothece deviaNaegeli image
Gloeothece distansStizenberger image
Gloeothece distansStizenberger image
Gloeothece dubia(Wartmann) Geitler Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl., ed. 2, 14: 216 1930
Gloeothece elegansNordstedt ex Hansgirg image
Gloeothece endochromaticaGardner image
Gloeothece endochromaticaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 13, pl. 3: fig. 29 1927
Gloeothece filiformisC.L. Sant'Anna, L.H.Z. Branco, & S.M.F. Silva Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 89 (Algol. Stud. 62): 1, figs. 1-12 1991
Gloeothece fusco-lutea var. unilamellarisChu image
Gloeothece fuscolutea(Naegeli) Naegeli image
Gloeothece gloeotheceformis(H.-J. Chu) Bourrelly Alg. Eau Douce 3: expl. pl. 83 1970
Gloeothece goeppertiana(Hilse) Forti Syll. algarum 5: 62 1907
Gloeothece granosa(Berk.) Rabenhorst image
Gloeothece grevilleiElenkin image
Gloeothece heufleriGrunow ex Rabenhorst image
Gloeothece incertaSkuja image
Gloeothece inconspicuaA. Braun in Rabenhorst Alg. Eur.: 2455 1876
Gloeothece interspersaGardner image
Gloeothece involutaP.F. Reinsch image
Gloeothece kriegeriFrémy Ann. Crypt. Exot. 5: 193, fig. 1 1932
Gloeothece lacustrisG.B. MacGregor in McGregor et al. Nova Hedwigia 84: 306, figs. 9, 56 2007
Gloeothece linearis f. angustaW. West image
Gloeothece linearisNaegeli image
Gloeothece linearis var. compositaG.M. Smith Wisc. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 57{1}: 46, pl. 6: fig. 6 1920
Gloeothece linearis var. laxaPalik image
Gloeothece magnaWolle image
Gloeothece mellea(Meneghini) Rabenhorst image
Gloeothece membranacea(Rabenhorst) Bornet image
Gloeothece membranacea var. majorLaloraya & Mitra image
Gloeothece membranacea var. majorLaloraya & Mitra image
Gloeothece membranacea var. minorLaloraya & Mitra image
Gloeothece membranacea var. minorLaloraya & Mitra image
Gloeothece minorBeck in Becker, Hernstein in Niederösterreich: 2: 266 1886
Gloeothece monococca(Kützing) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 62 1865
Gloeothece monococca(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Gloeothece neocaledoniensis_(`neocaledoniense')A. Couté, G. Tell, & Y. Thérézien Cryptogamie: Algologie 20: 312, figs. 20, 21, 94, 95 1999
Gloeothece nigrescensRabenhorst image
Gloeothece opalothecataGardner image
Gloeothece opalothecataN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 14, pl. 3: fig. 31 1927
Gloeothece pachydermaticaRabenhorst image
Gloeothece palea(Kützing) Nägeli Neue Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesammten Naturwiss. 10[7]: 57 1849
Gloeothece palea(Kützing) Naegeli image
Gloeothece palea var. aeruginea(Kützing) Hansgirg Physiol. u. algol. Stud.: 98, 140 1887
Gloeothece palea var. aeruginea(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Gloeothece palea var. cavernarum(Hansgirg) Lemmermann image
Gloeothece palmelloidesRabenhorst image
Gloeothece parvulaGardner image
Gloeothece prototypaGardner image
Gloeothece rabenhorstiBornet image
Gloeothece reniformisJ. Mares\*v, T. Hauer, & J.R. Johansen in Mares\*v et al. Journal of Phycology 55: 599, fig. 4,j, fig. 5i,j, fig. 6g,h, fig. 10a-e 2019
Gloeothece rhodochlamysSkuja image
Gloeothece rupestris(Lyngbye) Bornet in Wittrock & Nordstedt Alg. Aq. Dulc. Exsicc.: no. 399 1880
Gloeothece rupestrisRichter in Wittrock & Nordstedt Alg. aq. dulc. exs.: 648 1884
Gloeothece rupestris var. cavernarumHansgirg image
Gloeothece rupestris var. chalybeaKrieger image
Gloeothece rupestris var. maiorGeitler image
Gloeothece rupestris var. majorGonzalves & Kamat image
Gloeothece rupestris var. minorJao image
Gloeothece rupestris var. tepidariorum(A. Braun) image
Gloeothece rupestris var. tepidariorum(A. Braun) Hansgirg Physiol. u. algol. Stud: 184 = expl. pl. II: fig. 26 1887
Gloeothece samoensis f. majorWille Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Naturw. Kl. 91: 147, pl. I: fig. 4 1914
Gloeothece samoensisWille image
Gloeothece subtilisSkuja image
Gloeothece tepidariorum(A. Braun) Lagerheim image
Gloeothece tonkinensisJ. Mares\*v & J.R. Johansen in Mares\*v et al. Journal of Phycology 55: 599, fig. 4m, 5k, 6m, 11a-f 2019
Gloeothece tophaceaSkuja image
Gloeothece transsylvanicaKol Ann. Hist.-Nat. Musei Nation. Hung. (Ser. Nova) 6: 94 1955
Gloeothece trichophilaRabenhorst image
Gloeothece trichophilaRabenhorst image
Gloeothece ustulataBeck-Mannagetta image
Gloeothece verrucosaJ. Mares\*v & J.R. Johansen in Mares\*v et al. Journal of Phycology 55: 601, fig. 4n, 5l, 6n, 11g-j 2019
Gloeothece vibrioN. Carter image
Gloeothece vibrioNellie Carter J. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 46: 50, pl. 4: fig. 1 1922
Gloeothece vibrio var. abiscoensisSkuja Nova Acta R. Soc. Sci. Upsal., Ser. 4, 18{3}: 36, pl. IV: fig. 2 1964
Gloeothece violaceaRabenhorst image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024