Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Gloeocapsa dubiaWartmann in Rabenhorst, Alg. Eur. Dec. 109/110: 1092 1861
Gloeocapsa atrovirens(Corda) Dalla Torre & Sarnthein Algen Tirol, Vorarlberg und Liechtenstein: 159 1901
Gloeocapsa paleaKützing Phycol. General.: 173 1843
Gloeocapsa montanaKützing Phyc. gen.: 173 1843
Gloeocapsa stillicidiorumKützing Phyc. gen.: 173 1843
Gloeocapsa fenestralisKützing Phyc. gen.: 173 1843
Gloeocapsa botryoidesKützing Phyc. gen.: 173 1843
Gloeocapsa aeruginosaKützing Phycol. General.: 174 1843
Gloeocapsa gelatinosaKützing Phyc. gen.: 174 1843
Gloeocapsa sanguinolentaKützing Phyc. gen.: 174 1843
Gloeocapsa atrataKützing Phyc. gen.: 174 1843
Gloeocapsa amplaKützing Phyc. gen.: 174, pl. 3: fig. III 1843
Gloeocapsa monococcaKützing Phyc. gen.: 175 1843
Gloeocapsa alpina var. mediterraneaHansgirg SitzBer. K. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., Math.-Naturw. Cl. 1891: 356 1891
Gloeocapsa confluensKützing Tab. Phyc. 1: 14, pl. 19, fig. iv 1846
Gloeocapsa cryptococcaKützing Tab. phyc. 1: 15, pl. 19: fig. V 1846
Gloeocapsa quaternataKützing Tab. phyc. 1: 15, pl. 20: fig. I 1846
Gloeocapsa polydermaticaKützing Tab. Phycol. 1: 15, pl. 20: fig. III 1846
Gloeocapsa cryptococcoidesKützing Tab. phyc. 1: 16, pl. 20: fig. IX 1846
Gloeocapsa conglomerataKützing Tab. phyc. 1: 16, pl. 20: fig. VIII 1846
Gloeocapsa magma(Brébisson) Kützing Tab. phycol. 1: 17 1847
Gloeocapsa rupestrisKützing Tab. phyc. 1: 17, pl. 22: fig. II 1847
Gloeocapsa squamulosaBrébisson ex Kützing Tab. phyc. 1: 18, pl. 22: fig. III 1847
Gloeocapsa purpureaKützing Tab. phyc.: 1: 18, pl. 22: fig. IV 1847
Gloeocapsa compactaKützing Tab. phyc. 1: 24, pl. 36: fig. IV 1847
Gloeocapsa violaceaKützing Tab. phyc.: 1: 25, pl. 36: fig. IX 1847
Gloeocapsa microphthalmaKützing Tab. phyc. 1: 25, pl. 36: fig. VI 1847
Gloeocapsa peniocystisKützing Tab. Phyc. 1: 25, pl. 36: fig. VII 1847
Gloeocapsa alpina var. polyedricaErcegović Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb. 1: 80, pl. I: fig. 1 1925
Gloeocapsa muralisKützing Tab. Phycol. 1: pl. 21: figs. 1, 2 1847
Gloeocapsa gelatinosa var. aerugineaKützing Sp. alg.: 219 (descr. in Tab. phycol. 1: 16, pl. 20: fig. VI.b) 1849
Gloeocapsa ianthinaNägeli ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 220 1849
Gloeocapsa versicolorNägeli ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 220 1849
Gloeocapsa ambiguaNägeli ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 220 1849
Gloeocapsa punctataNägeli ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 220 1849
Gloeocapsa scopulorumNägeli ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 220 1849
Gloeocapsa opacaKützing Sp. alg.: 221 1849
Gloeocapsa opaca var. pellucidaKützing Sp. alg.: 221 1849
Gloeocapsa ambigua var. rivularisNägeli ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 221 1849
Gloeocapsa rupicolaKützing Sp. alg.: 221, pl. 7.a in Kützing, Tab. phyc. 1 1849
Gloeocapsa haematodes(Kützing) Kützing Sp. alg.: 222 1849
Gloeocapsa goeppertianaHilse in Rabenhorst, Alg. Eur.: 2220 1872
Gloeocapsa kuetzingianaNägeli ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 224 1849
Gloeocapsa dermochroaNägeli ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 224 1849
Gloeocapsa deusta(Meneghini) Kützing Sp. alg.: 224 1849
Gloeocapsa cordaeM.D. Guiry Notulae algarum 23: 1 2017
Gloeocapsa zanardiniiHauck Österr. Bot. Zeit. 27: 230 1877
Gloeocapsa calcareaTilden Minn. Bot. Stud. 2: 29 1898
Gloeocapsa reicheltii_('Reichelti')P. Richter Hedwigia 34: 25, fig. 1895
Gloeocapsa corrensiiDe Toni f. Not. Nomencl. Alg. 3: [2] 1936
Gloeocapsa chroococcoidesNováček Mohelno [Arch. Svazu Ochr. Pr\*vír. a Domov. Zemi Moravskoslezské] 3a: 100, 139, pl. I: figs. 3, 5; pl. IV: figs. 1-8; pl. V: fig. 4 1934
Gloeocapsa nigrescens f. vitreaNováček Mohelno [Arch. Svazu Ochr. Pr\*vír. a Domov. Zemi Moravskoslezské] 3a: 110, 144, pl. VI: figs. 8-12 1934
Gloeocapsa compacta var. coeruleoatraNováček Mohelno [Arch. Svazu Ochr. Pr\*vír. a Domov. Zemi Moravskoslezské] 3a: 117. 147, pl. VI: figs. 1-7 1934
Gloeocapsa pleurocapsoidesNováček Mohelno [Arch. Svazu Ochr. Pr\*vír. a Domov. Zemi Moravskoslezské] 3a: 93, 133, pl. I: figs. 2, 6, 7; pl. III (lower half): figs. 1-12; pl. V: fig. 7 1934
Gloeocapsa kalchbrenneriGrunow ex Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 41 1865
Gloeocapsa titianaGrunow ex Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 47 1865
Gloeocapsa romanaMontagne Syll. crypt.: 470 1856
Gloeocapsa thermophila(H.C. Wood) Claus Arch. Hydrobiol. 55: 7 1959
Gloeocapsa aurataStizenberger in Rabenhorst Alg. Sachs. [exsicc.] 61/62: no. 607a 1857
Gloeocapsa cyaneaKrieger Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 61: 255, fig. 1 1944
Gloeocapsa nigrescensNägeli in Rabenhorst Alg. Sachs. [exsicc.] 63/64: no. 629 1857
Gloeocapsa novacekiiJ. Komárek & K. Anagnostidis Preslia 67: 19, figs. 1-7 in Nováček 1930, Sborn. Kl. Pr\*vírodovéd. Brno 13 1995
Gloeocapsa sabulosa(Meneghini ex Kützing) P. Richter in Wittrock & Nordstedt, Alg. aq. dulc. exs.: 698 1884
Gloeocapsa rupestris var. achroaBeck-Mannagetta Lotos 77: 99, no fig. 1929
Gloeocapsa quaternata var. majorN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 12, pl. 12: fig. 27 1927
Gloeocapsa sphaericaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 12, pl. 3: fig. 26 1927
Gloeocapsa dvorakii_('Dvor\*váki')Nováček Zpravy Kom. Prir. Moravy a Slezka, Oddel. Bot. 7: 9, pl. I,II 1929
Gloeocapsa saxicolaWartmann in Rabenhorst Alg. Sachs. Dec. 81/82: no. 813 1859
Gloeocapsa planctonicaG.B. MacGregor in McGregor et al. Nova Hedwigia 84: 318, figs. 46, 53 2007
Gloeocapsa alpinaNägeli ex Cramer in Rabenhorst, Alg. Sachs.: 869 1859
Gloeocapsa aeruginosa f. lignicolaWille Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. [Wien], Math.-Naturw. Kl. 91: 147, pl. I: fig. 9 1914
Gloeocapsa tepidariorumA. Braun in Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 38 1865
Gloeocapsa alpina var. saxicola(Wartmann) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 40 1865
Gloeocapsa violacea(Corda) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 41 1865
Gloeocapsa lignicolaRabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 41 1865
EUGLOEOCAPSAA.A. Elenkin image
EUGLOEOCAPSAHansgirg image
GLOEOCAPSA(Kützing) Elenkin image
GLOEOCAPSA(Kützing) Naegeli image
GLOEOCAPSA(Naegeli) Hansgirg image
GLOEOCAPSAGruppe RHODOCAPSA (Hansgirg) Hansgirg image
GLOEOCAPSAKützing image
GLOEOCAPSAReinsch image
Gloeocapsa acervataGardner image
Gloeocapsa aeruginosaKützing image
Gloeocapsa africanaCholnoky image
Gloeocapsa alpicola(Lyngbye) Bornet ex Wittrock image
Gloeocapsa alpicolaCohen-Bazire & Lefort-Tran image
Gloeocapsa alpina f. violacescensErcegovic image
Gloeocapsa alpinaNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa alpinaNaegeli ex Cramer image
Gloeocapsa alpina var. polyedricaErcegovic image
Gloeocapsa ambiguaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa ambigua var. fuscoluteaNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa ambigua var. pellucidaNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa ambigua var. rivularisNaegeli ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa ambigua var. violaceaNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa amplaKützing image
Gloeocapsa arenaria(Hassall) Rabenhorst image
Gloeocapsa atrataKützing image
Gloeocapsa attingensSchiller image
Gloeocapsa aurata var. alpicolaBrügger image
Gloeocapsa bahamensisCollins image
Gloeocapsa biformisA. Braun image
Gloeocapsa biformisErcegovic image
Gloeocapsa biformis f. dermochroaErcegovic image
Gloeocapsa biformis f. punctataErcegovic image
Gloeocapsa bituminosa(Bory) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa botryoidesKützing image
Gloeocapsa bracei(Howe) De Toni f. image
Gloeocapsa calcicolaGardner image
Gloeocapsa caldariiSuringar image
Gloeocapsa caldariorumRabenhorst image
Gloeocapsa cartilagineaGardner image
Gloeocapsa cartilaginea var. minorGardner image
Gloeocapsa chroococcoidesNovacek image
Gloeocapsa chrysophthalma(Montagne) Montagne image
Gloeocapsa coccineaEhrenberg image
Gloeocapsa cohaerens(Brebisson) Hollerbach image
Gloeocapsa compactaKützing image
Gloeocapsa compacta var. coeruleoatraNovacek image
Gloeocapsa confluensKützing image
Gloeocapsa confluens var. paleaceaKützing image
Gloeocapsa conglomerataKützing image
Gloeocapsa coracinaKützing image
Gloeocapsa coracina var. placentarisKützing image
Gloeocapsa crepidinum(Thuret) Thuret image
Gloeocapsa crepidinum var. ghazipurensisPandey & Mitra image
Gloeocapsa crepidinum var. ghazipurensisPandey & Mitra image
Gloeocapsa crepidinum var. ghazipurensisPandey & Mitra image
Gloeocapsa cryptococcaKützing image
Gloeocapsa cryptococcoidesKützing image
Gloeocapsa decorticans(A. Braun) P. Richter image
Gloeocapsa dermochroaNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa dermochroaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa deusta(Meneghini) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa didyma(Kützing) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa dimidiata(Kützing) Drouet & Daily image
Gloeocapsa dirumpensBeck-Mannagetta image
Gloeocapsa dvorakiiNovacek image
Gloeocapsa fenestralisKützing image
Gloeocapsa flavo-aurantiaKützing image
Gloeocapsa fulvaKützing image
Gloeocapsa fusco-lutea(Naegeli) Kirchner image
Gloeocapsa fuscoluteaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa fuscolutea var. achroaKützing image
Gloeocapsa fuscolutea var. hemichroaKützing image
Gloeocapsa fuscolutea var. holochroaKützing image
Gloeocapsa gelatinosa f. majorTalpasayi image
Gloeocapsa gelatinosaKützing image
Gloeocapsa gelatinosa var. aerugineaKützing image
Gloeocapsa gelatinosa var. cryptococcoides(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Gloeocapsa gelatinosa var. olivaceaKützing image
Gloeocapsa geminataKützing image
Gloeocapsa gigasW. West & G.S. West image
Gloeocapsa granosa(Berkeley) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa granosa f. majorKhan image
Gloeocapsa haematodes(Kutz.) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa helvetica(Nägeli) Starmach image
Gloeocapsa hormosiphonHieronymus image
Gloeocapsa ianthinaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa incrustataChu image
Gloeocapsa insignisThuret image
Gloeocapsa itzigsohniiBornet herb. image
Gloeocapsa juliana(Meneghini) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa kalchbrenneriGrunow image
Gloeocapsa kuetzingianaNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa kuetzingianaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa lacustrisHuber-Pestalozzi image
Gloeocapsa lignicolaRabenhorst image
Gloeocapsa livida(Carmichael) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa livida var. minorGardner image
Gloeocapsa luteo-fuscaMartens image
Gloeocapsa magma(Brebisson) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa magma f. opaca(Naegeli) Hollerbach image
Gloeocapsa magma var. genuinaKirchner image
Gloeocapsa magma var. opaca(Naegeli) Kirchner image
Gloeocapsa magma var. pellucidaNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa mellea(Meneghini) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa membranina(Meneghini) F. Drouet & W.A. Daily image
Gloeocapsa microcosmusRoemer image
Gloeocapsa microphthalmaKützing image
Gloeocapsa microsporaEhrenberg image
Gloeocapsa minor(Kützing) Hollerbach image
Gloeocapsa minuta(Kützing) Hollerbach image
Gloeocapsa minuta(Kützing) Hollerbach image
Gloeocapsa minutulaN.L. Gardner image
Gloeocapsa monococcaKützing image
Gloeocapsa monococca var. cohaerensKützing image
Gloeocapsa montana(Lightfoot) Wille, illeg. image
Gloeocapsa montanaKützing image
Gloeocapsa montana var. caldariiSuringar image
Gloeocapsa montana var. flavo-aurantia(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Gloeocapsa montana var. flavo-aurantiaKützing image
Gloeocapsa montana var. genuinaKirchner image
Gloeocapsa montana var. lacustrisHuber-Pestalozzi image
Gloeocapsa multisphericaN.L. Gardner image
Gloeocapsa myxophilaBeck-Mannagetta image
Gloeocapsa nigra(Meneghini) Grunow image
Gloeocapsa nigrescensCorrens image
Gloeocapsa nigrescens f. vitreaNovacek image
Gloeocapsa nigrescensNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa nigrescensNaegeli mss. image
Gloeocapsa ocellataRabenhorst image
Gloeocapsa opacaNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa opacaNaegeli ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa opaca var. pellucidaKützing image
Gloeocapsa opaca var. pellucidaNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa ovalisGardner image
Gloeocapsa paleaKützing image
Gloeocapsa palea var. minorKützing image
Gloeocapsa palmelloidesRabenhorst image
Gloeocapsa paroliana subsp. grumosa(Brébisson) Hansgirg image
Gloeocapsa paroliniana(Meneghini) Brebisson ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa paroliniana var. brebissonii(Meneghini) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa peniocystisKützing image
Gloeocapsa pleurocapsoidesNovacek image
Gloeocapsa polydermatica f. majorLaloraya & Mitra image
Gloeocapsa polydermaticaKützing image
Gloeocapsa polydermatica var. polyzonia(Perty) Rabenhorst image
Gloeocapsa polyzoniaPerty image
Gloeocapsa punctataNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa punctataNaegeli ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa purpureaKützing image
Gloeocapsa quaternaria(Brebisson) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa quaternata(Brebisson) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa quaternata var. majorGardner image
Gloeocapsa ralfsianaKützing image
Gloeocapsa ralfsii(Harvey) Lemmermann image
Gloeocapsa reicheltii_('reichelti')P. Richter image
Gloeocapsa reicheltii_('reichelti')P. Richter image
Gloeocapsa roseaKützing image
Gloeocapsa rupestrisKützing image
Gloeocapsa rupicolaKützing image
Gloeocapsa sabulosa(Meneghini) P. Richter image
Gloeocapsa salinaHansgirg image
Gloeocapsa salinaRoemer image
Gloeocapsa sanguinea(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Gloeocapsa sanguinolentaKützing image
Gloeocapsa scopulorumNaegeli image
Gloeocapsa scopulorumNaegeli ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa shuttleworthianaKützing image
Gloeocapsa sibogaeWeber-van Bosse image
Gloeocapsa sparsaWood image
Gloeocapsa sphaericaGardner image
Gloeocapsa squamulosaBrebisson ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa stegophila(Itzigsohn) Rabenhorst image
Gloeocapsa stegophila var. crassaC.B. Rao image
Gloeocapsa stillicidiorumKützing image
Gloeocapsa thermalisKützing image
Gloeocapsa thermalisLemmermann image
Gloeocapsa thermophila(Wood) Claus image
Gloeocapsa titianaGrunow image
Gloeocapsa tornensisSkuja image
Gloeocapsa tropicaCrouan fr. image
Gloeocapsa turgida(Kützing) Hollerbach image
Gloeocapsa turgida(Kützing) Hollerbach image
Gloeocapsa turgida f. turicensis(Naegeli) Starmach image
Gloeocapsa uvaeformisRoemer image
Gloeocapsa versicolorNaegeli ex Kützing image
Gloeocapsa violacea(Corda) Rabenhorst image
Gloeocapsa violaceaKützing image
Gloeocapsa violacea var. compacta(Kützing) Richter image
Gloeocapsa zostericolaFarlow image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024