Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

FOSLIELLAM.A. Howe image
Fosliella affinis(Foslie) W.R. Taylor image
Fosliella ascripticia(Foslie) G.M. Smith Mar. Algae Monterey: 224 1944
Fosliella atlantica(Foslie) W.R. Taylor image
Fosliella bermudensis(Foslie) W.R. Taylor image
Fosliella borealis(Foslie) A. Athanasiadis Tax. Litt. och Biogeogr.: 51 1996
Fosliella chamaedoris(Foslie & Howe) Howe in Britton & Millspaugh Bahama Fl.: 588 1920
Fosliella chamaedoris(Foslie & Howe) M.A. Howe image
Fosliella cruciataBressan in Bressan, Miniati-Radin, & Smundin Giorn. Bot. Ital. 111: 43, figs. 1-7 1977
Fosliella cymodoceae_('cymodocea')(Foslie) Jones & Woelkerling image
Fosliella cymodoceae_('cymodocea')(Foslie) P. Jones & Woelkerling Phycologia 23: 193 (table 5) 1984
Fosliella dispar(Foslie) G.M. Smith Mar. Algae Monterey: 225 1944
Fosliella farinosa(Lamouroux) Howe in Britton & Millspaugh The Bahama flora: 587 1920
Fosliella farinosa(Lamouroux) M.A. Howe image
Fosliella farinosa f. callithamnioides(Foslie) Y.M. Chamberlain image
Fosliella farinosa var. chalicodictyaW.R. Taylor Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 98{9}: 10, figs. 13, 14, pl. 1 1939
Fosliella farinosa var. solmsiana(Falkenberg) W.R. Taylor image
Fosliella fertilis(Me. Lemoine) Segonzac Tethys 11: 100 1984
Fosliella hubbsiiDawson image
Fosliella hubbsiiE.Y. Dawson Allan Hancock Found. Occas. Pap. 8: 5, figs. 13, 14 1949
Fosliella intermedia(Foslie) G.M. Smith Marine Algae Monterey: 226 1944
Fosliella lejolisii(Rosanoff) Howe in Britton & Millspaugh The Bahama flora: 588 1920
Fosliella lejolisii(Rosanoff) M.A. Howe image
Fosliella limitata(Foslie) Ganesan image
Fosliella mediterranea(Foslie) J. Feldmann image
Fosliella minutaW.R. Taylor Allan Hancock Pacfic Exped. 12: 183 1945
Fosliella minutula(Foslie) E. Ganesan Phykos 2: 42 1964
Fosliella minutula(Foslie) Ganesan image
Fosliella nicholsii(Setchell & L.R. Mason) G.M. Smith Mar. Alg. Monterey Peninsula: 225 1944
Fosliella nicholsii(Setchell & Mason) G.M. Smith image
Fosliella paschalis(Me. Lemoine) Setchell & Gardner image
Fosliella paschalis(Me. Lemoine) Setchell & N.L. Gardner Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. IV, 19: 176 1930
Fosliella sargassi(Foslie) A. Athanasiadis Tax. Litt. och Biogeogr.: 52 1996
Fosliella sargassi_('sargasii')(Foslie) Perestenko image
Fosliella sargassi_(`sargasii')(Foslie) L.P. Perestenko Vodorosli Zaliva Petra Velikogo: 48 1980
Fosliella tenuisW. Adey & P. Adey image
Fosliella validaW. Adey & P. Adey image
Fosliella zonalis(Crouan) J. Feldmann image
Fosliella zostericola(Foslie) Segawa ex T. Yoshida image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024