The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here
Results from INA database
Name | Author | Source | Citation | Year |
Fauchea repens | (C. Agardh) Montagne & Bory in Montagne | Fl. Algér., Cryptog.: | 64 | 1846 |
Fauchea coronata | (Harvey) J. Agardh | Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr. 8, Afd. Math. och Naturv. | 6: 18 | 1872 |
Fauchea laciniata | J. Agardh | Acta Univ. Lund. | 21{8}: 40 | 1885 |
Fauchea microspora | Bornet ex Rodríguez y Femenías | Anales Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. | 18 (Mem.): 253 | 1889 |
Fauchea gardneri | Setchell | Zoe | 5: 125, no fig. | 1901 |
Fauchea californica | (J. Agardh) Farlow in Yates | Bull. Santa Barbara Soc. Nat. Hist. | 1{3}: 10, 16 | 1902 |
Fauchea mollis | M. Howe | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club | 38: 507. pl. 32, pl. 33: fig. 6 | 1911 |
Fauchea sefferi | M. Howe | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club | 38: 506. pl. 31 | 1911 |
Fauchea fryeana | Setchell in Collins, Holden, & Setchell | Phycoth. Bor.-Amer.: | no. 1845 | 1912 |
Fauchea fryeana | Setchell | Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. | 4: 239, pl. 31 | 1912 |
Fauchea laciniata f. pygmaea | Setchell & N.L. Gardner in Setchell | Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. | 4(14): 238 | 1912 |
Fauchea mortensenii | Weber-van Bosse | Vid. Medd. Dansk Naturh. For. Kobenhavn | 81: 148, fig. 3 | 1926 |
Fauchea procumbens | Weber-van Bosse | Siboga-Exped. Monogr. | 59: 459, pl. XI: figs. 2, 3 | 1928 |
Fauchea hassleri | M.A. Howe & W.R. Taylor | Brittonia | 1: 13, fig. 6; pl. 2: figs. 2, 3 | 1931 |
Fauchea spinulosa | Okamura & Segawa in Segawa | Sci. Pap. Inst. Algol. Res., Fac, Sci., Hokkaido Imp. Univ. | 1: 84, figs. 4, 5; pl. 20: fig. 2 | 1935 |
Fauchea furcellata | Baardseth | Mar. alg. Tristan da Cunha: | 80, figs. 41 A-C, 42 | 1941 |
Fauchea leptophylla | Segawa | Sci. Pap. Inst. Algol. Res., Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Imp. Univ. | 2: 264, fig. 10; pl. 58: fig. 1 | 1941 |
Fauchea stipitata | Yamada & Segawa in Yamada | Sci. Pap. Inst. Algol. Res., Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ. | 2: 200, pl. 44 | 1941 |
Fauchea media | Kylin | Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, | 37{2}: 27, pl. 10: fig. 24 | 1941 |
Fauchea pygmaea | (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Kylin | Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr. N.F. Avd. 2, | 37{2}: 27 | 1941 |
Fauchea peltata | W.R. Taylor | Allan Hancock Atlantic Exped. | 2: 113, pl. 3: fig. 9; pl. 16 | 1942 |
Leptofauchea rhodymenioides | W.R. Taylor | Allan Hancock Atlantic Exped. Rept. | 2: 114, pl. 3: figs. 7, 8; pl. 17 | 1942 |
Fauchea profunda | Børgesen | Biol. Meddel. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. | 19{6}: 11, figs. 6-8 | 1944 |
Fauchea galapagensis | W.R. Taylor | Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. | 12: 246, pl. 82 | 1945 |
Fauchea rhizophylla | W.R. Taylor | Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. | 12: 247, pl. 79: fig. 2 | 1945 |
Leptofauchea pacifica | E.Y. Dawson | Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sc. | 43: 104, figs. 2, 3 | 1945 |
Fauchea crispa | W.R. Taylor | Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. | 12: 248, pl. 83: fig. 2 | 1945 |
Fauchea galapagensis f. pygmaea | W.R. Taylor | Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. | 12: 247 | 1945 |
Leptofauchea brasiliensis | A.B. Joly | Bol. Fac. Filos. Univ. Sa\*~o Paulo, Bot. | 14: 130, fig. 2, pl. XII: fig. 7; pl. XIX: fig. 4 | 1957 |
Leptofauchea auricularis | E.Y. Dawson | Nova Hedwigia | 5: 445, pl. 81: figs. 1-3 | 1963 |
Fauchea hoshawii | E.Y. Dawson | J. Arizona Acad. Sci. | 4: 64, fig. 5 | 1966 |
Fauchea setchellii | (Lindauer) D.E.G. Irvine & M.D. Guiry in Desikachary & Raja Rao | Taxonomy of algae: | 294 | 1980 |
Fauchea madagascariensis | Farghaly | Algues benthiques de la Mer Rouge et du bassin occidental de l'Océan Indien (étude taxinomique et essai de répartition, notamment des Udotéacées): | 157, pl. XXVIII: figs. 4, 5 | 1980 |
Leptofauchea anastomosans | (Weber-van Bosse) R. Norris & Aken | South African Journal of Botany | 51: 58 | 1985 |
FAUCHEACEAE | I.M. Strachan, G.W. Saunders, & G.T. Kraft in G.W. Saunders, I.M. Strachan, & G.T. Kraft | Phycologia | 38: 36 | 1999 |
Fauchea xishaensis_(`xishaense') | B.M. Xia & Y.Q. Wang | Acta Phytotax. Sin. | 38: 90, figs. 3, 6:3 | 2000 |
Leptofauchea earleae | B. Gavio & S. Fredericq | Gulf of Mexico Science | 23: 73, figs. 41-48 | 2005 |
Leptofauchea chiloensis | J.L. Dalen & G.W. Saunders | Phycologia | 46: 204, figs. 23-31 | 2007 |
Fauchea guiryi | Selivanova | Russian Journal of Marine Biology | 34: 353, figs. 2-5 | 2008 |
Leptofauchea coralligena | C. Rodríguez-Prieto & O. De Clerck | Eur. J. Phycol. | 44: 109, figs. 1-9 | 2009 |
Leptofauchea leptophylla | (Segawa) Mas. Suzuki, H. Nozaki, R. Terada, T. Kitayama, Tetsuo Hashimoto & M. Yoshizaki | Phycologia | 51: 482 | 2012 |
Leptofauchea cocosana | G.V. Filloramo & G.W. Saunders | Phycologia | 54: 378, figs. 5-8 | 2015 |
Leptofauchea munseomica | G.V. Filloramo & G.W. Saunders | Phycologia | 54: 378, figs. 16, 17 | 2015 |
Leptofauchea lucida | J.M. Huisman & G.W. Saunders | Nuytsia | 31: 164, fig. 1 | 2020 |
Leptofauchea huawelau | E.A. Alvarado, F.P. Cabrera & A.R. Sherwood in Alvarado et al., | Algae | 37: 254, fig. 3 | 2022 |
FAUCHEA | Montagne & Bory | image | ||
Fauchea crispa | Taylor | image | ||
Fauchea galapagensis f. pygmaea | Taylor | image | ||
Fauchea galapagensis | Taylor | image | ||
Fauchea hassleri | Howe & Taylor | image | ||
Fauchea hoshawii | Dawson | image | ||
Fauchea laciniata f. pygmaea | Setchell & Gardner | image | ||
Fauchea laciniata f. typica | Dawson | image | ||
Fauchea microspora | Bornet | image | ||
Fauchea microspora | Bornet | image | ||
Fauchea mollis | Howe | image | ||
Fauchea mollis var. intermedia | Weber-van Bosse | image | ||
Fauchea multipartita_('multipartitus') | Meneghini | image | ||
Fauchea nitophylloides f. constricta | Weber-van Bosse | image | ||
Fauchea nitophylloides | J. Agardh | image | ||
Fauchea profunda | Børgesen | image | ||
Fauchea pygmaea | (Setchell & Gardner) Kylin | image | ||
Fauchea repens var. cuneata | Filarszky | image | ||
Fauchea rhizophylla | Taylor | image | ||
Fauchea sefferi | Howe | image | ||
Fauchea senegalensis | Bodard | image | ||
Fauchea senegalensis | Bodard | image | ||
Fauchea tenuis | Ruprecht | image | ||
FAUCHEAE | J. Agardh | image | ||
FAUCHEAE | Kylin | image | ||
LEPTOFAUCHEA | Kylin | image | ||
Leptofauchea anastomosans | (Weber-van Bosse) Norris & Aken | image | ||
Leptofauchea auricularis | Dawson | image | ||
Leptofauchea brasiliensis | Joly | image | ||
Leptofauchea nitophylloides | (J. Agardh) Kylin | image | ||
Leptofauchea pacifica | Dawson | image | ||
Leptofauchea rhodymenioides | Taylor | image |
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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley
Page last updated 7 October 2024