Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Elachista jabukaeErcegović Acta Adriat. 3: 98, figs. 4, 5 1948
Elachista neglecta subsp. jabukae(Ercegović) Ercegović Acta Adriat. 8{8}: 47 1957
Elachista neglecta var. jabukae(Ercegović) Antolić & S\*vpan in Antolić et al. Acta Adriatica 51{1}: 24 2010
Proselachista taeniiformis_('taeniaeformis')(Yamada) Y.-P. Lee & D.J. Garbary Algae 14: 214 2000
PROSELACHISTAY.-P. Lee & D.J. Garbary Algae 14: 214 2000
Ectocarpus elachistiformis_('elachistaeformis')Heydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 10: 470, pl. XXV: fig. 14 1892
Elachista mediterraneaG. Furnari in Furnari et al. Biol. Mar. Mediterr. 17{suppl. 1}: 828 (Remarks A19) 2010
Elachista jabukae var. mediterranea(G. Furnari) M. Cormaci & G. Furnari in Cormaci et al. Boll. Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat. Catania 45(375): 509 2012
Elachista mediterranea var. jabukae(Ercegović) M. Cormaci & G. Furnari Boll. Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat. Catania 45(375): 155 2012
Elachista orbicularis(Ohta) Skinner Brit. Phycol. J. 18: 98 1983
Microcystis elachista(W. West & G.S. West) Compère Bull. Jard. Bot. Natl. Belgique 37: 141, 245 1967
Elachista lindaueriV.J. Chapman Bull. Res. Council Israel 10D: 16, fig. 2 1961
Elachista lebeliiAreschoug in P. Crouan & H. Crouan Fl. Finistère: 163 1867
Elachista neglectaLiebmann Flora Danica: 14(41): pl. 2459: fig. 2 1845
Aphanocapsa elachista var. confertaW. West & G.S. West J. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 40: 432, pl. 19: fig. 1 1912
Aphanocapsa elachistaW. West & G.S. West J. Linn. Soc. [London], Bot. 30: 276, pl. XV: figs. 9, 10 1894
Elachista falcataY.P. Lee Korean J. Biol. Sci. 4: 9, fig. 1 2000
Elachista fucicola(Velley) Areschoug Linnaea 16: 235 1842
Feldmannia elachistiformis_('elachistaeformis')(Heydrich) P.H. Ho\*^ Marine algae of South Vietnam: 299 1969
Elachista okamuraeT. Yoshida Phycol. Res. 45: 165 1997
Elachista endarachnaeH. Stegenga, J.J. Bolton, & R.J. Anderson Phycologia 41: 432, figs. 1-4 2002
Elachista globosaTakamatsu Res. Bull. Saito Ho-on Kai Mus. 14: 160, fig. 6, pl. XX: figs. 1, 2 1938
Elachista nigraTakamatsu Saito Ho-on kai Mus., Res. Bull. 14: 167, pl. XXI: figs. 1, 2; text-fig. 9 1938
Elachista taeniiformis_(`taeniaeformis')Yamada Sci. Rep. To\*^hoku Imp. Univ., Ser. 4, Biol. 3: 509, fig. 10 1928
Elachista tenuisYamada Sci. Rep. To\*^hoku Univ., Biol. 3: 511, fig. 11 1928
Kuetzingiella elachistiformis_('elachistaeformis')(Heydrich) M. Balakrishnan & Kinkar Seaweed Res. Utilis. 4{2}: 25 1981
Elachista claytoniaeS. Skinner Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia 109: 154, fig. 1A-F 1985
Aphanocapsa elachista var. planctonicaG.M. Smith Wisc. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 57{1}: 42, pl. 3: fig. 3 1920
Elachista neglectaKuckuck Wiss. Meeresunters. Helgoland 17{4}: 24, figs. 12-14 1929
Elachista kuckuckianaSchiffner Wiss. Meeresunters. Helgoland 11: 168, figs. 120-126 1916
Elachista meridionalisSkottsberg Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903 unter Leitung von Dr. Otto Nordenskjöld: 4{6}: 53, fig. 65 1907
Elachista ramosaSkottsberg Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903 unter Leitung von Dr. Otto Nordenskjöld: 4{6}: 54, figs. 66-68 1907
Aphanocapsa elachista var. irregularisJ.B. Petersen image
Bulbochaete elachistandra_('elachistandria')Wittrock image
ELACHISTA(Fries) Endlicher image
Elachista adriaticaJ. Agardh image
Elachista antarcticaSkottsberg image
Elachista areschougii_('Areschongii')Crouan frat. image
Elachista attenuataHarvey image
Elachista australisJ. Agardh image
Elachista breviarticulata(Suhr) Areschoug image
Elachista canadensisRuprecht image
Elachista chondriAreschoug image
Elachista chordaeAreschoug image
Elachista chordaeAreschoug image
Elachista clandestinaCrouan frat. image
Elachista claytoniaeSkinner image
Elachista coccophorae(Ohta) Perestenko image
Elachista coccophoraeTakamatsu image
Elachista confusicolaNoda image
Elachista crassa f. lumbricalisTakamatsu image
Elachista crassa f. rigidaTakamatsu image
Elachista crassaTakamatsu image
Elachista curta(Dillwyn) J.E. Areschoug image
Elachista fasciculata(Reinke) Gran image
Elachista fasciculata var. major(Reinke) Gran image
Elachista fasciculata var. uncinata(Reinke) Gran image
Elachista ferruginea(Roth) Fries image
Elachista flaccida(Dillwyn) Fries image
Elachista fractaGran image
Elachista fucicola f. profundaErcegovic image
Elachista fucicola var. lubrica(Ruprecht) Rosenvinge image
Elachista fucorum(Roth) Rabenhorst image
Elachista globosaOersted image
Elachista globosaTakamatsu image
Elachista globulosaJ. Agardh image
Elachista grevillei_('grevillii')Arnott image
Elachista haydenii_('Haydeni')Gatty image
Elachista infestansJ. Agardh image
Elachista intermediaCrouan frat. image
Elachista intermedia f. profundaErcegovic image
Elachista intermedia var. claviformis_('clavaeformis')Ercegovic image
Elachista jabukaeErcegovic image
Elachista lebeliiJ. Areschoug image
Elachista lebeliiJ. Areschoug image
Elachista lindaueriChapman image
Elachista lubricaRuprecht image
Elachista lumbricalis(Kützing) Hauck image
Elachista maculiformis_('maculaeformis')J. Agardh image
Elachista minor(Farlow) Collins image
Elachista minutissimaTaylor image
Elachista minutulaReinsch image
Elachista mollisTakamatsu image
Elachista moniliformisFoslie image
Elachista neglectaKuckuck image
Elachista neglectaKuckuck image
Elachista neglecta subsp. jabukae(Ercegovic) Ercegovic image
Elachista neglecta var. kuckuckianaSchiffner image
Elachista nipponicaUmezaki image
Elachista pulvinata(Kützing) Harvey image
Elachista pulvinataHarvey image
Elachista pusillaSkottsberg image
Elachista reflexaCrouan frat. image
Elachista rivulariaeSuhr image
Elachista rosarioidesSkottsberg image
Elachista sadoensisNoda image
Elachista sargassicolaNoda image
Elachista scutellataDuby image
Elachista scutulata(J.E. Smith) Duby image
Elachista scutulata var. tenuisShperk image
Elachista stellarisAreschoug image
Elachista stellaris var. chordaeAreschoug image
Elachista stellulata(Harvey) Griff. image
Elachista taeniiformis_('taeniaeformis') f. typicaTakamatsu image
Elachista taeniiformis_('taeniaeformis')Yamada image
Elachista tenuis f. pacificaTakamatsu image
Elachista tenuis f. typicaTakamatsu image
Elachista vellosaTakamatsu image
Elachista velutina(Greville) Fries image
Elachista wallrothii_('wallrotii')(Meneghini) J. Agardh image
Elachista zosteraeNoda image
Elachista zosteraeNoda image
EUELACHISTAM. Foslie image
Feldmannia elachistiformis_('elachistaeformis')(Heydrich) Pham Hoàng Hô image
Helminthopsidella elachista(Schrader) Silva image
Helminthopsis elachistaSchrader image
Kuetzingiella elachistaeformis(Heydrich) Balakrishnan & Kinkar image
Microcystis elachista(W. West & G.S. West) Compère image
Microcystis elachista(W. West & G.S. West) Compère image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024