Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Dictyocha boliviensis f. distephanusJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha paradistephanusK. Tsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J., Ser. C-45, 146: 57, pl. XI: figs. 6, 7; pl. XXIV: figs. 6, 7 1963
Distephanus acanthicusD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 44: 816, fig. 6, pl. 3: figs. 1-3 1978
Distephanus aculeatus(Ehrenberg) Haeckel image
Distephanus aculeatus f. binoculus(Ehrenberg) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 905 1986
Distephanus antiquusGlezer image
Distephanus antiquusZ.I. Glezer Nov. Sist. Nizsh. Rast. [Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR] 1964: 57, pl. II: figs. 6-9 1964
Distephanus asteroidesHaeckel image
Distephanus boliviensis(Frenguelli) Bukry & Foster image
Distephanus boliviensis f. spinosus_('spinosa')T.V. Desikachary & P. Prema image
Distephanus boliviensis f. spinosus_(`spinosa')T.V. Desikachary & P. Prema Bibliotheca Phycologica 100: 189, fig. 3a in J. Frenguelli, Physis 20 (1951) 1996
Distephanus boliviensis subsp. frugalisD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 32: 688, pl. 2: figs. 2-7 1975
Distephanus boliviensis subsp. jimlingiiD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 32: 688, pl. 1: figs. 6, 7; pl. 2: fig. 1 1975
Distephanus boliviensis subsp. major(Frenguelli) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 32: 688 1975
Distephanus boliviensis var. binoculus(Frenguelli) Ciesielski image
Distephanus boliviensis var. major(Frenguelli) Ciesielski image
Distephanus bukryiP. Prema & T.V. Desikachary image
Distephanus bukryiP. Prema & T.V. Desikachary in Desikachary & Prema Bibliotheca Phycologica 100: 189, pl. 64: fig. 4; pl. 80: fig. 4 1996
Distephanus coronaHaeckel image
Distephanus crux(Ehrenberg) Haeckel image
Distephanus crux f. asper_('aspera')P. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 257, fig. 45 1928
Distephanus crux f. asperus_('aspera')P. Schulz image
Distephanus crux f. brevispinus_('brevispina')Schulz image
Distephanus crux f. longispinaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 256, fig. 44 1928
Distephanus crux f. longispinus_('longispina')P. Schulz image
Distephanus crux f. mesocenoideus_('mesocenoidea')Deflandre image
Distephanus crux f. mesophthalmus(Ehrenberg) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 906 1986
Distephanus crux subsp. bispinosusP. Dumitrica Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 21: 850, pl. 6: figs. 3, 6, 7 1973
Distephanus crux subsp. carolaeD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 68: 315, pl. 5: figs. 4-11 1982
Distephanus crux subsp. darwiniiD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 35: 895, pl. 7: figs. 4-13 1976
Distephanus crux subsp. fenestratusK.E. Busen & S.W. Wise, Jr. Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 36: 714, pl. 6: figs. 1, 2 1977
Distephanus crux subsp. hannae_('hannai')D. Bukry image
Distephanus crux subsp. hannae_(`hannai')D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 29: 855, pl. 4: figs. 4-6 1975
Distephanus crux subsp. loeblichiiD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 44: 817, pl. 3: figs. 12, 13; pl. 4: figs. 1-6 1978
Distephanus crux subsp. parvus(A. Bachmann) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 433 1982
Distephanus crux subsp. parvus(Bachmann) D. Bukry image
Distephanus crux subsp. pauliiC.A. Shaw & P.F. Ciesielski Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 71: 713, pl. 11: figs. 2, 3, 5, 6 1983
Distephanus crux subsp. scutulatusD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 433, pl. 4: figs. 8-12; pl. 5: figs. 1, 2; pl. 9: fig. 8 1982
Distephanus crux var. apiculatusLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 19: 262 1901
Distephanus crux var. longispinus_('longispina')(P. Schulz) Schulz ex A. Bachmann Osterr. Akad. Wiss., mathem.-naturw. Kl. 179: 65 1971
Distephanus crux var. mesophthalmus(Ehrenberg) Lemmermann image
Distephanus crux var. octacanthusDesikachary & C.L. Maheshwari J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 35: 260, text-figs. 10, 12, 13; pl. XIII: figs. 8, 9 1956
Distephanus crux var. quadrangulus_('quadrangula')(Schulz) Deflandre image
Distephanus crux var. schauinslandii(Lemmermann) Schulz image
Distephanus crux var. stauracanthus(Ehrenberg) Lemmermann image
Distephanus diademaHaeckel image
Distephanus floridusD. Bukry Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 82: 599, pl. 1: figs. 1-4 1985
Distephanus frugalis(D. Bukry) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 49: 561 1979
Distephanus hannae_('hannai')(D. Bukry) D. Bukry image
Distephanus hannae_(`hannai')(D. Bukry) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 49: 561 1979
Distephanus heptacanthus(Ehrenberg) Dumitrica Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 21: 852 1973
Distephanus irregularisHanna image
Distephanus irregularisHanna Mining in California 27: 200, pl. E: figs. 8, 9 1931
Distephanus japonicus(Deflandre) Glezer image
Distephanus japonicus f. pseudofibula(Schulz) Glezer image
Distephanus jimlingii(D. Bukry) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 49: 561 1979
Distephanus jimlingii(D. Bukry) P. Dumitrica in E. Brestenská (ed.) Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen 6: 214 1978
Distephanus longispinus(Schulz) Bukry & Foster image
Distephanus longispinus(Schulz) Perch-Nielsen image
Distephanus macilentus(Deflandre) Perch-Nielsen image
Distephanus major(Frenguelli) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 69: 330 1983
Distephanus medianoctisolK. Takahashi, Onodera & Katsuki Micropaleontology 55: 316, pl. 1: figs. 1-11; pl. 2: figs. 1-5, 9-14; pl. 3: figs. 1-11 2009
Distephanus mesophthalmus(Ehrenberg) Haeckel image
Distephanus norvegiensisK. Perch-Nielsen Bull. Geol. Soc. Denmark 25: 34, figs. 15, 16, 20 1976
Distephanus octacanthus(Desikachary & C.L. Maheshwari) Bukry & Foster image
Distephanus octangulatusG.H. Wailes Contr. Canad. Biol. & Fish., ser. 2, 7: 216, fig. 3 1932
Distephanus octogoniusHaeckel image
Distephanus octonarius(Ehrenberg) Haeckel image
Distephanus octonarius(Ehrenberg) Perch-Nielsen image
Distephanus octonarius f. mesocenoideus_('mesocenoidea')Deflandre image
Distephanus octonarius var. bioctonarius_('bioctonaria')(Ehrenberg) Deflandre image
Distephanus octonarius var. cyrtoides(Häckel) Glezer image
Distephanus octonarius var. polyactis(Ehrenberg) Glezer image
Distephanus ornamentum(Ehrenberg) Haeckel image
Distephanus paradistephanus(K. Tsumura) D. Bukry & S. Monechi Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 86: 379 1985
Distephanus pentagonusG.H. Wailes Contrib. Can. Biol. & Fish, ser. 2 7: 217, fig. 4 1932
Distephanus pentagonusWailes image
Distephanus pentasterias(Ehrenberg) Haeckel image
Distephanus polyactis(Ehrenberg) Deflandre image
Distephanus polyactis f. mesocenoideusDeflandre Bull. Soc. Bot. France 79: 503 1932
Distephanus polyactis f. mesocenoideus_('mesocenoidea')Deflandre image
Distephanus polyactis subsp. crassusD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 37: 922, pl. 1: figs. 7-14 1977
Distephanus polyactis var. apiculatus_('apiculata')(Lemmermann) Deflandre image
Distephanus polyactis var. literatusD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 433, fig. 3; pl. 5: fig. 4 1982
Distephanus pseudocrux(P. Schulz) H.Y. Ling Proc. First Int. Congr. Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy 1: 211 1977
Distephanus pseudofibula(P. Schulz) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 38: 848 1976
Distephanus pulcher_('pulchra')(J. Schiller) H.Y. Ling & K. Takahashi image
Distephanus pulcher_(`pulchra')(J. Schiller) H.Y. Ling & K. Takahashi Micropaleontology 31: 80 1985
Distephanus pusillusH.Y. Ling Proc. First Int. Congr. Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy 1: 211, pl. 2: figs. 18-21 1977
Distephanus quinquangellusBukry & Foster image
Distephanus quinquangellusD. Bukry & J.H. Foster Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 16: 828 1973
Distephanus quintus(D. Bukry & J.H. Foster) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 63: 550 1981
Distephanus quintus(D. Bukry & J.H. Foster) P. Dumitrica in E. Brestenská (ed.) Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen 6: 214 1978
Distephanus raupiiBukry image
Distephanus raupiiD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 35: 895, pl. 7: figs. 14, 15 1976
Distephanus rosaeK. Perch-Nielsen Bull. Geol. Soc. Denmark 25: 34, figs. 14, 17 1976
Distephanus rotundusStöhr Palaeontographica 26: 121, pl. VII(XXIII): fig. 9 1880
Distephanus rotundusStöhr image
Distephanus schauinslandiiLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 19: 262, pl. XI: figs. 4, 5 1901
Distephanus septenarius(Ehrenberg) Perch-Nielsen image
Distephanus sirius(Ehrenberg) Haeckel image
Distephanus slavnicii_('slavnici')(Jerkovic) Ling image
Distephanus speculum(Ehrenberg) Haeckel image
Distephanus speculum f. armatus_('armata')Lemmermann image
Distephanus speculum f. cannopilea-hexacantha(Frenguelli) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 907 1986
Distephanus speculum f. constrictus_('constricta')Schulz image
Distephanus speculum f. constrictus_('constricta')Schulz image
Distephanus speculum f. coronatus_('coronata')Schulz image
Distephanus speculum f. coronatus_('coronata')Schulz image
Distephanus speculum f. coronatus_('coronata')Schulz image
Distephanus speculum f. coronatus_('coronata')Schulz image
Distephanus speculum f. fenestratusS. Locker & E. Martini Senckenbergiana Lethaea 68: 48, pl. 5: figs. 46, 47; pl. 6: fig. 53; pl. 7: figs. 59, 60 1987
Distephanus speculum f. geminusCiesielski image
Distephanus speculum f. nonariusS. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 907, pl. 7: fig. 7 1986
Distephanus speculum f. notabilisS. Locker & E. Martini Senckenbergiana Lethaea 68: 48, pl. 5: figs. 40, 41 1987
Distephanus speculum f. octogonius_('octogonia')(Haeckel) Lemmermann image
Distephanus speculum f. octonarius(Ehrenberg) S. Locke & E. Martini image
Distephanus speculum f. octonarius(Ehrenberg) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 907 1986
Distephanus speculum f. pentagonus(Lemmermann) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 907 1986
Distephanus speculum f. pentagonusS. Locker & E. Martini image
Distephanus speculum f. pentagonusS. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 906 1986
Distephanus speculum f. polyactis(Ehrenberg) Jørgensen image
Distephanus speculum f. pseudocruxP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 263, fig. 52 1928
Distephanus speculum f. pseudodictyochaDeflandre image
Distephanus speculum f. pseudofibulaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 262, fig. 51 1928
Distephanus speculum f. pseudopentagonusK. McCartney & S.W. Wise, Jr. Proc. Ocean Drilling Program, Sci. Results 113: 750, pl. 5: fig. 6 1990
Distephanus speculum f. regularisLemmermann Ber. Deutsch Bot. Ges. 19: 265, pl. XI: fig. 15 1901
Distephanus speculum f. robustus_('robusta')Gemeinhardt image
Distephanus speculum f. septenarius(Ehrenberg) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 907 1986
Distephanus speculum f. spiralisD.M. Harwood DSIR [Dept. Sci. & Industr. Res., New Zealand] Bull. 237: 87, pl. 8: figs. 12-14 1986
Distephanus speculum f. trioctusBukry image
Distephanus speculum f. variansGran & Braarud image
Distephanus speculum f. variansH.H. Gran & T. Braarud J. Biol. Board Canada 1935{1,5}: 390, fig. 68 1935
Distephanus speculum subsp. binoculus(Ehrenberg) Bukry image
Distephanus speculum subsp. bispicatusD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 68: 315, pl. 6: figs. 2-4 1982
Distephanus speculum subsp. diommata(Ehrenberg) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 49: 562 1979
Distephanus speculum subsp. elongatusD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 32: 688, pl. 2: figs. 8, 9; pl. 3: figs. 1-3 1975
Distephanus speculum subsp. giganteusD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 38: 848, pl. 1: fig. 19; pl. 2: figs. 1, 2 1976
Distephanus speculum subsp. haliomma(Ehrenberg) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 41: 697 1978
Distephanus speculum subsp. hemisphaericus(Ehrenberg) Bukry image
Distephanus speculum subsp. minutus(Bachmann) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 35: 895 1976
Distephanus speculum subsp. notabilisS. Locker & E. Martini Senckenbergiana Lethaea 68: 46, pl. 5: figs. 38-49; pl. 6: fig. 53; pl. 7: figs. 59, 60 1987
Distephanus speculum subsp. ornamentum_('ornamentatum')(Ehrenberg) D. Bukry Marine Micropaleontology 72: 176 2009
Distephanus speculum subsp. patulusD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 433, pl. 5: figs. 7-10 1982
Distephanus speculum subsp. polyommata(P. Schulz) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 44: 818 1978
Distephanus speculum subsp. polyommatus_('polyommata')(P. Schulz) D. Bukry image
Distephanus speculum subsp. quintus(Bukry & Foster) Bukry image
Distephanus speculum subsp. tenuisD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 68: 316, pl. 6: figs. 5-11 1982
Distephanus speculum subsp. triommata(Ehrenberg) Bukry image
Distephanus speculum var. aculeatus(Ehrenberg) Lemmermann image
Distephanus speculum var. brevispinusLemmermann image
Distephanus speculum var. brevispinusLemmermann image
Distephanus speculum var. corona(Haeckel) Lemmermann image
Distephanus speculum var. diademus_('diadema')(Haeckel) Lemmermann image
Distephanus speculum var. hexathyra(Ehrenberg) Lemmermann image
Distephanus speculum var. minutus(A. Bachmann) K. McCartney & S.W. Wise, Jr. image
Distephanus speculum var. minutus(A. Bachmann) K. McCartney & S.W. Wise, Jr. Proc. Ocean Drilling Program, Sci. Results 113: 749 1990
Distephanus speculum var. monospicatusMalinverno Marine Micropaleontology 77: 170, pl. 5: figs. a-h 2010
Distephanus speculum var. octonarius_('octonaria')(Ehrenberg) Jørgensen image
Distephanus speculum var. pentagonusLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 19: 264, pl. XI: fig. 19 1901
Distephanus speculum var. polyactis(Ehrenberg) Lemmermann image
Distephanus speculum var. pseudocrux(P. Schulz) H.Y. Ling Bull. Amer. Paleontol. 62: 168 1972
Distephanus speculum var. pseudofibula(P. Schulz) H.Y. Ling Bull. Amer. Paleontol. 62: 169 1972
Distephanus speculum var. regularisLemmermann image
Distephanus speculum var. regularisLemmermann image
Distephanus speculum var. septenarius_('septenaria')(Ehrenberg) Jørgensen image
Distephanus stauracanthus(Ehrenberg) Haeckel image
Distephanus stauracanthus f. octagonus(K. Tsumura) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 907 1986
Distephanus staurodon(Ehrenberg) A. Bachmann Catalogus Fossilium Austriae 1b: 11 1970
Distephanus staurodon(Ehrenberg) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 41: 697 1978
Distephanus staurodon f. pentagonaA. Bachmann Sitzungsber. Österr. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Nat. Abt. I 179: 64, pl. 6: fig. 8 1971
Distephanus staurodon f. quadrangulaA. Bachmann Sitzungsber. Österr. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Nat. Abt. I 179: 64, pl. 5: figs. 10, 11; pl. 6: figs. 1-7 1971
Distephanus stradneri(L. Jerković) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 41: 698 1978
Distephanus stradneri(L. Jerkovic) D. Bukry image
Distephanus stradneri var. grandisD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 41: 698 1978
Distephanus sulcatusD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 49: 562, pl. 4: figs. 4-12 1979
Distephanus trioctusD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 44: 818, pl. 5: figs. 2, 3 1978
Distephanus variabilisHanna image
Distephanus variabilisHanna Mining in California 27: 198, pl. D: fig. 8; pl. E: figs. 4-7 1931
Distephanus varians(Gran & Braarud) D. Bukry image
Distephanus varians(H.H. Gran & T. Braarud) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 38: 849 1976
Distephanus xenusD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 81: 557, pl. 1: figs. 11, 12; pl. 2: figs. 1-8 1984
Microdistephanus ellipticus-uniornatus_('ellipticus uniornatus')Filipescu image
Microdistephanus hexaradiatus var. atriornatusFilipescu image
Microdistephanus pentaradiatusFilipescu image
Microdistephanus pentaradiatus var. biannelatusFilipescu image
Microdistephanus pentaradiatus var. biornatusFilipescu image
Microdistephanus pentaradiatus var. triornatusFilipescu image
Microdistephanus pentaradiatus var. uniornatusFilipescu image
Microdistephanus stellatusFilipescu image
Stephanocha paradistephanus_('paradistephanea')(K. Tsumura) K. McCartney & R.W. Jordan in Jordan & McCartney Phytotaxa 201: 180 2015

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Page last updated 7 October 2024