Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

DICTYOCHA - - image
DICTYOCHA [unranked] ACTINISCUSEhrenberg Ber. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1840: 147 1840
DICTYOCHAC.G. Ehrenberg image
DICTYOCHAC.G. Ehrenberg image
DICTYOCHAEhrenberg Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys. Kl. 1836: 118, folded table at p. 132 1838 (printed xii.1837)
DICTYOCHAEhrenberg Infusionsthierchen: 165 1838
DICTYOCHA second card image
DICTYOCHA second card image
Dictyocha abnormisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha abyssorumC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha aculeataC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha aculeataEhrenberg Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Physik. Kl. 1839: 148 (figured in Ehrenberg 1854) 1840
Dictyocha aculeata subsp. subaculeataD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 54: 552, pl. 1: figs. 8-17 1980
Dictyocha acutaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 95: 406, pl. 5: figs. 8, 9; pl. 6: figs. 1-3 1987
Dictyocha aegeaH. Stradner & A. Bachmann Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 42{1}: 805, fig. 1; pl. 1: figs. 12-16 1978
Dictyocha altaP.F. Ciesielski in C.A. Shaw & P.F. Ciesielski Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 71: 710, pl. 17: figs. 1-3, 5-9 1983
Dictyocha anacanthaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha anguineaP.F. Ciesielski & C.A. Shaw in Shaw & Ciesielski Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 71: 710, pl. 7: figs. 1-5; pl. 8: figs. 1, 3 1983
Dictyocha angulataD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 431, pl. 1: figs. 9-12; pl. 2: fig. 1 1982
Dictyocha angulataJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha antarcticaH. Lohmann image
Dictyocha apertaG.D. Hanna image
Dictyocha apertaHanna Mining in California 27: 198, pl. D: fig. 4 1931
Dictyocha apiculata(E.J. Lemmermann) J. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha apiculata var. inermis(E.J. Lemmermann) G. Deflandre image
Dictyocha apiculata var. inermis(Lemmermann) Deflandre C.R. Acad. Sci. [Paris] 212: 102 1941
Dictyocha arbutusensisD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 68: 315, pl. 1: figs. 5-9 1982
Dictyocha arbutusensisJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha archangelskiana(P. Schulz) Glezer Silicoflagellatophyceae: 232 1966
Dictyocha arctiosH.Y. Ling Trans. & Proc. Palaeontol. Soc. Japan, ser. 2, 138: 82, pl. 10: figs. 12-15 1985
Dictyocha aspera(E.J. Lemmermann) J. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha aspera(E.J. Lemmermann) J.D. Bukry & J.H. Foster image
Dictyocha aspera subsp. clinataD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 32: 687, pl. 1: figs. 1-5 1975
Dictyocha aspera subsp. clinataJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha aspera subsp. martiniiJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha aspera var. pygmaeaP.F. Ciesielski Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 28: 655, pl. 4: figs. 1, 3, 4, 6 1975
Dictyocha asteroidesE.H.P.A. Haeckel image
Dictyocha ausoniaDeflandre Microscopie 2: 195, figs. 194-202 1950
Dictyocha ausoniaG. Deflandre image
Dictyocha ausonia var. regularis(P. Carnevale) G. Deflandre image
Dictyocha bachmannii_('bachmanni')P. Dumitrica image
Dictyocha bachmannii_(`bachmanni')P. Dumitrica Cah. Micropaléontol. 1{4}: 1, pl. 1; pl. 2: figs. 15-17 1967
Dictyocha biapiculata(E.J. Lemmermann) G. Deflandre image
Dictyocha biapiculata var. constricta(P. Schulz-Danzig) G. Deflandre image
Dictyocha biapiculata var. lataDeflandre Bull. Soc. Bot. France 79: 500, figs. 30, 31 1932
Dictyocha biapiculata var. lataG. Deflandre image
Dictyocha biapiculata var. minor(P. Schulz-Danzig) G. Deflandre image
Dictyocha biapiculata var. sectangularis(P. Schulz-Danzig) G. Deflandre image
Dictyocha bimucronata_('bimuoronata')(Deflandre) K. Tsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J. Ser. C-45 146: 47 1963
Dictyocha binoculusC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha binoculusC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha binoculusEhrenberg Ber. Bekanntm. Verh. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 79 1844
Dictyocha binoculusEhrenberg Ber. Bekanntm. Verh. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1842: 265 1842
Dictyocha bipartitaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha bipartitaEhrenberg Ber. Bekanntm. Verh. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 79 1844
Dictyocha biternariaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha bojadorinaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 49: 982, pl. 1: figs. 10-12 1979
Dictyocha boliviensis f. binocolusJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha boliviensis f. binoculusFrenguelli Physis 20: 276, no fig. 1951
Dictyocha boliviensis f. diplostaurusJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha boliviensis f. distephanusJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha boliviensis f. polyommaJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha boliviensis f. triommataJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha boliviensisFrenguelli Rev. Mus. La Plata, n.s. Paleont. 2: 44, text-fig. 4 1940
Dictyocha boliviensisJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha boliviensis var. majorFrenguelli Physis 20: 277, fig. 3 1951
Dictyocha boliviensis var. majorJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha borealisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha brachyacanthaP. Dumitrica Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 13: 906, pl. 6: figs. 3, 6; pl. 7: figs. 1-3 1973
Dictyocha brevispina(E.J. Lemmermann) J.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha brevispina(Lemmermann) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 34: 723 1976
Dictyocha brevispina subsp. ausonia(Deflandre) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 41: 697 1978
Dictyocha brevispina subsp. ausonia(G. Deflandre) J.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha byronalisD. Bukry in J.A. Barron, D. Bukry, & R.Z. Poore Micropaleontology 30: 151, pl. 3: figs. 1-14 1984
Dictyocha byronalisJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha calidaH.S. Poelchau image
Dictyocha calida subsp. ampliataD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 49: 982, pl. 2: figs. 1, 2, 9 1979
Dictyocha cannopileaJ. Frenguelli, inval. image
Dictyocha carentis(Z.I. Glezer) K. Perch-Nielsen image
Dictyocha cenostephaniaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha challengeriE. Martini & C. Müller Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 38: 870, pl. 2: fig. 8; pl. 5: fig. 10; pl. 8: fig. 3 1976
Dictyocha circulusC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha circulusEhrenberg Ber. Bekanntm. Verh. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1840: 208 1840
Dictyocha circulus second card image
Dictyocha clinata(D. Bukry) K. McCartney, S. Churchill, & L. Woestendiek Proc. Ocean Drilling Prog., Sci. Res. 138: 146 1995
Dictyocha complexa(Tsumura) H.Y. Ling Proc. First Int. Congr. Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy 1: 209 1977
Dictyocha composC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha concavataP. Dumitrica image
Dictyocha concavataP. Dumitrica in E. Brestenská (ed.) Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen 6: 212, pl. 3: figs. 1-4 1978
Dictyocha concinnaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 69: 327, pl. 2: figs. 5-11 1983
Dictyocha concinnaJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha constricta(P. Schulz) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 49: 983 1979
Dictyocha contrariaDeflandre ex L. Jerković Silicoflag. Yougoslavie: 4 1965
Dictyocha coronaE.H.P.A. Haeckel image
Dictyocha coronataC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha cruxC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha cruxEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1840: 207 1840
Dictyocha crux f. mesophthalma_('mesophtalma')(Ehrenberg) A. Bachmann image
Dictyocha crux f. mesophthalma_('mesophtalma')(Ehrenberg) Bachmann in Bachmann, Papp, & Stradner, Mitt. Geol. Ges. Wien 56: 148 1963
Dictyocha crux f. parvaA. Bachmann in W. Ichikawa, I. Shimuza, & A. Bachmann Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 12: 156, pl. IV: figs. 14, 15, 19, 23, 29-31 1967
Dictyocha curtaH.Y. Ling Trans. & Proc. Palaeontol. Soc. Japan, ser. 2, 138: 83, pl. 10: figs. 18-21 1985
Dictyocha cyrtoidesE.H.P.A. Haeckel image
Dictyocha deflandrei f. corbisemoideaJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha deflandrei f. hexagonaJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha deflandrei f. pentagonaJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha deflandrei f. productaZ.I. Glezer Nov. Sist. Nizsh. Rast. [Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR] 1964: 56, pl. II: figs. 3, 4 1964
Dictyocha deflandreiJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha deflandrei subsp. lobataD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 44: 785, pl. 1: figs. 11-17 1978
Dictyocha deflandrei subsp. lobataJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha deflandrei subsp. producta(Z.I. Glezer) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 44: 785 1978
Dictyocha deflandrei subsp. producta(Z.I. Glezer) J.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha deflandrei var. bicornutaZ.I. Glezer image
Dictyocha deflandrei var. completaZ.I. Glezer image
Dictyocha delicata(D. Bukry) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 432 1982
Dictyocha delicata(J.D. Bukry) J.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha delicata subsp. bisecta(D. Bukry) K. McCartney, S. Churchill, & L. Woestendiek Proc. Ocean Drilling Prog., Sci. Res. 138: 146 1995
Dictyocha delicata var. bisectaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 432, pl. 2: figs. 3-6 1982
Dictyocha delicata var. bisectaJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha diademaE.H.P.A. Haeckel image
Dictyocha diommataC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha diommataEhrenberg Ber. Bekanntm. Verh. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1845: 76 1845
Dictyocha elata f. reductaZ.I. Glezer Nov. Sist. Nizsh. Rast. [Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR] 1964: 51, pl. I: fig. 8 1964
Dictyocha elata var. mediaZ.I. Glezer image
Dictyocha elataZ.I. Glezer Paleontol. Zhurn. 1962{1}: 151, fig. 4g 1962
Dictyocha elegansC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha ellipticaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha ellipticaEhrenberg Ber. Bekanntm. Verh. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1840: 208 1840
Dictyocha elongataZ.I. Glezer image
Dictyocha eocaenica(A.I. Krotov) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 903 1986
Dictyocha epiodonC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha epiodon subsp. subaculeata(D. Bukry) T.V. Desikachary & P. Prema Bibliotheca Phycologica 100: 71 1996
Dictyocha epiodon subsp. subaculeata(J.D. Bukry) T.V. Desikachary & P. Prema image
Dictyocha erebiC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha extensa(S. Locker) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 903 1986
Dictyocha fallaciaK.E. Busen & S.W. Wise image
Dictyocha fallaciaK.E. Busen & S.W. Wise, Jr. Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 36: 713, pl. 4: figs. 2-6 1977
Dictyocha fibulaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha fibulaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha fibulaEhrenberg Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys. Kl. 1836: folded table at p. 132 1838 (printed xii.1837)
Dictyocha fibulaEhrenberg Infusionsthierchen: 165 1838
Dictyocha fibula f. aculeata(E.J. Lemmermann) A. Bachmann image
Dictyocha fibula f. aculeata(Lemmermann) Bachmann in Bachmann, Papp, & Stradner, Mitt. Geol. Ges. Wien 56: 149 1963
Dictyocha fibula f. cannopilea-hexacanthaFrenguelli An. Mus. Argent. Cienc. Nat. 38 (Protistol. 4): pl. 12: figs. 1, 2 1935
Dictyocha fibula f. constrictaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 253, fig. 35 1928
Dictyocha fibula f. constrictaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha fibula f. cornuoideaG. Deflandre image
Dictyocha fibula f. eocaenicaA.I. Krotov in Z.I. Glezer Geol. Inst. Inf. Sborn. 35: 131, pl. 2: fig. 9 1960
Dictyocha fibula f. longispinaE.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha fibula f. majorR. Hovasse image
Dictyocha fibula f. majorR. Hovasse image
Dictyocha fibula f. mesocenoideaG. Deflandre image
Dictyocha fibula f. minorR. Hovasse image
Dictyocha fibula f. minorR. Hovasse image
Dictyocha fibula f. rhombicaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 253, fig. 37 1928
Dictyocha fibula f. rhombicaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha fibula f. rotundataP. Schulz image
Dictyocha fibula f. speculumFrenguelli An. Mus. Argent. Cienc. Nat. 38(Protistol. 4): 277, pl. 5: figs. 1-9, pl. 6: figs. 1-6 1935
Dictyocha fibula f. spinosaE.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha fibula subsp. aspera(E.J. Lemmermann) P. Dumitrica image
Dictyocha fibula subsp. asymmetricaS. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 904, pl. 4 1986
Dictyocha fibula subsp. augustaJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha fibula subsp. ausonia(Deflandre) K. McCartney, S. Churchill, & L. Woestendiek Proc. Ocean Drilling Prog., Sci. Res. 138: 147 1995
Dictyocha fibula subsp. formicataJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha fibula subsp. mutabilis(Deflandre) K. McCartney, S. Churchill, & L. Woestendiek Proc. Ocean Drilling Prog., Sci. Res. 138: 147 1995
Dictyocha fibula subsp. perlaevis(J. Frenguelli) J.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha fibula var. aculeataE.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha fibula var. aculeataLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 19: 261, pl. XI: figs. 1, 2 1901
Dictyocha fibula var. asperaE.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha fibula var. brevispinaE.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha fibula var. brevispinaLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 19: 260 1901
Dictyocha fibula var. longispinaE.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha fibula var. longispinaE.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha fibula var. longispinaLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 19: 260, pl. X: fig. 26 1901
Dictyocha fibula var. messanensis(E.H.P.A. Haeckel) E.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha fibula var. pentagonaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 255, fig. 41 1928
Dictyocha fibula var. pentagonalisAurivillius Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, [ser. 4] 30{3}: 53, fig. 15 1898
Dictyocha fibula var. pumilaP.F. Ciesielski Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 28: 656, pl. 5: figs. 5-10; pl. 6: figs. 1, 2 1975
Dictyocha fibula var. rhombus(E.H.P.A. Haeckel) E.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha fibula var. stapedia(E.H.P.A. Haeckel) E.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha fibuloidesK.-I. Negoro image
Dictyocha fischeriJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha flexatella(D. Bukry) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 85: 489 1985
Dictyocha formosaA. Bachmann image
Dictyocha fornixK. Möbius image
Dictyocha frenguellii f. incertaZ.I. Glezer image
Dictyocha frenguelliiG. Deflandre image
Dictyocha frenguellii var. carentisZ.I. Glezer image
Dictyocha furcataA.P. Jouse image
Dictyocha geometrica(Hanna) K. Tsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J. Ser. C-45 146: 49 1963
Dictyocha glabraJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha gracilisF.T. Kützing image
Dictyocha grandisP.F. Ciesielski & C.A. Shaw in Shaw & Ciesielski Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 71: 711, pl. 8: figs. 2, 4, 5; pl. 9: figs. 1-4; pl. 10: figs. 1-4 1983
Dictyocha haliommaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha haliommaEhrenberg Ber. Bekanntm. Verh. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 80 1844
Dictyocha hastata(E.J. Lemmermann) E.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha hastataLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 19: 269 1901
Dictyocha helixD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 69: 327, pl. 3: figs. 5-10; pl. 4: figs. 1, 2 1983
Dictyocha helixJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha hemisphaericaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha hemisphaericaEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 266 1844
Dictyocha heptacanthusC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha heptacanthusEhrenberg Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Physik. Kl. 1840: 208 1840
Dictyocha hessiiD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 40: 642, pl. 7: figs. 4-7 in P. Dumitrica, Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 13 (1973) 1978
Dictyocha hessiiJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha hexacanthaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha hexathyraC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha irregularisP. Carnevale image
Dictyocha japonicaDeflandre Microscopie 2: 201, figs. 223-226 1950
Dictyocha japonicaG. Deflandre image
Dictyocha japonicaK.-I. Negoro image
Dictyocha katharinaeT.V. Desikachary & P. Prema image
Dictyocha katharinaeT.V. Desikachary & P. Prema Bibliotheca Phycologica 100: 77, pl. 22: fig. 5 1996
Dictyocha lamellifera var. constrictaZ.I. Glezer image
Dictyocha lamellifera var. hastataZ.I. Glezer image
Dictyocha lamelliferaZ.I. Glezer Nov. Sist. Nizsh. Rast. [Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR] 1964: 47, pl. I: fig. 2 1964
Dictyocha lamprodictyaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha lamprodictyaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha langhiana(Carnevale) A. Bachmann Catalogus Fossilium Austriae 1b: 8 1970
Dictyocha lingii_('lingi')P. Dumitrica image
Dictyocha lingii_(`lingi')P. Dumitrica Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 13: 906, pl. 8: figs. 1-7 1973
Dictyocha lockeri f. pentagona(A. Bachmann) P. Prema & T.V. Desikachary image
Dictyocha lockeri f. pentagona(A. Bachmann) P. Prema & T.V. Desikachary in Desikachary & Prema Bibliotheca Phycologica 100: 80 1996
Dictyocha lockeriT.V. Desikachary & P. Prema image
Dictyocha lockeriT.V. Desikachary & P. Prema Bibliotheca Phycologica 100: 79, pl. 10: figs. 22, 23 in Lemmermann, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 19. 1901 1996
Dictyocha longaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 432, pl. 2: figs. 8-13; pl. 3: figs. 1, 2 1982
Dictyocha longa f. asymmetricaT.V. Desikachary & P. Prema image
Dictyocha longa f. asymmetricaT.V. Desikachary & P. Prema Bibliotheca Phycologica 100: 81, pl. 26: fig. 10 1996
Dictyocha longaJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha longa var. paxillaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 432, pl. 3: figs. 3-8 1982
Dictyocha longa var. paxillaJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha longispina(Lemmermann) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 49: 983 1979
Dictyocha macilentaDeflandre Microscopie 2: 198, figs. 211-218 1950
Dictyocha macilentaG. Deflandre image
Dictyocha mandrae_('mandrai')H.Y. Ling Proc. First Int. Congr. Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy 1: 209 1977
Dictyocha medusaE.H.P.A. Haeckel image
Dictyocha mesophthalmaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha mesophthalmaEhrenberg Ber. Bekanntm. Verh. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 80 1844
Dictyocha messanensisE.H.P.A. Haeckel image
Dictyocha messanensis f. aspinosaS. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 904, 905 1986
Dictyocha messanensis f. speculum(Frenguelli) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 904 1986
Dictyocha messanensis f. speculum(J. Frenguelli) S. Locker & E. Martini image
Dictyocha messanensis subsp. aculeata(E.J. Lemmermann) S. Locker & E. Martini image
Dictyocha messanensis subsp. aculeata(Lemmermann) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 904 1986
Dictyocha messanensis subsp. aspinosa(D. Bukry) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 904 1986
Dictyocha messanensis subsp. aspinosa(J.D. Bukry) S. Locker & E. Martini image
Dictyocha messanensis subsp. stapedia(E.H.P.A. Haeckel) S. Locker & E. Martini image
Dictyocha messanensis subsp. stapedia(Haeckel) S. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 905 1986
Dictyocha mucibabici f. fibularisL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha mucibabici f. transversaL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha mucibabiciL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha mutabilisDeflandre Microscopie 2: 1950
Dictyocha naviculaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha naviculaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha naviculaEhrenberg Infusionsthierchen: 165 1838
Dictyocha naviculaEhrenberg Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys. Kl. 1836: folded table at p. 132 1838 (printed xii.1837)
Dictyocha naviculaEhrenberg Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Physik. Kl. 1838: 129 1839
Dictyocha navicula f. asperaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 246, fig. 20 1928
Dictyocha navicula f. asperaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha navicula f. constrictaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 246, fig. 21 1928
Dictyocha navicula f. constrictaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha navicula f. longispinaK. Tsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J. Ser. C-45 146: 45, pl. VIII: fig. 7; pl. XXI: fig. 10 1963
Dictyocha navicula f. minorP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha navicula var. asperaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 245 (expl. fig. 20) 1928
Dictyocha navicula var. asperaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha navicula var. biapiculataE.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha navicula var. constrictaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: expl. fig. 21 on p. 245 1928
Dictyocha navicula var. constrictaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha navicula var. minorP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 246, fig. 22 1928
Dictyocha navicula var. minorP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha navicula var. naviculopsisK. Tsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J. Ser. C-45 146: 44, pl. VII: fig. 5 1963
Dictyocha navicula var. rectangularis_('rectangulare')P. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha navicula var. robusta(Deflandre) K. Tsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J. Ser. C-45 146: 46 1963
Dictyocha navicula var. trispinosaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha neonauticaD. Bukry Soc. Econ. Paleontologists & Mineralogists, Spec. Publ. 32: 442 [pl. 3: fig. 7 in Bukry & Foster, Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 16. 1973] 1981
Dictyocha neonauticaJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha neonautica var. cocosensisD. Bukry Soc. Econ. Paleontologists & Mineralogists, Spec. Publ. 32: 442 [pl. 3: fig. 8 in Bukry & Foster, Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 16. 1973] 1981
Dictyocha neonautica var. cocosensisD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 63: 549, pl. 3: figs. 1-3 1981
Dictyocha neonautica var. cocosensisJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha neonautica var. cocosensisJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha nolaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 85: 488, pl. 2: figs. 1-5 1985
Dictyocha obliquaZ.I. Glezer image
Dictyocha octacantha(Desikachary & C.L. Maheshwari) E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 7: 1697 1971
Dictyocha octagonaK. Tsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J., Ser. C-45, 146: 55, pl. X: figs. 11-13; pl. XXIII: figs. 8-10 (as D. octogona on p. 55) 1963
Dictyocha octonariaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha octonariaEhrenberg Ber. Bekanntm. Verh. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 201 1844
Dictyocha octonaria f. cannopiloideaG. Deflandre image
Dictyocha octonaria second card image
Dictyocha orbiculataLing Proc. First Int. Congr. Pac. Neogene Stratig., Tokyo: 208 1977
Dictyocha ornamentumC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha ornamentumEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 80 1844
Dictyocha ornata(D. Bukry) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 432 1982
Dictyocha ornata(J.D. Bukry) J.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha ornata subsp. africanaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 432, pl. 3: fig. 11; pl. 4: figs. 1, 2 1982
Dictyocha ornata subsp. africanaJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha panduriformis - - image
Dictyocha panduriformisEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 144 1841
Dictyocha paradistephanusK. Tsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J., Ser. C-45, 146: 57, pl. XI: figs. 6, 7; pl. XXIV: figs. 6, 7 1963
Dictyocha pentagona(P. Schulz) Bukry & Foster Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 16: 827 1973
Dictyocha pentagona(P. Schulz-Danzig) J.D. Bukry & J.H. Foster image
Dictyocha pentasteriasC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha pentasteriasC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha pentasteriasEhrenberg Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys. Kl. 1839: 149 1840
Dictyocha perfectaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 68: 315, pl. 3: figs. 5-10 1982
Dictyocha perfectaJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha perlaevis f. pentaradiataS. Locker & E. Martini Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 90: 905, pl. 5: fig. 6 1986
Dictyocha perlaevisJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha perlaevis subsp. delicataD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 34: 724, pl. 1: figs. 5-10 1976
Dictyocha perlaevis subsp. delicataJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha perlaevis subsp. flexatellaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 49: 984, pl. 3: figs. 1-3 1979
Dictyocha perlaevis subsp. ornataD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 37: 922, pl. 1: figs. 1-6 1977
Dictyocha perlaevis subsp. ornataJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha polyactisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha polyactisEhrenberg Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Physik. Kl. 1838: 129, no fig. 1839
Dictyocha ponsC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha ponticulusC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha ponticulusEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 267 1844
Dictyocha precarentisJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha pseudofibula(P. Schulz) K. Tsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J. Ser. C-45 146: 55 1963
Dictyocha pseudofibula var. complexaTsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J. Ser. C-45 146: 56, pl. XI: fig. 4; pl. XXIV: fig. 1 1963
Dictyocha pseudofibula var. japonica(Deflandre) K. Tsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J. Ser. C-45 146: 56 1963
Dictyocha pulchellaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 32: 687, pl. 4: figs. 1-3 1975
Dictyocha pulchellaJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha pulchella var. inflataD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 81: 556, pl. 1: figs. 4-7 1984
Dictyocha pulchella var. inflataJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha pumila(P.F. Ciesielski) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 40: 642 1978
Dictyocha pumila(P.F. Ciesielski) J.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha pygmaea(P.F. Ciesielski) C.A. Shaw & P.F. Ciesielski Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 71: 712 1983
Dictyocha pygmaea(P.F. Ciesielski) P. Dumitrica in E. Brestenská (ed.) Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen 6: 212 1978
Dictyocha quadraltaG.D. Hanna image
Dictyocha quadrangula(A. Bachmann) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 41: 697 1978
Dictyocha quadrangula(A. Bachmann) J.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha quadratumC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha quadratumEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 267 1844
Dictyocha quadria(Y.J. Mandra) E. Martini & C. Müller Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 38: 870 1976
Dictyocha quinariaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha recta(P. Schulz-Danzig) G. Deflandre image
Dictyocha recta f. late-radiataK. Tsumura Yokohama Munic. Univ. J. Ser. C-45 146: 50, pl. II: fig. 2; pl. IX: fig. 3; pl. XXII: fig. 7 1963
Dictyocha regularisCarnevale Mem. Reale Ist. Veneto Sci. Lett. ed Arti 28{3}: 35, pl. IV: fig. 28 1908
Dictyocha regularisP. Carnevale image
Dictyocha retrospinaG. Deflandre image
Dictyocha rhombica(P. Schulz) Deflandre C.R. Acad. Sci. [Paris] 212: 101 1941
Dictyocha rhombica(P. Schulz-Danzig) G. Deflandre image
Dictyocha rhombusE.H.P.A. Haeckel image
Dictyocha rotataZ.I. Glezer image
Dictyocha rotundataA.P. Jouse image
Dictyocha rotundata subsp. secta(Z.I. Glezer) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 81: 556 1984
Dictyocha rotundata var. sectaZ.I. Glezer Paleontol. Zhurn. 1962(1): 152, fig. 5a-k 1962
Dictyocha schauinslandii f. pentagonaL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha schauinslandii f. trigonaL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha schauinslandii subsp. stradneriL. Jerković Silicoflag. Yougoslavie: 3, pl. 2: fig. 2 1965
Dictyocha schauinslandii subsp. stradneriL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha schauinslandii var. rotundataH. Stradner Erdöl und Kohle 14: pl. 2: figs. 62, 65, 66 1961
Dictyocha schauinslandii_('schauinslandi')(E.J. Lemmermann) J. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha schulzianaG. Deflandre image
Dictyocha septenariaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha septenariaEhrenberg Ber. Bekanntm. Verh. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 80 1844
Dictyocha siriusC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha siriusC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha siriusEhrenberg Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys. Kl. 1839: 150 1840
Dictyocha slavnicii f. cannopiloideaL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha slavnicii f. cannopiloideaL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha slavnicii f. fibularisL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha slavnicii f. heterospinaL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha slavnicii f. heterospinaL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha slavnicii f. heterospinaL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha slavnicii subsp. naviculoideaL. Jerković Silicoflag. Yougoslavie: 5, pl. 2: fig. 9 1965
Dictyocha slavnicii subsp. naviculoideaL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha slavnicii subsp. orbicularisL. Jerković Silicoflag. Yougoslavie: 6, pl. 2: fig. 8 1965
Dictyocha slavnicii subsp. orbicularisL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha slavnicii_('slavnici')L. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha slavnicii_(`slavnici')L. Jerković Silicoflag. Yougoslavie: 5, pl. 1: fig. 18 1965
Dictyocha socialisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha soljanii f. transversaL. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha soljanii_('soljani')L. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha soljanii_(`soljani')L. Jerković Silicoflag. Yougoslavie: 4, pl. 2: fig. 4 1965
Dictyocha specillumC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha speculumC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha speculumC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha speculumEhrenberg Infusionsthierchen: 165 1838
Dictyocha speculumEhrenberg Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys. Kl. 1836: folded table at p. 132 1838 (printed xii.1837)
Dictyocha speculumEhrenberg Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Physik. Kl. 1838: 129, pl. IV: fig. Xn 1839
Dictyocha speculum f. apertaJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha speculum f. heptagonaJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha speculum f. longispinaJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha speculum f. minutaA. Bachmann in W. Ichikawa, I. Shimizu, & A. Bachmann Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 12: 161, pl. VII: figs. 12-25 1967
Dictyocha speculum f. pseudofibulaJ. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha speculum f. pseudofibulaP. Schulz in D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 38: 848 1976
Dictyocha speculum f. pseudofibulaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha speculum var. aculeata(C.G. Ehrenberg) J. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha speculum var. coronata(P. Schulz-Danzig) J. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha speculum var. gracilis(F.T. Kützing) G.L. Rabenhorst image
Dictyocha speculum var. octonaria_('octonarius')(C.G. Ehrenberg) F.J. Taylor image
Dictyocha speculum var. regularis(E.J. Lemmermann) J. Frenguelli image
Dictyocha sphaerica(K. Gemeinhardt) G. Deflandre image
Dictyocha splendensC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha splendensEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 144 1841
Dictyocha stapediaE.H.P.A. Haeckel image
Dictyocha stapediaHaeckel Challenger Exped., Zool. 18: 1561, pl. 101: figs. 10-12 1887
Dictyocha stapedia subsp. aspinosaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 34: 724, pl. 2: figs. 6-9 1976
Dictyocha stauracanthusC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha stauracanthusEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1845: 76 1845
Dictyocha staurodonC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha staurodonEhrenberg Ber. Bekanntm. Verh. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 80 1844
Dictyocha staurodon f. minorP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha staurodon var. medusa(E.H.P.A. Haeckel) E.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha stellaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha stelliformisC.A. Shaw & P.F. Ciesielski Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 71: 712, pl. 6: figs. 1-6 1983
Dictyocha stradneri_('stradnerii')L. Jerkovic image
Dictyocha subaculeata(D. Bukry) D. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 67: 433 1982
Dictyocha subaculeata(J.D. Bukry) J.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha subclinataD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 63: 546, pl. 1: figs. 4-8; pl. 2: figs. 1-10 1981
Dictyocha subclinataJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha superstructaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha tamaraeD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 69: 328, pl. 5: figs. 7-11; pl. 6: fig. 1 1983
Dictyocha tamaraeJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha tenellaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha tortaE. Martini & C. Müller Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 38: 871, pl. 8: fig. 7 1976
Dictyocha transennaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 68: 315, pl. 4: figs. 1-12; pl. 5: figs. 1, 2 1982
Dictyocha transennaJ.D. Bukry image
Dictyocha transitoriaG. Deflandre image
Dictyocha triacanthaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha triacanthaEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1844: 80 1844
Dictyocha triacantha f. asperaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 249, fig. 28 1928
Dictyocha triacantha f. asperaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha triacantha f. asperaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha triacantha f. minorP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 247, figs. 25, 26 1928
Dictyocha triacantha f. minorP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha triacantha f. minorP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha triacantha f. minorZ.I. Glezer image
Dictyocha triacantha var. apiculataE.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha triacantha var. apiculataLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 19: 259, pl. X: figs. 19, 20 1901
Dictyocha triacantha var. archangelskianaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 250, fig. 33 1928
Dictyocha triacantha var. archangelskianaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha triacantha var. hastataE.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha triacantha var. hastataLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 19: 259, pl. X: figs. 16, 17 1901
Dictyocha triacantha var. inermisE.J. Lemmermann image
Dictyocha triacantha var. inermisLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 19: 259, pl. X: fig. 21 1901
Dictyocha triacantha var. kasumiaurensisK.-I. Negoro image
Dictyocha triacantha var. rectaP. Schulz Bot. Arch. 21: 250, fig. 32 1928
Dictyocha triacantha var. rectaP. Schulz-Danzig image
Dictyocha triactisC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha triactisEhrenberg Abh. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys. Kl. 1875{1}: 46 1876
Dictyocha triangulaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha trifenestraC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha trigona var. langhianaCarnevale Mem. R. Istr. Veneto Sci. Lett. ed Arti 28{3}: 35, pl. IV: fig. 30 1908
Dictyocha trigona var. langhianaP. Carnevale image
Dictyocha triommataC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha triommataEhrenberg Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1845: 76 1845
Dictyocha tripartitaJ. Schumann image
Dictyocha tripylaC.G. Ehrenberg image
Dictyocha vanandeliiD. Bukry & J.H. Foster Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 16: 827, pl. 7: fig. 1 1973
Dictyocha vanandeliiJ.D. Bukry & J.H. Foster image
Dictyocha varia f. cruxS. Locker Z. Geol. Wiss. Berlin 3: 101, figs. 1/3, 3/3 1975
Dictyocha varia f. extensaS. Locker Z. Geol. Wiss. Berlin 3: 101, figs. 1/2, 3/2 1975
Dictyocha variaS. Locker Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften. Berlin 3: 99, figs. 1, 3/1 1975
Dictyocha variabilisP.F. Ciesielski Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 28: 656, pl. 7: figs. 12-15 1975
Dictyocha venzoiE. Morlotti & D. Rio L'Ateneo Parmense, Acta Nat. 14: 102, pl. II: figs. 5, 6; pl. III: fig. 1 1978
Dictyocha vexativaD. Bukry Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 40: 642, pl. 1: figs. 10-14 1978
Dictyocha vexativaJ.D. Bukry image
DICTYOCHACEAELemmermann image
DICTYOCHALESChristensen image
Distephanus speculum f. pseudodictyochaDeflandre image
PARADICTYOCHAFrenguelli image
Paradictyocha apiculataFrenguelli image
Paradictyocha circulus(Ehrenberg) Dumitrica Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 21: 853 1973
Paradictyocha dumitricaeK. Perch-Nielsen Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 29: 689, pl. 11: figs. 1, 5-8 1975
Paradictyocha polyactis(Ehr.) Frenguelli image
Phyllodictyocha hastataDeflandre image
Phyllodictyocha recta(Schulz) Deflandre image
Phyllodictyocha schulzii_('schulzi')Deflandre Bull. Soc. Bot. France 93: 336, figs. 2, 3; fig. 31c in P. Schulz, Bot. Arch. 21: 249 (1928) 1947

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