Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Tabular display
Results from INA database

  1. Cyclotella comta (Ehrenberg) Kützing image
  2. Cyclotella comta Kützing
  3. Cyclotella comta f. evidenterpunctata_('evidenter punctata') Ant. Mayer
  4. Cyclotella comta f. major Meyer image
  5. Cyclotella comta f. parva Grunow image
  6. Cyclotella comta var. affinis Grunow
  7. Cyclotella comta var. affinis Rao & Awasthi image
  8. Cyclotella comta var. arverna M. Peragallo & Brun image
  9. Cyclotella comta var. cribrosa Lauby image
  10. Cyclotella comta var. decrescens Heribaud image
  11. Cyclotella comta var. glabriuscula Grunow
  12. Cyclotella comta var. irregularis Thomas & Gonzalves image
  13. Cyclotella comta var. lemanensis Chodat
  14. Cyclotella comta var. lucida Meister
  15. Cyclotella comta var. melosiroides Schröter & Kirchner
  16. Cyclotella comta var. oligactis (Ehrenberg) Grunow image
  17. Cyclotella comta var. oligactis (Ralfs) Grunow
  18. Cyclotella comta var. operculata (C. Agardh) Lozeron image
  19. Cyclotella comta var. parva (Skvortzov) Skvortzov image
  20. Cyclotella comta var. parva Skvortzov image
  21. Cyclotella comta var. paucipunctata Grunow image
  22. Cyclotella comta var. pliocaenica Krasske image
  23. Cyclotella comta var. quadrijuncta Schröter image
  24. Cyclotella comta var. quadrijuncta Schröter
  25. Cyclotella comta var. quadrinotata Heribaud image
  26. Cyclotella comta var. quinquenotata Heribaud image
  27. Cyclotella comta var. radiosa Grunow
  28. Cyclotella comta var. schroeteri (Lemmermann) Lozeron
  29. Cyclotella comta var. semiradiata Lauby image
  30. Cyclotella comta var. spectabilis Cleve-Euler image
  31. Cyclotella comta var. temperoides L.P. Loginova
  32. Cyclotella comta var. tenuis Fricke
  33. Cyclotella comta var. trinotata Heribaud image
  34. Cyclotella comta var. unipunctata Fricke
  35. Cyclotella comtaeformica G.K. Khursevich
  36. Cyclotella comtaeformica var. spinata G.K. Khursevich

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024