Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

CYCLOTELLA(Kützing) Brébisson Consid. Diat.: 19 1838
CYCLOTELLA(Kützing) Endlicher image
CYCLOTELLAKützing Linnaea 8: 535 1834
CYCLOTELLA subgenusDISCOPLEA (Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella abnormisCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella actinocyclus(Ehrenberg) Kützing Sp. Alg.: 20 1849
Cyclotella actinocyclus(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella aegaeaA. Economou-Amilli Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 78 (Algol. Stud. 47): 141, figs. 1-26 1987
Cyclotella aegaeaEconomou-Amilli image
Cyclotella aegaea var. pythagoreaA. Economou-Amilli Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 78 (Algol. Stud. 47): 142, figs. 27-33 1987
Cyclotella aegaea var. pythagoreaEconomou-Amilli image
Cyclotella affinis(Grunow) V. Houk, R. Klee, & H. Tanaka Fottea 10(Suppl.): 33 2010
Cyclotella africanaRabenhorst image
Cyclotella agassizensisH. Håkansson & H. Kling Diatom Res. 9: 296, figs. 11, 13-18 1994
Cyclotella agassizensisHakansson & Kling image
Cyclotella alchichicanaM.G. Oliva, A. Lugo, J. Alcocer, & E.A. Cantoral-Uriza Diatom Research 21: 83, figs. 2-19 2006
Cyclotella aliquantulaHohn & Hellerman image
Cyclotella ambiguaGrunow K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4, 17{2}: 119, pl. VII: fig. 133 1880
Cyclotella americana(Ehrenberg) Kützing Sp. Alg.: 19 1849
Cyclotella americana(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella americanaFricke in A. Schmidt Atlas Diatomaceenkunde: pl. 222: figs. 50-52 1900
Cyclotella americanaSchmidt image
Cyclotella andancensisA. Ehrlich Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, ser. 7 8: 316, pl. 5, figs. 11-13 1966
Cyclotella andinaE. Theriot, H.J. Carney, & P.J. Richerson Phycologia 24: 383, figs. 1-14 1985
Cyclotella andinaTheriot, Carney & Richerson image
Cyclotella antiqua var. minorSuxena & Venkateswarlu Hydrobiologia 32: 6, pl. I, fig. 2 1968
Cyclotella antiquaW. Smith Syn. Brit. Diat. I: 28, pl. V: fig. 49 1853
Cyclotella arcticaS.I. Genkal & V.G. Kharitonov Bot. Zhurn. 81{10}: 69, pls. I, II 1996
Cyclotella arentiiKolbe Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 42: 464, figs. 9, 19 1948
Cyclotella areolataHustedt Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 14: 147, pl. I: fig. 6 1935
Cyclotella armenicaL.P. Loginova & Pirumova in L.P. Loginova et al. Novye predstaviteli iskopaemoi fauny i flory Belorussii i drugikh raionov SSSR: 181, pl. 7: figs. 1-6 1990
Cyclotella asiaticaBrun image
Cyclotella asperulaT. Marsson Zeitschrift für angewandte Mikroskopie und klinische Chemie 6: 265 1900
Cyclotella asterocostataB.Q. Lin, S.Q. Xie, & S.X. Cai in S.Q. Xie, B.Q. Lin, & S.X. Cai Acta Phytotax. Sin. 23: 473, pl. 1 1985
Cyclotella asterocostata var. striataJ.Y. Chen Acta Hydrobiol. Sin. 11: 381, 1 fig. 1987
Cyclotella asterolampraLauby image
Cyclotella astraea(Ehrenberg) Kützing Sp. Alg.: 19 1849
Cyclotella astraeaKützing image
Cyclotella astraea var. spinosaSchumann image
Cyclotella atlantica(Ehrenberg) Ralfs image
Cyclotella atmosphaerica(Ehrenberg) Ralfs image
Cyclotella atmosphaericaRalfs in Pritchard Hist. Inf. ed. 4: 812 1861
Cyclotella atomoidesMarvan image
Cyclotella atomusHustedt image
Cyclotella atomus var. gracilisS.I. Genkal & K.T. Kiss Hydrobiologia 269/270: 40, figs. 10-19 1993
Cyclotella atomus var. marinaY. Tanimura, T. Nagumo & M. Kato Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo ser. C 30: 6, figs. 3-15 2004
Cyclotella austriaca(M. Peragallo) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl. 7{1}: 337 1928
Cyclotella azigzensisFlower, Gasse & Hakansson image
Cyclotella azigzensisR.J. Flower, F. Gasse, & H. Håkansson Diatom Res. 5: 254, figs. 1-24 1990
Cyclotella bachmanniiMeister image
Cyclotella baicalensis f. minorSkvortzov & Meyer image
Cyclotella baicalensis f. minutaSkvortzov Philippine J. Sci. 62: 305, pl. 2: figs. 10, 14, 15 1937
Cyclotella baicalensis f. ornataSkvortzov Philippine J. Sci. 62: 305, pl. 2: figs. 4, 8, 9, 11-13, 16 1937
Cyclotella baicalensis f. stellataSkvortzov image
Cyclotella baicalensis f. typicaSkvortzov image
Cyclotella baicalensisSkvortzov & Meyer Trudy Sungar. Rech. Biol. Stants. [Obshch. Izuch. Man'chzh. Kraya, Kharbin] 1{5}: 5, pl. I: fig. 3 1928
Cyclotella balatonisPantocsek Balaton kovamosz.: 134, pl. XV: figs. 319, 332 1901
Cyclotella balatonis var. binotataPantocsek image
Cyclotella baltica(Grunow) H. Håkansson Diatom Research 17: 104 2002
Cyclotella bastowiiCarter image
Cyclotella bavaricaR. Klee, R. Schmidt, & J. Müller Limnologica 23: 135, figs. 4, 6, 7 1993
Cyclotella bellaSchmidt image
Cyclotella berguisensisEhrlich image
Cyclotella bifacialisJurilj image
Cyclotella bituminosaHustedt image
Cyclotella bodanicaEulenstein ex Grunow in Schneider Naturw. Beitr. Kenntn. Kaukasusländer: 126 1878
Cyclotella bodanicaGrunow image
Cyclotella bodanica var. affinisGrunow in Schneider Naturwiss. Beitr. Kenntn. Kaukasusländer: 127 1878
Cyclotella bodanica var. intermediaÉ. Manguin Rev. Alg. n.s. 5: 268, pl. I(26): fig. 1 1961
Cyclotella bodanica var. intermediaE. Manguin ex Kociolek & Reviers Cryptogamie: Algologie 17: 176 1996
Cyclotella bodanica var. intermediaManguin image
Cyclotella bodanica var. michiganensisSkvortzov image
Cyclotella bodanica var. nonpunctataCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella bodanica var. stellataSkvortzov image
Cyclotella calaeAzpeitia image
Cyclotella carconensis(Eulenstein) Grunow image
Cyclotella caspiaGrunow image
Cyclotella caspia var. affinisProschkina-Lavrenko & Makarova image
Cyclotella cassandraeC. Paillès & F. Sylvestre in Paillès et al. Phytotaxa 351: 253, figs. 23-27 2018
Cyclotella castracaneiEulenstein ex Fricke image
Cyclotella castracaneiEulenstein ex Fricke A. Schmidt's Atlas: pl. 225: figs. 1-7 1901
Cyclotella castracaneiEulenstein ms image
Cyclotella castracanei_('castracani')Brun Mém. Soc. Phys. et Hist. Nat. Genève 31{part 2, no. 1}: 24, pl. XXII: fig. 9 1891
Cyclotella catenata(Brun) Bachmann image
Cyclotella cavitataS. Tofilovska, A. Cvetkoska, E. Jovanovska, N. Ognjanova-Rumenova, & Z. Levkov Fottea, Olomouc 16: 203, figs. 2-28 2016
Cyclotella centripetalisAleschinskaya & Pirumova Morfologicheskie osobennosti diatomej ozernykh pliotsenovykh otlozhenij Armenii: 104, pl. II: figs. 6, 7 1982
Cyclotella cesatiiCastracane image
Cyclotella ceylonicaHolsinger image
Cyclotella chaetocerasLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 18: 29 1900
Cyclotella changhaiJ.-X. Xu & J.P. Kociolek in Xu et al. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica 41: 1141, figs. 2-23 2017
Cyclotella chantaicaKuzmina & S.I. Genkal in Genkal & Kuzmina Biologiia Vnutrennikh Vod Informatsii Biulleten 84: 9, figs. 1-14 1989
Cyclotella charetonii var. gemmatulaHeribaud image
Cyclotella charetonii var. radiataHeribaud & M. Peragallo image
Cyclotella charetonii var. scutiformisHeribaud image
Cyclotella charetonii_('charetoni')Héribaud Diat. Foss. Auvergne 1: 22, pl. VIII: fig. 30 1902
Cyclotella charetonii_('charetoni')Heribaud image
Cyclotella choctawhatcheeanaA.K.S.K. Prasad in A.K.S.K. Prasad, J.A. Nienow, & R.J. Livingston Phycologia 29: 419, figs. 2-26 1990
Cyclotella choctawhatcheeanaPrasad image
Cyclotella cleve-eulerianaPalik image
Cyclotella cleveulerianaPalik image
Cyclotella cocconeiformis(Cleve) Amosse image
Cyclotella comensisGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: pl. XCIII: figs. 16, 17 1882
Cyclotella comensis var. alpestrisMeister image
Cyclotella comta(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella comta f. evidenterpunctata_('evidenter punctata')Ant. Mayer Kryptogam. Forschung 1: 195, pl. 5: fig. 2 1919
Cyclotella comta f. majorMeyer image
Cyclotella comta f. parvaGrunow image
Cyclotella comtaKützing Sp. Alg.: 20 1849
Cyclotella comta var. affinisGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIII: figs. 11-13 1882
Cyclotella comta var. affinisRao & Awasthi image
Cyclotella comta var. arvernaM. Peragallo & Brun image
Cyclotella comta var. cribrosaLauby image
Cyclotella comta var. decrescensHeribaud image
Cyclotella comta var. glabriusculaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: pl. XCIII: figs. 14, 15 1882
Cyclotella comta var. irregularisThomas & Gonzalves image
Cyclotella comta var. lemanensisChodat Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 187, fig. 3 1898
Cyclotella comta var. lucidaMeister Kieselalg. Schweiz: 46, 232, pl. II: fig. 6 1912
Cyclotella comta var. melosiroidesSchröter & Kirchner Veget. Bodensees: 96 1896
Cyclotella comta var. oligactis(Ehrenberg) Grunow image
Cyclotella comta var. oligactis(Ralfs) Grunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: expl. pl. XCIII: fig. 18 1882
Cyclotella comta var. operculata(C. Agardh) Lozeron image
Cyclotella comta var. parva(Skvortzov) Skvortzov image
Cyclotella comta var. parvaSkvortzov image
Cyclotella comta var. paucipunctataGrunow image
Cyclotella comta var. pliocaenicaKrasske image
Cyclotella comta var. quadrijunctaSchröter Neujahrsbl. Naturf. Ges. [Zürich] 99: 33, pl.: fig. 58 1896
Cyclotella comta var. quadrijunctaSchröter image
Cyclotella comta var. quadrinotataHeribaud image
Cyclotella comta var. quinquenotataHeribaud image
Cyclotella comta var. radiosaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: expl. pl. XCII: fig. 23 1882
Cyclotella comta var. schroeteri(Lemmermann) Lozeron Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zürich 47: 172, 173 1902
Cyclotella comta var. semiradiataLauby image
Cyclotella comta var. spectabilisCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella comta var. temperoidesL.P. Loginova Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR 31: 1121, pl. 2 1987
Cyclotella comta var. tenuisFricke A. Schmidt's Atlas: pl. 224: figs. 26-28 1900
Cyclotella comta var. trinotataHeribaud image
Cyclotella comta var. unipunctataFricke A. Schmidt's Atlas: pl. 224: figs. 5-12 1900
Cyclotella comtaeformicaG.K. Khursevich in Khursevich et al. Micropaleontology 47: 58, pl. 6: figs. 5, 6; pl. 9: figs. 1-6 2001
Cyclotella comtaeformica var. spinataG.K. Khursevich in Khursevich et al. Micropaleontology 47: 58, pl. 6: figs. 7-9; pl. 8: figs. 2, 3, 5, 6; pl. 10: figs. 1-6 2001
Cyclotella concentricaMeneghini image
Cyclotella coronaMukhina image
Cyclotella coronaV.V. Mukhina in A.P. Jousé & V.V. Mukhina Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 42{2}: 912, pl. 15: figs. 2-10 1978
Cyclotella coscinodiscus(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella coscinodiscusKützing Sp. Alg.: 20 1849
Cyclotella costeiJ.C. Druart & F. Straub Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 50: 183, figs. 7-13 1988
Cyclotella crassilineataMann image
Cyclotella crawfordiiZ. Levkov, D. Zaova, D. Mitic-Kopanja, E. Jovanovska, A. Cvetkoska, & N. Ognjanova-Rumenova Beih. Nova Hedwigia 151: 57, figs. 1-37 2021
Cyclotella creticaJ. John & A. Economou-Amilli Diatom Res. 5: 44, figs. 1-23 1990
Cyclotella creticaJohn & Economou-Amilli image
Cyclotella cretica var. cyclopuncta(H. Håkansson & J.R. Carter) R. Schmidt Limnologica 23: 52 1993
Cyclotella cruciataPantocsek image
Cyclotella crucigeraPantocsek image
Cyclotella crypticaR. Reimann, J. Lewin & R. Guillard Phycologia 3: 82; figs. 4-11 1963
Cyclotella crypticaReimann, Lewin & Guillard image
Cyclotella cryptica var. ambiguaY. Gao, Z. Cheng, & T.G. Chin in Gao et al. J. Xiamen Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 31: 75, fig. 8 1992
Cyclotella cubiculataE.A. Sar, I. Sunesen, & A.S. Lavigne Vie et Milieu 60: 146, figs. 71-91 2010
Cyclotella curvistriataJ. Chen & H. Zhu Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica 9: 82, fig. 5 1985
Cyclotella cyclopunctaH. Håkansson & J.R. Carter J. Iowa Acad. Sci. 97: 155, figs. 6-8 1990
Cyclotella dallasianaW. Smith image
Cyclotella deceusterianaB. Van de Vijver & S. Dessein Phytotaxa 333: 110, figs. 1-29 2018
Cyclotella delicatissimaJ.R. Carter & Bailey-Watts image
Cyclotella delicatulaHustedt Bot. Not. 1952: 376, figs. 34-36 1952
Cyclotella dendochaera(Ehrenberg) Ralfs image
Cyclotella dendrochaeraRalfs in Pritchard Hist. Inf. ed. 4: 812 1861
Cyclotella denticulata(Ehrenberg) Kützing Sp. Alg.: 20 1849
Cyclotella denticulata(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella desikacharyiA.K.S.K. Prasad in A.K.S.K. Prasad & J.A. Neinow Phycologia 45: 130, figs. 1-34 2006
Cyclotella discostelliformicaJ.P. Kociolek & G.K. Khursevich Phytotaxa 127: 86, figs. 25-39 2013
Cyclotella distinctaG.K. Khursevich in Khursevich et al. Micropaleontology 47: 56, pl. 6: fig. 4; pl. 8: figs. 1, 4 2001
Cyclotella distinguendaF. Hustedt in Gams Int. Revue d. ges. Hydrob. u. Hydrogr. 18: 320, fig. 4 1928
Cyclotella distinguenda var. unipunctata(Hustedt) H. Håkansson & J.R. Carter J. Iowa Acad. Sci. 97: 154 1990
Cyclotella dives(Ehrenberg) Kützing Sp. Alg.: 20 1849
Cyclotella dubiaF. Fricke A. Schmidt's Atlas Diat.: pl. 222: figs. 23, 24 1900
Cyclotella dubiaFricke image
Cyclotella dubiaHilse image
Cyclotella dubiaHilse image
Cyclotella dubia var. spinulaCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella elentariiS. Alfinito & N. Tagliaventi Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 143 (Algol. Stud. 105): 33, figs. 1-10, 12-25 2002
Cyclotella elgeriHustedt Bot. Not. 1952: 374, fig. 31 1952
Cyclotella elymaeaA. Economou-Amilli Diatom Res. 6: 224, figs. 1-27 1991
Cyclotella elymaeaEconomou-Amilli image
Cyclotella eriensisV. Houk, R. Klee, & H. Tanaka Fottea 10(Suppl.): 34 2010
Cyclotella estonicaLaugaste & Genkal image
Cyclotella exiguaH. Håkansson Diatom Research 11: 257 1996
Cyclotella exiguaHakansson image
Cyclotella facetiaHohn & Hellerman image
Cyclotella ferraziae_('ferrazae')Cholnoky image
Cyclotella fimbriataCastracane image
Cyclotella flammeaPantocsek image
Cyclotella floridaVoigt Musée Heude. Notes de Botanique Chinoise 3: 26, pl. I: fig. 6 1942
Cyclotella fottiiHustedt in G. Huber-Pestalozzi Phytoplankton Süssw. 2{2}: 400, fig. 492 1942
Cyclotella fourtanierae_('fourtaniera')J.P. Kociolek in Kociolek et al. Biblioth. Diatomol. 61: 13, pl. 10: figs. 1-8; pl. 11 2014
Cyclotella frigidaCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella furcigeraNygaard image
Cyclotella gammaSovereign Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, ser. 4, 31: 350, figs. 1, 2 1963
Cyclotella giganteaEdwards image
Cyclotella glabriuscula(Grunow) H. Håkansson Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 9: 338 1988
Cyclotella glabriuscula(Grunow) Hakansson image
Cyclotella glomerataBachmann image
Cyclotella glomerata f. nipponicaSkvortzov Philipp. J. Sci. 61: 13, pl. 1: fig. 12 1936
Cyclotella glomerataH. Bachmann Phytoplankton Vierwaldstättersee: 131, figs. 106-108 1911
Cyclotella glomerata var. bachmanniiMeister image
Cyclotella gordonensisH.J. Kling & Håkansson Diat. Res. 3: 70, figs. 51, 52, 98-100 1988
Cyclotella gordonensisKling & Hakansson image
Cyclotella gothicaCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella gracilisNikiteeva & Likhoshway image
Cyclotella gracilisT.A. Nikiteeva & Y.V. Likhoshway Diatom Res. 9: 350, figs. 2-9 1994
Cyclotella graeca(Ehrenberg) Ralfs image
Cyclotella graeca(Kützing) Ralfs in Pritchard Hist. Inf. ed. 4: 812 1861
Cyclotella granulataKulumbaeva & S.I. Genkal in S.I. Genkal & Kulumbaeva Biologiia Vnutrennikh Vod (Biology of Inland Waters), Informatsii Biulleten 86: 23, pl. 1: figs. 12-14; pl. 2, figs. 1-6 1990
Cyclotella guignardii_('guignardi')Heribaud image
Cyclotella hakanssoniae f. atomoidesR. Schmidt Limnologica 23: 48, figs. 2j-m, p 1993
Cyclotella hakanssoniaeS. Wendker Nova Hedwigia 52: 360, figs. 1-7 1991
Cyclotella hakanssoniaeWendker image
Cyclotella hannaitesVan Landingham image
Cyclotella hellaeChang & Steinberg image
Cyclotella hellaeT.P. Chang & C. Steinberg Arch. Protistenk. 137: 127, figs. 17-20, 22-24, 36 1989
Cyclotella helveticaJ. Kübler in Forel Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 13(72): 126, no fig. 1874
Cyclotella hilseanaRabenhorst image
Cyclotella hinganicaSkvortzov image
Cyclotella hinziaeV. Houk, C. König, & R. Klee Fottea 15: 236, figs. 1-6, 19-37 2015
Cyclotella hispalensisFricke image
Cyclotella hispanicaK.T. Kiss, E. Hegewald, & É. Ács Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 144 (Algol. Stud. 106): 8, figs. 1-47 2002
Cyclotella horstiiS.I. Genkal & M. Kulikovskiy Phytotaxa 59: 56, figs. 2-34 2012
Cyclotella hubeianaJ. Chen & H. Zhu Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica 9: 82, figs. 3, 4 1985
Cyclotella hustedtiiJurilj image
Cyclotella hyalinaColditz image
Cyclotella idahicaG.K. Khursevich & J.P. Kociolek in Kociolek & Khursevich Phytotaxa 127: 83, fig. 1-9 2013
Cyclotella indistinctaJ.P. Kociolek in Kociolek et al. Biblioth. Diatomol. 61: 14, pl. 10: figs. 9-16; pl. 13 2014
Cyclotella inlandica(T. Hayashi) M.L. Julius, K.M. Downey, E.C. Theriot, & A.J. Alverson in Downey et al. Diatom Research 36: 97 2021
Cyclotella insolitaHagelstein N.Y. Acad. Sci., Sci. Surv. Porto Rico & Virgin Is. 8: 345, pl. 4: fig. 9 1939
Cyclotella intermediaV. Houk, R. Klee, & H. Tanaka Fottea 10(Suppl.): 34, pls. 244-247 2010
Cyclotella iranicaT. Nejadsattari, S. Kheiri, S. Spaulding & M. Edlund in Kheiri et al. Phytotaxa 104: 37, figs. 2-14 2013
Cyclotella iridioidesE. Manguin ex Kociolek & Reviers Cryptogamie: Algologie 17: 196 1996
Cyclotella iridioidesE. Manguin Mém. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. [Paris], Sér. B, Bot. 12: 14, pl. I: fig. 5 1962
Cyclotella iridioidesManguin image
Cyclotella irisBrun & Heribaud image
Cyclotella iris var. baltalensisH.P. Gandhi ex Karthick in Guiry et al. Notulae algarum 133: 2, description and illustration in Gandhi (1998: 293, pl. 1: fig. 10; pl.2: figs. 1-3; pl. 3: figs. 11-13) 2020
Cyclotella iris var. baltalensisH.P. Gandhi Fresh-water Diatoms Central Gujarat: 293, pl. 1: fig. 10; pl. 2: figs. 1-3; pl. 3: figs. 11-13 1998
Cyclotella iris var. charetonii_('charetoni')(Heribaud) Serieyssol image
Cyclotella iris var. cocconeiformisBrun & Heribaud image
Cyclotella iris var. combierensisSerieyssol image
Cyclotella iris var. insuetaG.K. Khursevich in Khursevich et al. Micropaleontology 47: 54, pl. 5: figs. 1-6 2001
Cyclotella iris var. integraPeragallo & Heribaud image
Cyclotella iris var. ovalisBrun & Heribaud image
Cyclotella irregularisGrunow image
Cyclotella iwatensisH. Tanaka in Tanaka & Nagumo Diatom Research 27: 122, figs. 2-22 2012
Cyclotella iyengariaA.R. Rao & Awasthi image
Cyclotella iyengariaRao & Awasthi image
Cyclotella jonesiiMcLaughlin image
Cyclotella jonesiiR.B. McLaughlin Diatom Res. 7: 96, figs. 1-11 1992
Cyclotella juriljiiR. Rački Acta Bot. Croatica 34: 131, figs. 1, 2 1975
Cyclotella juriljiiR. Racki image
Cyclotella juriljii_('jurilji')Skvortzov Philipp. J. Sci. 98: 62, pl. 1: figs. 14, 15 1971
Cyclotella kansasensisG.D. Hanna University of Kansas Science Bulletin 20: 376, pl. XXXI: fig. 6 1932
Cyclotella kathmanduensisT. Hayashi in T. Hayashi, Y. Tanimura, & H. Sakai J. Phycol. 43: 310, figs. 6-9 2007
Cyclotella katianaS. Sala & J.J. Ramírez Diatom Research 23: 149, figs. 2-12 2008
Cyclotella kelloggii_('kelloggi')Hanna image
Cyclotella kineaA. Economou-Amilli Ergebn. Limnol. 54: 349, pls. 1, 2 1999
Cyclotella kingstonii(J.R. Johansen, J.P. Kociolek & R.L. Lowe) M.L. Julius, K.M. Downey, E.C. Theriot, & A.J. Alverson in Downey et al. Diatom Research 36: 97 2021
Cyclotella kisseleviiKorotkevich image
Cyclotella kisseleviiO. Korotkevich image
Cyclotella kitabayashiiH. Tanaka in Tanaka & Kashima Diatom 26: 11, figs. 2-22 2010
Cyclotella kodaikanaliana(B. Karthick & J.P. Kociolek) M.L. Julius, K.M. Downey, E.C. Theriot, & A.J. Alverson in Downey et al. Diatom Research 36: 97 2021
Cyclotella kohsakaensisH. Tanaka & H. Kobayasi Diatom 12: 1, figs. 1-14 1996
Cyclotella krammeriH. Håkansson Diatom Res. 5: 263, figs. 3-10, 35-41 1990
Cyclotella krammeriHakansson image
Cyclotella kuetzingianaChauvin ex Fricke image
Cyclotella kuetzingiana f. glabraCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella kuetzingiana f. laevisCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella kuetzingiana f. majorGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIV: fig. 6 1882
Cyclotella kuetzingiana f. verticillataCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella kuetzingianaG.H.K. Thwaites Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, 1: 169, pl. XI: fig. D, 1-5 1848
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. caspiaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIV: fig. 12 1882
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. cataractarumGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIV: fig. 9 1882
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. gemmatulaHeribaud image
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. hankensisSkvortzov image
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. melosiraFricke image
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. meneghiniana(Kützing) Brun image
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. nobilisCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. planetophoraFricke image
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. radiosaFricke A. Schmidt's Atlas: pl. 222: fig. 8 1900
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. schumannii_('schumanni')Grunow in Schneider Naturw. Beitr. Kenntn. Kaukasusländer: 127 1878
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. schumannii_(`schumanni')Grunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIV: figs. 2, 3 1882
Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. sinicaSkvortzov image
Cyclotella kurdicaH. Håkansson Diatom Research 8: 315, figs. 17-28 1993
Cyclotella kurdicaHakansson image
Cyclotella lacunaAleschinskaya & Pirumova Morfologicheskie osobennosti diatomej ozernykh pliotsenovykh otlozhenij Armenii: 105, pl. II: figs. 1-3 1982
Cyclotella lacunarumHustedt in Hedin Southern Tibet 6{3}: 116, pl. IX: fig. 20 1922
Cyclotella lacus-karlukiE. Manguin ex Kociolek & Reviers Cryptogamie: Algologie 17: 176 1996
Cyclotella lacus-karluki_('lacus karlucki')E. Manguin Rev. Alg. n.s. 5: 269, pl. I(26): fig. 6 1961
Cyclotella lacuskarluki_('lacus karlucki')Manguin image
Cyclotella ladogensisCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella laevis(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella laevissimaGoor Rec. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 17: 16, fig. 7 1920
Cyclotella laevissimaVan Goor image
Cyclotella lemanensis(Chodat) Lemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 18: 30 1900
Cyclotella lenobleiManguin Ann. Géol. Service des Mines 18: 95, pl. II: fig. 26 1949
Cyclotella ligataManguin image
Cyclotella ligusticaKützing image
Cyclotella lineata(Ehrenberg) Raciborski Flora glonow okolic Tarnopola: 111 1894
Cyclotella lineata var. euglypta(Ehrenberg) Raciborski Flora glonow okolic Tarnopola: 111 1894
Cyclotella litoralisC.B. Lange & E.E. Syvertsen Nova Hedwigia 48: 343, pls. I-IV 1989
Cyclotella longirimoportulataE.A. Morales, S.F. Rivera, & L. Ector in Morales et al. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 146: 76, figs. 2-37 2018
Cyclotella lucens(Hustedt) Simonsen Atlas & Cat. Diatom Types Hustedt: 250 1987
Cyclotella lucernensisBachmann image
Cyclotella lundiiDevlin Cryptogamie: Algologie 4: 189 1984
Cyclotella mahoodiiKociolek & Khursevich in Khursevich & Kociolek Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 19: 41, figs. 6-9, 31-36 2008
Cyclotella major(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Cyclotella mammilla(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella mammillaKützing Sp. Alg.: 20 1849
Cyclotella marginataCastracane Atti dell'Accademia Pontificia de'Nuovi Lincei 33: 104 1880
Cyclotella marina(Tanimura, Nagumo & Kato) J.A. Aké-Castillo, Y.B. Okolodkov & L. Ector in Aké-Castillo et al. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 141: 267 2012
Cyclotella mascarenicaR. Klee, V. Houk, & S. Bielsa Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 133 (Algol. Stud. 98): 9, figs. 34, 35, 44, 45, 56, 68, 74 2000
Cyclotella mauchaianaPalik image
Cyclotella mauchana_('mauchaiana')Palik image
Cyclotella maximaKützing image
Cyclotella meduanaeH. Germain Fl. Diat.: 36, pl. 8: figs. 28; pl. 154: figs. 4, 4a 1981
Cyclotella melnikiaeS.I. Genkal & Bondarenko Diatom Research 25: 283, figs. 2-19 2010
Cyclotella melosiroides(Schröter & Kirchner) Lemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 18: 29 1900
Cyclotella melosiroides var. clavigeraMayer image
Cyclotella melosiroides var. scandicaCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella meneghiniana f. minorCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella meneghiniana f. nudaCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella meneghiniana f. plana(Fricke) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschland 7{1}: 342 1928
Cyclotella meneghinianaKützing Bacillarien: 50, pl. 30: fig. 68 1844
Cyclotella meneghinianaKützing image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. baileyiGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIV: fig. 15 1882
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. binotataGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIV: fig. 20 1882
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. brevistriataPlayfair image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. convexaPlayfair image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. fluviatilisPlayfair image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. genuinaCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. hankensisSkvortzov image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. hinganicaSkvortzov image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. kuetzingiana(G.H.K. Thwaites) Playfair Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 37: 537 1913
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. laevissima(Goor) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschland 7{1}: 342 1928
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. majorKützing image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. majorPlayfair Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 37: 537, pl. lvi: fig. 25 1913
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. minorBrügger image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. minutissimaPlayfair Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 37: 536, pl. lvi: fig. 24 1913
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. nipponicaSkvortzov image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. novaezealandiaeSkvortzov image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. planaFricke A. Schmidt's Atlas: pl. 222: fig. 32 1900
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. pumila(Grunow) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschland 7{1}: 342 1928
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. quadrataPlayfair image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. rectangula_(`rectangulata')(Kützing) Grunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: expl. pl. XCIV: figs. 17-19 1882
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. spiniferaNygaard image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. stelliferaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIV: fig. 12 1882
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. stelligeraCleve & Grunow in Cleve Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl., ser. 4, 18{5}: 22, pl. V: fig. 63a 1881
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. stelluliferaCleve & Grunow image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. stelluliferaGrunow in Cleve Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl., ser. 4, 18{5}: 22, pl. V: fig. 63b 1881
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. stigmataMcCall image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. teneraKolbe image
Cyclotella meneghiniana var. vogesiacaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIV: fig. 14 1882
Cyclotella mesoleia(Grunow) V. Houk, R. Klee, & H. Tanaka Fottea 10(Suppl.): 15 2010
Cyclotella metochiaN. Ognjanova-Rumenova Beih. Nova Hedwigia 143: 56, figs. 2-29 2014
Cyclotella michiganianaSkvortzov Amer. Midl. Nat. 18: 658, pl. 1: figs. 3, 10, 18 1937
Cyclotella minimaH.G. Barber & J.R. Carter Microscopy, The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club 31: 272, figs. 8, 9 1970
Cyclotella minuscula(Jurilj) A. Cvetkoska in Cvetkoska, P.B. Hamilton, N. Ognjanova-Rumenova & Z. Levkov Nova Hedwigia 98: 328 2014
Cyclotella minuta(Skvortzov) Antipova Bot. Mater., Spor. Rast., Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR 11: 36 1956
Cyclotella minutulaKützing Bacillarien: 50, pl. 2.III 1844
Cyclotella minutulaKützing image
Cyclotella multipunctataK.K. Serieyssol Beih. Nova Hedwigia 106: 222, figs. 1-17 1993
Cyclotella multipunctataSerieyssol image
Cyclotella naegelii_('nägelii')Meneghini image
Cyclotella nanaHustedt Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 34: 212, text-figs., 1, 2 1957
Cyclotella narochanicaS.I. Genkal & T.M. Mikheeva International Journal on Algology 8: 77 2006
Cyclotella neocaledonicaE. Manguin ex G. Moser, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin Bibliotheca Diatomologica 38: 27, pl. 2: fig. 7 1998
Cyclotella neocaledonicaE. Manguin Mém. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. [Paris], Sér. B, Bot. 12: 14, pl. I: fig. 4 1962
Cyclotella neocaledonicaManguin image
Cyclotella nevadicaG.K. Khursevich & Kociolek Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 19: 42, figs. 10-18, 37-41 2008
Cyclotella nogamiensisH. Tanaka Atlas of Freshwater Fossil Diatoms in Japan, including related recent taxa: 150, 152 2014
Cyclotella notataE.I. Loseva Bot. Zhurn. 65: 1620, fig. 2 1980
Cyclotella nudaHajós image
Cyclotella ocellataPantocsek Balaton kovamosz.: 134, pl. XV: fig. 318 1901
Cyclotella ocellata var. jeniseyensisSkvortzov image
Cyclotella ocellata var. minorFrenguelli image
Cyclotella oitaensisH. Tanaka Atlas of freshwater fossil diatoms in Japan: 6, figs. 61, 62 2014
Cyclotella oligactis(Ehrenberg) Ralfs image
Cyclotella oligactisRalfs in Pritchard Hist. Inf. ed. 4: 812 1861
Cyclotella omarensis(I.A. Kuptsova) E.I. Loseva & I.V. Makarova image
Cyclotella operculata(C. Agardh) Brébisson Mém. Soc. Acad. Arg. Industr. Falaise 1: 46 [20] 1838
Cyclotella operculata(C. Agardh) Brébisson image
Cyclotella operculata f. minutaGrunow image
Cyclotella operculata f. rectangulaKützing image
Cyclotella operculata var. antiqua(W. Smith) Brun image
Cyclotella operculata var. inaequipunctataCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella operculata var. majorGrunow image
Cyclotella operculata var. mesoleiaGrunow image
Cyclotella operculata var. mesoleiaGrunow image
Cyclotella operculata var. minutula(Kützing) Brun Diat. Alpes: 133 1880
Cyclotella operculata var. minutula(Kützing) Brun image
Cyclotella operculata var. ocellata(Pantocsek) Cleve-Euler image
Cyclotella operculata var. radiosaGrunow in Schneider Naturw. Beitr. Kenntn. Kaukasusländer: 126, no fig. 1878
Cyclotella operculata var. rectangulaKützing Sp. Alg.: 19 1849
Cyclotella operculata var. unipunctataHustedt Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. u. Hydrog. 10: 235, no fig. 1922
Cyclotella oregonica(Ehrenberg) Ralfs image
Cyclotella oregonicaKociolek & Khursevich in Khursevich & Kociolek Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 19: 44, figs. 19-24, 42-49 2008
Cyclotella oregonicaRalfs in Pritchard Hist. Inf. ed. 4: 812 1861
Cyclotella orientalisJ.H. Lee, J. Chung, & T. Gotoh Phycol. Res. 43: 145, figs. 1-21 1995
Cyclotella orientalisLee, Chung & Gotoh image
Cyclotella ornata(Skvortzov) Flower image
Cyclotella ornata(Skvortzov) R.J. Flower Beih. Nova Hedwigia 106: 210 1993
Cyclotella ovalis(Kützing) Brébisson Mém. Soc. Acad. Arg. Industr. Falaise 1: 46 [20] 1838
Cyclotella ovalisBrebisson image
Cyclotella ovalis f. ellipticaDeck. & Handm. image
Cyclotella ovalis f. margaritiferaDeck. & Handm. image
Cyclotella ovalis f. radiataPeragallo image
Cyclotella ovalis f. soleaDeck. & Handm. image
Cyclotella ovalisFricke image
Cyclotella ozensis(H. Tanaka & T. Nagumo) H. Tanaka in V. Houk, R. Klee, & H. Tanaka Fottea 10(Suppl.): 35 2010
Cyclotella paleo-ocellataH. Vossel & B. Van de Vijver in Vossel et al. Fottea 15: 65, figs. 2-18, 20-34 2015
Cyclotella palustrisS.I. Genkal & M.S. Kulikovskiy Bot. Zhurn. 93: 773, pl. II 2008
Cyclotella pantanelliCastracane image
Cyclotella papillosaO'Meara image
Cyclotella papillosaO'Meara image
Cyclotella paradistinguendaC. Katrantsiotis & J. Risberg in Katrantsiotis et al. Diatom Research 31: 246, figs. 2-42 2016
Cyclotella paraocellataA. Cvetkoska, P.B. Hamilton, N. Ognjanova-Rumenova & Z. Levkov Nova Hedwigia 98: 317, figs. 1-23, 30-45 2014
Cyclotella parvaFricke image
Cyclotella parvulaL.P. Loginova Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR 31: 1118, pl. 1 1987
Cyclotella patagonicaKützing image
Cyclotella pelagicaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIV: figs. 7, 8 1882
Cyclotella perforataHeribaud image
Cyclotella pertenuisBailey image
Cyclotella peruana(Ehrenberg) Kützing Sp. Alg.: 20 1849
Cyclotella peruana(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella petenensisF. Sylvestre, C. Paillès & J. Escobar in Paillès et al. Phytotaxa 351: 248, figs. 1-9 2018
Cyclotella physoplea(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella physopleaKützing Sp. Alg.: 20 1849
Cyclotella picta(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella pictaKützing Sp. Alg.: 20 1849
Cyclotella pingualuitiiJ. Black & M. Edlund in Black et al. Diatom Res. 27: 55, figs. 13-31 2012
Cyclotella planctonicaBrunnthaler image
Cyclotella pliostelligeraH. Tanaka & T. Nagumo Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 15: 354, figs. 2-22 2002
Cyclotella plitvicensisHustedt image
Cyclotella polymorphaB. Meyer & H. Håkansson Phycologia 35: 64, figs. 1-7, 9-29 1996
Cyclotella polymorphaMeyer & Hakansson image
Cyclotella poyekaD. Avendaño & M. Caballero Diatom Research 36: 327, figs. 24-48 2022
Cyclotella praekineaA. Economou-Amilli Ergebn. Limnol. 54: 349, pls. 3, 4 1999
Cyclotella praekutzingianaMukhina image
Cyclotella praekutzingianaV.V. Mukhina in A.P. Jousé & V.V. Mukhina Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 42{2}: 912, pl. 3: figs. 5-11 1978
Cyclotella praeminutaG.K. Khursevich in Khursevich et al. Micropaleontology 47: 60, pl. 6: figs. 10, 11; pl. 11: figs. 1-6 2001
Cyclotella praetermissaJ.W.G. Lund Hydrobiologia 3: 93, figs. 1, 2 1951
Cyclotella praetermissaLund image
Cyclotella pratiiToman image
Cyclotella pravissimaGiffen image
Cyclotella prespanensisA. Cvetkoska, P.B. Hamilton, N. Ognjanova-Rumenova & Z. Levkov Nova Hedwigia 98: 323, figs. 52-64 2014
Cyclotella proshkinaeA.P. Jousé & V.V. Mukhina Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 42{2}: 912, pl. 4: fig. 12 1978
Cyclotella proshkinaeJouse & Mukhina image
Cyclotella pseudocomensisScheffler image
Cyclotella pseudocomensisW. Scheffler Diatom Res. 9: 356, figs. 1-31 1994
Cyclotella pseudokansasicaG.K. Khursevich & J.P. Kociolek in Kociolek & Khursevich Phytotaxa 127: 93, figs. 56-69 2013
Cyclotella pseudonanaT.P. Chang in T.P. Chang & C. Steinberg Arch. Protistenk. 137: 127, figs. 25, 27-31, 36, 39, 40a 1989
Cyclotella pseudostelligera f. parvaCzarnecki & Blinn image
Cyclotella pseudostelligeraHustedt Abh. Naturwiss. Ver. Bremen 31: 581 figs. 1, 2 1939
Cyclotella pseudostriataSkvortzov image
Cyclotella pseudostriata var. jeniseyensisSkvortzov image
Cyclotella pulchellaL.W. Bailey image
Cyclotella pumilaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIV: fig. 16 1882
Cyclotella punctataW. Smith image
Cyclotella pygmaeaPantocsek Beitr. Kenntn. Foss. Bacill. Ungarns 3: pl. II: fig. 22; pl. IV: fig. 59 ('pygmea') 1892
Cyclotella pygmeaPantocsek image
Cyclotella pygmeaPantocsek image
Cyclotella quadrijuncta(Schröter) Keissler Arch Hydrobiol. 5: 343 1910
Cyclotella quadrijuncta(Schröter) Migula Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl., Alg. 1: 157 1905
Cyclotella quadrijuncta(Schroeter) Keissler image
Cyclotella quillensisL.W. Bailey Contributions to Canadian Biology 11: 159, pl. I: fig. 1 1922
Cyclotella quillensisMackay image
Cyclotella radiataBrightwell image
Cyclotella radiatopunctata_('radiato-punctata')Pantocsek image
Cyclotella radiosa(Grunow) Lemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 18: 30 1900
Cyclotella radiosa f. evidenterpunctata(Ant. Mayer) H. Håkansson Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 9: 354 1988
Cyclotella radiosa var. arverna(Peragallo & Brun) Hakansson image
Cyclotella radiosa var. decrescens(Heribaud) Hakansson image
Cyclotella radiosa var. lichvinensis(Jousé) L.P. Loginova in Glezer et al. (ed.) Diatoms USSR 2{2}: 39 1992
Cyclotella radiosa var. lucida(Meister) Håkansson image
Cyclotella radiosa var. paucipunctata(Grunow) Hakansson image
Cyclotella radiosa var. pliocaenica(Krasske) Hakansson image
Cyclotella radiosa var. quadrinotata(Heribaud) Hakansson image
Cyclotella radiosa var. quinquenotata(Heribaud) Hakansson image
Cyclotella radiosa var. spectabilis(Cleve-Euler) Hakansson image
Cyclotella radiosa var. tenuis(Fricke) Hakansson image
Cyclotella radiosa var. trinotata(Heribaud) Hakansson image
Cyclotella radiosa var. unipunctata(Fricke) Hakansson image
Cyclotella rectangula(Kützing) Brébisson ex Rabenhorst Süssw.-Diat.: 11 1853
Cyclotella rectangula(Kützing) Ralfs in Pritchard Hist. Inf. ed. 4: 811 1861
Cyclotella rectangulaBrébisson in Kützing Sp. Alg.: 19 1849
Cyclotella rectangulaBrebisson image
Cyclotella rectangulaBrebisson ex Rabenhorst image
Cyclotella rectangulaBrebisson, inval. image
Cyclotella rectangulataBrébisson in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: expl. pl. XCIV: figs. 17-19 1882
Cyclotella reczickiaeG.K. Khursevich & L.P. Loginova Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR 28: 52, pls. 1, 2 1984
Cyclotella reczickiae var. diversaL.P. Loginova Bot. Zhurn. 74: 1781 (pl. 1: figs. 1, 6, 7; pl. 2: fig. 4 in Khursevich & Loginova, Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR 28. 1984) 1989
Cyclotella reginaMann image
Cyclotella rheinholdiiReichelt image
Cyclotella rheinholdiiReichelt image
Cyclotella rhomboideo-ellipticaSkuja image
Cyclotella rhomboideo-elliptica var. roundaY. Qi & J. Yang Acta Micropalaeontol. Sin. 2: 284, pl. II: figs. 4-13 1985
Cyclotella rhomboideoelliptica_('rhomboideo-elliptica')Skuja in Handel-Mazzetti Symb. sin. 1: 49, pl. III: figs. 7, 8 1937
Cyclotella rohlenae_('Rohlenaae')Pantocsek Pozsonyi Orvos-Termeszettudomanyi Egyesulet Kozlemenyei 20{29}: 21, pl. II: fig. 13 1909
Cyclotella rossiiH. Håkansson Diatom Res. 5: 267, figs. 18-27, 46-49 (as Cyclotella oligactis) 1990
Cyclotella rossiiHakansson image
Cyclotella rota(Ehrenberg) Kützing Sp. Alg.: 19 1849
Cyclotella rota(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella rotula(Ehrenberg) Kützing Sp. Alg.: 19 1849
Cyclotella rotulaKützing Bacillarien: 50, pl. 2.IV 1844
Cyclotella rotulaKützing image
Cyclotella rotulaKützing image
Cyclotella rudis(P.I. Tremarin, T.A.V. Ludwig, V. Becker & L.C. Torgan) M.L. Julius, K.M. Downey, E.C. Theriot, & A.J. Alverson in Downey et al. Diatom Research 36: 97 2021
Cyclotella salinaT. Marsson Zeitschrift für angewandte Mikroskopie und klinische Chemie 6: 265 1900
Cyclotella satsumaensisH. Tanaka & V. Houk in V. Houk, R. Klee, & H. Tanaka Fottea 10(Suppl.): 28, pls. 211, 212 2010
Cyclotella scaldensisK. Muylaert & K. Sabbe Nova Hedwigia 63: 336, figs. 1-15 1996
Cyclotella schambicaAleschinskaya & Pirumova Morfologicheskie osobennosti diatomej ozernykh pliotsenovykh otlozhenij Armenii: 104, pl. I: figs. 2, 3 1982
Cyclotella schambica var. minorAleschinskaya & Pirumova Morfologicheskie osobennosti diatomej ozernykh pliotsenovykh otlozhenij Armenii: 104, pl. I: fig. 4 1982
Cyclotella schroeteriLemmermann Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 18: 30 1900
Cyclotella schumannii(Grunow) H. Håkansson Diatom Res. 5: 267 1990
Cyclotella schumannii(Grunow) Hakansson image
Cyclotella schwindiiO. Bock & W. Bock Nachrichten des Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums der Stadt Aschaffenburg 38: 49, pl. 1: figs. 1-7; pl. 5: fig. 12 1953
Cyclotella scoticaKützing image
Cyclotella scrobiculusAleschinskaya & Pirumova Morfologicheskie osobennosti diatomej ozernykh pliotsenovykh otlozhenij Armenii: 105, pl. II: figs. 4, 5 1982
Cyclotella seratulaHohn & Hellerman image
Cyclotella servant-vildaryae f. robustaA.P. Jouse & V.V. Mukhina image
Cyclotella servant-vildaryae f. robustaV.V. Mukhina in Jousé & Mukhina Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 42{2}: 930, expl. pl. 11: fig. 3; 936, expl. pl. 14: figs. 9, 10 1978
Cyclotella servant-vildaryae var. elegansMukhina image
Cyclotella servant-vildaryae var. elegansV.V. Mukhina in A.P. Jousé & V.V. Mukhina Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 42{2}: 913, pl. 8: fig. 2; pl. 10: figs. 1-4; pl. 11: fig. 12; pl. 14: figs. 1, 2 1978
Cyclotella servant-vildaryae_('servant-vildary')Mukhina image
Cyclotella servant-vildaryae_('servant-vildary')V.V. Mukhina in A.P. Jousé & V.V. Mukhina Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drilling Project 42{2}: 913, pl. 8: fig. 1; pl. 10: figs. 5-15; pl. 11: figs. 1, 2, 4-11; pl. 14: figs. 3, 4, 7, 8 1978
Cyclotella sevillanaDeby Journal de Micrographie 8: 49, fig. 6 1884
Cyclotella sexpunctataDeby J. Microgr. 8: 49, fig. 7 1884
Cyclotella shanxiensisXie & Qi Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 7: 188, pls. 1-4 [figs. 1-17] 1984
Cyclotella sibiricaSkabitchevsky image
Cyclotella sinensis(Ehrenberg) Ralfs image
Cyclotella sinensis var. annulataSuringar image
Cyclotella sjabatjakkensisCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella socialisSchütt Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 17: 220 1899
Cyclotella socialisSchütt image
Cyclotella socialis var. planctonica(Brunnthaler) Cleve-Euler image
Cyclotella socialis var. schuttiiCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella sollevataS. Tofilovska, A. Cvetkoska, E. Jovanovska, N. Ognjanova-Rumenova, & Z. Levkov Fottea, Olomouc 16: 207, figs. 29-49 2016
Cyclotella spinosaSchumann image
Cyclotella stellarisAleschinskaya & Pirumova Morfologicheskie osobennosti diatomej ozernykh pliotsenovykh otlozhenij Armenii: 101, pl. 1: fig. 1 1982
Cyclotella stelligeraCleve & Grunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belgique: pl. XCIV: figs. 22-26 1882
Cyclotella stelligera f. tenuis(Hustedt) Hustedt Arch. Hydrobiol. 40: 899 1945
Cyclotella stelligera f. woltereckii_('wolterecki')(Hustedt) Haworth & Hurley image
Cyclotella stelligera f. woltereckii_(`wolterecki')(Hustedt) E.Y. Haworth & M.A. Hurley Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 8: 52 1986
Cyclotella stelligera var. ellipticaFrenguelli Revista Mus. La Plata, Secc. Bot. 5: 212, pl. X: figs. 61, 62 1942
Cyclotella stelligera var. glomerata(Bachmann) Haworth & Hurley image
Cyclotella stelligera var. glomerata(H. Bachmann) E.Y. Haworth & M.A. Hurley Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 8: 52 1986
Cyclotella stelligera var. hyalinaHustedt Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 14: 147, pl. I: fig. 5 1935
Cyclotella stelligera var. majorP. Rivera Gayana, Botanica 28: 17, fig. 11 1974
Cyclotella stelligera var. microrobustaR.J. Flower Diatom Research 20: 62, fig. 45 2005
Cyclotella stelligera var. pseudostelligera(Hustedt) E.Y. Haworth & M.A. Hurley Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 8: 52 1986
Cyclotella stelligera var. pseudostelligera(Hustedt) Haworth & Huxley image
Cyclotella stelligera var. robustaHustedt Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 14: 147, pl. I: fig. 4 1935
Cyclotella stelligera var. stelligeroides(Hustedt) E.Y. Haworth & M.A. Hurley Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 8: 52 1986
Cyclotella stelligera var. stelligeroides(Hustedt) Haworth & Hurley image
Cyclotella stelligera var. subglabraNygaard image
Cyclotella stelligera var. tenuisHustedt Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 15: 143, pl. IX: fig. 5 1937
Cyclotella stelligeroides f. irregularisCarter image
Cyclotella stelligeroidesHustedt Arch. Hydrobiol. 40: 899, pl. XLII: figs. 68, 69 1945
Cyclotella stengellaG.W. Prescott Biblioth. Phycol. 45: 134 1979
Cyclotella stipataFrenguelli Rev. Mus. La Plata, n.s. Bot. 5: 213, text-fig. 2, pl. XII: figs. 5, 6 1942
Cyclotella stoermeriG.K. Khursevich & J.P. Kociolek in Kociolek & Khursevich Phytotaxa 127: 90, figs. 40-5 2013
Cyclotella strelnikovaeS.I. Genkal & M.I. Yarushina Bot. Zhurn. 89: 1498, pls. I-IV 2004
Cyclotella striata(Kützing) Grunow image
Cyclotella striata f. majorGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: pl. XCII: fig. 6 1882
Cyclotella striata var. ambigua(Grunow) Grunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: expl. pl. XCII: fig. 12 1882
Cyclotella striata var. ambiguaGrunow image
Cyclotella striata var. americanaCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella striata var. balticaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: pl. XCII: figs. 13-15 1882
Cyclotella striata var. bipunctataFricke image
Cyclotella striata var. hungaricaSzemes image
Cyclotella striata var. intermediaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: pl. XCII: fig. 10 1882
Cyclotella striata var. magnaMayer image
Cyclotella striata var. magnaMayer image
Cyclotella striata var. mesoleiaGrunow in Van Heurck Syn. Diat. Belg.: pl. XCII: fig. 9 1882
Cyclotella striata var. mucronulataChi & Chang image
Cyclotella striata var. radiosaPeragallo ex Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschland 7{1}: 346 1928
Cyclotella striata var. stylorum(Brightwell) De Toni & Forti image
Cyclotella striata var. subsalina(Grunow) Hustedt Rabenhorst's Krypt.-Fl. Deutschland 7{1}: 346 1928
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Cyclotella tasmanicaE.Y. Haworth & P.A. Tyler Hydrobiologia 269/270: 54, figs. 2-28 1993
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Cyclotella tectaH. Håkansson & R. Ross Taxon 33: 529, pl. I: fig. 1 in Kützing, Linnaea 8: 535 (1834) 1984
Cyclotella tectaHakansson & Ross image
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Cyclotella tempereiM. Peragallo & Heribaud image
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Cyclotella tempereiformicaG.K. Khursevich in Khursevich et al. Micropaleontology 47: 54, pl. 6: figs. 1-3; pl. 7: figs. 1-6 2001
Cyclotella temperianaL.P. Loginova Botanicheskii Zhurnal 74: 1780 1989
Cyclotella tenuistriataHustedt Bot. Not. 1952: 375, figs. 32, 33 1952
Cyclotella thienemanniiJurilj Prir. Istr. 26: 112, fig. 6: a-c 1954
Cyclotella thienemannii var. minusculaJurilj Prir. Istr. 26: 112, fig. 6d 1954
Cyclotella thienemannii_('thienemanni')Jurilj image
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Cyclotella tlalociiD. Avendaño & M. Caballero Diatom Research 36: 337, figs. 49-74 2022
Cyclotella torquatiaJ.A. Barron Palaeontographica, Abteilung B, Paläophytologie 151: 137, pl. 8: fig. 4 1975
Cyclotella transylvanicaPantocsek Beitr. Kenntn. Foss. Bacill. Ungarns 3: pl. XI: fig. 177 1892
Cyclotella transylvanica var. disseminatepunctata_(`disseminatopunctata')Pantocsek Beitr. Kenntn. Foss. Bacill. Ungarns 3: pl. XXXVI: fig. 511 1892
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Cyclotella trichonideaA. Economou-Amilli Nova Hedwigia 31: 468, figs. 1-20 1979
Cyclotella trichonideaEconomou-Amilli image
Cyclotella trichonidea var. parvaA. Economou-Amilli Nova Hedwigia 31: 470, figs. 21-25 1979
Cyclotella trichonidea var. parvaEconomou-Amilli image
Cyclotella tripartitaH. Håkansson Ouvrage Mémoire Henry Germain: 78, figs. 1-4, 8-11, 13 1990
Cyclotella tubulosaG.K. Khursevich & Kociolek Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. 19: 40, figs. 1-5, 25-30 2008
Cyclotella umbilicata(Ehrenberg) Ralfs image
Cyclotella undata(Ehrenberg) Kützing Sp. Alg.: 20 1849
Cyclotella undata(Ehrenberg) Kützing image
Cyclotella undulata(Ehrenberg) Ralfs image
Cyclotella undulataHarting Verh. K. Nederl. Inst. Wet., 1. Kl., ser. 3, 5: 117, pl. III: fig. 1 1852
Cyclotella undulataRalfs in Pritchard Hist. Inf. ed. 4: 812 1861
Cyclotella utahensisC.L. Graeff, J.P. Kociolek & S.R. Rushforth Phytotaxa 153: 2, figs. 1-18 2014
Cyclotella vaetteri_('vätteri')Cleve-Euler image
Cyclotella venusta(Ehrenberg) Ralfs image
Cyclotella virihensisCleve-Euler image
Cyclotella vorticosaA. Berg image
Cyclotella widerkehriiWerner image
Cyclotella woltereckii_('wolterecki')Hustedt image
Cyclotella woltereckii_(`wolterecki')Hustedt Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr. 42: 16, figs. 11-13 1942
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CYCLOTELLACEAEF.E. Round & R.M. Crawford image
CYCLOTELLACEAEF.E. Round & R.M. Crawford in Margulis et al. (eds.) Handb. Protoctista: 589 (Table 2) 1990
EU-CYCLOTELLAF. Schütt image
FRUSTULIA subg. CYCLOTELLAKützing Linnaea 8: 535 1834