The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here
Results from INA database
Name | Author | Source | Citation | Year |
CYCLOSTEPHANOS | F.E. Round in Theriot, Håkansson, Kociolek, Round, & Stoermer | Brit. Phycol. J. | 22: 346 | 1988 |
CYCLOSTEPHANOS | Round | image | ||
Cyclostephanos andinus | (E. Theriot, H.J. Carney, & P.J. Richerson) P.M. Tapia, E.C. Theriot, S.C. Fritz, F. Cruces, & P. Rivera | Diatom Research | 19: 324 | 2004 |
Cyclostephanos costatilimbus | (H. Kobayasi & H. Kobayashi) E.F. Stoermer, H. Håkansson, & E.C. Theriot | Brit. Phycol. J. | 22: 357 | 1988 |
Cyclostephanos costatus | L.P. Loginova, E.G. Lupikina, & G.K. Khursevich in Khursevich et al. | Bot. Zhurn. | 74: 1180 | 1989 |
Cyclostephanos costatus | L.P. Loginova, E.G. Lupikina, & G.K. Khursevich in Loginova et al. | Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belorussk. SSR | 28: 170, pls. 1, 2 | 1984 |
Cyclostephanos costatus var. sibiricus | (A.P. Skabichevskij) E.G. Lupikina in Khursevich et al. | Bot. Zhurn. | 74: 1180 | 1989 |
Cyclostephanos costatus var. sibiricus | (A.P. Skabichevskij) E.G. Lupikina in Loginova, Lupikina, & Khursevich | Novye i maloizvestnye vidy iskopaemykh zhivotnykh i rastenij Belorussii: | 138 | 1986 |
Cyclostephanos damasii | (Hustedt) E.F. Stoermer & H. Håkansson in Theriot, Håkansson, Kociolek, Round, & Stoermer | Brit. Phycol. J. | 22: 346 | 1988 |
Cyclostephanos damasii | (Hustedt) Stoermer & Hakansson | image | ||
Cyclostephanos delicatus | (Genkal) Casper & Scheffler | image | ||
Cyclostephanos delicatus | (Genkal) Kling & Hakansson | image | ||
Cyclostephanos delicatus | (S.I. Genkal) H. Kling & H. Håkansson in H. Håkansson & H. Kling | Diatom Res. | 5: 280 | 1990 |
Cyclostephanos delicatus | (S.I. Genkal) S.J. Casper & W. Scheffler | Arch. Protistenk. | 138: 311 | 1990 |
Cyclostephanos dubius | (Fricke) Round | image | ||
Cyclostephanos dubius | (Hustedt) F.E. Round in Theriot, Håkansson, Kociolek, Round, & Stoermer | Brit. Phycol. J. | 22: 346 | 1988 |
Cyclostephanos fenestratus | E.C. Theriot & J.P. Kociolek in Theriot, Håkansson, Kociolek, Round, & Stoermer | Brit. Phycol. J. | 22: 347 | 1988 |
Cyclostephanos fenestratus | E.C. Theriot & J.P. Kociolek | J. Phycol. | 22: 125, figs. 7-16 | 1986 |
Cyclostephanos fenestratus | Theriot & Kociolek | image | ||
Cyclostephanos guatemalae | E.C. Theriot & J.P. Bradbury | Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. | 108: 79, figs. 10-19 | 1989 |
Cyclostephanos incognitus | (G.V. Kuzmin & S.I. Genkal) V. Houk, R. Klee, & H. Tanaka | Fottea | 2014 (Suppl.): | 2014 |
Cyclostephanos invisitatus | (Hohn & Hellerman) Theriot, Stoermer & Hakansson | image | ||
Cyclostephanos kyushuensis | H. Tanaka | Diatom Research | 18: 358, figs. 2-19 | 2003 |
Cyclostephanos lacrimis | E.C. Theriot & J.P. Bradbury | Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. | 108: 76, figs. 1-9 | 1989 |
Cyclostephanos makarovae | (S.I. Genkal) K. Schultz in Schultz et al. | Taxonomy | 1: 434 | 2021 |
Cyclostephanos malawiensis | S.J. Casper & R. Klee in R. Klee & S.J. Casper | Arch. Protistenk. | 142: 186, pls. 6-8 | 1992 |
Cyclostephanos mansfeldensis | V. Houk, R. Klee, & H. Tanaka | Fottea | 2014 (Suppl.): | 2014 |
Cyclostephanos maorensis | V. Houk, R. Klee, & H. Tanaka | Fottea | 2014 (Suppl.): | 2014 |
Cyclostephanos marginatus | (Mukhina) Khursevich | image | ||
Cyclostephanos marginatus | (V.V. Mukhina) G.K. Khursevich in Khursevich et al. | Bot. Zhurn. | 74: 1180 | 1989 |
Cyclostephanos marginatus | (V.V. Mukhina) G.K. Khursevich | Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belorussk. SSR | 31: 843 | 1987 |
Cyclostephanos nepalensis | T. Hayashi in Hayashi & Tanimura | Nova Hedwigia | 101: 193, figs. 2-27 | 2015 |
Cyclostephanos novae-zeelandiae_('novae zeelandiae') | (Cleve) Round | image | ||
Cyclostephanos novaezeelandiae | (Cleve) F.E. Round in Theriot, Håkansson, Kociolek, Round, & Stoermer | Brit. Phycol. J. | 22: 346 | 1988 |
Cyclostephanos numataensis | H. Tanaka & T. Nagumo | Diatom | 16: 20, figs. 2-19 | 2000 |
Cyclostephanos omarensis | (I.A. Kuptsova) G.K. Khursevich & L.P. Loginova in Khursevich et al. | Bot. Zhurn. | 74: 1180 | 1989 |
Cyclostephanos omarensis | (I.A. Kuptsova) G.K. Khursevich & L.P. Loginova | Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belorussk. SSR | 29(5): 446 | 1985 |
Cyclostephanos omarensis | (I.A. Kuptsova) G.K. Khursevich | image | ||
Cyclostephanos omarensis | (I.A. Kuptsova) G.K. Khursevich | image | ||
Cyclostephanos omarensis var. ephiopiecus | G.K. Khursevich & L.P. Loginova | Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belorussk. SSR | 29(5): 446 | 1985 |
Cyclostephanos pantocsekii | (F. Fricke) I.A. Kuptsova & G.K. Khursevich in Khursevich et al. | Bot. Zhurn. | 74: 1181 | 1989 |
Cyclostephanos pantocsekii | (F. Fricke) I.A. Kuptsova & G.K. Khursevich | Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belorussk. SSR | 31: 843 | 1987 |
Cyclostephanos pantocsekii | (Fricke) I.A. Kuptsova & G.K. Khursevich | image | ||
Cyclostephanos patagonicus | J.M. Guerrero & R.O. Echenique | Diatom Research | 17: 142, figs. 1-17 | 2002 |
Cyclostephanos pliocenicus | G.K. Khursevich & V.V. Mukhina in Khursevich et al. | Bot. Zhurn. | 74: 1181 | 1989 |
Cyclostephanos pliocenicus | G.K. Khursevich & V.V. Mukhina | Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belorussk. SSR | 30(5): 457, pl. 2: figs. 4, 5, 8 | 1986 |
Cyclostephanos ponticus | (A.P. Jousé) G.K. Khursevich in Khursevich et al. | Bot. Zhurn. | 74: 1181 | 1989 |
Cyclostephanos ponticus | (A.P. Jousé) G.K. Khursevich in Khursevich & Mukhina | Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belorussk. SSR | 30(5): 456 | 1986 |
Cyclostephanos ponticus | (Jouse) Khursevich | image | ||
Cyclostephanos ponticus | (Jouse) Khursevich | image | ||
Cyclostephanos pseudonepalensis | T. Hayashi in Hayashi & Tanimura | Nova Hedwigia | 101: 197, figs. 28-39 | 2015 |
Cyclostephanos ramosus | T. Hayashi & Y. Tanimura | Diatom | 31: 2, figs. 2-51 | 2015 |
Cyclostephanos rotoruae | V. Houk, R. Klee, & H. Tanaka | Fottea | 2014 (Suppl.): | 2014 |
Cyclostephanos salsae | N.I. Maidana & G.A. Aponte in Maidana et al. | Beih. Nova Hedwigia | 146: 93, figs. 2-20 | 2018 |
Cyclostephanos servant-vildaryae_('servant-vildary') | (V.V. Mukhina) G.K. Khursevich | Proc. Int. Diatom Symp. | 10: 75 | 1990 |
Cyclostephanos sibirica | (Skabitsch.) Genkal & Popovskaya | image | ||
Cyclostephanos sibiricus_(`sibirica') | (A.P. Skabichevskij) S.I. Genkal & G.I. Popovskaya | Biol. Vnutrenn. Vod, Inform. Byull. | 64: 10 | 1984 |
Cyclostephanos stelliformis | G.K. Khursevich & V.V. Mukhina in Khursevich et al. | Bot. Zhurn. | 74: 1181 | 1989 |
Cyclostephanos stelliformis | G.K. Khursevich & V.V. Mukhina | Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belorussk. SSR | 30(5): 457, pl. 1: fig. 6; pl. 2: figs. 1-3, 7 | 1986 |
Cyclostephanos stelliformis | Khursevich & Mukhina | image | ||
Cyclostephanos stelliformis | Khursevich & Mukhina | image | ||
Cyclostephanos tazawaensis | H. Tanaka, Katano & Nagumo | J. Jpn. Bot. | 92: 232, figs. 2-18 | 2017 |
Cyclostephanos tholiformis | E.F. Stoermer, H. Håkansson, & E.C. Theriot | Brit. Phycol. J. | 22: 352, figs. 1-10 | 1988 |
Cyclostephanos undatus | E.C. Theriot & J.P. Kociolek in Theriot, Håkansson, Kociolek, Round, & Stoermer | Brit. Phycol. J. | 22: 347 | 1988 |
Cyclostephanos undatus | E.C. Theriot & J.P. Kociolek | J. Phycol. | 22: 122, figs. 1-6 | 1986 |
Cyclostephanos undatus | Theriot & Kociolek | image | ||
PRAECYCLOSTEPHANOS | L. Tudesque, R. Le Cohu & B. Van de Vijver | Diatom Research | 36: 199 | 2021 |
Praecyclostephanos boengchhmariensis | L. Tudesque, R. Le Cohu & B. Van de Vijver | Diatom Research | 36: 199, figs. 98-142 | 2021 |
Praecyclostephanos konstantinovii | S.I. Genkal, A.M. Glushchenko, & M.A. Gololobova | Diatom Research | 38: 134 | 2023 |
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Page last updated 7 October 2024