Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

COLEOCHAETEL.A. Brébisson image
Coleochaete andreaeH. Szymańska Nova Hedwigia 49: 438, pl. II: figs. 8-13; pl. III; pl. VI: figs. 2, 5 1989
Coleochaete areolataT.J. Entwisle & S. Skinner Telopea 9: 735, fig. 5 2002
Coleochaete arundinacea(J.P.F.C. Montagne) G.L. Rabenhorst image
Coleochaete baileyiK. Möbius image
Coleochaete circularisH. Szymańska Nova Hedwigia 49: 440, pls. IV, V; pl. VI: figs. 3, 6 1989
Coleochaete conchataK. Möbius image
Coleochaete conchata var. brevicellularis(W. Schmidle) K.H.O. Printz image
Coleochaete decoransRichter image
Coleochaete decorans var. cingensRichter image
Coleochaete disjunctaTiffany image
Coleochaete divergensN. Pringsheim Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 2: 34, pl. I: fig. 1; pl. II: fig. 2 1860
Coleochaete divergens subsp. catharactarumN.G. Lagerheim image
Coleochaete divergens var. minorHansgirg image
Coleochaete echinocystisH. Szymańska Nova Hedwigia 49: 436, pl. I; pl. II: figs. 1-7; pl. VI: figs. 1, 4 1989
Coleochaete helicoideaW.B. Turner image
Coleochaete ikerasacensisRichter image
Coleochaete irregularisN. Pringsheim Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 2: 35, pl. I: fig. 6; pl. VI: figs. 3-9 1860
Coleochaete irregularis var. curvicollisC.E.M. Bicudo & D.C. Bicudo Hoehnea 41: 417, figs. 26, 27 2014
Coleochaete irregularis var. minorB.V. Skvortzov image
Coleochaete irregularis var. nitellarum(L. Jost) E.C. Teodoresco image
Coleochaete javanicaDe Wildeman image
Coleochaete leve(Bailey) P. Sarma & V.J. Chapman image
Coleochaete nitellarumJost Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 13: 434, pl. 34: figs. 1-8, 12, 13, 16, 17 1895
Coleochaete orbicularis f. crassaY. Bharadwaja image
Coleochaete orbicularisN. Pringsheim Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 2: 35, pl. I: fig. 5; pl. III: figs. 6, 7; pl. VI: figs. 1, 2 1860
Coleochaete pisiformis(Roth) J.E. Gray image
Coleochaete prostrataF.T. Kützing image
Coleochaete prostrataKützing Tab. Phycol. 4: 20, pl. 89: fig. II 1854
Coleochaete pseudosoluta_('pseudo-soluta')L.E. Gauthier-Lièvre image
Coleochaete pulchella(F.T. Kützing) G.L. Rabenhorst image
Coleochaete pulvinataA. Braun ex Kützing Sp. Alg.: 425 1849
Coleochaete pulvinataA.K.H. Braun ex F.T. Kützing image
Coleochaete pulvinata f. majorN. Pringsheim Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 2: 33, pl. II: fig. 1 1860
Coleochaete pulvinata f. minorN. Pringsheim Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 2: 33, pl. II: fig. 3; pl. V: fig. 13 1860
Coleochaete pulvinata f. pumilaG.R. Cedergren image
Coleochaete pulvinata var. baileyi(K. Möbius) K.H.O. Printz image
Coleochaete pulvinata var. indicaB.N. Prasad & D.K. Asthana Geophytology 7: 38, figs. 1, 2; pl. 1: figs. 1-3 1977
Coleochaete pulvinata var. minorPascher image
Coleochaete reptans(I. Düringer) A.K.M.N. Islam & M.R. Khan Bangladesh J. Bot. 21: 288 1992
Coleochaete reticulataC. Hoek image
Coleochaete sampsoniiE.N. Transeau image
Coleochaete scutataBrébisson Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 3, 1: 29, pl. 2: figs. 1-7 1844
Coleochaete scutata f. lobataF. Brand image
Coleochaete scutata f. minorK. Möbius image
Coleochaete scutata f. minorPevalek Rad Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti 230: 89, no fig. 1925
Coleochaete scutataL.A. Brébisson image
Coleochaete scutata var. pinguisB.N. Prasad & D.K. Asthana Geophytology 7: 40, fig. 3; pl. 1: fig. 4 1977
Coleochaete scutata var. reticulataC.C. Jao image
Coleochaete scutata var. solutaBrébisson Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 3, 1: 29, pl. 2: fig. 8 1844
Coleochaete scutata var. solutaKützing image
Coleochaete scutata var. solutaL.A. Brébisson image
Coleochaete sieminskianaH. Szymańska Nova Hedwigia 46: 143, pls. I, II 1988
Coleochaete soluta(Brébisson) N. Pringsheim Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 2: 34 1860
Coleochaete soluta(L.A. Brébisson) N. Pringsheim image
Coleochaete soluta var. brevicellularisSchmidle in Wittrock, Nordstedt, & Lagerheim Algae aq. dulc. exsicc.: no. 1211 1896
Coleochaete soluta var. brevicellularisW. Schmidle image
Coleochaete soluta var. minorHansgirg image
Coleochaete spalikiiH. Szymańska Nova Hedwigia 76: 130, figs. 1-15 2003
Coleochaete tuberculataJ.E. Gray image
COLEOCHAETEAEBessey ex Woods image
EUCOLEOCHAETE(Brébisson) Hansgirg image
Phyllactidium coleochaeteKützing image
Phyllactidium coleochaeteKützing Phycol. Germ.: 242 1845