Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

CHANTRANSIAChevallier image
Chantransia aegagropila([L.]) Chevallier image
Chantransia aegagropila(Linnaeus) Chevallier Fl. Paris, ed. 2: 1: 679 1836
Chantransia affinis(Howe & Hoyt) De Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 41 1924
Chantransia alariaeH. Jónsson Bot. Tidsskr. 24: 132, fig. 1 1901
Chantransia alariaeH. Jónsson image
Chantransia alpinaKützing Sp. Alg.: 431 1849
Chantransia alpinaKützing image
Chantransia amethysteaKützing image
Chantransia arcta([C. Agardh]) Chevallier image
Chantransia arctaChevallier Fl. Paris, ed. 2, 1: 679 1836
Chantransia arnoldii(Weber-van Bosse) De Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 67 1924
Chantransia ascospermaReinsch image
Chantransia atra(Hudson) DeCandolle image
Chantransia attenuataRosenvinge K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7.Raekke, Naturv. og Math. 7: 106, fig. 35 1909
Chantransia avrainvilleae(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia azureaA.L. Szinte, J.C. Taylor & M.L. Vis in Szinte et al. Phycologia 59: 196, fig. 17 2020
Chantransia balticaRosenvinge K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, Naturv. Math. 7{1}: 97, fig. 27 1909
Chantransia barbadensisVickers Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 9, 1: 60, no fig. 1905
Chantransia batrachospermiHamel image
Chantransia beardsleei_('beardslei')Wolle Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 6: 287 1879
Chantransia beardsleei_('Beardslei')Wolle image
Chantransia bergamensisRabenhorst image
Chantransia bergamensisRabenhorst image
Chantransia bichotomaDC. image
Chantransia bisporaBørgesen Bot. Tidsskr. 30: 178, fig. 1 1910
Chantransia bisporaBørgesen image
Chantransia bonnemaisoniae(Batters) Levring Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 33{8}: 94 1937
Chantransia botryocarpa(Harvey) De Toni image
Chantransia boweriG. Murray & E.S. Barton image
Chantransia brebneri(Batters) Rosenvinge image
Chantransia caespitiformis(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia caespitosa(J. Agardh) Batters image
Chantransia catenata(L.) Chevallier image
Chantransia catenata(Linnaeus) Chevallier Fl. Paris, ed. 2, 1: 679 1836
Chantransia catenulata(Howe) De Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 44 1924
Chantransia chalybea var. brasiliensisNordstedt in Wittrock & Nordstedt Bot. Not. 1880: 115 1880
Chantransia chalybea var. fuscoviolaceaHansgirg image
Chantransia chalybea var. hermannii_('hermanni')(Draparnaud) Trevisan image
Chantransia chalybea var. leibleinii(Kützing) Rabenhorst Deutschl. Krypt.-Fl. 2{2}: 115 1847
Chantransia chalybea var. leibleinii_('Leibleini')(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Chantransia chalybea var. majorJ. Ralfs image
Chantransia chalybea var. majorKützing Sp. Alg.: 429 1849
Chantransia chalybea var. majorKützing image
Chantransia chalybea var. marchicaHennings Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 32: 249 1891
Chantransia chalybea var. maximaHansgirg image
Chantransia chalybea var. muscicolaKützing Sp. Alg.: 430 1849
Chantransia chalybea var. muscicolaKützing image
Chantransia chalybea var. profundaW. Zimmermann image
Chantransia chalybea var. pulvinataRabenhorst Alg. Sachs. Dec. 77/78: no. 774 1858 (Oct.)
Chantransia chalybea var. radiansKützing Sp. Alg.: 430 1849
Chantransia chalybea var. radiansKützing image
Chantransia chalybea var. thermalisHansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 1: 25, fig. 4 1886
Chantransia chalybea_('chalybaea')(Roth) Trevisan image
Chantransia chiloensisReinsch image
Chantransia chylocladiae(Batters) van Heurck image
Chantransia chylocladiae f. pulchra(Batters) De Toni image
Chantransia clandestina(Montagne) De Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 54 1924
Chantransia coccineaKützing image
Chantransia coccineaKützing image
Chantransia codii(Crouan frat.) De Toni image
Chantransia codii(Hamel) Levring Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr. N.F. Avd.2, 33: 89 1937
Chantransia coerulescensMontagne image
Chantransia collinsiana(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia collinsianaDe Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 69 1924
Chantransia collopoda(Rosenvinge) Rosenvinge image
Chantransia compactaJ. Ralfs image
Chantransia compta(Børgesen) De Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 40 1924
Chantransia compta(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia concavaSchmitz & Heydrich (cont.) image
Chantransia concavaSchmitz & Heydrich image
Chantransia corymbiferaThuret in Le Jolis Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 10: 107, no fig. 1863
Chantransia crassipesBørgesen Bot. Tidsskr. 30: 1, fig. 1 1909
Chantransia crassipesBørgesen image
Chantransia crassipes var. longiseta(Børgesen) De Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 43 1924
Chantransia crassipes var. longiseta(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia crispa(Vaucher) DC. image
Chantransia crispataLamarck & DC. image
Chantransia cylindrica(Jao) K. Starmach in K. Starmach & J. Siemińska (eds.) Fl. Słodkow. Polski 14: 105 1977
Chantransia cylindrica(Jao) Starmach image
Chantransia cytophagaRosenvinge K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, Naturv. Math. 7(1): 121, figs. 50, 51 1909
Chantransia dalmaticaKützing Phycol. Germ.: 229 1845
Chantransia dalmaticaKützing image
Chantransia dasyae(Collins) F.S. Collins image
Chantransia dasyae(F.S. Collins) F.S. Collins Rhodora 13: 186 1911
Chantransia daviesii(Dillwyn) Thuret image
Chantransia daviesii f. royanaReinsch image
Chantransia dichloraRafinesque image
Chantransia dichotomaLamarck & DC. image
Chantransia dictyotae(Collins) Collins image
Chantransia dictyotae(F.S. Collins) F.S. Collins Rhodora 13: 186 1911
Chantransia distans([C. Agardh]) Chevallier image
Chantransia distans(C. Agardh) Chevallier Fl. Paris, ed. 2, 1: 679 1836
Chantransia distorta(O.F. Müller) Poiret in Lamarck Encycl. Méth. Bot. Suppl. 2: 191 1811
Chantransia dufouriiF.S. Collins Rhodora 13: 187 1911
Chantransia dumontiaeRosenvinge K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, Naturv. Math. 7(1): 124, fig. 52 1909
Chantransia efflorescens(J. Agardh) Kjellman image
Chantransia efflorescens f. petrophilaLehmann image
Chantransia efflorescens f. tenuisKjellman Vega-Exped. Vet. Arb. 3: 166, pl. 12: figs. 1, 2 1883
Chantransia efflorescens var. thuretiiBornet Bull. Soc. Bot. France 51: XVI. pl. I (session jubilaire): figs. 1-4 1904
Chantransia emergensRosenvinge K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7.Raekke, Naturv. og Math. 7: 128, fig. 55 1909
Chantransia endophytica(Batters) Batters J. Bot. (London) 40 (suppl.): 58 1902
Chantransia endophytica(Batters) De Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 63 1924
Chantransia endozoicaDarbishire Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 17: 15, pl. I 1899
Chantransia entophytica(Batters) Batters image
Chantransia ernothrix(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia eugeneaSkuja Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 52B: 177, 179, Abb. 1: figs. 3-5 1934
Chantransia expansaH.C. Wood Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 11: 144 1869
Chantransia expansaWood image
Chantransia fernandezianaLevring image
Chantransia flagelliferaReinsch image
Chantransia flavicansDesvaux image
Chantransia flexuosa(Vickers) F.S. Collins image
Chantransia fluviatilis(L.) De Candolle image
Chantransia fontana(Kützing) Kützing Tab. Phycol. 5: 15 1855
Chantransia fontana(Kützing) Kützing image
Chantransia fuegiensis(Kylin) De Toni image
Chantransia glaucidaChevallier image
Chantransia globosa(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia glomerata(Jao) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 690 2009
Chantransia glomerata(Jao) K. Starmach in K. Starmach & J. Siemińska (eds.) Fl. Słodkow. Polski 14: 108 1977
Chantransia glomerata(Jao) Starmach image
Chantransia glomerata(L.) DC. image
Chantransia glomerata(Linnaeus) A.P. de Candolle in Lamarck & A.P. de Candolle Fl. Franc\*,., ed. 3, 2: 51 1805
Chantransia gracilis(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia gracilis(Børgesen) De Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 54 1924
Chantransia gracilisChevallier Fl. Paris, ed. 2, 1: 19 1836
Chantransia gracillimaReinsch image
Chantransia grandisLevring image
Chantransia gynandraRosenvinge K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7.Raekke, Naturv. og Math. 7: 88, fig. 18 1909
Chantransia hallandica f. breviorRosenvinge image
Chantransia hallandica f. parvula(Kylin) Rosenvinge image
Chantransia hallandica f. typicaRosenvinge image
Chantransia hallandicaKylin Botaniska studier tillägnade F. R. Kjellman: 123, fig. 8 1906
Chantransia hauckii(Schiffner) De Toni image
Chantransia hauckiiV. Schiffner image
Chantransia hauckiiV. Schiffner Wiss. Meeresuntersuch., Abt. Helgoland 11: 134 1916
Chantransia hercynicaKützing Phycol. Germ.: 230 1845
Chantransia hercynicaKützing image
Chantransia hermannii(Roth) Desvaux image
Chantransia hermannii f. graciliorRabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. III: 402 1868
Chantransia hermannii var. gracilior(Rabenhorst) Brand Hedwigia 49: 117 1909
Chantransia hermannii var. ramellosa(Kützing) Kützing Tab. Phycol. 5: 15 1855
Chantransia hermannii var. ramellosa(Kützing) Kützing image
Chantransia hermannii var. ramellosa(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Chantransia hermannii var. saxonicaRabenhorst Alg. Sachs. [exsicc.] 16/17: no. 154 1852
Chantransia hermannii var. subchalybeaHansgirg image
Chantransia hermannii_(`hermanni')(Roth) Desvaux J. Bot. [Desvaux] 2: 310 1809
Chantransia holsaticaLemmermann image
Chantransia hormorhiza(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia hoytii(Collins) Collins image
Chantransia humilisRosenvinge K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, Naturv. Math. 7{1}: 117, figs. 44, 45 1909
Chantransia hutchinsiae([Dillwyn]) Chevallier image
Chantransia hutchinsiae(Dillwyn) Chevallier Fl. Paris, ed. 2, 1: 679 1836
Chantransia hypneaeBørgesen Bot. Tidsskr. 30{2}: 2, fig. 2 1909
Chantransia hypneaeBørgesen image
Chantransia immersa f. polysiphoniaeRosenvinge image
Chantransia immersa f. rhodomelaeRosenvinge image
Chantransia immersaRosenvinge K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, Naturv. Math. 7(1): 130, figs. 56-58 1909
Chantransia inclusaLevring Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr. N.F. Avd. 2, 33{8}: 96, fig. 16d-e 1937
Chantransia incrustansHansgirg image
Chantransia incrustans var. pulvinataLemmermann image
Chantransia infestans(Howe & Hoyt) De Toni image
Chantransia infusoriaSchrank image
Chantransia interpositaHeydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 11: (78), pl. 22: fig. 8 1893
Chantransia intricata(Roth) Poiret in Lamarck Encycl. Méth. Bot. Suppl. 2: 191 1811
Chantransia investiensLenormand ex Kützing Sp. Alg.: 431 1849
Chantransia investiensLenormand ex Kützing image
Chantransia irregularisReinsch image
Chantransia lanosa(Jao) Starmach image
Chantransia lauterbachiiSchmitz & Heydrich image
Chantransia leibleinii_('Leibleini')Kützing image
Chantransia leibleinii_(`leibleini')Kützing Phycol. Germ.: 229 1845
Chantransia lemaneaeHamel image
Chantransia lenormandii_('LeNormandi')(Suhr) Ardissone & Strafforello image
Chantransia leptonemaRosenvinge K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7.Raekke, Naturv. og Math. 7: 118, figs. 46-48 1909
Chantransia liagoraeBørgesen image
Chantransia liagoraeWeber-van Bosse Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 8: 111 1913
Chantransia lorrain-smithiaeLyle image
Chantransia luxurians(J. Agardh ex Kützing) Ardissone & Strafforello Enum Alg. Liguria: 168 1877
Chantransia luxurians(J. Agardh ex Kützing) Ardissone & Strafforello image
Chantransia macouniiCollins Bull. Victoria Memorial Mus. 1: 113 1913
Chantransia macropus(Kylin) De Toni image
Chantransia macrosporaH.C. Wood Smithsonian Contrib. Knowl. 19{3}: 216, pl. IXX: fig. 3 1873
Chantransia maculaRosenvinge (cont.) image
Chantransia maculaRosenvinge K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, Naturv. Math. 7(1): 114, fig. 42 1909
Chantransia marina(Kützing) De Toni image
Chantransia marina var. collopoda(Rosenvinge) De Toni image
Chantransia marina var. pygmaea(Kuckuck) De Toni image
Chantransia mediterraneaLevring Kungl. Fysiogr. Sällsk. Lund Förh. 12: 30 [6 as separate], fig. 1 A-G 1942
Chantransia mediterraneaT. Levring image
Chantransia microscopica(Nägeli ex Kützing) Ardissone & Strafforello Enumerazione delle alghe di Liguria: 168 1877
Chantransia microscopica(Nägeli) Ardissone & Strafforello image
Chantransia microscopica var. collopodaRosenvinge Medd. Gronland 20: 41, text-figs. 10, 11 1898
Chantransia microscopica var. pygmaeaKuckuck image
Chantransia minima(Collins) Collins image
Chantransia minimaReinsch image
Chantransia minutissima(Zanardini) Hauck image
Chantransia minutissimaReinsch image
Chantransia mirabilis(Suhr) Heydrich image
Chantransia mollisPilger image
Chantransia moniliformisRosenvinge K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7.Raekke, Naturv. og Math. 7: 99, figs. 28, 29 1909
Chantransia mstinensisKomarov Zhurn. Russ. Bot. Obshch. 1: 100, fig. 4 1916
Chantransia muscicola(Weber & Mohr) Desmazières image
Chantransia muscicolaKützing pro syn. image
Chantransia nana(Dillwyn) J.E. Gray image
Chantransia nana(Dillwyn) Mougeot & Nestler image
Chantransia nanaMougeot & Nestler Stirpes cryptogamae Vogeso-Rhenanae fasc. VII: 594 1818
Chantransia naumanniiAskenasy image
Chantransia nemalii_('nemalionis')(De Notaris ex Dufour) Ardissone & Strafforello Enum. Alg. Liguria: 167 1877
Chantransia nemalionis(De Notaris) Ardissone & Strafforello image
Chantransia netrocarpa(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia nigricansDC. image
Chantransia nigritaKützing image
Chantransia nitophylliLevring image
Chantransia nodosa(Lamarck) DC. image
Chantransia nodosaA.P. de Candolle Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 3: 21 1801
Chantransia nordstedtianaReinsch image
Chantransia occidentalis(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia ochrochloaDesvaux mscr. image
Chantransia opetigena(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia pacifica(Kylin) Levring in Skottsberg, Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2: 631 1941
Chantransia parvulaKylin Botaniska studier tillägnade F.R. Kjellman ...: 124, fig. 9 1906
Chantransia pectinataKylin Botaniska Studier tillägnade F.R. Kjelman: 120, figs. 6, 7 1906
Chantransia pectinata var. cimbricaRosenvinge image
Chantransia penetransLevring Bot. Not. 1935: 456, fig. 1 1935
Chantransia pennataChevallier image
Chantransia phacelorhiza(Børgesen) De Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 65 1924
Chantransia phacelorhiza(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia polyblastaRosenvinge K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, Naturv. Math. 7(1): 115, fig. 43 1909
Chantransia polyidisRosenvinge K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, Naturv. Math. 7{1}: 132, figs. 59, 60 1909
Chantransia polyrhiza(Harvey) De Toni image
Chantransia polyrhizaReinsch image
Chantransia polyspora(Howe) De Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 52 1924
Chantransia prolifera([Roth]) Chevallier image
Chantransia prolifera(Roth) Chevallier Fl. Paris, ed. 2, 1: 679 1836
Chantransia pulchella(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia pulchella(C. Agardh) E.M. Fries image
Chantransia pulchella(C. Agardh) Fries image
Chantransia pulchella(C. Agardh) Leiblein image
Chantransia pulchella var. chalybea(Roth) Leiblein image
Chantransia pulvinataSchmidle Allg. Bot. Z. Syst. 6: 79 1900
Chantransia pygmaea f. javanensis(Weber-van Bosse) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 692 2009
Chantransia pygmaeaKützing Phyc. gen. 285 1843
Chantransia pygmaeaKützing image
Chantransia pygmaea var. fontanaKützing Sp. Alg.: 431 1849
Chantransia pygmaea var. fontanaKützing image
Chantransia pygmaea var. ramelliferaKützing Sp. Alg.: 431 1849
Chantransia pygmaea var. ramelliferaKützing image
Chantransia radiansKützing image
Chantransia radicans(Harvey) De Toni Sylloge algarum ... Vol. IV. Florideae. Sectio I: 71 1897
Chantransia ramellosaKützing Phycol. Germ.: 230 1845
Chantransia ramellosaKützing image
Chantransia reductaRosenvinge image
Chantransia repens(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia rhipidandraRosenvinge K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, Naturv. Math. 7(1): 91, figs. 19-20 1909
Chantransia richardsii(Skuja) M.L. Vis, T.J. Entwisle, J.A. West, & F.D. Ott Eur. J. Phycol. 41: 129 2006
Chantransia rigidaReinsch image
Chantransia rivularis(L.) DC. image
Chantransia rivularis(Linnaeus) A.P. de Candolle in Lamarck & A.P. de Candolle Fl. Franc\*,., ed. 3, 2: 51 1805
Chantransia robusta(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia roseolaZeller J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 42{2}: 192 1873
Chantransia rupestris([L.]) Chevallier image
Chantransia rupestris(Linnaeus) Chevallier Fl. Paris, ed. 2, 1: 679 1836
Chantransia sagraeana(Montagne) De Toni image
Chantransia sanctae-mariaeDarbishire image
Chantransia sancti-thomae(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia sargassi(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia saviana(Meneghini) Ardissone Phyc. Medit. 1: 276 1883
Chantransia scoticaKützing image
Chantransia secundata(Lyngbye) Thuret image
Chantransia secundata f. longiarticulataWoronichin image
Chantransia seriata(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia sericea([Hudson]) Chevallier image
Chantransia sericea(Hudson) Chevallier Fl. Paris, ed. 2, 1: 679 1836
Chantransia serpens(Israelson) Starmach image
Chantransia sinensis(Jao) K. Starmach in K. Starmach & J. Siemińska (eds.) Fl. Słodkow. Polski 14: 108 1977
Chantransia sinensis(Jao) Starmach image
Chantransia spongicola(Weber-van Bosse) De Toni image
Chantransia spumigena(Mertens) Steudel image
Chantransia stilophoraeLevring Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr. N.F. Avd. 2, 31{4}: 39, fig. 8A-E 1935
Chantransia strictaRosenvinge K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7.Raekke, Naturv. og Math. 7: 108, fig. 36 1909
Chantransia subtilis(C. Agardh) Steudel Nomencl. Bot. Crypt.: 114 1824
Chantransia subtilisMöbius image
Chantransia subtilisMöbius Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges. 18: 313, pl. I: figs. 9, 10 1894
Chantransia tenellaSkuja Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 52B: 177, 179, Abt. 1: figs. 1, 2 1934
Chantransia tenuissima(Collins) Kylin Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr. N.F. Avd. 2, 37{2}: 5 1941
Chantransia thuretii(Bornet) Kylin Algenfl. Schwed. Westk.: 119 1907
Chantransia thuretiiBornet mscr. image
Chantransia thuretiiBornet mss. image
Chantransia thuretii var. agamaRosenvinge K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7.Raekke, Naturv. og Math. 7: 102, figs. 32, 33 1909
Chantransia thuretii var. amphicarpaRosenvinge image
Chantransia thuretii_('thuretti')(Bornet) Kylin image
Chantransia tomentosa(Hudson) Endlicher Gen. Pl. Suppl. 3: 21 1843
Chantransia torulosa(Roth) DC. image
Chantransia trichotoma([C. Agardh]) Chevallier image
Chantransia trichotoma(C. Agardh) Chevallier Fl. Paris, ed. 2, 1: 679 1836
Chantransia trifilaBuffham image
Chantransia unilateralisKjellman image
Chantransia unipes(Børgesen) De Toni image
Chantransia vaginata(Ducluzeau) Desvaux image
Chantransia variegata(C. Agardh) Steudel image
Chantransia vaucheriiformisChevallier Fl. Paris, ed. 2, 1: 679 1836
Chantransia vaucheriiformis_('vaucheriaformis')(C. Agardh) Chevallier image
Chantransia velutinaHauck image
Chantransia vesicata(Mueller) DC. image
Chantransia vesicata(O.F. Müller) A.P. de Candolle in Lamarck & A.P. de Candolle Fl. Franc\*,., ed. 3, 2: 52 1805
Chantransia vinculoidesHeydrich image
Chantransia violacea f. fasciculataBrand Hedwigia 36: 313, fig. 4 1897
Chantransia violaceaKützing Phycol. Germ.: 230 1845
Chantransia violaceaKützing image
Chantransia violacea var. alpina(Kützing) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. III: 402 1868
Chantransia violacea var. alpina(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Chantransia violacea var. beardsleei_('beardslei')(Wolle) Wolle image
Chantransia violacea var. beardsleei_(`beardslei')(Wolle) Wolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 60 1887
Chantransia violacea var. dalmatica(Kützing) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. III: 403 1868
Chantransia violacea var. dalmatica(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Chantransia violacea var. expansa(H.C. Wood) Brand Hedwigia 49: 116 1909
Chantransia violacea var. expansa(H.C. Wood) Wolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 59 1887
Chantransia violacea var. fasciculata(Brand) Brand Hedwigia 49: 116 1909
Chantransia violacea var. hercynica(Kützing) Kützing Sp. Alg.: 431 1849
Chantransia violacea var. hercynica(Kützing) Kützing image
Chantransia violacea var. kelseyiF.W. Anderson in F.W. Anderson & F.D. Kelsey Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 18: 138 1891
Chantransia violacea var. pilosaBrand Hedwigia 49: 116 1909
Chantransia virgatula(Harvey) Thuret in Le Jolis Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 10: 106 1863
Chantransia virgatula f. farlowiiKjellman image
Chantransia virgatula f. luxurians(J. Agardh) Rosenvinge image
Chantransia virgatula f. secundata(Lyngbye) Rosenvinge image
Chantransia virgatula f. tenuissimaCollins (cont.) image
Chantransia virgatula f. tenuissimaCollins in Collins, Holden, & Setchell Phyc. Bor.-Amer.: no. 741 1900
Chantransia virgatula f. tetricaRosenvinge K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7.Raekke, Naturv. og Math. 7: 111, fig. 38 1909
Chantransia virgatula var. luxurians(J. Agardh) Chalon image
Chantransia virgatula var. minutissima(Suhr) Chalon image
Chantransia willeiHenckel image
CHANTRANSIACEAE p. 180 misspelledChantrausieee image
EUCHANTRANSIAJ.L.A.K. Rosenvinge image
Pseudochantransia amethystea(Kützing) Brand image
Pseudochantransia batrachospermiSkuja image
Pseudochantransia batrachospermiSkuja image
Pseudochantransia batrachospermiSkuja image
Pseudochantransia beardsleei_('beardslei')(Wolle) Brand Hedwigia 49: 117 1909
Pseudochantransia boergeseniiF.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 685 2009
Pseudochantransia chalybea f. javanensis(Weber-van Bosse) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 375 2009
Pseudochantransia chalybea var. brasiliensis(Nordstedt) Brand Hedwigia 49: 118 1909
Pseudochantransia chalybea var. leibleinii(Kützing) Brand Hedwigia 49: 118 1909
Pseudochantransia chalybea var. major(Kützing) Brand Hedwigia 49: 118 1909
Pseudochantransia chalybea var. marchica(Hennings) Brand Hedwigia 49: 118 1909
Pseudochantransia chalybea var. muscicola(Kützing) Brand Hedwigia 49: 118 1909
Pseudochantransia chalybea var. radians(Kützing) Brand Hedwigia 49: 118 1909
Pseudochantransia chalybea var. thermalis(Hansgirg) Brand Hedwigia 49: 118 1909
Pseudochantransia chalybea_('chalybaea')(Roth) Brand image
Pseudochantransia corymbifera(J.E. Smith) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 689 2009
Pseudochantransia cylindrica(Jao) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 689 2009
Pseudochantransia eugenea(Skuja) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 377, 689 2009
Pseudochantransia eugenea var. secundata(Jao) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 377, 689 2009
Pseudochantransia glomerata(Jao) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 377 2009
Pseudochantransia godwardensis_('godwardense')(R.J. Patel) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 377 2009
Pseudochantransia hermannii(Roth) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 785 2009
Pseudochantransia hermannii f. fasciculata(Brand) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 785 2009
Pseudochantransia hermannii var. alpina(Kützing) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 785 2009
Pseudochantransia hermannii var. dalmatica(Kützing) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 785 2009
Pseudochantransia hermannii var. expansa(H.C. Wood) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 785 2009
Pseudochantransia hermannii var. gracilior(Rabenhorst) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 785 2009
Pseudochantransia hermannii var. hercynica(Kützing) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 785 2009
Pseudochantransia hermannii var. pilosa(Brand) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 785 2009
Pseudochantransia hermannii var. ramellosa_('ramullosa')(Kützing) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 785 2009
Pseudochantransia hermannii var. roseola(Zeller) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 785 2009
Pseudochantransia hermannii var. saxonica(Rabenhorst) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 785 2009
Pseudochantransia heterospora(S.L. Xie & Y.J. Ling) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 690 2009
Pseudochantransia indica(S.K.S. Raikwar) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 378 2009
Pseudochantransia investiens_('investeins')(Lenormand ex Kützing) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 690 2009
Pseudochantransia jaoiF.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 687 2009
Pseudochantransia jogensis(Iyengar ex V. Krishnamurthy & M. Baluswami) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 690 2009
Pseudochantransia keralayensis(L. Jose & R.J. Patel) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 685 2009
Pseudochantransia leibleinii(Kützing) Israelson Symb. Bot. Upsal. 6{1}: 58 1942
Pseudochantransia leibleinii(Kützing) Israelson image
Pseudochantransia lemaneaeBrand image
Pseudochantransia macrospora(Wood) Brand image
Pseudochantransia parva(D.J. Garbary) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 691 2009
Pseudochantransia pygmaea(Kützing) Brand image
Pseudochantransia pygmaea f. javanensis(Weber-van Bosse) De Toni Syll. Alg. 6: 75 1934
Pseudochantransia pygmaea var. fontana(Kützing) Brand Hedwigia 49: 118 1909
Pseudochantransia pygmaea var. ramellifera(Kützing) Brand Hedwigia 49: 118 1909
Pseudochantransia quilonensisF.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 380, 692 2009
Pseudochantransia sarmae(M. Khan) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 686 2009
Pseudochantransia serpensIsraelson Symb. Bot. Upsal. 6{1}: 59, pl. I,b 1942
Pseudochantransia sinensis(Jao) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 693 2009
Pseudochantransia sucrensis_('sucrense')(L.G. D'Lacoste & E.K. Ganesan) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 686 2009
Pseudochantransia venezuelensis(L.G. D'Lacoste & E.K. Ganesan) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 687 2009
Pseudochantransia violacea var. kelseyi(F.W. Anderson) F.D. Ott Handbook of the taxonomic names associated with the non-marine Rhodophycophyta: 693 2009

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Page last updated 7 October 2024