Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

CHAETOPHORASchrank Naturforscher [Halle] 19: 124, 125 1783
Chaetophora adriaticaKützing image
Chaetophora aeruginosaC. Agardh image
Chaetophora anisococca(Sprengel) Wallroth image
Chaetophora atraKützing image
Chaetophora atraKützing image
Chaetophora attenuataHazen Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 11: 213, pl. 39 1902
Chaetophora attenuata var. claytoniiP. Sarma image
Chaetophora berkeleyiGreville image
Chaetophora cagniardiiTurpin image
Chaetophora calcareaJ.E. Tilden image
Chaetophora calcareaTilden image
Chaetophora cervicornisKützing image
Chaetophora chloritesSchousboe image
Chaetophora clavataHornemann image
Chaetophora confervoides(Roth) C. Agardh image
Chaetophora cornu-damae(Roth) Bory image
Chaetophora cornu-damae var. crystallophora(Kützing) Hansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 1: 71 1886
Chaetophora cornu-damae var. crystalophora(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Chaetophora cornu-damae var. draparnaldioidesNordstedt & Wittrock image
Chaetophora cornu-damae var. endiviifolia_('endiviaefolia')(Roth) Hansgirg image
Chaetophora cornu-damae var. incrustans(Rabenhorst) Hansgirg image
Chaetophora cornu-damae var. linearis(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Chaetophora cornu-damae var. polyclados(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Chaetophora cornu-damae_('Cornu Damae')(Roth) C. Agardh Syn.: xxxviii 1817
Chaetophora cornu-damae_('cornu damae')(Roth) C. Agardh image
Chaetophora cornu-dianae_('cornuDianae') C. Agardh' image
Chaetophora crustaceaSchousboe image
Chaetophora crustataSchousboe image
Chaetophora difformisSchousboe image
Chaetophora dilatataHassall image
Chaetophora divaricataSchousboe image
Chaetophora draparnaldiiformis_('draparnaldiaeformis')Lebel image
Chaetophora draparnaldioidesKützing image
Chaetophora dura(Roth) Leiblein image
Chaetophora elegans(Roth) C. Agardh Disp. 4: 42 1812
Chaetophora elegans f. longipila(Kützing) E.S. Sinova image
Chaetophora elegans subsp. genuinaHansgirg image
Chaetophora elegans subsp. longipila(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Chaetophora elegans var. cervicornis(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Chaetophora elegans var. cervicornis(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Chaetophora elegans var. dura(Roth) Rabenhorst image
Chaetophora elegans var. pachyderma(Wittrock) Schmidle image
Chaetophora endiviifolia(Roth) C. Agardh image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. clavata(Hornemann) Kützing image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. cornu-damae(Roth) Kützing Phycol. Germ.: 262 1845
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. cornu-damae_('cornu damae')(Roth) Kützing image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. cornudamae [Brébisson &Godey] illeg. image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. cornutaRabenhorst image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. crassaC. Agardh image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. crassaKützing image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. crystallophoraKützing Alg. aq. dulc. germ. 11: [4] 1834
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. crystallophoraKützing image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. difformisWallroth image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. elongata(Roth) C. Agardh image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. incrustansRabenhorst image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. linearisKützing image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. polycladosKützing image
Chaetophora endiviifolia var. ramosissimaRabenhorst Alg. Sachsens 13/14: no. 133 1851
Chaetophora endiviifolia_('endiviaefolia')(Roth) C. Agardh Disp. Alg. Suec. 4: 42 1812
Chaetophora flagelliferaKützing image
Chaetophora fucicola(Roth) C. Agardh image
Chaetophora globosaSchrank image
Chaetophora haematites(Lamarck & DC.) Bory image
Chaetophora incrassata(Hudson) Hazen image
Chaetophora incrassata f. clavataGauthier-Lièvre image
Chaetophora incrassata f. clavataPrintz image
Chaetophora incrassata f. crassaGauthier-Lièvre image
Chaetophora incrassata f. crassaPrintz image
Chaetophora incrassata f. crystallophoraPrintz image
Chaetophora incrassata f. draparnaldioides(Wittrock & Nordstedt) F.S. Collins image
Chaetophora incrassata f. draparnaldioidesGauthier-Lièvre image
Chaetophora incrassata f. draparnaldioidesHurter image
Chaetophora incrassata f. draparnaldioidesPrintz image
Chaetophora incrassata f. genuinaPrintz image
Chaetophora incrassata f. incrustansGauthier-Lièvre image
Chaetophora incrassata f. incrustansPrintz image
Chaetophora incrassata f. linearisGauthier-Lièvre image
Chaetophora incrassata f. linearisPrintz image
Chaetophora incrassata f. polycladosPrintz image
Chaetophora incrassataSchousboe image
Chaetophora indicaMartens image
Chaetophora irregularisKützing image
Chaetophora lanceolataSchrank image
Chaetophora lobataSchrank Naturforscher [Halle] 19: 125, pl. VII: figs. 2, 3 1783
Chaetophora longaevaCarmichael image
Chaetophora longipilaKützing image
Chaetophora lumbricalisSchousboe image
Chaetophora lumbricalisSchousboe image
Chaetophora marinaLyngbye Tent. 193 1819
Chaetophora maritimaKjellman image
Chaetophora membranifoliiLyngbye image
Chaetophora microscopicaMontagne image
Chaetophora moniliferaKützing image
Chaetophora moniliferaKützing image
Chaetophora multifida(Weber & Mohr) W.J. Hooker image
Chaetophora nodulosaC. Agardh Syn. alg. Scand.: 127 1817
Chaetophora oudemansiiWeber-van Bosse Hedwigia 31: 140 1892
Chaetophora pachydermaWittrock image
Chaetophora pelliculaKjellman image
Chaetophora pellitaLyngbye image
Chaetophora pellitaSchousboe image
Chaetophora pellitaSchousboe Hb. image
Chaetophora pisiformis(Roth) C. Agardh Disp. 5: 43 1812
Chaetophora pisiformis var. hamataJao Sinensia 11: 260, pl. I: fig. 7 1940
Chaetophora pisiformis var. pruniformisKützing image
Chaetophora pisiformis var. toruloidesRabenhorst Alg. Eur. Dec.: 119/120: no. 1197 1891
Chaetophora pisiformis var. toruloidesRabenhorst msct. image
Chaetophora pisiformis var. tuberculosa(Roth) C. Agardh image
Chaetophora planaC. Agardh image
Chaetophora pulchellaSchousboe image
Chaetophora punctiformisKützing image
Chaetophora radiansKützing image
Chaetophora riccioidesBory image
Chaetophora rubra(Hudson) C. Agardh Disp. Alg. 4: 42 1812
Chaetophora soboliferaSchousboe image
Chaetophora strictaZeller image
Chaetophora subcutaneaLyngbye mscr. image
Chaetophora subtilissimaKützing image
Chaetophora tuberculata"Müller" in Kützing Sp. Alg.: 425 1849
Chaetophora tuberculata "Müller" image
Chaetophora tuberculosa(Roth) C. Agardh image
Chaetophora tuberculosa var. piliferaBrébisson ex Kützing image
Chaetophora ulvoidesSuhr image
Chaetophora vaginataKützing image
Chaetophora vermiculata(J.E. Smith.) C. Agardh image
Chaetophora zostericolaBory image
CHAETOPHORACEAFjerdingstad image
CHAETOPHORACEAEStizenbergar image
Conferva chaetophoraJ.F. Gmelin image
Oligochaetophora simplex(G.S. West) G.S. West image
Oligochaetophora simplex var. elegansBeck-Mannagetta image
POLYCHAETOPHORAW. West & G.S. West image
Polychaetophora lamellosaW. West & G.S. West image
Polychaetophora simplexG.S. West image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024