Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Acrochaetium chaetomorphae(Tanaka & Pham Hoàng Hô) Heerebout image
CHAETOMORPHA subgenusSPONGOPSIS (Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha adrianii_('Adriani')Feldmann image
Chaetomorpha adrianii_('Adriani')J. Feldmann Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord 26: 363, no fig. 1936
Chaetomorpha aerea(Dillwyn) Kützing Sp. alg.: 379 1849
Chaetomorpha aerea(Dillwyn) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha aerea(Dillwyn) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha aerea f. balticaVan Heurck image
Chaetomorpha aerea f. linum(Müller) Collins image
Chaetomorpha aerea f. versataHeydrich image
Chaetomorpha akinetaM.A. Sahito, Z.A. Nizamani, & S.M. Leghari Pakistan J. Bot. 20: 306, fig. 1 B 1988
Chaetomorpha alternata(Dillwyn) J.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha alternata(Dillwyn) J.E. Gray Handb. Brit. Water-weeds: 47 1864
Chaetomorpha alternataKützing Sp. Alg.: 378 1849
Chaetomorpha alternataKützing image
Chaetomorpha antennina(Bory de Saint-Vincent) Kützing Bot. Zeit. 5: 166 1847
Chaetomorpha antennina(Bory de Saint-Vincent) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha antennina(Bory) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha antennina var. stolonifera(W.R. Taylor) M.J. Wynne Canad. J. Bot. 64: 2264 1986
Chaetomorpha arenaria(Zanardini) Zanardini image
Chaetomorpha arenicolaJ.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha arenosa(Carmichael) J.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha atrovirensW.R. Taylor image
Chaetomorpha aureolaV.J. Chapman image
Chaetomorpha auricoma(Suhr) Blair image
Chaetomorpha baicalensisC. Meyer image
Chaetomorpha baicalensis var. curtaSkabichevskii image
Chaetomorpha baicalensis var. curtaSkabichevskii image
Chaetomorpha balticaKützing image
Chaetomorpha bangioidesDawson image
Chaetomorpha bangioidesE.Y. Dawson Amer. J. Bot. 37: 149, figs. 8-10 1950
Chaetomorpha basiretrorsaSetchell Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 12: 72, pl. 8: figs. 4-6 1926
Chaetomorpha billardieriKützing image
Chaetomorpha blancheanaMontagne image
Chaetomorpha bottnicaWaern image
Chaetomorpha brachyarthra(Kützing) Kützing Phycol. Germ.: 203 1845
Chaetomorpha brachyarthra(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha brachyarthra var. urbica(Zanardini) Rabenhorst image
Chaetomorpha brachygonaHarvey Ner. bor.-amer. 3: 87, pl. XLVI.A 1858
Chaetomorpha brachygona var. crassipellitaW.R. Taylor Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. 12: 53 1945
Chaetomorpha breviarticulata(Zanardini) Frauenfeld image
Chaetomorpha breviarticulataHauck image
Chaetomorpha californicaCollins in Collins, Holden & Setchell Phyc. Bor.-Amer.: 664 1900
Chaetomorpha callithrixKützing image
Chaetomorpha cannabina(Areschoug) Kjellman K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., ser. 4 23{8}: 55 1889
Chaetomorpha capillaris(L.) J.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha capillaris f. typicaJ. Feldmann image
Chaetomorpha capillaris var. crispaJ. Feldmann Rev. Algol. 9: 210, figs. 17 A-F 1937
Chaetomorpha capillaris_('capillare')(Kützing) Børgesen image
Chaetomorpha capillaris_('capillare')(Kützing) Børgesen Biol. Meddel. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. 5{3}: 45 1925
Chaetomorpha cartilagineaHowe image
Chaetomorpha catalinaeDawson image
Chaetomorpha catalinaeE.Y. Dawson Allan Hancock Found. Occ. Pap. 8: 2, figs. 1-6 1949
Chaetomorpha chapmaniiMolinari & Guiry Notulae algarum 184: 3 2021
Chaetomorpha chelonumF.S. Collins Rhodora 9: 198 1907
Chaetomorpha chelonum var. japonicaYendo Bot. Mag. [Tokyo] 34: 1, no fig. 1920
Chaetomorpha chlorotica(Montagne) Kützing Species algarum: 377 1849
Chaetomorpha chlorotica(Montagne) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha cladophoraeCrouan frat. image
Chaetomorpha clavataKützing Bot. Zeit. 5: 166 1847
Chaetomorpha clavataKützing image
Chaetomorpha clavataKützing image
Chaetomorpha clavata var. tortaFarlow image
Chaetomorpha clavata var. tortaFarlow image
Chaetomorpha clavata var. tortaFarlow ex Collins Tufts Coll. Stud. (Sci.) 2: 323 1909
Chaetomorpha coliformis(Montagne) Kützing Sp. alg.: 380 1849
Chaetomorpha coliformis(Montagne) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha coliformis(Montagne) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha confervicola(Zanardini) Zanardini image
Chaetomorpha confervicolaDe Toni image
Chaetomorpha crassa(C. Agardh) Kützing Phycol. germ. 204 1845
Chaetomorpha crassa(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha crassa(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha crassa f. genuinaSchiffner image
Chaetomorpha crassa f. tenuiorSchiffner image
Chaetomorpha crassiusculaZanardini image
Chaetomorpha crispa(Vaucher) J.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha curta(Skabichevskii) Skabichevskii image
Chaetomorpha dalmatica(Kützing) Kützing Phycol. Germ.: 203 1845
Chaetomorpha dalmatica(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha dalmatica var. septemtrionalisKützing image
Chaetomorpha darwinii(J. Hooker & Harvey) Kützing Sp. alg.: 380 1849
Chaetomorpha darwinii(J. Hooker & Harvey) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha darwinii(J. Hooker & Harvey) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha darwinii f. elongataV.J. Chapman image
Chaetomorpha darwinii f. strictaV.J. Chapman image
Chaetomorpha darwinii var. chathamensisV.J. Chapman image
Chaetomorpha dissiliens(Dillwyn) J.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha dubyana(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha elongataV.J. Chapman image
Chaetomorpha exiguaSchiffner image
Chaetomorpha exilissimaE.R. Parodi & E.J. Cáceres Cytologia 61: 186, figs. 2-10, 14-20, 22-25 1996
Chaetomorpha exposita(Børgesen) Dawson image
Chaetomorpha exposita(Børgesen) Dawson image
Chaetomorpha exposita(Børgesen) E.Y. Dawson Pacific Sci. 8: 3 1954
Chaetomorpha fibrosa(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha fibrosa var. balticaKützing image
Chaetomorpha fibrosa var. crispataKützing image
Chaetomorpha firmaLevring image
Chaetomorpha fontinalis(L.) J.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha fontinalis(Linnaeus) J.E. Gray Handb. Brit. Water-weeds: 47 1864
Chaetomorpha fracta f. robustaPetkoff image
Chaetomorpha gallicaKützing image
Chaetomorpha geniculata(Montagne) Montagne image
Chaetomorpha gigoniiShabbir Ali & Nizamuddin image
Chaetomorpha gracilis(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha gracilisKützing Phycol. Germ.: 203 1845
Chaetomorpha gracilis var. longiarticulataHauck image
Chaetomorpha gracilis var. tenuiorCrouan frat. image
Chaetomorpha henningsiiP. Richter Hedwigia 32{2}: 71 1893
Chaetomorpha herbaceaKützing image
Chaetomorpha herbipolensis f. duplo-major_('duplo major')Petkoff image
Chaetomorpha herbipolensis f. zoosporiferaLagerheim image
Chaetomorpha herbipolensisLagerheim image
Chaetomorpha implexa(Harvey) J. Feldmann image
Chaetomorpha implexaKützing image
Chaetomorpha implexaKützing Species algarum: 376 1849
Chaetomorpha implexa var. montagneanaKützing image
Chaetomorpha implexa var. obscuriorKützing image
Chaetomorpha implicataKützing Bot. Zeit. 5: 167 1847
Chaetomorpha implicataKützing image
Chaetomorpha indica(Kützing) Kützing Species algarum: 376 1849
Chaetomorpha indica(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha inflataKützing Species algarum: 378 1849
Chaetomorpha inflataKützing image
Chaetomorpha intermediaPiccone & Dufour image
Chaetomorpha intestinalis(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha intestinalisKützing Species algarum: 380 1849
Chaetomorpha irregularis(Zaneveld) M. Cormaci, G. Furnari & G. Alongi Bollettino Accademia Gioenia Sci. Nat. 47: 395 2014
Chaetomorpha javanica f. tenuisCrouan frat. image
Chaetomorpha javanicaKützing Flora 30: 773, no fig. 1847
Chaetomorpha javanicaKützing image
Chaetomorpha kellersiiHowe image
Chaetomorpha kerguelensisLevring image
Chaetomorpha lanosaCrouan fr. image
Chaetomorpha ligustica(Kützing) Kützing Species algarum: 376 1849
Chaetomorpha ligustica(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha liniformis(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha linoidesKützing Bot. Zeit. 5: 167 1847
Chaetomorpha linoidesKützing image
Chaetomorpha linoides var. constrictaKützing image
Chaetomorpha linoides var. restrictaKützing image
Chaetomorpha linum(Müller) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha linum(O.F. Müller) Kützing Phycol. Germ.: 204 1845
Chaetomorpha linum f. aerea(Dillwyn) Collins image
Chaetomorpha linum f. brachyarthra(Kützing) Børgesen Biol. Meddel. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. 12{2}: 12 1935
Chaetomorpha linum f. brachyarthra(Kützing) Børgesen image
Chaetomorpha linum f. pulvinatumBatters image
Chaetomorpha linum var. brachyarthraSchiffner image
Chaetomorpha linum var. breviarticulataArdissone image
Chaetomorpha linum var. longiarticulata(Ardissone & Strafforello) Ardissone image
Chaetomorpha litoralisSkabichevskii image
Chaetomorpha litorea(Harvey) Harvey image
Chaetomorpha litorea(Harvey) Holmes & Batters image
Chaetomorpha litoreaHarvey Smithsonian Contr. Knowl. 10{2}: 87 1858
Chaetomorpha longiarticulata(J. Agardh) Laing image
Chaetomorpha longiarticulataHarvey image
Chaetomorpha longiarticulata var. crassiorHarvey image
Chaetomorpha macropusKützing image
Chaetomorpha macrotonaSuringar image
Chaetomorpha mawsonii_('Mawsoni')Lucas image
Chaetomorpha mawsonii_('Mawsoni')Lucas image
Chaetomorpha mazziarianaGrunow image
Chaetomorpha media(C. Agardh) Kützing Sp. alg.: 380 1849
Chaetomorpha media(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha media(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha media var. stolonifera_('stolonifer')W.R. Taylor image
Chaetomorpha media var. stolonifera_(`stolonifer')W.R. Taylor Rev. Algol. 11: 60, figs. 1-5 1974
Chaetomorpha mediterranea(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha mediterranea var. crispa(J. Feldmann) T. Gallardo et al. Bot. Mar. 36: 413 1993
Chaetomorpha melagonium(Weber & Mohr) Kützing Phycol. Germ.: 204 1845
Chaetomorpha melagonium(Weber & Mohr) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha melagonium f. rupincolaAreschoug Alg. Scand. Exsicc., n.s.: Fasc. VI, no. 275a 1861
Chaetomorpha melagonium f. tenuisRosenvinge image
Chaetomorpha melagonium f. typicaKjellman image
Chaetomorpha melagonium var. novae-zelandiaeV.J. Chapman image
Chaetomorpha microscopicaK. Meier image
Chaetomorpha minimaCollins & Hervey Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 53: 41 pl. I: figs. 5-7 1917
Chaetomorpha minutaCrouan frat. image
Chaetomorpha moniliformisSkabichevskii image
Chaetomorpha moniliformisSkabichevskii image
Chaetomorpha moniligeraKjellman image
Chaetomorpha monilina(Zanardini) Zanardini image
Chaetomorpha monilisHarvey image
Chaetomorpha mucosa(Dillwyn) J.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha natalensis(Hering) De Toni Sylloge algarum ... Vol. I. Chlorophyceae: 275 1889
Chaetomorpha natalensis f. expositaBørgesen Biol. Meddel. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. 20{12}: 6, fig. 1 1948
Chaetomorpha natalensis f. expositaBørgesen image
Chaetomorpha nodosaKützing Sp. Alg.: 376 1849
Chaetomorpha nodosaKützing image
Chaetomorpha norvegicaLeliaert & Rueness in Leliaert et al. Eur. J. Phycol. 44: 494 2009
Chaetomorpha novae-zelandiae(J. Agardh) Laing image
Chaetomorpha novo-ebudicaSonder image
Chaetomorpha obscuraKjellman in Wittrock & Nordstedt Bot. Not. 1880: 117, no fig. 1880
Chaetomorpha ochlophobiansG.T. Kraft Mar. Benth. Alg. Lord Howe Island 1: 52, 320 2007
Chaetomorpha ochroleuca(Berkeley) J.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha okamurae_('okamurai')S. Ueda J. Imp. Fish. Inst., Tokyo 27: 23, pl. I 1932
Chaetomorpha okamurae_('okamurai')Ueda image
Chaetomorpha olneyiHarvey image
Chaetomorpha pachynema(Montagne) Kützing Bot. Zeit. 5: 166 1847
Chaetomorpha pachynema(Montagne) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha pacifica(Lyon) Wille image
Chaetomorpha pacificaKützing Species algarum: 379 1849
Chaetomorpha pacificaKützing image
Chaetomorpha pallidaV.J. Chapman image
Chaetomorpha pallidaV.J. Chapman J. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 55: 461, text-fig. 118-I 1956
Chaetomorpha pallidaZanardini image
Chaetomorpha pallidaZanardini ex Frauenfeld Alg. dalmat. Küste: 9, no fig. 1855
Chaetomorpha paucitatisGilbert image
Chaetomorpha paucitatisGilbert image
Chaetomorpha peruviana var. elongataW.R. Taylor image
Chaetomorpha peruvianaW.R. Taylor image
Chaetomorpha philippinensisF. Leliaert in F. Leliaert et al. Phycologia 50: 385, figs. 1-22 2011
Chaetomorpha picquotianaMontagne ex Kützing image
Chaetomorpha polita(Harvey) J.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha primaWhitfield image
Chaetomorpha princeps(Kützing) Kützing Phycol. germ. 204 1845
Chaetomorpha princeps(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha princeps(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha prostrataAnand image
Chaetomorpha prostrataAnand image
Chaetomorpha prostrataP. Anand Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Indian Science Congress, Calcutta, 1938. Part III. Abstracts: 134 1938
Chaetomorpha pumilumMeyer image
Chaetomorpha recurvaScagel image
Chaetomorpha restricta(Suhr) Kützing Tab. Phycol. 3: 17 1853
Chaetomorpha restricta(Suhr) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha reticulataKützing image
Chaetomorpha rigida(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha rigidaKützing Phyc. germ.: 203 1845
Chaetomorpha rigida var. inaequalisGrunow image
Chaetomorpha rigida var. longiarticulataArdissone & Strafforello image
Chaetomorpha rigida var. rectaKützing image
Chaetomorpha rivularis(L.) J.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha rivularis(Linnaeus) J.E. Gray Handb. Brit. Water-weeds: 47 1864
Chaetomorpha robusta(Areschoug) Papenfuss Bot. Not. 1940: 200 1940
Chaetomorpha robusta(J.E. Areschoug) Papenfuss image
Chaetomorpha saccata(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha septentrionalis_('septentrionale')Foslie image
Chaetomorpha setacea(C. Agardh) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha sinensisGardner image
Chaetomorpha sinensisN.L. Gardner Madron\*~o 4: 30; pl. VIII 1937
Chaetomorpha slesvicensisKützing image
Chaetomorpha solitariaG.T. Kraft & A.J.K. Millar in G.T. Kraft Austral. Syst. Bot. 13: 538, fig. 13D-F 2000
Chaetomorpha solitariaSkabichevskii image
Chaetomorpha sphacelariaeFoslie image
Chaetomorpha spiralis f. rectaSinova image
Chaetomorpha spiralisOkamura Algae japonicae exsiccatae: no. 94 (Bot. Mag. [Tokyo], 17: 131. 1903) 1903
Chaetomorpha strictaSchiffner image
Chaetomorpha stuhlmanniiHieronymus Die Pflanzenwelt Ost-Afrikas ... Theil C: 23, no fig. 1895
Chaetomorpha subimmersa(Berkeley) J.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha submarinaCrouan fr. image
Chaetomorpha submarinaCrouan fr. image
Chaetomorpha subsalsa(Zanardini) Zanardini image
Chaetomorpha sutoria(Berkeley) Harvey image
Chaetomorpha tenellaCrouan frat. image
Chaetomorpha tenuissimaCrouan fr. image
Chaetomorpha tokyoensisK. Ichihara & K. Miyaji in Ichihara et al. Phycologia 52: 408, figs. 61-74 2013
Chaetomorpha torta(Farlow ex Collins) Yendo Bot. Mag. [Tokyo] 28: 264 1914
Chaetomorpha torta f. moniliformisE.S. Sinova image
Chaetomorpha tortaFarlow image
Chaetomorpha tortuosa(Dillwyn) Kleen image
Chaetomorpha tortuosaKützing Species algarum: 376 1849
Chaetomorpha tortuosaKützing, illeg. image
Chaetomorpha tortuosa var. breviarticulataArdissone image
Chaetomorpha torulosaKützing Phycol. Germ.: 204 1845
Chaetomorpha torulosaKützing image
Chaetomorpha urbica(Zanardini) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha valida(J. Hooker & Harvey) Kützing Species algarum: 379 1849
Chaetomorpha valida(J.D. Hooker & Harvey) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha variabilis(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha vasta(Kützing) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha vasta var. inflataKützing image
Chaetomorpha vesicataJ.E. Gray image
Chaetomorpha vesicataJ.E. Gray Handb. Brit. Water-weeds: 47 1864
Chaetomorpha vieillardii(Kützing) M.J. Wynne Pacific Science 65: 112 2011
Chaetomorpha viridifusca(Montagne) Kützing image
Chaetomorpha viridifusca_('viridi-fusca')(Montagne) Kützing Bot. Zeit. 5: 167 1847
Chaetomorpha wormskioldii(Mertens ex Hornemann) Kjellman Vega-Exped. Vet. Arb. 3: 384 1883
Chaetomorpha wormskioldiiKjellman image
Chaetomorpha zernoviiWoronichin image
Dermocarpa chaetomorphae(Setchell & Gardner) P.C. Silva image
Dermocarpa chaetomorphae(Setchell & N.L. Gardner) P.C. Silva in Silva, Basson, & Moe Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 79: 15 1996
Erythrocladia chaetomorphaeTanaka & Ho image
Heteroleibleinia chaetomorphae(Iyengar & Desikachary) K. Anagnostidis & J. Komárek Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 80 (Algol. Stud. 50-53): 434 1988
Lyngbya chaetomorphaeIyengar & Desikachary J. Madras Univ., Sect. B, 16: 58, fig. 22 1944
PALAEOCHAETOMORPHAO.I. Berchenko Algologia 8{2}: 202 1999
Palaeochaetomorpha ramiformisO.I. Berchenko Algologia 8{2}: 203, pl. I: 1-4; pl. II: 3 1999
Palaeochaetomorpha tenuisO.I. Berchenko Algologia 8{2}: 204, pl. I: 5; pl. II: 1-2 1999
Xenococcus chaetomorphaeSetchell & Gardner image
Xenococcus chaetomorphaeSetchell & N.L. Gardner in Gardner Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 6: 436, pl. 36: figs. 2-4 1918

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Page last updated 7 October 2024