Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Calothrix marchicaLemmermann Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 23: 248, figs. 1, 2 1914
Calothrix synplocoidesReinsch Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges. 6: 112, no fig. 1866
Calothrix aegagropilaKützing Alg. aq. dulc. germ. 1: [4] 1833
Calothrix meneghinianaDalla Torre & Sarnthein Algen Tirol, Vorarlberg und Liechtenstein: 133 1901
Calothrix crustaceaThuret ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 359 1886
Calothrix balearicaBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 345 (=key), 348 1886
Calothrix adscendensBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 365 1886
Calothrix brauniiBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 368 1886
Calothrix castelliiBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 369 1886
Calothrix consociataBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 351 1886
Calothrix fuscaBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 364 1886
Calothrix proliferaFlahault in Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 361 1886
Calothrix rubraBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 345 (=key), 347 1886
Calothrix stellarisBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 365 1886
Calothrix confervicola var. purpureaBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 350 1886
Calothrix confervicola var. mediterraneaBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 351 1886
Calothrix parasiticaThuret ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 357 1886 (fixed by Art. 13(e), ICBN)
Calothrix parietinaThuret ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7, 3: 347 (=key), 366 1886 (fixed by Art. 13(e), ICBN)
Calothrix fuscoviolacea_('fusco-violacea')P. Crouan & H. Crouan Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 4, 12: 291, pl. 22: fig. H 1859
Calothrix aeruginea(Kützing) Thuret Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 6, 1: 381 1875
Calothrix parasitica(Chauvin) Thuret Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 6, 1: 381 1875
Calothrix parietina(Nägeli ex Kützing) Thuret Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 6, 1: 381 1875
Calothrix pilosaHarvey ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 3: 363 1886
Calothrix contareniiBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 3: 355 1886
Calothrix julianaBornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 3: 348 1886
Calothrix confervicolaC. Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 3: 349 1886
Calothrix aerugineaThuret ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser. 7, 3: 358 1886
Calothrix aerugineaThuret ex Bornet & Flahault Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser. 7, 4: 358 1886 (fixed by Art. 13(e), ICBN)
Calothrix parietina f. polymorpha[T. Mrozińska] Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 85 (Algol. Stud. 58): 39, figs. 5, 13 1990
Calothrix austrogeorgica(Carlson) Pankow, Haendel & Richter Beih. Nova Hedwigia 103: 87 1991
Calothrix bugensisPoljansky Bot. Mater., Spor. Rast., Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR 10: 17, figs. 1, 2 1955
Calothrix brebissoniiKützing Bot. Zeit. 5: 180 1847
Calothrix hydnoidesHarvey in Hooker Brit. Fl. 2{1}: 368 1833
Calothrix interruptaCarmichael in Hooker Brit. Fl. 2(1): 368 1833
Calothrix smithii(Berkeley & Thwaites) M.C. Cooke Brit. Fresh-w. Alg.: 277 1884
DULCICALOTHRIXA.G. Saraf et al. FEMS Microbiology Letters 366{17}: 8 2019
Dulcicalothrix necridiiformansA.G. Saraf et al. FEMS Microbiology Letters 366{17}: 8, figs. 1, 2 2019
Dulcicalothrix desertica(G.H. Schwabe) A.G. Saraf et al. FEMS Microbiology Letters 366{17}: 9 2019
Calothrix agardhiiP. Crouan & H. Crouan Fl. Finist. 118, pl. 3: fig. 27 bis (misprinted 28 in plate) 1867
Calothrix infestansHarvey in Hooker Fl. Tasman. 2: 343 1859
Calothrix semiplenaC. Agardh Flora 10: 634 1827
Calothrix capitataB. Uher Fottea 7: 34, fig. 2 2007
Dulcicalothrix alborzicaB. Nowruzi & S. Shalygin Fottea 21: 237, figs. 2, 3 2021
Calothrix breviarticulata f. tatrensisK. Starmach Fragm. Floristic. Geobot. 19: 494, fig. 21 1973
Calothrix hosfordiiWolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 239, pl. CLXIX: figs. 1, 2 1887
Calothrix brebissoniiKützing ex Wolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 238, pl. CLXIX: figs. 5-7 1887
Calothrix orsiniana(Bornet & Flahault) Wolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 236 1887
Calothrix dillwyniiWolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 237, pl. CLXVIII: figs. 3, 4 1887
Calothrix gypsophila(Bornet & Flahault) Wolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 237 1887
Calothrix gracilisWolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 237, pl. CLXXIII: figs. 2, 3 1887
Calothrix meneghinianaKirchner ex Wolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 238, pl. CLXX: figs. 5-7 1887
Calothrix radiosaWolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 238, pl. CLXX: figs. 1, 2 1887
Calothrix lacucolaWolle Fresh-water Alg. U.S.: 239, pl. CLXXII: fig. 1 1887
Calothrix crustacea var. crassaS.M.F. Silva Hoehnea 18{1}: 115, figs. 35-37 1992
Calothrix divergensC.L. Sant'Anna, S.M.F. Silva, & L.H.Z. Branco Hoehnea 18{2}: 84, figs. 40, 41 1992
Calothrix flamulorumC.L. Sant'Anna, S.M.F. Silva, & L.H.Z. Branco Hoehnea 18{2}: 85, figs. 36-39 1992
Calothrix rivularisP. Crouan & H. Crouan in Mazé Hydrophytes Guyane Franc\*,.: 10 1868
Calothrix epiphyticaW. West & G.S. West J. Bot. (London) 35: 240 1897
Herposiphonia calothrix(Harvey) H.B.S. Womersley Mar. Benth. Fl. S. Australia 3D: 290 2003
EUCALOTHRIXBornet & Flahault Mém. Soc. Natl. Sc. Nat. et Math. Cherbourg 25: 201 1885
Calothrix columbianaG.S. West Mém. Soc. Neucha\*^teloise Sci. Nat. 5, part 2: 1019, pl. XXI: figs. 10-12 1914
Calothrix clavataG.S. West Mém. Soc. Neucha\*^teloise Sci. Nat. 5, part 2: 1019, pl. XXI: figs. 6, 7 1914
Calothrix braunii var. contortaN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 67 1927
Calothrix braunii var. mollisN.L. Gardner Mem. N.Y. Bot. Garden 7: 68, no fig. 1927
Calothrix conicaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 66, pl. 13: fig. 18 1927
Calothrix evanescensN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 69, pl. 13: fig. 22 1927
Calothrix juliana var. tenuiorN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 69 1927
Calothrix parietina var. torulosaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 67 1927
Calothrix simplexN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 66, pl. 13: fig. 19 1927
Calothrix tenellaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 67, pl. 13: fig. 20 1927
Calothrix pilosaHarvey Ner. Bor.-Amer. 3: 106, pl. XLVIII.C 1858
Calothrix sinicaMolinari & Guiry Notulae algarum 184: 2 2021
Calothrix galpiniiK. Cholnoky-Pfannkuche Nova Hedwigia 15: 431, pl. 48(1): figs. 1-5 1968
Calothrix thermalis_('thermale')Hansgirg Österr. Bot. Z. 34: 279 1884
Calothrix deserticaG.H. Schwabe Österr. Bot. Z. 107: 282, figs. 1-5 1960
Calothrix cystosiraeSchiffner Oesterr. Bot. Z. 82: 300, no fig. 1933
Calothrix seriata(Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Kossinskaya Opred. Morsk. Sinez. Vodor.: 153 1948
Calothrix crustacea f. simulansF.S. Collins in Collins, Holden, & Setchell Phyc. Bor.-Amer.: 1406 1907
Calothrix fasciculata f. incrustansF.S. Collins in Collins, Holden, & Setchell Phyc. Bor.-Amer.: 561 1899
Calothrix limbataHarvey Phycol. Austral. 5: lxi 1863
Calothrix cresswelliiHarvey Phycol. Brit. expl. pl. LXXVI 1846
Calothrix crustacea f. prolifera(Flahault) N.L. Gardner & F.S. Collins in Collins, Holden, & Setchell Phycoth. Bor.-Amer.: no. 1168 1904
Calothrix dumusC.D. Villanueva & D.A. Casamatta in Villanueva et al. Phytotaxa 387: 12, fig. 10 2019
Calothrix aeruginea var. abbreviataSetchell & N.L. Gardner Proc. Calif. Acad. Sc., ser. 4, 19: 126 1930
Calothrix clausaSetchell & N.L. Gardner Proc. Calif. Acad. Sc., ser. 4, 19: 126, pl. 4: fig. 5 1930
Calothrix codicolaSetchell & N.L. Gardner Proc. Calif. Acad. Sc., ser. 4, 19: 124, pl. 4: fig. 4 1930
Calothrix laurenciaeSetchell & N.L. Gardner Proc. Calif. Acad. Sc., ser. 4, 22: 72, no fig. 1937
Calothrix nidulansSetchell & N.L. Gardner Proc. Calif. Acad. Sc., ser. 4, 12: 703, pl. 12: fig. 7 1924
Calothrix nodulosaSetchell & N.L. Gardner Proc. Calif. Acad. Sc., ser. 4, 12: 702, pl. 12: figs. 9, 10 1924
Calothrix orsiniana var. intertextaHansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 2: 52 1892
Calothrix parietina var. caespitosa(Kützing) Hansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 2: 49 1892
Calothrix parietina var. decolorataHansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 2: 49 1892
Calothrix parietina var. sabulicolaHansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 2: 49 1892
Calothrix parietina var. salinaHansgirg Prodr. Alg. Böhmen 2: 49 1892
Calothrix orsiniana var. africana(Frémy) Bourrelly Rev. Hydrobiol. Trop. 17: 32 1984
Calothrix linearisN.L. Gardner Rhodora 28: 3 1926
Calothrix kossinskajaeV.I. Poljansky Russ. Arkh. Protist. 6: 63 (R), 70, pl. IV: figs. 1-4 1927
Calothrix minusculaWeber-van Bosse Siboga-Exped. Monogr. 59: 42, pl. I: figs. 10, 11 1913
Calothrix compactaC.-C. Jao Sinensia 10: 223, pl. IV: fig. 1 1939
Calothrix parietina var. caespitosaHansgirg SitzBer. K. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., Math.-Naturw. Cl. 1892: 138 1892
Calothrix floccosa(Woronichin) Geitler in Pascher Süssw.-Fl. 12: 228 1925
Calothrix infestansHarvey ex Forti in De Toni Syll. Alg. 5: 628 1907
Calothrix comoidesHarvey Syn. Cat. Austral. Tasman. Alg. lxii 1863
Calothrix fontinalis(Linnaeus) C. Agardh Syst. Alg.: 73 1824
Calothrix confervicola(Dillwyn) C. Agardh Syst. Alg.: 70 1824
Calothrix pulvinata(Mertens) C. Agardh Syst. Alg.: 71 1824
Calothrix scopulorum(Weber & Mohr) C. Agardh Syst. Alg.: 70 1824
Calothrix distorta(O.F. Müller) C. Agardh Syst.: 72 1824
Calothrix mirabilis(Dillwyn) C. Agardh Syst.: 72 1824
Polysiphonia calothrixHarvey Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. 22 (Sci.): 541 1855
Calothrix kawraiskyiSchmidle Trudy Tiflissk. Bot. Sada 2: 273 1897
Calothrix rectangularisSetchell & N.L. Gardner in Gardner Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 6: 472, pl. 40: fig. 21 1918
Calothrix robustaSetchell & N.L. Gardner in Gardner Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 6: 473, pl. 40: fig. 22 1918
CALOTHRIXC. Agardh image
CALOTHRIXC. Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault image
CALOTHRIX subgenusDICHOTHRIX (Zanard. ex Bornet & Flahault) Hansgirg image
Calothrix aberransCholnoky image
Calothrix aegagropilaKützing image
Calothrix aegagropilaKützing image
Calothrix aequalisSkuja image
Calothrix aeruginea(Kützing) Thuret image
Calothrix aerugineaA. Braun image
Calothrix aeruginea var. abbreviataSetchell & Gardner image
Calothrix aeruginea var. crassiorErcegovic image
Calothrix aeruginosa f. minorMelnikova image
Calothrix aeruginosaWoronichin image
Calothrix aeruginosaWoronichin image
Calothrix aestuariiGayral & Mazancourt image
Calothrix africanaSchmidle image
Calothrix agardhiiCrouan frat. image
Calothrix allorgeiFrémy image
Calothrix alternansY.Y. Li image
Calothrix ambiguaMeneghini image
Calothrix ambiguaMeneghini mss. image
Calothrix anomalaMitra image
Calothrix antarcticaFritsch image
Calothrix articulata(Reinsch) Forti image
Calothrix atrichaFrémy image
Calothrix atroviridisHarvey image
Calothrix australiensisScott & Prescott image
Calothrix baileyiJ.C. Copeland image
Calothrix balearica var. tenuisW. West & G.S. West image
Calothrix baueriana(Grunow) Hansgirg image
Calothrix berkeleyanaCarmichael image
Calothrix bharadwajaeJ. De Toni image
Calothrix borealisWhelden image
Calothrix borzianaDe Toni f. image
Calothrix bosseiFrémy image
Calothrix braunii f. majorPandey image
Calothrix braunii f. majorPandey image
Calothrix braunii var. contortaGardner image
Calothrix braunii var. elongataR.B. Singh image
Calothrix braunii var. maximaPhilson image
Calothrix braunii var. mollisGardner image
Calothrix brebissoniiKützing image
Calothrix breviarticulataW. West & G.S. West image
Calothrix brevisLiebmann image
Calothrix brevissimaG.S. West image
Calothrix brevissima var. intermediaLaloraya & Mitra image
Calothrix brevissima var. intermediaLaloraya & Mitra invalid image
Calothrix brevissima var. moniliformis_('moniliforma')Ghose image
Calothrix caespitosa(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Calothrix caespitulaHarvey image
Calothrix calidaP. Richter image
Calothrix candeliiGonzález Guerrero image
Calothrix cartilagineaG.S. West image
Calothrix castellii(Massalongo) Bornet & Flahault image
Calothrix castellii var. samastipurensis_('samastipurense')C.S. Rao image
Calothrix caulerpaeZanardini image
Calothrix cavernarumJ. Copeland image
Calothrix cesatiiRabenhorst image
Calothrix cesatiiRabenhorst image
Calothrix cespitosaKützing image
Calothrix chapmaniiLami & Meslin image
Calothrix charicolaJ. Copeland image
Calothrix cirrhosa(Harvey) Bonhomme image
Calothrix clausaSetchell & Gardner image
Calothrix clavatoidesGhose image
Calothrix coactilis(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Calothrix codicolaSetchell & Gardner image
Calothrix columbiana var. constrictaGonzalves & Kamat image
Calothrix comoidesHarvey image
Calothrix compacta(Bornet & Flahault) Hansgirg image
Calothrix compacta(C. Agardh) Margalef image
Calothrix compactaJao image
Calothrix confertaCrouan fr. image
Calothrix confervicola var. zostericola(Lyngbye) Crouan frat. image
Calothrix conicaGardner image
Calothrix consociata(Kützing) Bornet & Flahault image
Calothrix contarenii(Zanardini) Bornet & Flahault image
Calothrix contarenii var. sanctinectarii_('sancti-nectarii')Frémy image
Calothrix contortaBiasoletto image
Calothrix contortaJao image
Calothrix coriaceaJ. Copeland image
Calothrix cottoniiDe Toni f. image
Calothrix crustacea(C. Agardh) Wolle image
Calothrix crustacea f. simulansCollins image
Calothrix crustaceaThuret image
Calothrix cyaneaJ. Agardh image
Calothrix cylindricaFrémy image
Calothrix debiiBharadwaja image
Calothrix decipiensThuret image
Calothrix decolorata(Naegeli) Hansgirg image
Calothrix desikacharyensisVasishta image
Calothrix dillwynii(Harvey) Kützing image
Calothrix distorta(Müller) C. Agardh image
Calothrix distorta var. flaccidaC. Agardh image
Calothrix dolichomeresSkuja image
Calothrix donnellii(Wolle) Forti image
Calothrix duraHarvey image
Calothrix elenkinii f. edaphicaMelnikova image
Calothrix elenkiniiKossinskaja image
Calothrix elongataZanardini image
Calothrix endophyticaCotton image
Calothrix endophyticaLemmermann image
Calothrix epiphytica f. majorObukhova image
Calothrix epiphytica var. majorVasishta image
Calothrix estonicaKukk image
Calothrix evanescensGardner image
Calothrix fasciculataC. Agardh image
Calothrix fasciculata f. incrustansCollins image
Calothrix fasciculata f. incrustansCollins image
Calothrix fasciculataLenormand image
Calothrix feldmanniiBourrelly image
Calothrix flahaultii_('flahaulti')Frémy image
Calothrix fonticolaBrabez image
Calothrix fontinalis(L.) C. Agardh image
Calothrix fortiiDe Toni f. image
Calothrix foveolarumErcegovic image
Calothrix friesii(C. Agardh) J.E. Gray image
Calothrix fritschiiBharadwaja image
Calothrix fritschiiDe Toni f. image
Calothrix fritschii f. flexuosa(Fritsch) De Toni f. image
Calothrix fuellebornii_('Füllebornii')Schmidle image
Calothrix fusca(Kützing) Bornet & Flahault image
Calothrix fusca f. ampliusvaginataStarmach image
Calothrix fusca f. durabilisStarmach image
Calothrix fusca var. crassaC.S. Rao image
Calothrix fuscescensBrébisson & Godey image
Calothrix fuscoviolacea_('fusco-violacea')Crouan fr. image
Calothrix gardneriDe Toni f. image
Calothrix geitleriJ. Copeland image
Calothrix geitonosSkuja image
Calothrix gelatinosaFritsch & Rich image
Calothrix genuflexaPhilson image
Calothrix ghoseiBharadwaja image
Calothrix gigasJ. Copeland image
Calothrix gloeocolaSkuja image
Calothrix gloeocola var. tenuisVasishta image
Calothrix goetzeiSchmidle image
Calothrix gracilis(Rabenhorst) Wolle image
Calothrix gracilis f. flexuosaFritsch & Stephens image
Calothrix gracilisFritsch image
Calothrix gypsophila(Kützing) Thuret image
Calothrix gypsophila f. rupestris-saccoideaPoljansky image
Calothrix gypsophila f. saccoideofruticulosa_('saccoideo-fruticulosa')Poljansky image
Calothrix gypsophila f. turfosaTarnavschi & Mitroiu image
Calothrix hansgirgii_('Hansgirgi')Schmidle image
Calothrix harveyiKjellman image
Calothrix hunanicaJao image
Calothrix inaequabilisCado image
Calothrix indicaMontagne image
Calothrix infestansHarvey image
Calothrix insertaNygaard image
Calothrix intermediaGardner image
Calothrix interruptaKützing image
Calothrix intertexta(Hilse) Kirchner image
Calothrix intertextaBrébisson ms. image
Calothrix intortaJao image
Calothrix intracellularisVasishta image
Calothrix intricataFritsch image
Calothrix involvensAreschoug image
Calothrix javanicaDe Wildeman image
Calothrix javanica f. majorM. Gupta & D.C. Pandey image
Calothrix javanica f. marinaWeber-van Bosse image
Calothrix javanica var. fertilissimaTiwari image
Calothrix javanica var. fertilissimaTiwari image
Calothrix juliana(Meneghini) Bornet & Flahault image
Calothrix juliana var. tenuiorGardner image
Calothrix karnatakensis f. variansGonzalves & Kamat image
Calothrix karnatakensisGonzalves & Kamat image
Calothrix karnatakensis var. majorGonzalves & Kamat image
Calothrix kossinskajaeW. Poljansky image
Calothrix kuetzingiana(Naegeli) Hansgirg image
Calothrix kuntzeiP. Richter image
Calothrix lamellataHarvey ms. image
Calothrix lamellosaChu & Wu nom. prov. image
Calothrix lanata(Desvaux) C. Agardh image
Calothrix laurenciaeSetchell & Gardner image
Calothrix leineriA. Braun ex Kützing image
Calothrix limbataHarvey image
Calothrix limbataHarvey mss. nom. nudum image
Calothrix limnicolaScherffel & Kol image
Calothrix listeana(Rabenhorst) Hansgirg image
Calothrix litoralisAnand image
Calothrix litoralisAnand image
Calothrix longifilaTaylor image
Calothrix longifilamentosaChu & Wu nom. prov. image
Calothrix longissimaHirose image
Calothrix lucifuga(Harvey) J.E. Cray image
Calothrix lucifugaCarmichael mss. image
Calothrix lucknowensis_('lucknowense')Prasad & Mehrotra image
Calothrix luteofuscaC. Agardh image
Calothrix luteolaGreville image
Calothrix lutescens(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Calothrix lutescensMeneghini image
Calothrix maculiformis_('maculaeformis')Zanardini image
Calothrix majorKützing image
Calothrix marchica f. minorBongale image
Calothrix marchica var. brevifilamentosaBongale image
Calothrix marchica var. crassaC.B. Rao image
Calothrix marchica var. intermediaC.B. Rao image
Calothrix marchica var. variansPantastico, Rubio, & Baticados image
Calothrix maximaMartens image
Calothrix membranaceaSchmidle image
Calothrix meneghiniana(Kützing) Kirchner image
Calothrix micromeresSkuja image
Calothrix minimaFrémy image
Calothrix minuta(Reinsch) Forti image
Calothrix minutaBennett image
Calothrix minutissimaMoris & De Notaris image
Calothrix mirabilis var. rupicolaCrouan frat. image
Calothrix moniliformisV. Das & Mitra invalid image
Calothrix mucistrictaErcegovic image
Calothrix mucor(Roth) C. Agardh image
Calothrix muscicola(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Calothrix muscicola var. pumila(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Calothrix muscicola var. pygmaea(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Calothrix mutabilisZanardini image
Calothrix mutnalensisBongale image
Calothrix nemalionisZanardini image
Calothrix nidulansSetchell & Gardner image
Calothrix nivea(Dillwyn) C. Agardh image
Calothrix nodulosaSetchell & Gardner image
Calothrix novaBiasoletto image
Calothrix obscuraCrouan frat. image
Calothrix obtusaBrabez image
Calothrix olivaceaBiasoletto image
Calothrix olivaceaHooker f. & Harvey image
Calothrix omeiensisChu image
Calothrix orsiniana(Kützing) Thuret image
Calothrix orsinianaThuret ex Engler image
Calothrix orsiniana var. intertexta(Grunow) image
Calothrix oryzaeR. Daradhiyar & P.K. Daradhiyar image
Calothrix pachydermaChu & Wu nom. prov. image
Calothrix pannosaC. Agardh image
Calothrix paradoxa(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Calothrix parietariaThuret image
Calothrix parietina(Nägeli) Thuret image
Calothrix parietina f. brevisErcegovic image
Calothrix parietina f. crassiorErcegovic image
Calothrix parietina f. nodosaErcegovic image
Calothrix parietina f. polymorphaT. Mrozinska image
Calothrix parietina var. africanaFritsch image
Calothrix parietina var. caespitosa(Kützing) image
Calothrix parietina var. caespitosa(Kützing) image
Calothrix parietina var. decolorata(Naegeli ex Kützing) Hansgirg image
Calothrix parietina var. hibernicaWest & West image
Calothrix parietina var. pluvialis(A. Braun) Hansgirg image
Calothrix parietina var. sabulicola(A. Braun ex Kützing) Hansgirg image
Calothrix parietina var. salina(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Calothrix parietina var. salina(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Calothrix parietina var. thermalisG.S. West image
Calothrix parietina var. torulosaGardner image
Calothrix parvaErcegovic image
Calothrix polymorphaY.Y. Li image
Calothrix proliferaBornet & Flahault image
Calothrix pulchraKützing image
Calothrix pulvinata f. prostrata(Anand) Powell image
Calothrix pulvinata f. tenuior(Suringar) Forti image
Calothrix pulvinata var. prostrataAnand image
Calothrix pulvinata var. prostrataAnand image
Calothrix purpurascensKunze probably mscr. image
Calothrix purpureaMeneghini image
Calothrix putidaSuhr image
Calothrix radiosa f. aerugineaRabenhorst image
Calothrix radiosa f. fuscescensRabenhorst image
Calothrix radiosaKützing image
Calothrix ramenskiiElenkin image
Calothrix ramenskii var. minorWoronichin image
Calothrix ramentaceaC. Agardh image
Calothrix ramosaBharadwaja image
Calothrix rectaKützing image
Calothrix rectangularisSetchell & Gardner image
Calothrix reptansGeitler image
Calothrix reticulataBerkeley image
Calothrix rhizomatoideaP. Reinsch image
Calothrix rhizomatoideaP. Reinsch image
Calothrix rhizosoleniaeLemmermann image
Calothrix rigidaHarvey ms. image
Calothrix robustaSetchell & Gardner image
Calothrix rodrigueziiBourrelly image
Calothrix roseaTaylor image
Calothrix rubra(Crouan frat.) Bornet & Flahault image
Calothrix rufescensCarmichael image
Calothrix sabulicola(A. Braun ex Kützing) Kirchner image
Calothrix salina(Kützing) Hansgirg image
Calothrix sandrianaFrauenfeld image
Calothrix sandvicensis_('sandvicense')(Nordstedt) Schmidle image
Calothrix santapauiGonzalves & Kamat image
Calothrix schweickerdtiiCholnoky image
Calothrix scopulorum var. vivipara(Harvey) Farlow image
Calothrix scytonemicolaTilden image
Calothrix scytonemicola var. africanaCholnoky image
Calothrix scytonemicola var. brasiliensisBorge image
Calothrix scytonemicola var. majorVasishta image
Calothrix semiplenaC. Agardh image
Calothrix simplexGardner image
Calothrix simulansGardner image
Calothrix sordidaZanardini image
Calothrix sphaerosporaPrasad & Srivastava image
Calothrix stagnalisGomont image
Calothrix stellulataZanardini image
Calothrix stuposaKützing image
Calothrix subantarcticaJao image
Calothrix submarchicaArchibald image
Calothrix submarinaCrouan fr. image
Calothrix subsimplexJao image
Calothrix subsimplex var. kwangsiensisJao image
Calothrix synplocoidesP. Reinsch image
Calothrix tenellaGardner image
Calothrix tenuissima(J.E. Smith) J.E. Gray image
Calothrix tenuissimaA. Braun image
Calothrix tenuissimaSchousboe image
Calothrix thermalis(Schwabe) Hansgirg image
Calothrix thermalis f. tildeniiPoljansky image
Calothrix thermalis_('thermale')(Schwabe) Hansgirg image
Calothrix tinctoriaC. Agardh image
Calothrix tomasiniKützing & Biasoletto image
Calothrix tomasiniKützing image
Calothrix tomasinianaKützing image
Calothrix trochicolaCrouan frat. image
Calothrix turfosaGeitler image
Calothrix tuzsonii_('Tuzsoni')Palik image
Calothrix variegataZanardini image
Calothrix vermicularisKützing image
Calothrix viguieriFrémy image
Calothrix violacea(Wolle) Forti image
Calothrix violaceaO. Jaag image
Calothrix violaceaZanardini image
Calothrix viviparaHarvey image
Calothrix weberiSchmidle image
Calothrix wembaerensisHieronymus & Schmidle image
Calothrix wembaerensis var. epiphyticaPandey & Mitra image
Calothrix wembaerensis var. epiphyticaPandey & Mitra image
Calothrix wembaerensis var. fuscaBehre image
Calothrix wembaerensis var. minorGonzalves & Kamat image
Calothrix wembaerensis var. tenuisLaloraya & Mitra image
Calothrix wembaerensis var. tenuisLaloraya & Mitra invalid image
Calothrix wrangelii(C. Agardh) C. Agardh image
EUCALOTHRIX(Bornet & Flahault) Hansgirg image
EUCALOTHRIXJ.-B.E. Bornet & C.H.M. Flahault image
EUCALOTHRIXJ.B.E. Bornet & C.H.M. Flahault image
Lophosiphonia calothrix(Harvey) De Toni image
Vertebrata calothrix(Harvey) Kuntze image