Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

BULBOCHAETEC. Agardh image
Bulbochaete setigera(Roth) C. Agardh image
Bulbochaete pringsheimianaW. Archer image
Bulbochaete pringsheimianaW. Archer image
Bulbochaete pseudoareolataO. Bock & W. Bock image
Bulbochaete pseudoscrobiculataO. Bock & W. Bock image
Bulbochaete punctocostataO. Bock & W. Bock image
Bulbochaete verrucosaO. Bock & W. Bock image
Bulbochaete doliiformisBorge image
Bulbochaete longisetaBory image
Bulbochaete tristisBory image
Bulbochaete intermedia var. ornataBourrelly image
Bulbochaete longipesBourrelly image
Bulbochaete tiffanyi var. africanaBourrelly image
Bulbochaete minorA. Braun ex Kützing image
Bulbochaete praereticulataC.-C. Jao image
Bulbochaete pygmaea var. erectaC.-C. Jao image
Bulbochaete polyandriaCleve image
Bulbochaete furberaeCollins Rhodora 20: 142, pl. 124: figs. 1-5 1918
Bulbochaete furberaeF.S. Collins image
Bulbochaete nordstedtii f. suberectaCollins in Collins, Holden & Setchell, Phyc. Bor.-Amer. 1681. 1910
Bulbochaete globiferaCorda image
Bulbochaete purpureaCorda image
Bulbochaete purpureaCorda image
Ectochaete bulbochaeteP. Dangeard image
Bulbochaete intermediaDe Bary image
Bulbochaete intermedia f. crassiorDe Toni image
Bulbochaete subintermediaElfving image
Doxodasya bolbochaete_('bulbochaete')(Harvey) Falkenberg Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, Monographie 26: 538 1901
BULBOCHAETELLAGaillon Tabl. Némazoaires: [8] 1833
Bulbochaetella setigera(Roth) Gaillon image
Bulbochaete allorgeiGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete bourrellyiGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete congolensisGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete dioïcaGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete insignis f. lateralisGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete insignis var. minorGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete ivorensisGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete lagoensis f. gracilisGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete muratiiGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete nigericaGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete pseudocitriformis_('pseudo-citriformis')Gauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete rectangularis var. subreticulataGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete rectangularis var. tropicaGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete reticulata var. tropicaGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete senegalensisGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete subhorridaGauthier-Lièvre image
Bulbochaete trochainiiGauthier-Lièvre image
Chaetonemopsis pseudobulbochaeteGauthier-Lievre image
Bulbochaete affinis f. longaGonzalves & Sonnad J. Univ. Bombay 25{5, Sect. B}: 11, fig. 8. 1957
Bulbochaete insignis f. robustaGonzalves & Sonnad J. Univ. Bombay 25{5, Sect. B}: 12, fig. 9 1957
Bulbochaete praereticulata var. globosaGonzalves & Sonnad J. Univ. Bombay 25{5, Sect. B}: 7, fig. 5 1957
Bulbochaete punctulata f. indicaGonzalves & Sonnad J. Univ. Bombay 25{5, Sect. B}: 6, fig. 4 1957
Bulbochaete randhawaeGonzalves & Sonnad J. Univ. Bombay 25{5, Sect. B}: 9, fig. 7 1957
Bulbochaete sessilis var. punctataGonzalves & Sonnad J. Univ. Bombay 25{5, Sect. B}: 4, fig. 2 1957
Bulbochaete valida f. punctataGonzalves & Sonnad J. Univ. Bombay 25{5, Sect. B}: 8, fig. 6 1957
Bulbochaete alabamensis var. belgaumensis_('belgaumense')Gonzalves & Sonnad image
Bulbochaete monile var. crassaGonzalves & Sonnad image
Bulbochaete randhawaeGonzalves & Sonnad image
Bulbochaete annularisGonzalves image
Bulbochaete reticulata f. tenuisGoyal image
Bulbochaete rothiiS.F. Gray image
Bulbochaete sanguineaHansgirg image
EUBULBOCHAETEA. Hansgirg image
Bulbochaete affinisHirn image
Bulbochaete angulosa f. pictaHirn image
Bulbochaete congenerHirn image
Bulbochaete elatior f. pumilaHirn image
Bulbochaete insignis var. reticulata(Nordstedt) Hirn image
Bulbochaete intermedia f. americanaHirn image
Bulbochaete intermedia f. supramediana(Wittrock) Hirn image
Bulbochaete minor var. germanicaHirn image
Bulbochaete mirabilis f. immersa(Wittrock) Hirn image
Bulbochaete mirabilis var. gracilis(Pringsheim) Hirn image
Bulbochaete monile var. robustaHirn image
Bulbochaete polyandria f. notabilisHirn image
Bulbochaete punctulata(Nordstedt) Hirn image
Bulbochaete rhadinospora f. antiqua(Nordstedt) Hirn image
Bulbochaete rhadinospora var. litoralisHirn image
Bulbochaete sessilis f. glabraHirn image
Bulbochaete tenuis(Wittrock) Hirn image
Bulbochaete tenuis var. norvegica(Wittrock) Hirn image
Bulbochaete varians var. subsimplex(Wittrock) Hirn image
Bulbochaete citriformisE.O. Hughes image
Bulbochaete citriformisHughes image
Bulbochaete granulataE.O. Hughes image
Bulbochaete granulataHughes image
Bulbochaete wailesiiE.O. Hughes image
Bulbochaete wailesiiHughes image
Bulbochaete elatior var. targaonensis_('targaonense')Islam & P. Sarma image
Bulbochaete mirpurensis_('mirpurense')Islam & P. Sarma image
Bulbochaete annularis var. nayarhatensis_('nayarhatense')Islam image
Bulbochaete reticulostriata_('reticulo-striatum')Islam image
Bulbochaete angustaJao image
Bulbochaete calosporaJao image
Bulbochaete chungkingensis(Jao) Jao image
Bulbochaete cingulataJao image
Bulbochaete collarisJao image
Bulbochaete collaris f. taliensisJao image
Bulbochaete concatenataJao image
Bulbochaete decurrensJao image
Bulbochaete dentireticulataJao image
Bulbochaete elatior var. dissimilisJao image
Bulbochaete foveolataJao image
Bulbochaete haimenensis(Jao) Jao image
Bulbochaete honanensisJao image
Bulbochaete hupehensisJao image
Bulbochaete infossaJao image
Bulbochaete insignis var. undulatocostata_('undulato-costata')Jao image
Bulbochaete intermedia f. microsporaJao image
Bulbochaete kwangtungensisJao image
Bulbochaete mirabilis f. macrosporaJao image
Bulbochaete mirabilis var. brevisporaJao image
Bulbochaete mirabilis var. macrospora(Jao) Jao image
Bulbochaete nana var. chungkingensisJao image
Bulbochaete nitidaJao image
Bulbochaete obesaJao image
Bulbochaete obovataJao image
Bulbochaete oliviformisJao image
Bulbochaete palustrisJao image
Bulbochaete plicataJao image
Bulbochaete protandriaJao image
Bulbochaete pseudoelatiorJao image
Bulbochaete pusillaJao image
Bulbochaete sinensis var. subpyriformisJao image
Bulbochaete sinensisJao image
Bulbochaete sphaerosporaJao image
Bulbochaete sphaerospora f. hupehensisJao image
Bulbochaete submonileJao image
Bulbochaete teneraJao image
Bulbochaete tenera var. kwangtungensisJao image
Bulbochaete tenera var. longisporaJao image
Bulbochaete tenuis f. haimensisJao image
Bulbochaete tenuis var. abbreviataJao image
Bulbochaete triangularisJao image
Bulbochaete valentulaJao image
Bulbochaete verruculosaJao image
Bulbochaete wuhanensisJao image
Bulbochaete brebissoniiKützing image
Bulbochaete juergensii_('Jürgensii')Kützing image
Bulbochaete minutissimaKützing image
Bulbochaete parvulaKützing image
Bulbochaete nana var. longaKamat image
Bulbochaete areolatocostataJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 13, pl. 2: figs. 3-5 2008
Bulbochaete islamiiJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 15, pl. 2: figs. 8, 9 2008
Bulbochaete pandeyiJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 16, pl. 3: figs. 12-16 2008
Bulbochaete pusilla var. indicaJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 17, pl. 2: figs. 6, 7, 10, 11 2008
Bulbochaete bengalensisJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 18, pl. 13: fig. 49 2008
Bulbochaete denticulata var. bengalensisJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 20, pl. 11: figs. 43, 44 2008
Bulbochaete dispar var. indicaJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 22, pl. 16: fig. 64 2008
Bulbochaete pseudodenticulataJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 29, pl. 18:: figs. 69-72 2008
Bulbochaete pseudodenticulata f. majorJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 30, pl. 19: figs. 73, 74 2008
Bulbochaete pseudopygmaeaJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 31, pl. 25: figs. 99-101 2008
Bulbochaete pseudoverrucosaJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 32, pl. 20: figs. 75-79 2008
Bulbochaete punctataJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 33, pl. 21: figs. 80, 81 2008
Bulbochaete subareolataJ.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 36, pl. 11: figs. 45, 46 2008
Bulbochaete triangularis var. bengalensis_('bengalense')J.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 37, pl. 8: figs. 33, 34 2008
Bulbochaete wuhanensis var. bengalensis_('bengalense')J.P. Keshri Biblioth. Phycol. 114: 38, pl. 25: fig. 102; pl. 26: figs. 103-106 2008
Bulbochaete echinosporaLacerda image
Bulbochaete palhinhaeLacerda image
Bulbochaete resendeanaLacerda image
Bulbochaete tiffanyi_('tiffanii')Lacerda image
Bulbochaete reticulata var. minorLemmermann image
Bulbochaete macrandriaLey image
Bulbochaete obliquaLundell image
Bulbochaete pyrulumLundell image
Bulbochaete thanguensisM. Mandal & D. Maity Phytotaxa 346: 281, figs. 1, 2 2018
Bulbochaete grovaeMargalef image
Bulbochaete pedicellataMontagne image
BULBOCHAETE sect. DISPERMATOZOIDEAET. Mrozińska Arch. Protistenk. 143: 117 1993
BULBOCHAETE sect. MONOSPERMATOZOIDEAET. Mrozińska Arch. Protistenk. 143: 117 1993
Bulbochaete subquadrataT. Mrozińska-Webb Fragm. Florist. et Geobot. 22: 174, figs. 12, 14 1976
Bulbochaete gutwinskii var. reticulataT. Mrozińska-Webb Fragm. Florist. et Geobot. 22: 174, figs. 13, 15 1976
Bulbochaete gutwinskiiMrozinska image
Bulbochaete verrucosoreticulata_('verrucoso-reticulata')Mrozinska image
Phaeophila bulbochaete(P. Dangeard) R. Nielsen image
Bulbochaete diamesandriaNordstedt & Hirn image
Bulbochaete crassiusculaNordstedt Öfvers. K. [Svenska] Vet. -Akad. Förh. 34{4}: 30, pl. III: figs. 14, 15 1877
Bulbochaete horridaNordstedt image
Bulbochaete rectangularis var. hiloensisNordstedt image
Bulbochaete reticulataNordstedt image
Bulbochaete setigera var. punctulataNordstedt image
Bulbochaete setigera var. punctulatumNordstedt image
Bulbochaete varians var. antiquaNordstedt image
Bulbochaete varians var. havaiensisNordstedt image
Bulbochaete thwaitesiiOlney image
Bulbochaete thwaitesiiOlney image
Bulbochaete glabraPrescott image
Bulbochaete anomalaPringsheim image
Bulbochaete crassaPringsheim image
Bulbochaete crenulataPringsheim image
Bulbochaete elatiorPringsheim image
Bulbochaete giganteaPringsheim image
Bulbochaete gracilisPringsheim image
Bulbochaete insignisPringsheim image
Bulbochaete pygmaeaPringsheim image
Bulbochaete pygmaea var. majorPringsheim image
Bulbochaete pygmaea var. minorPringsheim image
Bulbochaete pachydermaReinsch image
Bulbochaete jaoiP. Sarma & D. Mukherjee Acta Phytotax. Sin. 23: 317, fig. 1 1985
Bulbochaete iyengariiP. Sarma & D. Mukherjee in V. Rajarao (ed.) Perspectives in phycology: 55, figs. 1-7 1990
Bulbochaete bharadwajae_('bharadwajai')R.N. Singh image
Bulbochaete bharadwajaiR.N. Singh image
Bulbochaete kakaduensisS. Skinner & T.J. Entwisle Telopea 11: 191, fig. 6c-e 2006
Bulbochaete gigantea var. glabraS. Skinner & T.J. Entwisle Telopea 11: 190, fig. 6a,b 2006
Bulbochaete calospora var. murrayanaS. Skinner & T.J. Entwisle Telopea 11: 190, fig.5f-h 2006
Bulbochaete wuhanensis var. spechtiiS. Skinner & T.J. Entwisle Telopea 11: 188, fig. 5e 2006
Bulbochaete rodwayiS. Skinner & T.J. Entwisle Telopea 11: 188, fig. 5a-d 2006
Bulbochaete burmensisSkuja image
Bulbochaete kosmocepsSkuja image
Bulbochaete obliqua var. subreticulataH. Szymańska Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 111 (Algol. Stud. 79): 54, pl. IV: figs. 5-9 1995
Bulbochaete batkoiH. Szymańska Nova Hedwigia 85: 155, figs. 1-11 2007
Bulbochaete alpinaC.E. Taft image
Bulbochaete areolataC.E. Taft image
Bulbochaete cimarroneaC.E. Taft image
Bulbochaete depressa(Taft) Taft image
Bulbochaete furberae var. depressaC.E. Taft image
Bulbochaete scrobiculata(L.M. Tiffany) L.M. Tiffany Ohio J. Sci. 34: 323 1934
Bulbochaete elatior var. scrobiculataL.M. Tiffany Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 47: 135, pl. XIV: fig. 3 1928
Bulbochaete elatior var. scrobiculataTiffany image
Bulbochaete glabra(Hirn) Tiffany image
Bulbochaete hiloensis(Nordstedt) Tiffany image
Bulbochaete litoralis(Hirn) Tiffany image
Bulbochaete norvegica(Wittrock) Tiffany image
Bulbochaete regalis(Wittrock) Tiffany image
Bulbochaete robusta(Hirn) Tiffany image
Bulbochaete suberecta(Collins) Tiffany image
Bulbochaete woronichinii_('woronichini')Tiffany image
Bulbochaete bullardii_('Bullardi')Transeau & L.M. Tiffany Ohio J. Sci. 19: 241, pl. XIV: figs. a-e 1919
Bulbochaete alabamensisTranseau & Brown image
Bulbochaete bullardii_('Bullardi')Transeau & Tiffany image
Bulbochaete keralensis_('keralense')Venkataraman & Natarajan image
Bulbochaete spinosaWailes image
Bulbochaete minutaWest & West image
Bulbochaete spirogranulataWest & West image
Bulbochaete ellipsosporaG.S. West image
Bulbochaete angulosaWittrock & Lundell image
Bulbochaete basisporaWittrock & Lundell image
Bulbochaete debaryana_('deBaryana') Wittrock & Lundell image
Bulbochaete megastomaWittrock & Lundell image
Bulbochaete mirabilis var. lapponicaWittrock & Lundell image
Bulbochaete monileWittrock & Lundell image
Bulbochaete varians var. alpinaWittrock & Lundell image
Bulbochaete borealisWittrock image
Bulbochaete brevifultaWittrock image
Bulbochaete crenulata var. supramedianaWittrock image
Bulbochaete crenulata var. plenaWittrock image
Bulbochaete denticulataWittrock image
Bulbochaete disparWittrock image
Bulbochaete dispar var. ripartianaWittrock image
Bulbochaete elachistandra_('elachistandria')Wittrock image
Bulbochaete imperialisWittrock image
Bulbochaete imperialis var. regalisWittrock image
Bulbochaete intermedia var. depressaWittrock image
Bulbochaete lagoensisWittrock image
Bulbochaete mirabilisWittrock image
Bulbochaete mirabilis var. immersaWittrock image
Bulbochaete nanaWittrock image
Bulbochaete nana var. subbasisporaWittrock image
Bulbochaete nordstedtiiWittrock image
Bulbochaete quadrataWittrock image
Bulbochaete rectangularisWittrock image
Bulbochaete rectangularis var. lundelliiWittrock image
Bulbochaete rectangularis var. norvegicaWittrock image
Bulbochaete rectangularis var. tenuisWittrock image
Bulbochaete repandaWittrock image
Bulbochaete rhadinosporaWittrock image
Bulbochaete sessilisWittrock image
Bulbochaete speciosaWittrock image
Bulbochaete subsimplexWittrock image
Bulbochaete tumidaWittrock image
Bulbochaete validaWittrock image
Bulbochaete variansWittrock image
Bulbochaete setigera var. canbyi(Wood) Wolle image
Bulbochaete canbyi_('canbyii')Wood image
Bulbochaete dumosaWood image
Bulbochaete ignotaWood image
Bulbochaete brebissonii var. minorWoronichin image
Bulbochaete nordstedtii var. minorWoronichin image
Bulbochaete peguanaZeller image
Bulbochaete penicillata "Montagne" image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024