Silva Center for Phycological Documentation: Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.
A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

BRYOPSISLamouroux (cont.) image
BRYOPSISLamouroux image
Bryopsis abietinaKützing image
Bryopsis adriatica(J. Agardh) Frauenfeld image
Bryopsis adriatica(J. Agardh) Meneghini image
Bryopsis adriaticaKützing image
Bryopsis africanaAreschoug Phyceae capenses ...: 5 1851
Bryopsis africanaJ.E. Areschoug image
Bryopsis aishaeM. Nizamuddin Pakistan J. Bot. 27: 22, figs. 12, 19(a) 1995
Bryopsis alternaSchousboe image
Bryopsis ambigua(K. Okamura) K. Okamura Nippon Sorui Meii: 180 1902
Bryopsis apiocarpaMeneghini image
Bryopsis arbuscula(A.P. de Candolle) Lamouroux Nouv. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 1: 333 1809
Bryopsis arbuscula(Decaisne) C. Agardh image
Bryopsis arbusculaC. Agardh Sp. Alg.: 1: 451 1823
Bryopsis arbusculaLamouroux image
Bryopsis arbusculaSchousboe image
Bryopsis arbuscula var. cupressina(Lamouroux) C. Agardh image
Bryopsis australisSonder Bot. Zeit. 3: 49 1845
Bryopsis baculiferaJ. Agardh Lunds Universitets A\*ors-Skrift 23: 21 1887
Bryopsis balbisiana f. nuda(J. Agardh) Montagne image
Bryopsis balbisiana f. nudaJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis balbisiana f. prolifera(J. Agardh) Montagne image
Bryopsis balbisiana f. proliferaJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis balbisiana f. simpliciuscula(J. Agardh) Montagne image
Bryopsis balbisiana f. simpliciusculaJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis balbisianaLamouroux image
Bryopsis balbisiana var. cupressina(Lamouroux) C. Agardh Sp. alg. 1: 449 1823
Bryopsis balbisiana var. cupressinaZanardini image
Bryopsis balbisiana var. distichaJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis balbisiana var. divaricataZanardini image
Bryopsis balbisiana var. interruptaKützing image
Bryopsis balbisiana var. lamourouxiiJ. Agardh Alg. Medit.: 18 1842
Bryopsis balbisiana var. nuda(J. Agardh) Kützing image
Bryopsis balbisiana var. nuda(J. Agardh) Meneghini image
Bryopsis balbisiana var. prolifera(J. Agardh) Meneghini image
Bryopsis balbisiana var. simplex(Meneghini ex Kützing) Ardissone & Strafforello Enum. Alg. Liguria: 150 1877
Bryopsis balbisiana var. simplex(Meneghini) Ardissone & Strafforello image
Bryopsis balbisiana var. simpliciuscula(J. Agardh) Meneghini image
Bryopsis balbisiiSolier image
Bryopsis caespitosaSchousboe image
Bryopsis caespitosa var. mediaSchousboe image
Bryopsis canterburyensisV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis caudataKützing image
Bryopsis cespitosaSuhr ex Kützing Species algarum: 490 1849
Bryopsis cespitosaSuhr ex Kützing image
Bryopsis chapmaniiMolinari & Guiry Notulae algarum 184: 2 2021
Bryopsis clavaeformisJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis claviformis_('clavaeformis')J. Agardh Alg. Syst. 5: 20 1887
Bryopsis comoidesDe Notaris image
Bryopsis comoidesDe Notaris image
Bryopsis compositaC. Agardh Sp. Alg.: 1: 451 1823
Bryopsis confervoidesDecaisne image
Bryopsis confervoidesDecaisne Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. [Paris] 2: 126 1841
Bryopsis confervoidesZanardini image
Bryopsis constrictaZanardini image
Bryopsis corticulansSetchell in Collins, Holden, & Setchell Phycoth. Bor.-Amer. 13: no. 626 1899
Bryopsis corticulans var. novae-zelandiae_('novaezelandiae')V.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis corymbosaJ. Agardh Alg. Medit.: 21 1842
Bryopsis cupressinaLamouroux Nouv. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 1: 333 1809
Bryopsis cupressina var. adriatica(J. Agardh) M.J. Wynne Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 24: 243 2005
Bryopsis cupressoides f. derbesioidesSchiffner image
Bryopsis cupressoidesJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis cupressoidesJ. Agardh Alg. Medit.: 20 1842
Bryopsis cupressoidesJ. Feldmann image
Bryopsis cupressoidesJ. Feldmann Rev. Algol. 9: 224, figs. 23:II, 25A, 26A 1937
Bryopsis cupressoidesLamouroux ex J. Agardh Alg. Medit.: 20 1842
Bryopsis cupressoides var. adriaticaJ. Agardh Alg. Medit.: 20 1842
Bryopsis cypressoidesSchousboe image
Bryopsis dalmaticaKützing image
Bryopsis dasyphyllaZanardini image
Bryopsis densaPilger image
Bryopsis derbesioidesV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis dichotomaDe Notaris image
Bryopsis dichotoma f. nanaSchiffner image
Bryopsis disticha(J. Agardh) Kützing image
Bryopsis duchassaingiiJ. Agardh Öfvers. K. [Svenska] Vet.-Akad. Förh. 11: 107 1854
Bryopsis duchassaingii var. filicinaCollins & Hervey image
Bryopsis duplexDe Notaris image
Bryopsis duplexDe Notaris image
Bryopsis duplex f. luxuriansSchiffner image
Bryopsis duplex var. caudata(Kützing) Ardissone image
Bryopsis duplex var. dalmatica(Kützing) Schiffner provisional image
Bryopsis duplex var. derbesioidesSchiffner image
Bryopsis duplex var. genuinaSchiffner image
Bryopsis duplex var. intricata(Derbès & Solier) Ardissone image
Bryopsis duplex var. pseudoderbesia_('pseudo-derbesia')Schiffner image
Bryopsis eckloniaeH. Stegenga, J.J. Bolton, & R.J. Anderson Contr. Bolus Herb. 18: 128, pl. 29: 2 1997
Bryopsis elegansMeneghini image
Bryopsis elegansMeneghini image
Bryopsis fastigataKützing Phyc. germ.: 251 1845
Bryopsis fastigataKützing image
Bryopsis feldmanniiT. Gallardo & G. Furnari in T. Gallardo et al. Bot. Mar. 36: 413 1993
Bryopsis flagellataKützing image
Bryopsis flanaganii_('flanagani')Barton J. Bot. [London] 33: 162, pl. 349: figs. 1, 2, 5 1895
Bryopsis flanaganii_('Flanagani')Barton image
Bryopsis foliosaSonder Bot. Zeit. 3: 49 1845
Bryopsis furcellataZanardini Saggio di classificazione naturale delle Ficee ...: 60 1843
Bryopsis furcellataZanardini ined. image
Bryopsis fuscaV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis galapagensisTaylor image
Bryopsis galapagensisW.R. Taylor Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. 12: 60, pl. 6: fig. 1 1945
Bryopsis gasparriniiMeneghini image
Bryopsis gemelliparaJ. Agardh Alg. Syst. 5: 25 1887
Bryopsis gracilisSonder Bot. Zeit. 3: 49 1845
Bryopsis gracilisZanardini image
Bryopsis halliaeW.R. Taylor image
Bryopsis halymeniaeBerthold image
Bryopsis harveyanaJ. Agardh Alg. Syst. 5: 22 1887
Bryopsis hookeriSchiffner image
Bryopsis hypnoides f. adriatica(J. Agardh) J. Agardh Alg. Syst. 5: 28 1887
Bryopsis hypnoides f. atlanticaJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis hypnoides f. prolongataJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis hypnoides f. subnudaSchiffner image
Bryopsis hypnoides f. subnudaSchiffner image
Bryopsis hypnoidesLamouroux Nouv. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 1: 333 1809
Bryopsis hypnoides var. arbuscula(DC.) Schiffner image
Bryopsis hypnoides var. arbuscula(J. Agardh) Schiffner Österr. Bot. Z. 84: 109 1935
Bryopsis hypnoides var. flagellata(Kützing) Schiffner image
Bryopsis hypnoides var. lagunarumSchiffner image
Bryopsis implexaDe Notaris Prospetto della flora ligustica e dei zoofiti del Mare Ligustico: 67, 73 1846
Bryopsis implexa var. elegans(Meneghini ex Zanardini) Hauck image
Bryopsis incomptaMeneghini image
Bryopsis incurvaMeneghini ex Frauenfeld image
Bryopsis indicaA. Gepp & E.S. Gepp Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 7: 169, pl. 22: figs. 10, 11 1908
Bryopsis indica f. unilateralisCribb image
Bryopsis indicaGepp & Gepp image
Bryopsis indica var. triseriataDawson image
Bryopsis indica var. triseriataE.Y. Dawson Pac. Nat. 4: 4, pl. 1: fig. 1; pl. 3: fig. 5 1963
Bryopsis interruptaMeneghini image
Bryopsis intricataDerbès & Solier image
Bryopsis intricataDerbès & Solier ined. image
Bryopsis intricataMeneghini image
Bryopsis kermadecensisChapman image
Bryopsis lamourouxii 'J.Agardh' image
Bryopsis leprieuriiKützing Species algarum: 490 1849
Bryopsis leprieuriiKützing image
Bryopsis ligusticaArdissone image
Bryopsis lindaueriV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis lyngbyeiHornemann image
Bryopsis macraildiiWomersley The marine benthic flora of southern Australia. Part I: 276, figs. 93C-E, 94C 1984
Bryopsis macrocarpa[A.C. Brown & N. Jarman] Monogr. Biol. 31: 1256 1978
Bryopsis macrocarpaA.C. Brown & N. Jarman image
Bryopsis magellanicaHylmö image
Bryopsis manorensisM. Nizamuddin Pakistan J. Bot. 27: 24, figs. 13, 21(c) 1995
Bryopsis maximaOkamura image
Bryopsis maximaOkamura ex Segawa Col. Ill. Seaw. Japan: 14, pl. 7: fig. 63 1956
Bryopsis maximaOkamura Nippon kaiso\*^ shi [Descriptions of Japanese algae]: 91 1936
Bryopsis minorWomersley image
Bryopsis monoicaBerthold image
Bryopsis monoicaFunk Pubbl. Staz. Zool. Napoli 7 (Suppl.): 332 1927
Bryopsis mooreiV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis mucosa "Lamouroux" image
Bryopsis muscosa f. derbesioidesSchiffner image
Bryopsis muscosaLamouroux image
Bryopsis muscosa var. majorC. Agardh image
Bryopsis myosuroidesKützing Tab. Phycol. 6: 27, pl. 77: fig. I 1856
Bryopsis myosuroidesKützing image
Bryopsis myuraJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis nanaM.J. Wynne Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 24: 230, figs. 1-5, 9 2005
Bryopsis olivaceaV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis otagensisV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis pachynemaG. Martens Tange Ost-Asien: 24, pl. IV: fig. 2 1868
Bryopsis pachynemaV. Martens image
Bryopsis pakistanicaM. Nizamuddin Pakistan J. Bot. 27: 17, figs. 9, 21(b) 1995
Bryopsis palliolatisG.T. Kraft & A.J.K. Millar in G.T. Kraft Austral. Syst. Bot. 13: 625, fig. 40 2000
Bryopsis paniculataSchousboe image
Bryopsis panizzii_('Panizzei')De Notaris image
Bryopsis penicillataSuhr image
Bryopsis penicillumMeneghini image
Bryopsis pennataLamouroux Nouv. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 1: 333 1809
Bryopsis pennata var. leprieurii(Kützing) Collins & Hervey Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 53: 62 1917
Bryopsis pennata var. leprieurii(Kützing) Collins & Hervey image
Bryopsis pennata var. majorJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis pennata var. minorJ. Agardh Alg. Syst. 5: 23 1887
Bryopsis pennata var. secunda(Harvey) Collins & Hervey Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 53: 62 1917
Bryopsis pennatulaJ. Agardh Öfvers. K. [Svenska] Vet.-Akad. Förh. 4: 6 1847
Bryopsis pennulataLiebmann ex Kützing Sp. alg.: 492 1849
Bryopsis pennulataLiebmann ex Kützing image
Bryopsis peruvianaTaylor image
Bryopsis petteriMeneghini image
Bryopsis petteriMeneghini ex Kützing image
Bryopsis pinastroidesSchousboe image
Bryopsis pinastroides var. arborescensSchousboe image
Bryopsis plumosa(Hudson) C. Agardh Sp. Alg.: 1: 448 1823
Bryopsis plumosa f. arbuscula(J. Agardh) J. Agardh Alg. Syst. 5: 24 1887
Bryopsis plumosa f. arbuscula(Lamouroux) J. Agardh image
Bryopsis plumosa f. derbesioidesSchiffner image
Bryopsis plumosa f. elongataKoster image
Bryopsis plumosa f. genuinaSchiffner image
Bryopsis plumosa f. gracilisKoster image
Bryopsis plumosa f. lyngbyei(Hornemann) J. Agardh image
Bryopsis plumosa f. penicillata(Suhr) Koster image
Bryopsis plumosa f. plumosaJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis plumosa f. subsimplexHolmes & Batters image
Bryopsis plumosa f. typicaKoster image
Bryopsis plumosa var. adriatica(Meneghini) Hauck image
Bryopsis plumosa var. arbuscula(DC.) J. Agardh image
Bryopsis plumosa var. arbuscula(Lamouroux) Kützing image
Bryopsis plumosa var. arbusculaJ. Agardh Alg. Medit.: 21 1842
Bryopsis plumosa var. condensataKjellman image
Bryopsis plumosa var. densaHarvey image
Bryopsis plumosa var. genuinaKützing image
Bryopsis plumosa var. hypnoides(Lamouroux) Kützing Sp. Alg.: 493 1849
Bryopsis plumosa var. hypnoides(Lamouroux) Kützing image
Bryopsis plumosa var. leprieurii(Kützing) Børgesen Bot. Tidsskr. 31{2}: 148 1911
Bryopsis plumosa var. leprieurii(Kützing) Børgesen image
Bryopsis plumosa var. penicillataKützing image
Bryopsis plumosa var. pennata(Lamouroux) Børgesen Bot. Tidsskr. 31: 147 1911
Bryopsis plumosa var. pennata(Lamouroux) Boergesen image
Bryopsis plumosa var. plumosaJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis plumosa var. proliferaSchiffner image
Bryopsis plumosa var. pyramidalisLe Jolis image
Bryopsis plumosa var. ramellosaSchiffner image
Bryopsis plumosa var. ramulosa(Montagne) Harvey image
Bryopsis plumosa var. robustaSchiffner image
Bryopsis plumosa var. salinaDe Notaris & Baglietto image
Bryopsis plumosa var. secundaHarvey Smithsonian Contr. Knowl. 10{2}: 31, pl. XLV.A: figs. 1-3 1858
Bryopsis plumosa var. simpliciusculaZanardini image
Bryopsis plumosa var. tenuisSchiffner image
Bryopsis plumosa var. typicaBoergesen image
Bryopsis polymorphaBertoloni ined. image
Bryopsis pottsiiSetchell Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 321: 175, pl. 20: fig. A 1924
Bryopsis profundaG.T. Kraft & K.R. Dixon in G.T. Kraft Mar. Benth. Alg. Lord Howe Island 1: 275, 325, fig. 100 2007
Bryopsis prolificaJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis pseudocorymbosaV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis pseudopennataV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis pseudoplumosaArdissone image
Bryopsis pseudoplumosaV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis pseudoplumosaV.J. Chapman Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 55: 484, text-fig. 148-II, pl. 45 (top right) 1956
Bryopsis pulvinataBerthold mss image
Bryopsis pumilaZanardini image
Bryopsis pusillaLevring Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 34{9}: 11, figs. 6A-D, pl. III: fig. 8 1938
Bryopsis qasimensisM. Nizamuddin Pakistan J. Bot. 27: 29, figs. 17, 22(c) 1995
Bryopsis ramosaSchousboe image
Bryopsis ramulosaMontagne Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l'i\*^le de Cuba: 16, pl. III: fig. 2 1842
Bryopsis rhizoideaV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis rhizophoraHowe image
Bryopsis robustaM.J. Wynne Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 24: 233, figs. 6-8 2005
Bryopsis rosaC. Agardh image
Bryopsis rosae_('rosa')C. Agardh Sp. alg. 1(2): 450 1823
Bryopsis ryukyuensisYamada image
Bryopsis saburralisDe Notaris Prosp. Fl. Ligust.: 67, 73 1846
Bryopsis salvadoreanaDawson image
Bryopsis salvadoreanaE.Y. Dawson Pac. Nat. 2: 405, pl. 5: fig. 2; pl. 6 1961
Bryopsis scarfeiV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis secundaJ. Agardh Linnaea 15: 454 1841
Bryopsis seminudaMeneghini image
Bryopsis setaceaHering image
Bryopsis setaceaHering Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 8: 91 1841
Bryopsis setaceaLamouroux image
Bryopsis siculaArdissone image
Bryopsis simplexMeneghini ex Kützing Phycol. General.: 306 1843
Bryopsis simplexMeneghini ex Kützing image
Bryopsis simplex var. nudaMeneghini image
Bryopsis simplex var. plumataMeneghini image
Bryopsis simplex var. proliferaMeneghini image
Bryopsis simplex var. versatilisDe Notaris image
Bryopsis spinescensZeller image
Bryopsis stenopteraPilger image
Bryopsis stoloniferaW.J. Lee, S.M. Boo, & I.K. Lee Korean J. Phycol. 6: 26, figs. 3A-F, 4C-E 1991
Bryopsis subsecundaJ. Agardh image
Bryopsis subunalisDe Notaris mscr image
Bryopsis tenuisLevring Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 34{9}: 13, fig. 6,H-I, pl. 3: fig. 7 1938
Bryopsis tenuissimaMoris & De Notaris Mem. Reale Accad. Sci. Torino, ser. 2, 2(Cl): 259, pl. VI: fig. III 1839
Bryopsis tetrastichaV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis thuyoidesKützing Tab. Phycol. 6: 28, pl. 78: fig. I 1856
Bryopsis thuyoidesKützing image
Bryopsis thuyoidesMeneghini image
Bryopsis triploramosaT. Kobara & M. Chihara J. Jap. Bot. 70: 182, figs. 1-21 1995
Bryopsis verticillataNoda image
Bryopsis vestita f. brevisV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis vestita f. chathamensisV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis vestita f. densaV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis vestita f. laxaV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis vestita f. virgataV.J. Chapman image
Bryopsis vestitaJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr. 14, Afd. Math. och Naturv. 4: 3, no fig. 1878
Bryopsis viridissimaBertoloni Fl. Ital. Cryptog. 2: 166 1862
Bryopsis viridissimaBertoloni ined. image
DINOBRYON subgenusDINOBRYOPSIS (E.J. Lemmermann) E.J. Lemmermann image
DINOBRYOPSIS(E.J. Lemmermann) E.J. Lemmermann image
DINOBRYOPSISE.J. Lemmermann image
Dinobryopsis marssoniiLemmermann image
Dinobryopsis spiralis(Iwanoff) Lemmermann image
Dinobryopsis undulata(Klebs) Lemmermann image
HYALOBRYOPSISA. Hollande image
Micromega bryopsis(Kützing) Ralfs image
Pseudobryopsis blomquistiiDíaz-Piferrer Bull. Mar. Sc. 15: 464, figs. 1-10 1965
Pseudobryopsis blomquistiiDiaz-Piferrer image
Pseudobryopsis gracilisWomersley & Bailey image
Pseudobryopsis hainanensisC.K. Tseng Chinese Marine Biological Bulletin 1: 171, figs. 27, 28 1936
Pseudobryopsis hainanensisTseng image
Pseudobryopsis longipedicellataBlomquist & Díaz-Piferrer Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribbean 11: 390, figs. 1-8 1961
Pseudobryopsis longipedicellataBlomquist & Diaz-Piferrer image
Pseudobryopsis mauritianaBørgesen Biol. Meddel. Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. 20{12}: 27, figs. 12, 13, pl. II 1948
Pseudobryopsis mauritianaBoergesen image
Pseudobryopsis mucronataBørgesen J. Indian Bot. Soc. 9: 163, fig. 7 1930
Pseudobryopsis mucronataBoergesen image
Pseudobryopsis myura(J. Agardh) Oltmanns image
Pseudobryopsis oahuensisEgerod Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 25: 372, fig. 8 1952
Pseudobryopsis pambanensisIyengar Seaweed Res. Utilis. 7: 25, figs. 1-13 1984
Pseudobryopsis papillataNasr image
Pseudobryopsis parvaDawson image
Pseudobryopsis parvaE.Y. Dawson Pacific Sci. 8(4): 393, fig. 11d,e 1954
Pseudobryopsis planktonicaCassie image
Pseudobryopsis solomonensisWomersley & A. Bailey Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences, 259B: 272, fig. 2, pl. 24: fig. 11 1970
Pseudobryopsis solomonensisWomersley & Bailey image
Pseudobryopsis thikkodiensisC. Anil Kumar & M.V.N. Panikkar Seaweed Res. Utilis. 16: 135, figs. 1-6 1993
Pseudobryopsis venezolana(W.R. Taylor) K.-D. Henne & R. Schnetter Phycologia 38: 125 1999
Schizonema bryopsisF.T. Kützing image