Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

BOSTRYCHIA "tribus" BRACHYSIPHONIAJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 33{9}: 70, 73 1897
BOSTRYCHIA "tribus" DENDROTHAMNIONJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 33{9}: 71, 84 1897
BOSTRYCHIA "tribus" DISTICHOTHAMNIONJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 33{9}: 71, 82 1897
BOSTRYCHIA "tribus" ECHINOTHAMNIONJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 33{9}: 71, 81 1897
BOSTRYCHIA "tribus" ORTHOTHAMNIONJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 33{9}: 70, 76 1897
BOSTRYCHIA "tribus" PLATYSIPHONIAJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 33{9}: 70, 75 1897
BOSTRYCHIA "tribus" PTEROTHAMNIONJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 33{9}: 71, 84 1897
BOSTRYCHIA "tribus" PTILOTHAMNIONJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 33{9}: 71, 82 1897
BOSTRYCHIA [group] FLAGELLIFULCRATAEE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 6 1936
BOSTRYCHIA [group] RAMIFULCRATAEE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 5 1936
BOSTRYCHIAE.M. Fries image
BOSTRYCHIAMontagne image
BOSTRYCHIAMontagne image
Bostrychia acicarpaJ. Agardh image
Bostrychia adhaerensReinsch image
Bostrychia amphibiaMontagne image
Bostrychia anceps(Lamarck) Decaisne image
Bostrychia anceps(Lamarck) Decaisne in R.J. King & C.F. Puttock Austral. Syst. Bot. 2: 26 1989
Bostrychia andoiOkamura image
Bostrychia anomalaJ.A. West, S. Loiseaux de Goër & G.C. Zuccarello Algae 28: 164, figs. 2-4 2013
Bostrychia arbuscula f. gracilisE. Post image
Bostrychia arbuscula f. gracilisE. Post Int. Rev. Gesamten Hydrobiol. 48: 91 1963
Bostrychia arbusculaHarvey in J. Hooker Fl. Nov.-Zel. 2: 226 1855
Bostrychia arbusculaW.H. Harvey image
Bostrychia australasicaSonder Linnaea 26: 527 1855
Bostrychia australianaJ.A. West, S. Loiseaux-de Goër & G.C. Zuccarello in Zuccarello et al., Notulae Algarum 268: 4, figs. 5, 6 2023
Bostrychia binderi f. terrestris(J. Agardh) Post Revue Algologique 9: 32 1936
Bostrychia binderi f. terrestris_('terrestre')(J. Agardh) Post image
Bostrychia binderiHarvey Ner. Austral.: 68, pl. XXVIII (upper figs.) 1849
Bostrychia bipinnataHarvey image
Bostrychia bipinnataHarvey ex J. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 860 1863
Bostrychia bipinnataW.H. Harvey ex J. Agardh image
Bostrychia bisporaJ. West & G. Zuccarello in J. West, G. Zuccarello, & H. Calumpong Phycologia 31: 39, figs. 1-29 1992
Bostrychia bryophilaZanardini Mem. R. Ist. Veneto Sc. Lett. ed Arti 17: 137, pl. IV.B 1872
Bostrychia caespitulaJ. Agardh image
Bostrychia calamistrata(Montagne) Montagne Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire Naturelle [Orbigny] 2: 661 1842
Bostrychia calamistrata var. densaHarvey image
Bostrychia calamistrata var. repensHarvey Nereis Bor.-Amer. 2: 56 1853
Bostrychia calamistrata var. repensW.H. Harvey image
Bostrychia calamistrata var. terricolaHarvey image
Bostrychia calliptera(Montagne) Montagne Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire Naturelle [Orbigny] 2: 661 1842
Bostrychia capensisSetchell image
Bostrychia capillaceaCrouan image
Bostrychia capillaceaCrouan fr. image
Bostrychia cornigeraMontagne Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 2, 14: 286 1850
Bostrychia crassulaHeydrich Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 10: 480, pl. 26: figs. 18, 19 1892
Bostrychia dasyiformis_('dasyaeformis')(Crouan fr.) Crouan fr. image
Bostrychia dichotomaTokida image
Bostrychia distansHarvey image
Bostrychia distichaJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 33{9}: 73 1897
Bostrychia elegansCrouan fr. image
Bostrychia exiguaSetchell Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 12: 104, pl. 21: figs. 1, 2 1926
Bostrychia fastigiataJ. Hooker & Harvey London J. Bot. 4: 269 1845
Bostrychia filiculaHarvey image
Bostrychia flagelliferaE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 34 1936
Bostrychia floccosa(Esper) Montagne Prodr. Gen. Phyc.: 2: 661 1842
Bostrychia fulcrataZanardini Mem. R. Ist. Veneto Sc. Lett. ed Arti 17: 136, pl. IV.A 1872
Bostrychia glomerataJ. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 859 1863
Bostrychia gracilis(R.J. King & C.F. Puttock) Zuccarello & J.A. West Phycologia 45: 34 2006
Bostrychia guadelupensisCrouan fr. image
Bostrychia hamanae-tokidae f. moriiE. Post Arch. Protistenk. 100: 356 1955
Bostrychia hamanae-tokidae_('Hamana-Tokidaļ')E. Post image
Bostrychia harveyi ecad distans(Harvey) De Berg image
Bostrychia harveyiMontagne Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 3, 18: 317, no fig. 1852
Bostrychia harveyi var. chilensisJ. Agardh image
Bostrychia harveyi var. chilensisJ. Agardh Lunds Univ. A\*orsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, 33{9}: 68 1897
Bostrychia hongkongensisTseng image
Bostrychia hookeriHarvey in J. Hooker & Harvey London J. Bot. 4: 269 1845
Bostrychia hookeri var. fastigiata(J. Hooker & Harvey) Hariot image
Bostrychia hookeri var. majorKützing in E. Post Arch. Protistenk. 93: 31 1939
Bostrychia hookeri var. majorKützing image
Bostrychia hookeri var. minorE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 36, 41 1936
Bostrychia hookeri var. minorKützing in E. Post Arch. Protistenk. 93: 31 1939
Bostrychia hookeri var. minorKützing image
Bostrychia intricata(Bory de Saint-Vincent) Montagne Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 3, 18: 317 1852
Bostrychia intricata(Bory) Montagne image
Bostrychia intricata f. inermis(Post) Tseng image
Bostrychia jelineckiiA. Grunow image
Bostrychia jelinekii_('jelineckii')A. Grunow in E. Post Arch. Protistenk. 93: 31 1939
Bostrychia kaernbachii_('kärnbachii')Grunow image
Bostrychia kaernbachii_(`kärnbachii')Grunow in E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 21 1936
Bostrychia kelanensis f. elegansTseng image
Bostrychia kelanensis f. typicaTseng image
Bostrychia kelanensisGrunow in E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 20 1936
Bostrychia kingiiG.C. Zuccarello, J.A. West & M. Kamiya Phycological Research 66: 103, fig. 3 2017
Bostrychia kraussiiHarvey image
Bostrychia laingiiJ. Agardh image
Bostrychia lauterbachii_('Lauterbachi')(Askenasy & Schmidle) Goebel image
Bostrychia lepidaMontagne in E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 29 1936
Bostrychia leprieuriiMontagne image
Bostrychia leptocladaMontagne Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 3, 14: 288 1850
Bostrychia mamillosaKützing in E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 7 1936
Bostrychia mamillosaKützing image
Bostrychia mazeiCrouan fr. image
Bostrychia mixta f. inermisPost Revue Algologique 9: 7, 42 1936
Bostrychia mixtaHooker f. & Harvey image
Bostrychia mixtaJ. Hooker & Harvey London J. Bot. 4: 270 1845
Bostrychia mixta var. capensisHarvey image
Bostrychia monosiphoniaMontagne Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 3, 14: 287 1850
Bostrychia montagneiHarvey Nereis Bor.-Amer. 1: 27 1852
Bostrychia montagneiHarvey Nereis Bor.-Amer. 2: 55, pl. XIV.B 1853
Bostrychia montagneiW.H. Harvey image
Bostrychia montagneiW.H. Harvey image
Bostrychia moritziana(Sonder ex Kützing) J. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 862 1863
Bostrychia moritziana f. cornigera(Montagne) J. Agardh Sp. alg. 2: 862 1863
Bostrychia moritziana f. intermediaJ. Agardh Sp. alg. 2: 862 1863
Bostrychia moritziana f. leptoclada(Montagne) J. Agardh Sp. alg. 2: 862 1863
Bostrychia moritziana f. pauperulaE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 5, 11 1936
Bostrychia moritziana f. typicaE. Post image
Bostrychia moritziana f. typicaE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 5 1936
Bostrychia moritziana var. intermedia(J. Agardh) F.S. Collins image
Bostrychia moritziana var. tenuiorA. Grunow in E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 11 1936
Bostrychia moritziana var. tenuorGrunow image
Bostrychia moritziana_('Moriziana')(Sonder) J. Agardh image
Bostrychia multicornis(Montagne) J. Agardh image
Bostrychia muscoidesCrouan fr. image
Bostrychia nigrescensF. Mueller image
Bostrychia nigrescensF. v. Mueller in R.J. King & C.F. Puttock Austral. Syst. Bot. 2: 60 1989
Bostrychia novae-zelandiae_('novae zelandiae')J. Agardh image
Bostrychia pannosaJ. Agardh in E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 10 1936
Bostrychia pauperulaA. Grunow in E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 9, 11 1936
Bostrychia pectinata(Kützing) Mazza image
Bostrychia periclados(C. Agardh) J. Agardh Sp. alg. 2: 861 1863
Bostrychia piluliferaMontagne Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 2, 18: 252 1842
Bostrychia pinnataJi. Tanaka & Chihara Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, Ser. B (Bot.), 10: 122, figs. 4, 5 1984
Bostrychia polysiphonioidesCrouan fr. image
Bostrychia polysiphonioides f. moniliformis_('moniliforme')E. Post image
Bostrychia polysiphonioides f. moniliformis_(`moniliforme')E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 13 1936
Bostrychia radicans(Montagne) Montagne Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire Naturelle [Orbigny] 2: 661 1842
Bostrychia radicans f. brasilianaMöbius image
Bostrychia radicans f. depauperataE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 6, 15 1936
Bostrychia radicans f. hapteromanicaE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 6, 15 1936
Bostrychia radicans f. moniliformis_('moniliforme')E. Post image
Bostrychia radicans f. moniliformis_(`moniliforme')E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 6, 14 1936
Bostrychia radicans f. typicaE. Post image
Bostrychia radicans f. typicaE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 6 1936
Bostrychia radicosa(H. Itono) J.A. West, G.C. Zuccarello, & M. Hommersand in J.A. West, G.C. Zuccarello, M. Hommersand, U. Karsten, & S. Görs Phycol. Res. 54: 10 2006
Bostrychia rivularisHarvey Nereis Bor.-Amer. 2: 57, pl. XIV.D 1853
Bostrychia rivularisW.H. Harvey image
Bostrychia scorpioides(Hudson) Montagne image
Bostrychia scorpioides f. distans(Harvey) Post image
Bostrychia scorpioides f. typicaPost image
Bostrychia scorpioides var. montagnei(Harvey) Post image
Bostrychia sertulariaMontagne image
Bostrychia sertularia var. hiemalisE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 29 1936
Bostrychia sertularina 'Montagne' image
Bostrychia sertularioides 'Montagne' image
Bostrychia siliquisJ. Agardh in E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 37 1936
Bostrychia similisReinbold image
Bostrychia simplicipilaZanardini image
Bostrychia simpliciuscula f. genuinaTseng image
Bostrychia simpliciuscula f. luxuriansC.K. Tseng Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 28: 174 1943
Bostrychia simpliciusculaHarvey image
Bostrychia simpliciusculaHarvey ex J. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 854 1863
Bostrychia simpliciusculaW.H. Harvey ex J. Agardh image
Bostrychia siphonoides "Crouan frat." image
Bostrychia sonderianaA. Grunow in E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 7, 79, 81 1936
Bostrychia tangatensisE. Post Arch. Protistenk. 92: 152 1939
Bostrychia tangatensis f. depauperataPost image
Bostrychia tenella(Lamouroux) J. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 869 1863
Bostrychia tenella f. calamistrata(Montagne) Pilger image
Bostrychia tenella f. densaJ. Agardh image
Bostrychia tenella f. repensJ. Agardh image
Bostrychia tenella f. tenuiorJ. Agardh image
Bostrychia tenella subsp. flagellifera(E. Post) R.J. King & C.F. Puttock in King, Puttock, & Vickery Phycologia 27: 18/19 1988
Bostrychia tenella var. denudataMontagne in E. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 29, 31 1936
Bostrychia tenella var. terrestris_('terrestis')J. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 869 1863
Bostrychia tenuisE. Post image
Bostrychia tenuisE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 22 1936
Bostrychia tenuis f. depauperataPost invalid image
Bostrychia tenuis f. simpliciuscula(Harvey ex J. Agardh) Post Revue Algologique 9: 23 1936
Bostrychia tenuis f. simpliciuscula(Harvey) Post image
Bostrychia tenuis f. typicaE. Post image
Bostrychia tenuis f. typicaE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 6 1936
Bostrychia tenuissimaR.J. King & C.F. Puttock Austral. Syst. Bot. 2: 18, figs. 7d, 8 1989
Bostrychia terrestris(J. Agardh) Harvey ex Zanardini Mem. R. Ist. Veneto Sc. Lett. ed Arti 17: 137 1872
Bostrychia terrestrisHarvey image
Bostrychia tuomeyiHarvey image
Bostrychia tuomeyi var. squarrosaHarvey image
Bostrychia vaga f. depauperataPost image
Bostrychia vaga f. similis(Reinbold) Post image
Bostrychia vaga f. typicaE. Post image
Bostrychia vaga f. typicaE. Post Rev. Algol. 9: 7 1936
Bostrychia vagaJ. Hooker & Harvey London J. Bot. 4: 270 1845
Bostrychia vagaJ.D. Hooker & W.H. Harvey image
Bostrychia vieillardii var. pectinataKützing Tab. Phycol. 15: 10, pl. 26: figs. f-h 1865
Bostrychia vieillardii var. pectinataKützing image
Bostrychia vieillardii_('vieillardi')Kützing image
Bostrychia vieillardii_(`vieillardi')Kützing Diagn. & Bemerk.: 18 1863
Bostrychia vulgarisHaufe image
Bostrychia wardiiHarvey image
Bostrychia wardiiHarvey ex J. Agardh Sp. Alg. 2: 863 1863
Bostrychia wardiiW.H. Harvey ex J. Agardh image
BOSTRYCHIACEAEFalkenberg Rhodomel. Neapel: 504, 732, 747 1901
Dawsoniella bostrychiaeJoly & Yamaguishi-Tomita image
Dawsoniocolax bostrychiae(A. Joly & Yamaguishi-Tomita) A. Joly & Yamaguishi-Tomita image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024