Silva Center for Phycological Documentation

Index Nominum Algarum

The INA is a card file and online reporting system maintained at the Silva Center for Phycological Documentation of the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. It contains nearly 200,000 names of algae (in the broad sense). The BPU is a card file containing bibliographic references pertaining to algal taxonomy.

A working list of algal type specimens at UC is available here

Results from INA database

Aphanothece densaN.M. Lemes-da-Silva, L.H. Zanini-Branco & O. Necchi Jr. Acta Bot. Bras. 24: 917, figs. 1C,D 2010
Aphanothece excentricaN.M. Lemes-da-Silva, L.H. Zanini-Branco & O. Necchi Jr. Acta Bot. Bras. 24: 918, figs. 1E,F 2010
Aphanothece vaginataN.M. Lemes-da-Silva, L.H. Zanini-Branco & O. Necchi Jr. Acta Bot. Bras. 24: 920, figs. 2A,B 2010
Aphanothece coacervataN.M. Lemes-da-Silva, L.H. Zanini-Branco & O. Necchi Jr. Acta Bot. Bras. 24: 917, figs. 1A,B 2010
Aphanothece chlorina(Lauterborn) Bourrelly Alg. Eau Douce 3: 316, expl. pl. 82 1970
Aphanothece ellipsoidea(Schröder) Bourrelly Alg. Eau Douce 3: 315, expl. pl. 83 1970
Aphanothece alascensis_('alascense')(T. Hortobágyi & D.K. Hilliard) Bourrelly Alg. Eau Douce: 3: 318 1970
Aphanothece stagnina(Sprengel) A. Braun in Rabenhorst Alg. Europ.: no. 1572 1863
Aphanothece utahensisTilden Amer. Alg.: 297 1898
Aphanothece packardii(Farlow ex Forti) Setchell in Daniels Amer. Nat. 51: 502 1917
Aphanothece bachmanniiJ. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 102 (Algol. Stud. 72): 21, pls. II:2, VII:2, 5 1994
Aphanothece comasiiJ. Komárková-Legnerová & R. Tavera Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 117 (Algol. Stud. 83): 408, fig. 4, pl. 1 a-c 1996
Aphanothece endophytica(W. West & G.S. West) J. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 102 (Algol. Stud. 72): 25 1994
Aphanothece floccosa(Zalessky) G. Cronberg & J. Komárek Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 105 (Algol. Stud. 75): 335 1994
Aphanothece minutissima(W. West) J. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 102 (Algol. Stud. 72): 24 1994
Aphanothece paralleliformis_(`parallelliformis')G. Cronberg Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 148 (Algol. Stud. 109): 201, figs. 4a, 5 2003
Aphanothece smithiiJ. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 102 (Algol. Stud. 72): 25, pls. II:5, VI:3-5 1994
APHANOTHECE subg. ANATHECEG. Cronberg & J. Komárek Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 105 (Algol. Stud. 75): 334 1994
Aphanothece parallelliformisG. Cronberg Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 148 (Algol. Stud. 109): 201, Fig, 4a, 5a-f 2003
Aphanothece shiloiCampbell & Golubić Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 71: 324, fig. 13 1985
Aphanothece hegewaldiiL. Kovácik Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 80: [Algol. Stud. 50-53:] 158, figs. 3-5 1988
Aphanothece desikacharyiF. Hindák Beih. Nova Hedwigia 112: 74, figs. 9-13 1996
Aphanothece bullosa(Kützing) Rabenhorst Fl. Eur. Alg. II: 65 1865
Aphanothece castagnei(Kützing) Rabenhorst Flora europaea algarum aquae dulcis et submarinae. Sectio II. Algas phycochromaceas complectens: 64 1865
APHANOTHECE subg. CYANOGASTRUM(Schiller) J. Komárek Folia Geobot. et Phytotax. 30: 82 1995
Aphanothece variabilis(Schiller) J. Komárek Folia Geobot. et Phytotax. 30: 82 1995
Aphanothece sacrum(Suringar) Y. Okada J. Japanese Botany 28: 17 1953
Aphanothece nidulans var. endophyticaW. West & G.S. West J. Linn. Soc., London. Botany 40: 432, pl. 19: fig. 14 1912
Aphanothece minuta(C. Agardh) Migula Krypt.-Fl. Deutschland, Alg. 1: 35 1905
Aphanothece pallida(Kützing) Rabenhorst Krypt.-Fl. Sachsen 76 1863
Aphanothece gelatinosa(P. Hennings) Lemmermann KryptFl. Mark Brandenburg 3: 69 1907
Aphanothece lejolisii_('le-jolisii')Thuret in Chalon, Liste des algues marines ... de L'Escault et La Corogne: 32 1905
Aphanothece bacilloideaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 5, pl. 1: fig. 10 1927
Aphanothece conferta var. brevisN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 5 1927
Aphanothece microscopica var. granulosaN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 5, pl. 1: fig. 11 1927
Aphanothece opalescensN.L. Gardner Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 5, pl. 1: fig. 8 1927
Aphanothece saxicolaNägeli Neue Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesammten Naturwiss. 10[7]: 60, pl. I.H: fig. 2 1849
Aphanothece stratusJ. Komárek & G. Cronberg Nova Hedwigia 73: 133, fig. 1 2001
Aphanothece bacteriosaJ. Komárek & J. Komárková-Legnerová Nova Hedwigia 84: 72, fig. 7 2007
Aphanothece granulosa(N.L. Gardner) J. Komárek & J. Komárkova-Legnerová Nova Hedwigia 84: 74 2007
Aphanothece subsalinaJ. Komárek & J. Komárkova-Legnerová Nova Hedwigia 84: 76, fig. 11 2007
Aphanothece zulaniraeV.R. Werner & C.L. Sant'Anna Nova Hedwigia 70: 115, figs. 2-11 2000
Aphanothece confertaP. Richter in Hauck & Richter Phyk. Univ.: 487. 1892
Aphanothece cylindracea(N.L. Gardner) J. Komárek & K. Anagnostidis Preslia 67: 16 1995
Aphanothece marina(Ercegović) J. Komárek & K. Anagnostidis Preslia 67: 17 1995
Aphanothece glebulentaZalessky Rev. Gén. Bot. 38: 34, pl. 11: fig. 2 1926
Aphanothece clathrataW. West & G.S. West Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., Sect. B, 33: 111, pl. X: figs. 9-11 1906
Aphanothece gelatinosaN.L. Gardner Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 14: 2, pl. 1: fig.3 1927
Aphanothece maritimaJ.R. Johansen & V.R. Flechtner in Flechtner et al. W. N. Amer. Naturalist 68: 415, figs. 36, 68 2008
APHANOTHECE(Nägeli) Kirchner image
APHANOTHECE(Nägeli) Nägeli image
APHANOTHECE(Naegeli) Hansgirg image
Aphanothece atrocrustacea_('atro-crustacea')Skuja image
Aphanothece bachmanniiJ. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg image
Aphanothece bacilloideaGardner image
Aphanothece bicepsSkuja image
Aphanothece botryosusObukhova image
Aphanothece bullosa(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Aphanothece bullosa var. maiorGeitler & Ruttner image
Aphanothece bullosa var. minorGeitler image
Aphanothece caldariorumP. Richter image
Aphanothece caldariorum var. cavernarumHansgirg image
Aphanothece caldariorum var. muralis(Tomasch.) Hansgirg image
Aphanothece cancellataM.D. Zalessky image
Aphanothece castagnei(Kuetz.) Rabenhorst image
Aphanothece clathrata var. brevisBachmann image
Aphanothece clathrata var. mediaHalász image
Aphanothece clathrata var. roseaSkuja image
Aphanothece clathratiformisSzafer image
Aphanothece clathratiformis var. maiorLiebetanz image
Aphanothece coerulescensA. Braun image
Aphanothece coerulescensGeitler image
Aphanothece coheniiCampbell & Golubic image
Aphanothece comasiiJ. Komárková-Legnerová & R. Tavera image
Aphanothece conferta var. brevisGardner image
Aphanothece conglomerataRich image
Aphanothece curvataLagerheim image
Aphanothece desikacharyiF. Hindák image
Aphanothece elabens(Brébisson) Drouet & Daily image
Aphanothece elabens(Brébisson) Elenkin image
Aphanothece elabens f. epilithicaStarmach image
Aphanothece endophytica(W. West & G.S. West) J. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg image
Aphanothece ferriglobulaDorff image
Aphanothece floccosa(Zalessky) G. Cronberg & J. Komárek image
Aphanothece gardneriDe Toni f. image
Aphanothece geitleriDe Toni f. image
Aphanothece gelatinosaN.L. Gardner image
Aphanothece goetzeiSchmidle image
Aphanothece gracilisSchiller image
Aphanothece halophyticaFrémy image
Aphanothece hardersiiSchiller image
Aphanothece heterosporaRabenhorst image
Aphanothece karukeraeLami image
Aphanothece krumbeiniiCampbell & Golubic image
Aphanothece kuhlmannii 'Hieronymus' image
Aphanothece laxa(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Aphanothece lebruniiDuvigneaud & Symoens image
Aphanothece lemnaeHao-Jan Chu image
Aphanothece longiorNaumann image
Aphanothece luteolaSchmidle image
Aphanothece margaritacea(Kützing) Forti image
Aphanothece membranacea(Rabenhorst) Bornet image
Aphanothece microscopica f. endophyticaSkuja image
Aphanothece microscopicaNägeli image
Aphanothece microscopica var. congestaTaylor image
Aphanothece microscopica var. granulosaGardner image
Aphanothece microsphaeraRuttner image
Aphanothece microspora(Meneghini) Rabenhorst image
Aphanothece minorFrémy image
Aphanothece minuta(C. Agardh) Forti image
Aphanothece minutissima(W. West) J. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg image
Aphanothece mooreana(Harvey) Lagerheim image
Aphanothece naegelii_('Nägelii')Wartmann image
Aphanothece naegelii_('nägelii')Wartmann image
Aphanothece nebulosa f. elongataSkuja image
Aphanothece nebulosaSkuja image
Aphanothece nidulansP. Richter image
Aphanothece nidulansP. Richter image
Aphanothece nostocopsisSkuja image
Aphanothece opalescensGardner image
Aphanothece pallida(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Aphanothece pallida(Kützing) Rabenhorst image
Aphanothece pallida f. minorDixit image
Aphanothece pallida var. micrococcaBrügger image
Aphanothece parallelaSzafer image
Aphanothece piscinalisRabenhorst image
Aphanothece prasinaA. Braun image
Aphanothece prasina f. minorWille image
Aphanothece protohydraeHäyrén image
Aphanothece pulverulentaBachmann image
Aphanothece purpurascensA. Braun image
Aphanothece richteriana var. majorGardner, err. cit. image
Aphanothece rubraLiebetanz image
Aphanothece saxicola f. minorWille image
Aphanothece saxicola f. nidulans(P. Richter) Elenkin image
Aphanothece saxicolaNägeli image
Aphanothece saxicola var. aquaticaWittrock image
Aphanothece saxicola var. clathratoidesLiebetanz image
Aphanothece saxicola var. sphaericaW. West & G.S. West image
Aphanothece saxicola var. thratoidesLiebetanz image
Aphanothece saxicola var. violaceaW. West & G.S. West image
Aphanothece shiloiCampbell & Golubic image
Aphanothece smithiiJ. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg image
Aphanothece stagnina f. crassaTiwari image
Aphanothece stagnina var. nematheceFrémy image
Aphanothece stuhlmanniiHieronymus image
Aphanothece subachroaHansgirg image
Aphanothece sulphuricaSzafer image
Aphanothece thermicolaHindák image
Aphanothece trentepohliiGrunow image
Aphanothece tuberculosa(J.E. Areschoug) Forti image
Aphanothece uliginosaTaylor image
Aphanothece viennensisSchiller image

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University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley

Page last updated 7 October 2024